1 bisschop van rome
1 Zie voor al deze gebeurtenissen: John Curran, 'The Bones of St. Peter?', Classics Ireland 3 (1996), 18-46.
2 Carlo Falconi, The Popes in the Twentieth Century (Engelse vert. Londen, 1967), 325.
3 John Cornwell, Hitler's Pope: the Secret History of Pius xii (Londen, 1999), 105-156, en 351; zie ook
4 Venerando Correnti, 'Relazione dello stato compiuto su tre gruppi di resti scheletriciumani gia rinvenuti sotto la Confessione della Basilica Vaticana', in Margharita Guarducci (red.), Le Reliquie di Pietro sotto la Confessione della Basilica Vaticana (Rome, 1965), 83-160, en Luigi Cardinio, 'Risulto dell'esame osteologico dei resti scheletrici di animali', ibid., 161-168. 5 B.M. Apollonj Ghetti, A. Ferrua, E. Josi, E. Kirschbaum, Esplorazioni sotto laConfessione di San Pietro in Vaticano (2 vols. Rome, 1951); zie ook Angelus De Marco, The Tomb of Saint Peter: A Representative and Annotated Bibliography of the Excavations (Leiden, 1964).
6 Jocelyn Toynbee en John Ward Perkins, The Shrine of St. Peter and the Vatican Excavations (Londen, New York en Toronto, 1956), vii. 7 8 Margharita Guarducci, 'Pietro in Vaticano. Commento ad una recensione delp. Antonio Ferrua', Archaeologia Classica 36 (1984), 266-298. 9 R. Ross Holloway, Constantine and Rome (New Haven en Londen, 2004), 120-155.
10 Margharita Guarducci, Le reliquie di Pietro in Vaticano (Rome, 1995), 5. 11 The Oxford Annotated Bible (New York, 1962).
12 ibid.
13 Suetonius, Vita Divi Claudii 25.4; Peter Lampe, From Paul to Valentinus: Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries (Engelse vert. Minneapolis, 2003), n-16.
14 Daniël W. O'Connor, Peter in Rome: The Literary, Liturgical and Archaeologi- cal Evidence (New York en Londen, 1969), 3-7.
15 I Clement 5.4: af i, 16-17.
16 ibid., 5.5-7,16-17.
17 R.P.C. Hanson, 'The Eucharistie Offering in the Pre-Nicene Fathers', in zijn Studies in Christian Antiquity (Edinburgh, 1985), 89. 18 Ignatius to the Romans 4.3: af i, 230-231. 19 Irenaeus 3. 3. 2-3, vert. Robert M. Grant, Irenaeus ofLyons (Londen en New York, 1997), 125.
20 Henry Chadwick, The Church in Ancient Society, from Galilee to Gregory the Great (Oxford, 2001), 119-120.
21 Jean-Pierre Martin, 'Sixte Ier', in Levillain, 1588.
22 Joseph A. Jungmann, The Mass of the Roman Rite (Engelse vert. New York, 1980), 7-18.
23 Campenhausen, Hans von, Ecclesiastical Authority and Spiritual Power in the Church of the First Three Centuries (Engelse vert. Peabody, Mass., 1997), 124148. 24 bv. Ignatius to the Ephesians 4.1-2; Ignatius to the Magnesiansy. 1-2, Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans 8. 1-2 etc., af i, 176-179,202-203,260-261. 25 De epistel van den h. apostel Paulus aan de Romeinen, 16.3; Lampe, From Paul to Valentinus, 187-195.
26 Ute E. Eisen, Women Officeholders in Early Christianity (Engelse vert. Collegeville, Minn., 2000), 116-142,158-198. 27 Peter Lampe en Ulrich Luz, 'Post-Pauline Christianity and Pagan Society', in Jürgen Becker (red.), Christian Beginnings: Word and Communityfrom]e- sus to Post-Apostolic Times(Engelse vert. Louisville, 1993), 242-280, in het bijzonder 245-250.
28 Hermas, The Shepherd, visioen 2, 4.3, red. Kirsopp Lake, af 2,24-25. 29 Lampe, From Paul to Valentinus, 397-408.
30 Allen Brent, Hippolytus and the Roman Church in the Third Century: Commu- nities in Tension before the Emergence of a Monarch-Bishop (Leiden, 1995). 31 Kurt Rudolph, Gnosis. The Nature and History of Gnosticism (Engelse vert. San Francisco, 1984), 10-25.
32 Bruce M. Metzger, The Canon of the New Testament (Oxford, 1987), 75-112; Geoffrey Mark Hahneman, The Muratorian Fragment and the Development of the Canon (Oxford, 1992), 73-131.
33 Elaine Pagels, The Gnostic Paul (Philadelphia, 1975), 1-10. 34 Rudolph, Gnosis, 34-52; Elaine Pagels, The Gnostic Gospels (New York, 1979), 13-32.
35 ibid. 62-64; Karen L. King, What is Gnosticism? (Cambridge, Mass., and London, 2003), 164-190.
36 Michael Allen Williams, Rethinking Gnosticism (Princeton, 1996), 23-26. 37 Acts 12.2,15.13-22, Galatians 1.19,2.9 etc. '
38 Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 3.19-20, Hegesippus citerend, red. Kisopp Lake, 2 vols. ll, 1,236.
39 Udo Schnelle, 'The Writings of the Johannine School', in zijn The New Tes- tament Writings (Engelse vert. Londen, 1998), 434-538. 40 Andrew Chester en Ralph P. Martin, The Theology of the Letters of James, Pe- ter, and Jude (Cambridge, 1994), 87-133.
2 petrus ontvangt primaatschap
1 Tacitus, Annales xv. 43, vert. Michael Grant, Tacitus: the Annals of Imperial Rome (Harmondsworth, 1959), 354.
2 Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 2.25. 5-8, en 4.23.9-10. 3 T.D. Barnes, 'Pre-Decian Acta Martyrum', JThS n.s. 19 (1968), 509-531; Gary A. Bisbee,Pre-Decian Acts of Martyrs and Commentarii (Philadelphia, 1988). 4 Lucy Grig, Making Martyrs in Late Antiquity (Londen, 2004). 5 Victor Saxer, Morts, martyrs, reliques en Afrique chrétienne aux premiers siècles (Parijs, 1980).
6 Michele Renee Salzman, On Roman Time: the Codex-Calendar of 354 and the Rhythms ofUrban Life in Late Antiquity (Berkeley, 1990), 42-50 en 279-282. 7 Grig, Making Martyrs, 136-141.
8 J.A. Cerrato, Hippolytus between East and West (Oxford, 2002), 3-5. 9 R.E. Heine, 'The Christology of Callistus', JThS n.s. 49 (1998), 56-91. 10 Bettenson, 19.
11 J.B. Rives, 'The Decree of Decius and the Religion of Empire', Journal of Ro- man Studies 89 (1999), 135-154.
12 Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 6.43. 11; Georg Schwaiger, 'Cornelius', in Dictionary of Popes and the Papacy (Engelse vert. New York, 2001), 29-30, 13 Cyprian, De catholicae ecclesiae unitate, 4, vert. Bettenson, Documents, 101. 14 Cyprian epistulae 71-73, red. Wilhelm Hartel, csel 3 (3 pts. 1868-1871), 77179915 ibid., 799. 16 ibid., 810-827; vert., 413,418.
17 S.G. Hall, 'Stephen 1 of Rome and the One Baptism', Studia Patristica xvn (Oxford, 1982), 796-798.
18 Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica7. 30.18-19.
19 Chronographus Anni cccuin, red. Theodore Mommsen, mgh aa 9,71. 20 Lucy Grig, 'The Paradoxical body of St. Agnes', in Andrew Hopkins en Maria Wyke, Roman Bodies: Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century (Londen, 2005), 111-122.
21 Liber Genealogus, red. Theodore Mommsen, mgh aa vol. 9,196. 22 Raymond Davis, 'Pre-Constantinian Chronology: the Roman bishopric from ad258 to 314', JThS n.s. 48 (1997), 439-470, op 461. 23 A. Amore, 'II preteso "Lapsus" di Papa Marcellino', Antonianum 32 (1957), 411-426.
24 icur iv. nr. 10183; Nicolai, Vincenzo et alii, The Christian Catacombs of Rome (Engelseuitg. Regensburg, 1999), 165 en fig. 167.
3 de opvolger van de visser
1 Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 44. 5, red. en vert. J.L. Creed (Oxford, 1984), 62-63.
2 Eusebius, Vito Constantini 1. 27-32, vert. Averil Cameron en Stuart G. Hall (Oxford, 1999), 79-82; Timothy D. Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius(Cambridge, Mass. and London, 1981), 43. 3 John Curran, Pagan City and Christian Capital (Oxford, 2000), 43-69. 4 Coll. Av., 1.6,3.
5 G.W. Bowersock, 'Peter and Constantine', in William Tronzo (red.), St. Pe- ter's in the Vatican (Cambridge, 2005), 5-15.
6 Coll. Av. 3,46-47.
7 R. Ross Holloway, Constantine and Rome (New Haven en Londen, 2004), 112-115.
8 Curran, Pagan City, 76-90.
9 Marina Magnani Cianeri en Carlo Pavolini (red.), La Basilica Constantiniana di Sant'Agnese (Rome, 2004).
10 Richard Krautheimer, Rome: Profile of a City, 312-1308 (Princeton, 1980), 3"3I11 Ugo Fusco, 'Sant'Agnese nel quadro delle basiliche circiformi di eta constantiniana a Roma', in Cianeri en Pavolini (red.), Basilica Constantiniana di Sant'Agnese, 10-28; 12 en 21, noot 10.
12 cbcr 5.
13 lp xxxiv, 3-32:1, 170-187; vert. Davis, 16-26. 14 lp xxxv: 1, 202; vert. Davis, 27.
15 lp xlvii: 1, 239; vert. Davis, 38.
16 Possidius, Vita Augustini 19.1-5, red. Michele Pellegrino, Vita di s. Agostino (n.p., 1955), 110-115.
17 Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica 10. 5.18-20; Optatus of Milevis, De Schisma- te Donatistarum Libri Septem 1.22-24, red-C. Ziwsa, csel 26 (1893); W.H.C. Frend, The Donatist Church (Oxford, 1952), 148-150. 18 H.A. Drake, Constantine and the Bishops: the Politics oflntolerance (Baltimore en Londen, 2000), 218-219.
19 Carl Joseph von Hefele, Histoire des Conciles (3 vols. Parijs, 1907-1909), vol. I/I.55220 Stephen J. Davis, The Early Coptic Papacy (Cairo en New York, 2004), 47-50. 21 Julius 1, ep. 4, red. Coustant, 403-404.
22 Athanasius, Historia Arianorum 75, PG 25, kolom 784. 23 R.H. Barrow, Prefect and Emperor: the 'Relationes' of Symmachus A.D. 384
(Oxford, 1973), 1-19.
