I had forgotten how wonderful it felt to fly. The best part of riding Lester was that everyone looking up from below just thought he was a regular bird in the sky. They had no idea this wacky old lady was riding on his back. This will be useful the next time a bounty hunter is tailing me.
Landing was not Lester’s strong suit. After our first flight, he hit the ground so hard I was thrown off his back and somersaulted through a muddy strip of land. I think it was calculated on his part. I’ve never heard a goose laugh so hard.
Our second landing was even worse! We crashed into the roof of a schoolhouse, terrifying and emotionally scarring two dozen schoolchildren. It was a mess! There were feathers and pencils everywhere. I’ve been getting nasty letters from their parents all week. I’m sure we’ll get blamed for every issue their children have in the future.
We’ve had a rocky start, but we’ll get the hang of it!