24 Theodoret, Historia Ecclesiastica 2.14, PG 82, kolom 1041. 25 Optatus 2.4; vert. Mark Edwards, Optatus: Against the Donatists (Liverpool, 1997)' 34-3526 ct l6. 5-2, 855.
27 lp xxxvii: 1,207; vert. Davis, 28.
28 lp xxxvm: 1,211; vert. Davis, 29.
29 James T. Shotwell en Louise Ropes Lomis, The See of Peter (New York, 1927), 595-596.
30 Malcolm R. Green, "The Supporters of the Antipope Ursinus', JThS n.s. 22
(1971), 531-538.
31 Coll. Av. 1.5,2.
32 Coll. Av. 1.7,3
33 Ammianus Marcellinus, Res Gestae 27. 3.13, red. J.C. Rolfe (herziene uitg. Cambridge, Mass. and London, 1952), 3, p. 18.
34 Coll. Av. 5,7,13, pp. 48,49-50,55.
35 Synode van Rome, 378: Mansi 3,624.
36 Coll.Av. 35.28-30.
37 Coll. Av. 1.9,4.
38 ct 16. 2. 20,841.
39 Nov. Marciani 5: CT 3,193-196.
40 Jerome, ep. 15.2, Bettenson, 113.
41 Charles Pietri, Roma Christiana (Rome, 1976), 90. 42 Michelle Renee Salzman, The Making of a Christian Aristocracy (Cambridge, Mass. and London, 2002).
43 Relatio 3.9, red. Barrow, Prefect and Emperor, 40. 44 Peter Brown, 'Pelagius and his Supporters: Aims and Environment', JThS
n.s. 19 (1968), 93-114.
45 Vita Melaniae 15-19, red. Denys Gorce, Vie de Sainte Mélanie (Parijs, 1962), 156-167.
46 J.N.D. Kelly, Jerome (Londen, 1975), 104-115. 47 A. Ferrua (red.), Egigrammata Damasiana (Vaticaanstad, 1942), 21-35. 48 ibid., 7-13; Carlo Carletti et alii, Damase et les martyrs romains (Vaticaanstad, 1986).
49 ct iö.i.2, 833.
50 IConstantinople.c. 3:cod, 32.
51 Francis Dvornik, Byzantium and the Roman Primacy (New York, 1966), 444752 Neil B. McLynn, Ambrose ofMilan (Berkeley en Londen, 1994), 288. 53 Coll. Av. 13,54-58.
4 petrus zelf
1 Robert Cabié (red.), La lettre du pape Innocent ïera Décentius de Gubbio (Leuven, 1973), 18-21. 2 Zosimus ep. 1: Coustant, 935-938.
3 Charles Duggan, geciteerd uit Detlev Jasper en Horst Fuhrmann, Papal Let- ters in the Early Middle Ages (Washington, dc, 2001), 13. 4 Jean Gaudemet, Les sources du droit del'Eglise en Occident du 11e au vue siècle (Parijs, 1985), 57-64.
5 Jasper en Fuhrmann, Papal Letters, n-12.
6 Siricius ep. 1: Coustant, 623-639.
7 Leo ep. 16, red. P. en J. Ballerini, Sancti Leonis Magni Romani Pontificis Ope- ra (3 vols. Venetië, 1753-1757), 1, 715-723; vert. Edmund Hunt, St. Leo the Great: Letters (New York, 1957), 68-69.
8 Leo ep. 14, red. Ballerini, 1,682-691; vert. Hunt, 66.
9 Siricius ep. 1.20: Coustant, 637.
10 Innocentius 1 ep. 6: Coustant, 796.
11 J.M. Huskinson, 'Concordia Apostolorum': Christian Propaganda at Rome in the Fourth and Fijth Centuries (Oxford, 1982), 96-98. 12 Walter Ullmann, 'Leo 1 and the theme of papal primacy', JThS n.s. n (1960), 25-51.
13 Gerald Bonner, Augustine and Modern Research 0n Pelagianism (Villanova, Pa., 1972), 35-52.
14 Algemeen, OttoWermelinger, Pelagius und Rom (Stuttgart, 1975). 15 Peter Brown, 'The Patrons of Pelagius: the Roman Aristocracy between East and West', JThS n.s. 21 (1970), 56-72.
16 J.N.D. Kelly, Golden Mouth: the Story of John Chrysostom, Ascetic, Preacher, Bishop (Londen, 1995), 211-285.
17 Christoph Baumer, The Church of the East (Londen, 2006), 42-50. 18 Council of Chalcedon canon xxviii: cod, 100; vert. Henry R. Percival, Libra- ry ofNicene and Post-Nicene Fathers xiv (herdruk Grand Rapids, 1971), 287. 19 Leo, ep. 19, red. Ballerini, 1.731-735; vert. Hunt, 77-80. 20 Basilius 13: plre 2,217.
21 Patrick T. R. Gray, The Defense of Chalcedon in the East (451-553) (Leiden, 1979), 28-34.
22 Stephen J. Davis, The Early Coptic Papacy (Cairo en New York, 2004), 88-98. 23 Thiel, Epistolae, 447.
24 lp li: 1,255; vert. Davis, 42-43.
25 Cyrille Vogel, Introduction aux sources de l'histoire du culte chrétien au Moyen Age (Spoleto, 1981), 48-57.
26 Thiel, 285-613.
27 Gelasius, ep. i2:Thiel, 350-351.
28 Jasper en Fuhrmann, Papal Letters, 61-65; Johannes Fried, Donation of Con- stantine and 'Constitutum Constantini' (Berlijn en New York, 2007), 90.
5 de twee zwaarden
1 lp lii: 1. 258; vert. Davis, 43.
2 Dante, Divina Commedia: Inferno xi. 8-9.
3 Jerome, Contra Ioannem Hierosolytanum 8, red. Dominico Vallarsi, Sancti Eusebii Hieronymi Stridonensis Presbyteri Opera 2 li (tweede druk, Venetië, 1767), 415.
4 Ugo Falesiedi, Le Diaconie: i servizi assistenziali nella Chiesa antica (Rome, 1995), 65-88.
5 Henry Chadwick, Boëthius: The Consolations of Music, Logic, Theology and Philosophy (Oxford, 1981), 32.
6 Red. Erich Caspar, Theoderich der Grosse und das Papsttum (Berlijn, 1931), 2029; aldaar gedateerd op 502. 7 Mansi, 3, 624K
8 Ennodius, Libellus pro synodo 93, red. Vogel, mgh aa7,61; red. Caspar (noot 6 hierboven), 49.
9 lp lviiii, red. Duchesne 1.287-288; vert. Davis, 52. 10 Chronicon Paschale Olympiad 328, vert. Michael Whitby en Mary Whitby (Liverpool, 1989), 128 11. lp lx: i. 290-293; vert. Davis, 54. 12 ibid., vert. Davis, 53.
13 ibid., vert. Davis, 56; Procopius, Anecdota 1. 14 en 27, red. H.B. Dewing, ll, Procopius (7 vols.) 6,8 en 14.
14 lp lxi, red. Duchesne, 1. 296-299; vert. Davis, 57. 15 Coll. Av. 83,318.
16 Ep. 5, red. G.S.M. Walker, Sancti Columbani Opera (Dublin, 1970), 36-56.
6 slaaf van de slaven van god
1 Josep Vilella Masana, 'Gregorio Magno e Hispania', in Gregorio Magno e il suo tempo (2 vols. Rome, 1991), 1,167-186.
2 Paul Meyvaert, 'A Letter of Pelagius 11 Composed by Gregory the Great', in John C. Cavadini (red.), Gregory the Great: A Symposium (Notre Dame en Londen, 1995), 94-116.
3 Ugo Falesiedi, Le Diaconie (Rome, 1995), 96-116. 4 Codex Theodosianus 15.12.1 in 325 ad, maar vergelijk 15.12.2 in 357, welke hun continuering vooronderstelt.
5 A.W.J. Holleman, Pope Gelasius 1 and the Lupercalia (Amsterdam, 1974), hoofdstukken 1-3.
6 Edmund Bishop, Liturgica Historica (Oxford, 1918), 128-130. 7 Vergelijk Walter Ullmann, The Growth of Papal Government in the Middle Ages (tweede druk, Londen, 1962), 36-41.
8 Leo Santifaller, Liber Diurnus (Stuttgart, 1976), 1-13. 9 bv. Coll. Av. 41 in Innocentius 1, 96: et alia manu; vergelijk de keizerlijke ep. 11,5310 Roger Collins en Judith Mc-Clure, 'Rome, Canterbury and Wearmouth-Jarrow: Three Viewpoints on Augustine's Mission', in Simon Barton en Peter Linehan (red.), Cross, Crescent and Conversion (Leiden en Boston, 2008), 1742. 11 lplxviiii. 315; vert. Davis, 62.
12 Guy Ferrari, Early Roman Monasteries (Vaticaanstad, 1957), 159-162 en 242253. 13 Bede, Historia Ecclesiastica GentisAnglorum 11.17, red. B. Colgrave en R.A.B. Mynors (gecorrigeerde uitg. Oxford, 1991), 194.
14 Andrea Augenti, II Palatino nel Medioevo: Archeologia e topografia (Rome, 1996).
15 lp, Deusdedit en Bonifatius v, vert. Davis, 63.
16 Braulio of Saragossa, brief 21, vert. Claude W. Barlow, Fathers of the Church, vol. 63,52.
17 Relatio Motionis, red. en vert. Pauline Allen en Bronwen Neil, Maximus the Confessorand His Companions (Oxford, 2002), 55.
18 M.D. O'Hara, 'A Find of Byzantine Silver from the Mint of Rome for the Period A.D. 641-752', Swiss Numismatic Review 64 (1985), 105-139; en www., zie sectie vii A.
19 Bede, Historia Ecclesiastica, iv. 18, red. Colgrave en Mynors, 388. 20 Michael McCormick, Origins of the European Economy: Communications and Commerce 300-900 (Cambridge, 2001), 483-488.
21 Giuseppe Cremascoli, 'Le lettere di Martino 1', in Martino 1 Papa (649-653) e il suo tempo (Spoleto, 1992), 243-258.
22 Allen en Neil, Maximus the Confessor and his Companions, 49 en 51. 23 Bede, Historia Ecclesiastica iv. 17,386.
24 Vert. Henry R. Perceval, The Seven Ecumenical Councils of the Undivided Church (herdruk Grand Rapids, Mich., 1971), 331.
25 ibid., 332.
26 lp, vert. Davis, 77.
27 Perceval, Seven Ecumenical Councils, 343.
28 Jaffe-Wattenbach, nr. 2118 (Latijnse versie).
7 de sleutels van het koninkrijk
1 lp Lxxxi,iv: 1,350; vert. Davis, 74.
2 lp Lxxxiin, v en lxxxv, v: i, 367,369; vert. Davis, 81-82. 3 lp xc,x: 1,392; vert. Davis, 92.
4 lp lxxxvi, vi-ix: 1, 372-374; vert. Davis, 85. 5 lp lxxxvi, ix: 1, 372; vert. Davis, 85.
6 lp lxxxviii, v-vi: 1, 385-386; vert. Davis, 89. 7 Sabine G. MacCormack, Art and Ceremony in LateAntiquity (Berkeley, 1981), 62-89.
8 lpxe.xi: 1,392; vert. Davis, 91.
9 André Grabar, Lesvoies de la création en iconographie chrétienne (Parijs, 1979), 59-82.
10 Averil Cameron, 'The Theotokos in Sixth Century Constantinople', JThS n.s. 29 (1978), 79-108.
11 Rodolfo Lanciani, The Destruction of Ancient Rome (Engelse vert. Londen, 1901), 180-197.
12 Jaffe-Wattenbach, 2180,253.
13 ibid., 2182,252-253.
14 ibid., 252.
15 Theophanes, Chronicon AM 6221, vert. Cyril Mango en Roger Scott, The ChronicleofTheophanes Confessor (Oxford, 1997), 565. 16 lpxcii, i: 1,415; vert. Davis, 19.
17 lpxcii, iii: 1,416; vert. Davis, 20.
18 Bede, Historia Ecclesiastica iv. 18, red. Betram Colgrave en R.A.B. Mynors (Oxford, 1991), 389.
19 Bonifatius ep. 50, red. Michael Tangl, mgh Epp. sel. (Berlijn, 1955), 80-86; vert. Ephraim Emerton, The Letters of Saint Boniface (New York, 1940), 80. 20 Codex Carolinus 3, red. W. Gundlach, mgh Epp. 1, 479-487. 21 Roger Collins, 'Pippin 111 as Mayor of the Palace: the Evidence', in Matthias Becher en Jörg Jarnut (red.), Der Dynastiewechsel von 751 (Münster, 2004), 75-9122 Annales Regni Francorum s.a. 749, red. F. Kurze, mgh srg. 23 Bonifatius ep. 27, red. Tangl, 48.
24 Theophanes, Chronicon AM 6211, vert. Mango en Scott, 551-552. 25 lp xciii. xx: 1,433; vert. Davis, 46 en n. 78.
26 Allen G. Berman, Papal Numismatic History (tweede druk, South Salem, ny, 1991), 48-49.
27 Codex Carolinus, ep. 2 (770), vert. P.D. King, Charlemagne (Lancaster, 1987), 271.
28 lp xcv: 1, 464; vert. Davis, 81.
29 lp 1,483, noot46.
30 lp xcvi. xx: 1,476; vert. Davis, 99.
31 lp xcvi. xii en xiv-xv: 1, 471-473; vert. Davis, 93 en 95. 32 lp xcvii. i-ii: 1, 486; vert. Davis, 123. 33 lp xcvii. xliii: i, 498; vert. Davis, 142.
34 Agnellus, Liber Pontificalis Ecclesiae Ravennatis 159, red. Claudia Nauerth (Freiburgim Breisgau, 1996), 552.
35 lp xcm.ix: 1,428.
36 N. Christie en C.M. Daniels, 'Santa Cornelia: the Excavation of an Early Medieval Papal Estate and a Medieval Monastery', in Neil Christie (red.), Three South Etrurian Churches (Londen, 1991), 1-209. 37 Rudolf Schieffer,' Redeamus adfontem: Rom als Hort authentischer Überlieferung im frühen Mittelalter', in RomaPCaput et Fons (Opladen, 1989), 4570. 38 Philip Grierson en Mark Blackburn, Medieval European Coinage, vol. 1: The Early Middle Ages (Cambridge, 1986), 560-563; Berman, Papal Numismatic History, 56-64.
8 alle mensen veroordelend, veroordeeld door niemand
1 lp xcviii. xi-xiii: 2,4-5.
2 lp xcviii. xiv: 2,5.
3 Alcuinus, ep. 179, red. E. Dümmler, mgh Epp. 4,296-297. 4 ibid.
5 Roger Collins, 'Charlemagne's imperial coronation and the Annals of Lorsch', in Joanna Story (red.), Charlemagne: Empire and Society (Manchester, 2005), 52-70. 6 Steven Runciman, 'The empress Irene the Athenian', in Derek Baker (red.), Medieval Women (Oxford, 1978), 101-118.
7 Annales Laureshamenses Breves s.a. 801, red. Eberhard Katz, Laureshamensi- um Editio Emendata Secundum Codicem St. Paulensium (St. Paul, Minn., 1889), 44.
8 Johannes Fried, 'Donation of Constantine' and 'Constitutum Constantini'
(Berlijn en New York, 2007), 53-114.
9 ibid., s.a. 800, red. Katz, 44.
10 Angelo Silvagni, Monumenta Epigraphica Christiana 1: Roma (Vaticaanstad, 1943), tab. 11.6.
11 Divisio imperii of 8th February 806.
12 Ermoldus Nigellus, In honorem Hludowici, regels 1076-1077, red. Edmond Faral (Parijs, 1964), 84.
13 Annales Regni Francorum, s.a. 816, red. F. Kurze, mgh srg, 144; vert. Bernhard Scholz, Carolingian Chronicles (Ann Arbor, 1972), 101. 14 J.N.D. Kelly, The Athanasian Creed (Londen, 1964), 109-124. 15 Annales Regni Francorum, s.a. 817, red. Kurze, 144-145; vert. Scholz, 102. 16 ibid.
17 A. Hahn, 'Das Hludowicianum', Archivfür Diplomatik 21 (1975), 15-135. 18 Annales Regni Francorum, s.a. 824, red. Kurze, 166; vert. Scholz, 117. 19 Ute E. Eisen, Women Officeholders in Early Christianity (Engelse vert. Collegeville, Minn., 2000), 200-205. 20 Julia M.H. Smith, 'Old Saints, New Cults: Roman Relics in Carolingian Francia', in Eadem (red.), Early Medieval Rome and the Christian West (Leiden, 2000), 317-339. 21 Klaus Zechiel-Eckes, 'Ein Bliek in Pseudoisidors Werkstatt', Francia 28/1
(2002), 37-90, en idem, 'Zwei Arbeitshandschriften Pseudoisidors', Fran- cia 27/1 (2001), 205-210.
22 Cambridge Medieval History vol. 111: Germany and the Western Empire (Cambridge, 1922), 151.
9 onze lieve vrouwe de heilige roomse kerk
1 J.N.D. Kelly, Oxford Dictionary of the Popes (Oxford, 1986), 115. 2 Annales Fuldenses s.a. 883, vert. Timothy Reuter, The Annals ofFulda (Manchester en New York, 1992), 94. 3 Simon MacLean, Kingship and Politics in the Late Ninth Century (Cambridge, 2003), 169-191.
4 Pavia Capitulary of the Emperor Charles 11, February 876, zinnen 1-3: red. Claudio Azzara en Pierandrea Moro, I capitolari italici (Rome, 1988), 224227. 5 Election Capitulary of Guido, ibid., 232-233.
6 Oath of the Romans to the Emperor Arnulf, February 896, ibid., 242-243. 7 lp cxii, xi, xvi, xvii, xx: 2,194-196; vert. Davis, 303-307. 8 Gregorius Dialogues iv. 55, red. A. de Vogué, SC vol. 265,182. 9 Azzara en Moro (red.), I capitulari italici, 246-251. 10 ibid., zin 2,246.
11 Liutprand van Cremona, Antapodosis 1.30, red. Joseph Becker, mgh srg, 23, zegt dat het Adalbert van Toscane was, maar Auxilius, In defensionem 1.1
heeft de voorkeur.
12 icurii. 212.
13 Liutprand, Antapodosis 11.48, red. Becker, 59. 14 Philip Grierson en Mark Blackburn, Medieval European Coinage, vol. 1 (Cambridge, 1986), 262-266 en plaat 49. 15 Antapodosis 11. 47, vert. F.A. Wright, Liutprand of Cremona: The Embassy to Constantinople and Other Writings (Londen, 1993), 56. 16 Benedictus van St. Andrew, Chronicon 30, mgh ss 3,714. 17 ibid., 32,715.
18 Pierre Toubert, Les structures du Latium médiéval (Rome, 1973), 974-998. 19 Fritz Weigle (red.), Die Briefe des Bischofs Rathervon Verona (mgh, München 1981), ep. 21,112.
20 L.Allodi en G. Levi (red.), Il Regesto Sublacense (Rome, 1885), documenten 16,17,24.
21 Benedictus van St. Andrew, Chronicon 33,716.
22 L.M.Hartmann (red.), Ecclesiae S. Mariae in Via Lata Tabularium (Wenen, 1895), xiii.
23 Jaffé-Wattenbach, nummers 3584,3585,3588,3598-3600,3603,3605 etc. 24 ibid., 3609.
25 Marina Docci, San Paolofuori le mura (Rome, 2006), 74-75. 26 PL135.
27 Giuseppe Sergi, 'The Kingdom ofItaly', ncmh vol. 4,352-355. 28 Benedictus van St. Andrew, Chronicon 34,717.
29 Jaffe-Wattenbach 3684,595-885.
30 Krautheimer, cbcr5, ii-
31 Ottonianum: mgh Dipl. i, 322-327; vert. Boyd Hill Jr. Medieval Monarchy in Action (Londen en New York, 1972), 149-152.
32 Voltaire, Essai sur l'histoire générale et sur les moeurs et l'esprit des nations (Parijs,^). 33 Liutprand, Historia Ottonis hoofdstuk 4, red. Joseph Becker, mgh srg, 161. 34 ibid., ch. 10, red. Becker, 167; vergelijk Benedictus van St. Andrew, Chroni- con 34-37,717-718.
35 Liutprand, Historia Ottonis hoofdstukken 12-13, red-Becker, 168-169. 36 ibid., hoofdstukken 14 en 15,170 en 171-172.
37 ibid., hoofdstuk 20,173-174.
38 ibid., hoofdstuk 22,175.
39 H.P.Lattin, The Letters of Gerbert (New York, 1961), 36 noot 6. 40 P.E. Schramm, 'Neun Briefe des byzantinischen Gesandten Leos', Byzanti- nische Zeitschrijt 25 (1925), 89-105.
41 Thietmar of Merseburg, Chronicon iv. 30, red. Werner Trillmich (Darmstadt, 1985), 146; ook wel Johannes van Venetië, Chronica Venetum, red. G. Monticolo, Cronache Venezianeantichissime (Rome, 1890), 155. 42 Vita Nili, red. G. Waitz, mgh ss 4,616-617. 43 Hermann van Reichenau ofwel Hermannus Contractus, Chronicon, s.a. .997, red. Aemilianus Ussermann, Germaniae Sacra Podromus (St. Blasien, 1792), vol. 1,194.
44 Epistola de Synodo Papiensi, red. G.H. Pertz, mgh ss 3,694. 45 Richer, Historia iv. 89, red. Robert Latouche, Richer, Histoire de France (2 vols. Parijs, 1930; herdruk 1967), 2,288.
46 PL139, cols. 473-508.
47 Harald Zimmermann, Das dunkle Jahrhundert (Graz/Wenen/Keulen, 1971).
10 vrij, kuis en katholiek
1 Gregorius vu, epp. 4.12, vert. H.E.J. Cowdrey, The Register of Pope Gregory vu (Oxford, 2002), 221-222.
2 Zie GerdAlthoff, Otto 111 (Engelsevert. University Park, Pa., 2003), 132-148. 3 Arnulf van Milaan, Liber Gestorum Recentium 1.12, red. Claudia Zey, mgh srg 67 (Hannover, 1994).
4 Rodulf Glaber, Historiarum Libri Quinque 4.4, red. John France, Neithard Bulsten Paul Reynolds, Rodulfus Glaber, Opera (Oxford, 1989), 176; vergelijk 5. 26,252. 5 ibid., 4.2-3,172-174.
6 ibid., 5.26,252.
7 Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation, 962 bis 1806 pt.i: Katalog (Dresden, 2006), iii. 20,144. 8 Peter Damiani, epp. 4.72, pl, 144.
9 H.H. Anton (red.), Der sogenannte Traktat 'De ordinando pontifice' (Bonn, 1982), regels 279-280,83.
10 Bruno van Segni, Preek over Simoniacs 2, red. Ernst Sackur, mgh Libelli 2, 543-562.
11 Willem van Hirsau, brief aan Herman van Salm, geciteerd door I.S. Robinson, Papal Reform of the Eleventh Century (Manchester, 2004), 2. 12 Bonifatius ep. 51, red. M. Tangl, mgh Epp. sel, 1, 87-88. 13 Gregorius vu, Epistolae vagantes 154, red. H.E.J. Cowdrey, 133. 14 Anselmus van Reims, Historia dedicationis Remensis ecclesiae, hoofdstukken 8-9,14-15, PL149.
15 Acta van het Concilie van Reims, 1049, red. Mansi. 16 Constitutum Constantini, red. H. Fuhrmann, mgh srg, 15-17. 17 Lateraanse synode in 1059, canon 1, red. Carl Mirbt, Quellen zur Geschichte des Papsttums und des römischen Katholizismus (derde druk, Tübingen, 1911). 18 Decretum of Nicholas 11: Corpus Iuris Canonici vol. 1, red. E. Friedberg (Leipzig, 1879), cols. 77-79. 19 Benizo van Sutri boek vi, vert. Robinson, Papal Reform, 206. 20 Cowdrey, Register, xi-xvii.
21 H.E.J. Cowdrey, The 'Epistolae Vagantes' of Pope Gregory vii (Oxford, 1972), xvii.
22 Cowdrey, Register 2.55a, 149-150.
23 Imperial Lives and Letters, vert. Theodor E. Mommsen en Karl F. Morrison (New York, 2000), 149.
24 Gregory vu, Register 3.6*, vert. Cowdrey, 181. 25 Decreet van de Synode van Brixen, vert. Mommsen en Morrison, Imperial Lives and Letters, 157-160.
26 Benzo van Alba, To Emperor Henry Book 7.1-2, vert. I.S. Robinson, The Pa- pal Reform of the Eleventh Century, 364-368.
27 Beryl Smalley, The Biblein the MiddleAges (derde druk Oxford, 1983), 48-49. 28 Rodolfo Lanciani, The Destruction of Ancient Rome (Londen en New York, 1901), 159-166.
29 Gregorius ep. 1.49, vert. Cowdrey, Register, 54. 30 Epistolae vagantes 5, red. H. E.J. Cowdrey, The 'Epistolae Vagantes' of Pope Gre- gory vii (Oxford, 1972), 10-13.
31 Ep. 1.63, vert. H.E.J. Cowdrey, The Register of Pope Gregory vii 1073-1084 (Oxford, 2002), 68. 32 Roger Collins, 'Continuity and Loss in Medieval Spanish Culture: the Evidence of MS Silos, Archivo Monastico 4', in Roger Collins en Anthony Goodman (red.), Medieval Spain: Culture, Conflict and Coexistence (Basingstoke en New York, 2002), 1-22. 33 Red. Robert Somerville, Pope Urban 11, the 'Collectio Britannica' and the CouncilofMelfi (1089) (Oxford, 1996), 45.
34 Bernoldus van St. Blasien, Chronicon s.a. 1095, mgh ss vol. 5,462; ook wel Stephen Runciman, History of the Crusades, vol. 1 (Cambridge, 1951), 101108.
11 niet de opvolger van petrus, maar die van constantijn 1 Sint-Bernardus, ep. 399, vert. Bruno Scott James, The Letters of St. Bernard of Clairvaux (Londen, 1953), 471.
2 Relatio registri Pascalis 11, red. L. Weiland, mgh Const. 1 (1893), nr. 99,147148. 3 Gerhoh von Reichersberg, De investigatione Antichristi ch. 25, red. E. Sackur, mgh Libelli 3 (1897), 333-334.
4 Privilegium Paschalis 11 de investituris, red. Weiland, mgh Const. 1, nr. 96, 144-145.
5 Concilium Lateranense s.a. 11 12, ibid., nr. 399,571. 6 Mary Stroll, Symbols as Power: the Papacy following the Investiture Contest (Leiden, 1991), 16-35.
7 Chronicon Sublacense, red. Raffaello Morghen (Subiaco, 1991), 174-175. 8 lp xcim xxv: 1, 447; Constitutum Constantini 16, regels 257-258, red. Fuhrmann, 92.
9 Vita Adriani iv; Adrian iv The English Pope, red. Brenda Bolton en Anne J. Duggan (Aldershot, 2003), 220-223.
10 Constitutum Constantini 13, regel 206, red. Fuhrmann, 86. 11 Tommaso di Carpegna Falconieri, II clero di Roma nel medioevo (Rome, 2002), 37-82.
12 Roger of Howden, Annales 11 s.a.1191.
13 Richard Krautheimer, Rome: Projile ofa City, 312-1308 (Princeton, 1980), 152. 14 Bernardus epp. 250 en 251, vert. Scott James, 330 en 331. 15 Johannes van Salisbury, Historia Pontijicalis xxxi, red. Marjorie Chibnall (Londen, 1956), 64-65.
16 ibid., 65.
17 Otto van Freising, Gesta Friderici Imperatoris i. 29; vert. C.C. Mierow, The Deeds ofFrederick Barbarossa (New York, 1953), 61-62; Martene en Durand, Veterum scriptorum et monumentorum... amplissima collectio (Parijs, 1724), 11, 399-400,554-557.
18 De Consideratione, 65; Ep. 205, vert. Scott James, 280. 19 Bernardus, ep. 355, vert. Scott James, 431.
20 Bernardus, De Consideratione 4.4, vert. Anderson en Kennan, 114-115. 21 Johannes van Salisbury, Historia Pontijicalis xxxviii, red. Chibnall, 76
22 Rahewins prolongatie van Otto van Freising, Gesta Friderici i. 60, vert. Mierow, 99. 23 Bernardus, ep. 320, vert. Scott James, 394.
24 Otto van Friesing, Gesta Friderici 4. 61, vert. Mierow, 291. 25 ibid., 294.
26 Boso's Life of Alexander m, vert. G.M. Ellis (Oxford, 1973), 49. 27 Rahewin 4.79, vert. Mierow, 320.
28 Beryl Smalley, The Becket Conflict and the Schools (Oxford, 1973), 139. 29 Roger of Howden, Annales 11 s.a. 1198.
12 lager dan god, maar hoger dan de mens
1 Thomas of Marlborough, History of the Abbey of Evesham, m. v, 480, red. Jane Sayers en Leslie Watkiss (Oxford, 2003), 455.
2 ibid., iii. ii. 203, p. 211.
3 ibid., 111. iii. 273, p. 275.
4 Selected Letters of Pope Innocent 111 concerning England, red. C.R. Cheney en W.H. Semple (Londen, 1953), xvii.
5 Thomas of Marlborough 111. iii. 300, p. 299.
6 Fernando J. de Lasala sj, 'Typology of the Papal Seals' (Rome, 2003):
8 Thomas of Marlborough 111, xxviii-xxxix.
9 Selected Letters of Pope Innocent 111, epistel 6,16-22. 10 Chronicle of Bury St. Edmunds 1 212-1301, red. Antonia Gransden (Londen, 1964), 21-22. In 1279 zakte het bedrag tot 1,675 mark, tien shillings en negen penny's: ibid., 70
11 Dante Alighieri, De Goddelijke Komedie, vertaald, ingeleid en toegelicht door Frans van Dooren, Ambo, Baarn, 1987, elfde druk 2006, xix.73-75, p.107
12 Salimbene de Adam, Cronaca, vert. Giuseppe Tónna (Reggio, 2006), 112. 13 The Deeds of Pope Innocent jij, vert. James M. Powell (Washington, dc, 2004), 3.
14 Vierde Lateraans Concilie, canon 68, cod, 266. 15 Salimbene de Adam, Cronaca, 4.
16 D.S. Chambers, Popes, Cardinals and War (Londen, 2006), 18-19. 17 1227: de latere Celestinus iv, Innocentius iv en Alexander iv; 1261: de latere Clemens iv, Martinus iv en Honorius iv; 1273 de latere Johannes xxi, "Gregorius xi" (niet meegeteld, daar hij één dag na zijn verkiezing stierf), Innocentius v. 18 Chronicle of Bury St. Edmunds s.a. 1253, red. Gransden, 19. 19 Leonardo Bruni, History of the Florentine People jij. 46, red. James Hankins, vol. 1 (Cambridge, Mass. en Londen, 2001), 281.
20 Chronicle of Bury St. Edmunds s.a. 1276, red. Gransden, 61. 21 Bartholomeus van Lucca, geciteerd in Francisco Hernandez en Peter Linehan, The Mozarabic Cardinal (Florence, 2004), 174 noot 99. 22 Chronicle of Bury St. Edmunds s.a. 1279, red. Gransden, 70.
13 vals, schuldig babylon
1 Henry G.J. Beek, 'William of Hundleby's Account of the Anagni Outrage', Catholic Historical Review, vol. 32 (1947), 190-220. 2 Antonia Gransden (red.), Chronicle of Bury St. Edmunds (Londen, 1964), s.a. 1294,122 doet het voorkomen alsof hij meer dan honderd jaar oud was. 3 Marjorie Reeves, The Influence of Prophecy in the Later Middle Ages. A Study in Joachimism (herziene editie Notre Dame en Londen, 1993), 60-62,187-190. 4 Barbara Newman, From Virile Woman to Woman Christ. Studies in Medieval Religion and Literature (Philadelphia, 1995), 182-192; Stephen Wessley, 'The thirteenth-century Gugliemites: salvation through women', in Derek Baker (red.), Medieval Women (Oxford, 1978), 289-303.
5 Peter Herde, 'Celestine v', Dictionary of Popes and the Papacy (Engelse vert., New York, 2001), 20.
6 Marina Righetti Tosti-Croce (red.), Bonifacio vin e il suo tempo (Milaan, 2000), 133-138 en afb. 70-74.
7 Zie Chronicle of Bury St. Edmunds s.a. 1292, red. Gransden, 104-113, voor een voorbeeld van een aanslag.
8 Codex Constitutionum quas Summi Pontifices ediderunt in Solemni Canoniza- tione Sanctorum (Rome, 1729), 109-116.
9 Zie daarvoor Jacopone da Todi e l'arte in Umbria nel suo tempo (Milaan, 2006). 10 Chronicle of Asti s.a. 1300, red. Ludovico Muratori, Rerum Italicarum Scrip- tores, vol. xi, 191.
11 Joseph R. Strayer, The Reign of Philip the Fair (Princeton, 1980), 262-266. 12 Pierre Dupuy, Histoire du différend d'entre le Pape Boniface vm et Philippe le Bel Roy de France (Parijs, 1655), 44.
13 A.R. Myers, Parliaments and Estates in Europe to 1 789 (Londen, 1975), 66. 14 Unam sanctam, vert. Bettenson, 161-164.
15 Willem van Hundleby, vert. Beek, 203.
16 William Thornes Chronicle of Saint Augustine's Abbey Canterbury, vert. A.H. Davis (Oxford, 1934), 385.
17 Zie Sophia Menache, Clement v (Cambridge, 1998) over dit pontificaat. 18 Gratian 1. xl. 6, Corpus Iuris Canonici, red. A. Friedberg, vol. 1 (Leipzig, 1897), 146; Walter Ullmann, Medieval Papalism (Londen, 1949), 156-158. 19 Vita Prima Clementis v, vpa i, i en 20. 20 Codex Constitutionum in Solemni Canonizatione Sanctorum, 117-121. 21 Zie Malcolm Barber, The Trial of the Templars (red. Cambridge, 1993), en Menache, Clement v, 205-246
22 Menache, Clement v, 207 en n. 171.
23 ibid., 216-217.
24 Dante Alighieri, De Goddelijke Komedie, vertaald, ingeleid en toegelicht door Frans van Dooren, Ambo, Baarn, 1987, elfde druk 2006, Paradiso ix. 133I35'P-34°-25 Vita Prima Clementis v, vpa 1,23. 26 Menache, Clement v, 51-54.
27 George Holmes, Florence, Rome and the Origins of the Renaissance (Oxford, 1986), 163-203.
28 Vita Prima Clementis v, vpa i, 22.
29 George Garnett, Marsilius of Padua and 'the Truth ofHistory' (Oxford, 2006), 18-21.
30 Zie David Burr, The Spiritual Franciscans. From Protest to Persecution in the Century ajter Saint Francis (University Park, Pennsylvania, 2001), 111-158. 31 Vita Prima Johannis xxii, v pa 1,117. 32 Patrick Nold, Pope John xxii and His Franciscan Cardinal (Oxford, 2003), 1-24.
33 William of Ockham, The Work ofNinety Days, vert. John Kilcullen, in Arthur Stephen McGrade en John Kilcullen, William of Ockham: A Letter to the Fri- ars Minor and Other Writings (Cambridge, 1995), 105. 34 Christian Trottman, La Vision Béatifique, des disputes scholastiques a son defi- nitionpar Benoitx 11 (Rome, 1995), 417-743.
35 Vita Prima Benedictixii, vpa 1,206: fervidus hereticorum expugnator et rigidus persecutor; Vita Quarta Benedicti xii, ibid. 223: justus et durus erat. 36 Vita Quarta Benedicitxn, ibid., 224.
37 Dominique Barthélemy en Philippe Contarmine, 'The Use of Private Space', in Georges Duby (red.), A History of Private Life, vol. 2 (Engelse vert., Cambridge, Mass. en Londen, 1988), 470-475 voor het pauselijk paleis. 38 Vit» Secunda Benedicitxu en Vita Tertia Benedict xii, vpa i, 213 en 216. 39 Vita Prima Benedictixu, ibid., 202.
40 Vita Octava Benedictixu, ibid., 236.
41 Vita Prima Benedictixu, en Vita Sexta Benedictixu, ibid., 211 en 232. 42 Geciteerd in Ludwig Pastor, The History of the Popes (Engelse vert., Londen, 1906), vol. 1, 64.
43 Vita Sexta Clementis vi, vpa i, 307.
44 Vita Tertia Clementis vi, vpa 1,285.
45 Historia di Matteo Villani Cittadino Fiorentino (Venice, 1562) Boek 111, hoofdstuk 39, 154; G. Mollat, Les Papesd'Avignon (negende editie. Parijs, 1949), 91. 46 F. Filippini, Ilcardinale Egidio Albornoz (Bologna, 1937). 47 Kenneth Fowler, Medieval Mercenaries vol. 1: The Great Companies (Oxford, 2001), 118.
48 Yves Renouard, The Avignon Papacy 1305-1403, vert. Denis Bethell (Londen, 1970), 62.
49 S. Nofke (vert.), The Letters of St Catherine of Siena (Binghampton, 1988), vol. 1,212 (epistel 69).
50 F. Thomas Luongo, The Saintly Politics of Catherine of Siena (Ithaca en Londen, 2006), 157-201. 51 Leonardo Bruni, History of the Florentine People vin. 125, red. en vert. James Hankins, vol. 2 (Cambridge, Mass. en Londen, 2004), 523.
52 Mollat, Papes dAvignon, 393-409; tevens A.M. Barrell, The Papacy, Scotland en Northern England, 1342-1378 (Cambridge, 1995), 158-159. 53 Gordon Leff, 'John Wyclif: the Path to Dissent', Proceedings of the British Aca- demy, vol. 52 (1966), 143-180; K.B. McFarlane, John Wyclijfe and the Begin- ningofEnglish Nonconformity (Londen, 1952).
14 drie bisschoppen op één stoel
1 Odoricus Raynaldus, Annales Ecclesiastici, 398-399, vert. Walter Ullmann, The Origins of the Great Schism (Londen, 1948), 60-61. 2 Ludwig Pastor, The History of the Popes (Engelse vert. Londen, 1906), vol. 1, 130.
3 Brian Tierney, Foundations of the Conciliar Theory (Cambridge, 1955), 68-84; John A. Watt, 'The Constitutional Law of the College of Cardinals: Hostiensis to Joannes Andreae', Medieval Studies, vol. 33 (1971), 127-157. 4 Ullmann, Origins of the Great Schism, 102-142
5 Dietrich van Niem of Nieheim, De Schismate 1. Iii. 94, geciteerd door E.F. Jacob, Essays in the Conciliar Epoch (derde editie, Manchester, 1963), 33. 6 Annales Forolivienses, geciteerd door Peter Partner, The Papal State under Martin v (Londen, 1958), 16.
7 De Concilio Pisano, herziene editie. Jürgen Miethke en Lorenz Weinrich, Quellen zur Kirchenreform im Zeitalter der grossen Konzilien des ij. Jahrhun- dert vol. 1 (Darmstadt, 1995), 166.
8 Jacob, Essays in the Conciliar Epoch, 39.
9 Theodoricus de Niem, Historia de Vita Iohannis xxm Pontificis Romani (Frankfurt, 1620), 1-2.
10 Francis Oakley, The Conciliarist Tradition (Oxford, 2003), 91-92. 11 Mattheus van Kraków, De Squaloribus Curie Romane, red. Miethke en Weinrich, Quellen zur Kirchenreform, 62. 12 Ullmann, Origins of the Great Schism, 191-231; appendix over Zabarella. 13 Decree Sacrosancta, vert. Bettenson, 192.
14 Daniël Waley, The Italian City Repuhlics (Londen, 1969), 221-239. 15 Joseph Gill, Eugenius iv: Pope of Christian Union (Londen, 1961), 39-40. 16 Monumenta conciliorum generalium saeculi decimi quinti, vol. 2, 93-94, vert. C.M.D. Crowder, Unity, Heresy and Reform 1378-1460 (Londen, 1977), 149. 17 ibid., 155, vertaling van een memorandum van een Italiaanse abt. 18 Chiara Crisciani, IIpapa e l'alchimia: Felice v, Guglielmo Fabri e l'elixir (Rome, 2002).
15 een leider van de wereld, niet van de kerk
1 Gerhard Laehr, 'Die Konstantinische Schenkung in der abendlandische Literatur des Mittelalters bis zur des xiv Jahrhunderts', Historische Studiën vol. 166 (1926), 1-188, geciteerd door Alfred Hiatt, The Making of Medieval Forgeries (Londen en Toronto, 2004), 142.
2 Hiatt, Making of Medieval Forgeries, 159-161.
3 Nicolaas van Cusa, The Catholic Concordance, red. Paul E. Sigmund (Cambridge, 1991), boek iii. 294-324, pp. 216-227. 4 Roberto Weiss, The Renaissance Discovery of Classical Antiquity (tweede editie, Oxford, 1988), 59. 5 The Treatise of Lorenzo Valla on the Donation of Constantine, red. en vert. Christopher B. Coleman (Yale, 1922; herdruk Toronto, 1993), 100-115. 6 Hiatt, Making of Medieval Forgeries, 170-172.
7 Julius Exclusus de coelis, vert. Michael J. Heath in A.H.T. Levi (red.), Collected Works of Erasmus, vol. 27 (Toronto, 1986), 192; over het auteurschap zie 156163. 8 Over zijn portret (in het Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wenen) zie Otto Pacht, Van Eyck and the Founders of Early Netherlandish Painting (Engelse editie, Londen, 1994), 111-112 enpl. 9.
9 Loren Partridge, Art of the Renaissance in Rome 1400-1600 (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1996), 19. 10 A.D.M. Barrell, The Papacy, Scotland en Northern England, 1342-1378 (Cambridge, 1995), 141-159. 11 Christopher Tyerman, God's War: A New History of the Crusades (Londen, 2006), 847.
12 Christopher Tyerman, God's War A New History of the Crusades (Londen, 2006), 847.
13 Er is verondersteld dat Bessarion model heeft gestaan voor Carpaccio's beroemde schilderij Het visioen van Sint-Augustinus: zie Peter Humfrey, Carpaccio (Londen, 2005), pl. 25,91-92.
14 Een fresco uit 1503, vervaardigd in opdracht van zijn neef paus Pius 111, verbeeldt zijn inhuldiging: Scarpellini, Pietro en Silvestrelli, Maria Rita, Pinto- ricchio (Milan, 2003), 268.
15 Denys Hay en W.K. Smith (red.), De Gestis Concilii Basiliensis Commentario- rum Libri 11 (herziene uitgave, Oxford, 1992); Florence A. Gragg en Leona C. Smith (vert.), The Commentaries of Pius n in Smith College Studies in History vols. xxn 1-2, xxx, xxxv en xliii (Northampton, Mass., 1937-1951). wordt vervangen door een uitgave in de I Tatti Renaissance Library (zie noot 16
16 Commentaries i. 6 in Margaret Meserve en Marcello Simonetta (red.), Pius
ii Commentaries, vol. i (Cambridge, Mass. en Londen, 2003), 25. 17 Florence A. Gragg (vert.), Secret Memoirs of a Renaissance Pope (Londen, 1988), 216.
18 R.J. Mitchell, The Laurels and the Tiara: Pope Pius 11, 1458-1464 (Londen, 1962), 121.
19 Gragg, Secret Memoirs, 74-82.
20 C.M.D. Crowder, Unity, Heresy and Reform 1378-3460 (Londen, 1977), 179181 voor een vertaling. 21 John F. D'Amico, Renaissance Humanism in Papal Rome (Baltimore en Londen, 1983), 89-102. 22 Mitchell, Laurels and the Tiara, 192-193.
23 Frederic J. Baumgartner, Behind Locked Doors: a History of Papal Elections (New York en Basingstoke, 2003), 78-79.
24 Bartholomaeus Platina, Vitae Pontificum (Venice, 1479): Paulus 11 (ongepagineerd). 25 Eunice D. Howe, Art and Culture at the Sistine Court (Vatican City, 2005), 220-248, afb. 18-48.
26 Lauro Martines, April Blood: Florence and the Plot against the Medici (Londen, 2003), 174-196.
27 ibid., 7-12.
29 Unigenitus, vert. Bettenson, 259-260.
30 Baumgartner, Behind Locked Doors, 84-85.
31 Johannes Stella, Vite ducentorum et triginta sumorumpontificum a beato Petro Apostolo usque ad Julium secundum modernum Pontificem (Basel, 1507) ongepagineerd. 32 Franco Ivan Nucciarelli, Pinturicchio: Il Bambin Gesü delle Mani (Perugia, 207), 46-55.
33 Owen Chadwick, Catholicism and History: The Opening of the Vatican Archives (Cambridge, 1978), 110-116.
34 ibid., iii.
35 E. Celani (red.), Johanni Burckardi Liber Notarum ab anno 1483 usque ad an- num 1506, 2 vols. (Citta di Castello, 1906); Geoffrey Parker (vert.), At the Court of the Borgia (Londen, 1963) biedt een selectie. 36 Bewijzen worden besproken in Michael Mallett, The Borgias (Londen, 1969), 205-206.
37 Parker, At the Court of the Borgias, 173-177. 38 Caroline P. Murphy, The Pope's Daughter (Londen, 2004). 39 CecilGould, Raphael's 'PortraitofPopeJuliusn':the Re-emergenceofthe Origi- nal (Londen, geen datum), 1.
40 Zie N.H. Minnich, The Fifth Lateran Council (Aldershot, 1993); R.J. Schoek,
'The Fifth Lateran Council: lts Partial Success and lts Larger Failure', in G.F. Lytle (red.), Reform and Authority in the Medieval and Reformation Church (Washington, dc, 1981), 99-126.
41 Renaudet, A., La Concile gallican de Pise-Milan (Parij 5,1922). 42 Baumgartner, Behind Locked Doors, 92.
43 ibid., 193.
16 schoon als een duif
1 Judith Hook, The Sack of Rome (tweede druk, Basingstoke en New York, 2004), 177.
2 Marino Sanuto, I Diarii vol. xlv, 219 (Venetië, 1902), geciteerd in Hook, Sack of Rome, 167.
3 Leopold von Ranke, History of the Popes (Engelse vert. 3 vols. Londen, 1913), vol. 1,100.
4 Thomas James Dandelet, Spanish Rome ij00-1700 (New Haven en Londen, 2001), 84-87.
5 Henry Bettenson, Documents of the Christian Church (New York en Londen, 1947), 261.
6 ibid., 267 en 270.
7 Geciteerd in Owen Chadwick, The Reformation (herziene uitg. Londen, 1972), 51.
8 Reproductie in Heiko A. Oberman, Luther: Man Between God and the Devil (Engelse vert.. New Haven en Londen, 1989), 258.
9 Lauro Martines, Scourge and Fire: Savonarola and Renaissance Italy (Londen, 2006), hoofdstukken 13-19.
10 Heilig verklaarden (met datum van canonisatie): Gregorius vii (1606), Celestinus v (1313); Zalig verklaarden: Victor 111 (1887), Urbanus 11 (1881), Eugenius iii (1872), Innocentius v (1898), Benedictus xi (1736), Urbanus v (1870).
11 Erasmus, Lof der Zotheid, hoofdstuk 54, vert. J.B. Kan (Amsterdam en Antwerpen 1957), 113. 12 Oberman, Luther, 68-70.
13 P. Renée Baernstein, A Convent Tale: A Century of Sisterhood in Spanish Mi- lan (New York, 2002), 57-78.
14 J. Carlos Coupeau, 'Five Personae of Ignatius of Loyola', in Thomas Worcester (red.), The Cambridge Companion to the Jesuits (Cambridge, 2008), 37. 15 Erasmus, Lof der Zotheid, hoofdstuk 59, vert. J.B. Kan (Amsterdam en Antwerpen 1957), 129-130. 16 Opus Thomae Campegii Bononiensis Episcopi Feltrensis De Auctoritate et Potes- tate Romani Pontificis et alia opuscula (Venetië, 1555), f. 2r. 17 Hubert Jedin, A History of the Council of Trent, vol. 1 (Engelse vert. Edinburgh, 1957), 76-100. 18 Burkle-Young, Francis A. en Michael Leopoldo Doerrer, The Life of Cardinal Innocenzo del Monte: A Scandal in Scarlet (Lewiston, ny, 1997). 19 Alois Uhl, Papstkinder. Lebensbilder aus der Zeit der Renaissance (Düsseldorf en Zurich, 2003), 129-142.
20 Charles L. Stringer, 'The Place of Clement vii and Clementine Rome in Renaissance History', in Gouwens en Reiss (red.), Pontificate of Clement vii, in het bijzonder 182-184.
21 Michael A. Mullett, The Catholic Reformation (Londen en New York, 1999), 1-28.
22 John W. O'Malley, Trent and All That: Renaming Catholicism in the Early Mo- dern Era (Cambridge, Mass., and London, 2000), ten behoeve van de argumenten. 23 Julius iii, Marcellus n, Paulus iv en Pius iv.
24 de Emendanda Ecclesia, vert. Coleman J. Barry, Readings in Church History (Westminster, Md., 1965), geciteerd door Mullett, Catholic Reformation, 35. 25 William Monter, 'The Roman Inquisition and Protestant Heresy Executions in i6th Century Europe', in Agostino Borromeo (red.), L'Inquisizione (Vaticaanstad, 2003), 539-548. 26 W. Schenk, Reginald Pole, Cardinal ofEngland (Londen, 1950), 111-112. 27 Calendar of State Papers, Venetian, red. R. Brown, vol. v, 596. 28 Schenk, Reginald Pole, 115-118.
29 Marcia B. Hall, Ajter Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Centu- ry (Cambridge, 1999), 268 en noot 28.
30 Chadwick, Reformation, 271.
31 Thomas V. Cohen, Love and Death in Renaissance Italy (Chicago en Londen, 2004), 125-170, voor een andere dimensie met betrekking tot deze affaire. 32 b.v. Francesco Cattani da Diacetto, Discorso del autoritd del Papa sopra'l Con- cilio (Florence, 1562).
33 Constitutiones et Decreta Synodalia Civitatis et Dioecesis Constantiensis (Dillingen, 1569). 34 Concilium Tridentinum: Diariorum, Actorum, Epistolarum, Tractatuum (13
vols. Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1901-2001).
35 Paula Sutter Fichtner, Emperor Maximilian 11 (New Haven en Londen, 2001), 115,144-145.
36 Paul F. Grendler, Critics of the Italian World (1530-1560) (Madison, Wis., 1969), 47-48.
37 Cardinal Giulio Antonio Santorio (d. 1602), Deploratio calamitatis suorum temporum, geciteerd in Frederick J. McGinness, Right Thinking and Sacred Oratory in Counter-Reformation Rome (Princeton, 1995), 177. 38 Coupeau, 'Five Personae of Ignatius of Loyola', 37.
39 Codex Constitutionum quas Summi Pontifices ediderunt in Solemni Canoniza- tione Sanctorum (Rome, 1729), 501.
40 Bonnie Blackburn en Leofranc Holford-Strevens, The Oxford Companion to the Year (Oxford, 1999), 406.
17 zonnewijzer van de kerk
1 Oorspronkelijk in Italiaans. Franse en Portugese versies op de website van het Vaticaan:
2 Clausule 36 van de Constitutie Gaudium et Spes van 7 december 1965: Vati- can Council 11. The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents, red. Austin Flannery (Leominster, 1975), 935. 3 Sergio M. Pagano (red.), I Documenti delprocesso di Galileo Galilei (Vaticaanstad, 1984). 4 Mario d'Addio, The Galileo Case: Trial/Science/Truth (Engelse vert., Rome, 2004).
5 ibid., 19-25.
6 Jozua 10.12
7 Stillman Drake, Galileo (Oxford, 1980), 63.
8 Documenti delprocesso di Galileo, red. Pagano, doe. 20 (25 februari 1616) uit het Archivio Segreto Vaticano, 101.
9 D'Addio, The Galileo Case, 123-129.
10 ibid., 107-117, en Drake, Galileo, 76-77.
11 Pagano, Documenti delprocesso di Galileo, doe. 17 (16 juni 1633) uithet Archivio della Sacra Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede, 230. 12 Letters to Father: Suor Maria Celeste to Gallileo, 1623-1633, red. en vert. Dava Sobel (New York, 2001), 222-227.
13 Pagano, Documenti delprocesso di Galileo, doe. 25 (23 maart 1634), 234. 14 b.v. Le Lettere del Signor Gio. Francesco Peranda (1601; gebruikte uitgave: Venetië, 1610), 294 (brief aan Gregorius xm, 3 juli 1577). 15 Niels Krough Rasmussen, 'Maiestas Pontificia: A Liturgical Reading of Etienne Dupérac's Engraving of the Capella Sistina from 1576', Analecta Ro- mana Instituti Danici vol. 12 (1983), 109-148; Frederick J. McGinness, Right Thinking and Sacred Oratory in Counter-Reformation Rome (Princeton, 1995), 87, en 260 noten 4 en 5.
16 ibid., 141.
17 ibid., 87-107.
18 ibid., 157.
19 ibid., 105,140.
20 ibid., 172.
21 ibid., 177.
22 Nicola Courtright, The Papacy and the Art of Reform in Sixteenth-Century Rome (Cambridge, 2003), 20, en 18-27 generally.
23 B. Rekers, Benito Arias Montano (1527-1598) (Londen en Leiden, 1972), 67. 24 Irena Backus, Historical Method and Confessional Identity in the Era of the Re- formation (Leiden en Boston, 2003).
25 Rodolfo Lanciani, The Destruction of Ancient Rome (Londen en New York, 1901), 235-244.
26 Marcia Hall, After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century (Cambridge, 1999), 258-267.
27 ibid., 200.
28 Tracy L. Ehrlich, Landscape and Identity in Early Modern Italy: Villa Culture at Frascati in the Borghese Era (Cambridge, 2002), 68-112. 29 Antonio Menniti Ippolito, 'The Secretariat of State as the Pope's Special Ministry', in Gianvittorio Signorotto en Maria Antonia Visceglia (red.), Court and Politics in Papal Rome, 1492-1700 (Cambridge, 2002), 132-157. 30 'Contemporary account' geciteerd door Ferdinand Gregorovius, The Tombs of the Popes (Engelse vert. Westminster, 1903), 135-136. 31 Aidan Weston-Lewis (red.), Effigies and Ecstasies: Roman Baroque Sculpture and Design in theAgeofBernini (Edinburgh, 1998), item 118,152-154. 32 Sforza Pallavicino, Vita di Alessandro vii (Milaan, 1843), vol. 1,262-263,8e" citeerd in Marie-Louise Rodén, Church Politics in Seventeenth-Century Rome (Stockholm, 2000), 133.
33 Rodén, Church Politics in Seventeenth-Century Rome, 133-144. 34 John Bargrave D.D., Pope Alexander the Seventh and the College of Cardinals, red. James Craigie Robertson (Londen, 1867), 7.
35 Marco Teodori, I Parenti del Papa. Nepotismo pontificio eformazione delpatri- monio Chigi nella Roma Baroca (Padua, 2001), 58-136. 36 Barbara McClung Hallman, Italian Cardinals, Reformandthe ChurchAs Pro- perty (Berkeley en Londen, 1985), 167.
37 Frederick Hammond, Music and Spectacle in Baroque Rome: Barberini Patro- nage Under Urban vm (New Haven en Londen, 1994), 9, en 284 noot 21. 38 Judith A. Hook, 'Urban vin: The paradox of a spiritual monarchy', in A.G. Dickens (red.), The Courts of Europe. Politics, Patronage and Royalty, 1400- 1800 (Londen, 1977), 213-232, op 222.
3 9 Rapport van de Venetiaanse ambassadeur van het pauselijk hof, geciteerd in Ludwig Pastor, History of the Popes, vol. 28,44-48. 40 Laurie Nussdorfer, Civic Politics in the Rome of Urban vm (Princeton, 1992), 205-227.
41 ibid.,2ii-2i2,en2i8.
42 Renata Ago, Carriere e clientèle nella Roma barocca (Rome en Bari, 1990), 6768. 43 Maria Antonietta Visceglia, 'Factions in the Sacred College in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries', in Signorotto en Visceglia (red.), Court and Po- litics in Papal Rome, 99-131, op 121-131.
44 Hammond, Music and Spectacle, 286-287, noot 13, een hedendaagse dagboekschrijver citerend. 45 Owen Chadwick, The Reformation (herziene druk, Londen, 1972), 167. 46 Joseph Bergin, Crown, Church and Episcopate Under Louis xiv (New Haven en Londen, 2004), 23 en 194-198.
47 FredericJ. Baumgartner, Behind Locked Doors: A History of 'the Papal Elections (New York en Basingstoke, 2003), 155-157.
48 Gianvittorio Signorotto, 'The squadrone volante: "independent" cardinals and European politics in the second half of the seventeenth century', in Signorotto en Visceglia (red.), Court and Politics in Papal Rome, 177-211, op 180187; Rodén, Church Politics in Seventeenth-Century Rome, 89-112. 49 Signorotto, 'The squadrone volante', 181.
50 Veronica Buckley, Christina Queen of Sweden: The Restless Life of a European Eccentric (Londen en New York, 2004), 311-324 voor het Monaldeschi-incident. 51 Pierluigi Guiducci, Aliis non sibi clemens': spiritualita e pastoralitd di Giulio Rospigliosi (Clementeix, 1667-1669) (Pistoia, 2000). 52 Hammond, Music and Spectacle, 202-203.
53 Signorotto, 'The squadrone volante', 197-198 en noot 64. 54 Rodén, Church Politics in Seventeenth-Century Rome, 221-226.
18 de laatste paus
1 Louis Maimbourg sj, Histoire de la Decadence de l'Empire aprés Charlemagne et des Differends des Empereurs avec les Papes au sujet des Investitures et de l'In- dépendence (Parijs, 1681).
2 Pastor, 14,961.
3 Marie-Louise Rodén, Church Politics in Seventeenth-Century Rome (Stockholm, 2000), 286-289. 4 Gio: Battista de Luca, II Cardenale della S.R. Chiesa, Pratico (Rome, 1680), 1-13.
5 Rodén, Church Politics in Seventeenth-Century Rome, 284 en 306 noot 8. 6 Owen Chadwick, The Popes and European Revolution (Oxford, 1981), 277. 7 Leo 1 Magnus: Opera Omnia, red. Pasquier Quesnel (Parijs, 1675). 8 Clementis Undecimi Pontificis Maximi Bullarium (Rome, 1723), item lxiv, cols. 313-334.
9 A short history of thefamous Constitution or Buil Unigenitus thundered out by Pope Clement xi. against that incomparable work called Moral reflexions upon the New Testament (Londen, 1720).
10 ibid., propositie 10, col. 327.
11 Concilium Romanum in Sacrosancta Basilica Lateranensi celebratum Anno Universalis Jubilaei mdccxxv a Sanctissimo Patre et Domino Nostro Benedicto Papaexm (Rome, 1725), canon 2,3-4.
12 Blaise Pascal, The Provincial Letters, vert. A.J. Krailsheimer (Harmondsworth, 1967), Brief 5,76. 13 ibid., 84.
14 ibid., 76.
15 Clementis Undecimi... Bullarium, item lxxviii, cols. 425-436. 16 Jonathan D. Spence, Emperor of China: Self-portrait of Kang-Hsi (Londen, I974).7517 ibid., 81.
18 Owen Chadwick, The Popes and the European Revolution (Oxford, 1981), 256. 19 Lettres intéressants du Pape Clément xiv, vol. 1,34. 20 Lettres d'Italie du Président de Brosses, red. Frédéric d'Agay 2 vols. (Mesnil-sur-l'Estrée, 2005), vol. 2,139. 21 ibid., vol. 2,149.
22 Jean Boutier, 'Clément xn', in Philippe Levillain (red.), Dictionnaire histo- rique de la Papauté (Parijs, 1994), 391, haalt De Brosses aan. 23 Encycliek In eminenti van 26 april 1738.
24 Lettres intéressants du Pape Clément xiv (Ganganelli) (2 vols. Parijs, 1776), vol. 1,244.
25 Lettres d'Italie du Président de Brosses, vol. 2,486,488. 26 ibid., 488.
27 Chadwick, The Popes and the European Revolution, 296. 28 De Servorum Dei Beatificatione et Beatorum Canonizatione (Bologna, 17341738) en De Synodo Diocesana Libri Tredecim (Rome, 1748). 29 Carl Justi, Winckelmann und seine Zeitgenossen (vierde editie Leipzig, 1943), vol. 1,693; Lettres d'Italie du Président de Brosses, vol. 2,524. 30 Chadwick, The Popes and the European Revolution, 327. 31 Frank McLynn, Charles Edward Stuart, a Tragedy in Many Acts (Londen en New York, 1991), 327-333.
32 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, geciteerd door Chadwick, The Popes and the Europe- an Revolution, 365.
33 The Autobiography of Edward Gibbon, bewerkt door lord ShefEeld (Londen, 1907), 159.
34 Brief van sir Horace Mann vrijdag 24 februari 1769: Horace Walpole's Cor- respondence with Sir Horace Mann, red. W.S. Lewis, Warren Hunting Smith, en George L. Lam (Londen, 1967)^0!. vu, 88-89.
35 ibid., 89-90.
36 ibid., 90
37 Brief van 11 mei 1769 in ibid., 117.
38 Andrew Meagher ('Formerly a Priest of the Church of Rome... but now of the established Church of Ireland), The Popish Mass Celebrated by Heathen Priests (Limerick, 1771), 318-319; een voorspelling toegeschreven aan George Brown, aartsbisschop van Dublin in 1551.
39 Aangehaald uit N. Atkin en F. Tallett, Priests, Prelates and People: a History of European Catholicism since 1750 (Oxford, 2003), 35. 40 Bulle du Pape Clémentxi, Touchant la Suppression de la Sociétéde Jesus, en La- tin et en Frangois (?Parijs, 1773).
41 Horace Walpole's Correspondence with Sir Horace Mann, vol. vu, 517-518,526527 en 532. 42 Pastor, 39,1.
43 Geciteerd in Jeffrey Collins, Papacy and Politics in Eighteenth-Century Rome
\Cambndge, 2004^ ,7.
19 de laatste grootsheid die aan italië is voorbehouden
1 Mauro Cappellari, II Trionfo della Santa Sede e della Chiesa contro gli assalti dei Novatori (Rome, 1799; nieuwe uitgave, Venetië 1832, met vertalingen naar het Duits (1833), en Spaans 1834).
2 Justinus Febronius Juriscultus, De statu Ecclesiae et legitimapotestate Romani Pontificis liber singularis, ad reuniendos dissidentes in Religione Christianos compositus (Frankfurt-am-Main, 1763) (Over de staat van de kerk en de legitieme macht van het Romeinse pontificaat) 3 Over de Synode, zie Charles A.Bolton, Church Reform in i8th Century Italy (the Synod of Pistoia, 1786) (Den Haag, 2001).
4 Brief van DAlembert aan Voltaire, 13 mei 1768; geciteerd in Owen Chadwick, The Popes and the European Revolution (Oxford, 1981), 366. 5 John Moore M.D., A View of Society and Manners in Italy (vijfde editie, 2 vols. Londen, 1790), 11,21.
6 ibid., 24-25.
7 ibid., 42-44.
8 Relazione van Benigno Aloisi (1729), red. Caterina-Giovanna Coda, Duemi- latrecentro corpi di martiri (Rome, 2004), 17-78, op 49-53. 9 Pietro Zander, 'La tomba di San Pietro e la necropoli vaticana: dalle prime esplorazioni ai recenti restauri', in Pietro. La storia, l'immagine, la mem&ria (Milaan, 1999), 215.
10 Antonio Nodari, Vitae Pontificum Romanorum Pii vi, Pii vu, Leonis xii, Pii vin (Pavia, 1840), 12.
11 Brief van Napoleon, gedateerd op 13 februari 1806, geciteerd in Robert Asprey, The Rise and Fall of Napoleon Bonaparte, 2 vols. (Londen, 2001), vol. 2,18.
12 Memoires van Kardinaal Pacca, geciteerd door Susan Vandiver Nicassio, Imperial City: Rome, Romans and Napoleon, 1796-1815 (Welwyn Garden City, 2005), 196.
13 Brief van 6 augustus 1809: Asprey, Rise and Fall of Napoleon, vol. 2,175. 14 ibid., 198, briefvan 16 juli 1811.
15 Owen Chadwick, Catholicism and History: The Opening of the Vatican Archives (Cambridge, 1978), 14-18.
16 Alan J. Reinerman, Austria and the Papacy in the Age of Metternich, vol. 1
(Washington, dc, 1979), 119-120.
17 Philippe Boutry, 'Pie vu', in Levillain, 1334-1342, op 1341, Adolfo Omodeo (1889-1946) citerend.
18 cbcr 5,131-146 voor het 'grafische bewijs' van zijn toestand voor de brand. 19 Frederic J. Baumgartner, Behind Locked Doors:A History of the Papal Elections (New York en Basingstoke, 2003), 187.
20 Nodari, Vitae Pontificum Romanorum, 157.
21 Voor de beste gelijkenis: Papi in Posa (Rome, 2005), 159. 22 Encycliek Quo graviora van 13 maart 1836, clausule 7: 23 Philippe Boutry, 'Léon xii', in Levillain, 1031-1035, op 1033. 24 ibid., 1035.
25 Encycliek Traditi Humïlitati van 24 mei 1829, clausules 4 en 5: www.papalencyclicals. net/ Pius 08/ p8tradit.htm 26 Alan J. Reinerman, Austria and the Papacy in the Age of Metternich, vol. 2
(Washington, dc, 1989), 10-34.
27 Encycliek Mirari vos van 15 augustus 1832, clausules 4 en 5, ee 2,26-53. 28 Encycliek In supremo apostolatus van 3 december 1839, ee 2, 920-927; vert. www.papalencyclicals .net/ Gregi 6 /gi 6 sup.htm
29 E.E.Y. Hales, Pio Nono (Londen, 1954), 36.
30 Encycliek Quipluribus van 9 november 1846, hoofdstukken 10 en 16, ee 2, 152-182; vert: 31 Encycliek Qui nupervan 18 juni 1859, ee 2,424-427. 32 Encycliek Mirari vos van 15 augustus 1832, hoofdstuk 20, ee 2,48. 33 J.D. Holmes, More Roman Than Rome: English Catholicism in the Nineteenth Century (Londen, 1978).
34 Dominic Aidan Bellinger en Stella Fletcher, Princes of the Church: A History of the English Cardinals (Stroud, 2001), 124-130. 35 Gallische Verklaring, hoofdstuk 4, Bettenson, 379.
36 Pastor Aeternus 4, ibid. 383; Dominique Le Tourneau, 'Infaillibilité' in Levillain (red.), Dictionnaire historique de la Papauté, 865-871. 37 Vidler, The Church in an Age of Revolution (Harmondsworth, 1961), 154; Eamon Dufïy, Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes (tweede druk, New Haven en Londen, 2001), 297. 38 Homilie van 3 september 2000: html
20 de gevangene van het vaticaan
1 E.E.Y. Hales, Pio Nono (Londen, 1954), 147.
2 John F. Pollard, Money and the Rise of the Modern Papacy (Cambridge, 2005), 8.
3 Encycliek Sancta Dei Civitas van 3 December 1880, claus 8, ee 3. 4 Encycliek Rerum Novarum van 15 mei 1891, claus 1, ee 3. Zie ook I Documen- ti sociali della Chiesa (Vaticaanstad, 1991), 7.
5 Encycliek Rerum Novarum van 15 mei 1891, claus 4. 6 Vergulde medaille vervaardigd in Buenos Aires, gedateerd 20 juli 1903. 7 Eamon Dufïy, Saints and Sinners (derde editie New Haven en Londen, 2007), 318.
8 Encycliek Testem Benevolentiae Nostraev an 22 januari 1899, ee 3: 9 Alec R. Vidler, The Church in an Age of Revolution (Harmondsworth, 1961), 245.
10 Encycliek E Supremi van 14 October 1903, ee 4,18-39. 11 Geciteerd in Peter Hebblethwaite, In the Vatican (Oxford, 1987), 26. 12 Zie bijv. Walter Diethelm, St. Pius x: The Farm Boy Who Became Pope (Fort Collins, Colorado, 1994) en drie delen van 'Beppo': Pape Saint Pie x door Guillaume Hunermann (Parijs, 2005-2006).
13 Carlo Falconi, The Popes in the Twentieth Century (Engelse vert. Londen, 1967), 2.
14 Kardinaal Frangois-Désiré Mathieu, geciteerd in H. Daniël-Rops, A Fightfor God, 1870-1939 (Londen, 1965), 51.
15 T.S. Pattie, Manuscripts of the Bible: Greek Bihles in the British Library (herziene editie Londen, 1995), 18. 16 Keith Elliott en Ian Moir, Manuscripts and the Text of the New Testament (Edinburgh, 1995), 14-15. 17 Nestle-Aland, Greek-English New Testament (achtste editie Stuttgart, 1994), 684-718.
18 Dufïy, Saints and Sinners, 314.
19 ee 4,772-787.
20 Encycliek Pascendi Dominici Gregis van 8 September 1907, ee 4,206-309. 21 Dufïy, Saints and Sinners, 328.
22 Carlo Falconi, The Popes in the Twentieth Century (Londen, 1967), 35. 23 ibid., 54.
24 Alec R. Vidler, The Modernist Movement in the Roman Church (Cambridge, 1934), 270-271.
25 F.A. MacNutt, A Papal Chamberlain (Londen, 1936), 313. 26 Encycliek Ad Beatissimi Apostolorum van 1 november 1914, clausen 24-25, ee 4,484-486.
27 David Alvarez, Spies in the Vatican (Lawrence, Kansas, 2002), 115. 28 MacNutt, Papal Chamberlain, 217 en 221; Pollard, Money and the Rise of the Modern Papacy, 62.
29 Pollard, Money and the Rise of the Modern Papacy, 60. 30 MacNutt, Papal Chamberlain, 146.
31 Denis Mack Smith, Italy and lts Monarchy (New Haven en Londen, 1989), 166.
32 ibid., 267.
33 Alvarez, Spies in the Vatican, 120-121.
34 John F. Pollard, The Unknown Pope (Londen en New York, 1999), 59. 35 Falconi, Popes in the Twentieth Century, 151. 36 Owen Chadwick, A History of the Popes 1830-1914 (Oxford, 1998), 16-17. 37 Conventiones inter Sanctam Sedem et Italiae Regnum, in aas xxi/ 6 van 7 juni 1929,273.
38 ibid., 227.
39 ibid., 273.
40 Geciteerd in Owen Chadwick, Britain and the Vatican During the Second World War (Cambridge, 1986), 56.
41 Pollard, Money and the Rise of the Modern Papacy, 33 geeft de aantallen. 42 ibid., 112-121.
43 ibid., 136.
44 David Gibson, The Rule of Benedict (San Francisco, 2006), 283. 45 Pollard, Unknown Pope, 171-173.
46 Encycliek Non abiamo bisognov an 29 juni 1931, claus 12, ee 5,804-805. 47 Encycliek Mit brennenderSorgev an 14 maart 1937, claus 3, ee 5,1076. 48 Georges Passelecq en Bernard Suchecky, L'Encyclique cachée de Piexi (Parijs, 1995), 219-310.
49 Geciteerd in Chadwick, Britain and the Vatican, 34.
21 de onneembare rots van petrus
1 Owen Chadwick, Britain and the Vatican During the Second World War (Cambridge, 1986), 52. 2 Encycliek Summi Pontificatus van 20 oktober 1939, claus 34, ee 6. 3 ibid., clausen 38 en 29.
4 Zie David Alvarez, Spies in the Vatican (Lawrence, Kansas, 2002), 173-184. 5 ibid., 187.
6 Ian Kershaw, Hitler, 1936-1945: Nemesis (Londen, 2001), 596. 7 William Simpson, A Vatican Lifeline '44 (Londen, 1995), 186. 8 Encycliek Summi Pontificatus, claus 14, ee 6. 9 Encyclieken Ecclesiae Fastos van 5 juni 1954, claus 16, en Doctor Melifluus van 24 mei 1953, claus 3, ee 6.
10 8-st-claire-fr.html 11 Carlo Falconi, The Popes in the Twentieth Century (Engelse vert. Londen, 1967), xi.
12 ibid., 303.
13 Frederic J. Baumgartner, Behind Locked Doors: A History of the Papal Elections (New York en Basingstoke, 2005), 215 en 209-210.
14 S.D.N. D. Urbani Divina Providentia Papae vin, Confirmatio Bullae Gregorii xv de electione Romani Pontificis (Rome, 1626).
15 Baumgartner, Behind Locked Doors, 216.
16 Falconi, The Popes in the Twentieth Century, xi. 17 Peter Hebblethwaite, In the Vatican (Oxford, 1987), 34. 18 John F. Pollard, Money and the Rise of the Modern Papacy (Cambridge, 2005), 12.
19 Hebblethwaite, In the Vatican, 327-328, haalt Mgr. Pericle Felici aan. 20 Discorso per la solenne apertura del ss. Concilio, n oktober 1962, para. 3.1: aas 54 (1962), 785-795.
21 J.R.R. Tolkien, brief aan Michael Tolkien van 1 november 1963, in Humphrey Carpenter (red.), The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (Londen, 1981), 339. 22 Baumgartner, Behind Locked Doors, 221.
23 Encycliek Ecclesiamsuamv an 6 augustus 1964, claus n, ee 7. 24 Motu Proprio Apostolica Solicitudine van 15 september 1965:
holy-father/paul-vi/motu-proprio/documents/hf-p-vi-motu-proprio-i 9
25 Congregatie voor de geloofsleer, Notification on the works of Father Jon Sobri- nosj, 26 november 2006. (website Vaticaan, Engelse versie). 26 ibid., Notification on the book Jesus the symbol of God' by Father Roger Haight sj, 13 December 2004. (website Vaticaan).
27 Congregatie voor de geloofsleer, Responses to questions regarding certain as- pects of the Doctrine of the Church, 29 June 2007, kwesties 4 en 5. (website Vaticaan). 28 Encycliek Humanae Vitae van 25 juli 1968, claus 2. Originele versie in aas 60 (1968), 481-503.
29 ibid., claus 6.
30 ibid., claus 21.
31 ibid., claus 18.
32 John Cornwell, A Thiefin the Night: The Death of Pope John Paul 1 (Londen, 1989), 184-190.
33 ENG LI S H/The-Devil.htm 34 John Cornwell, The Pope in Winter: the Dark Face of John Paul u's Papacy (Londen, 2004), 218-233.
35 David Gibson, The Rule of Benedict: Pope Benedict xvi and his Battle with the Modern World (New York, 2006), 38.
36 Zie hun websites:
37 Baumgartner, Behind Locked Doors, 215. Zie 38 Discorso per la solenne apertura 4.3.
39 Tarcisio Bertoni, 'Introduction' in The Message of Fatima (Vaticaanstad, 2000), 3.
40 ibid., 4.
41 The Message of Fatima (Vaticaanstad, 2000), 21. 42 ibid., 3.
43 ibid., 41-42.
44 Benedictus xvi, toespraak bij de algemene audientie van woensdag 2 juli 2008: / 2 o o 8 /documents/hf-ben-xvi-aud-20080702-en.html 45 Gibson, Rule of Benedict, 302-303.
46 Paus Benedictus xvi , Jesus ofNazareth (Engelse vert. Londen, 2007), xxiiixxiv.