Tony are startled for a minute. “We’re gonna have to touch down at the first pay phone we see and make a goddamn phone call.” He laughs. “Can you believe that? Me, using a telephone?”
A second later, Y.T. looks out the window and is blown away to see actual land down there, and a two-lane highway winding its way down a warm sandy coastline. It’s California.
The chopper slows, cuts in closer to land, begins following the highway. Most of it is free of plastic and neon lights, but before long they home in on a short bit of franchise ghetto, built on both sides of the road in a place where it has cut away from the beach some distance.
The chopper sets down in the parking lot of a Buy ‘n’ Fly. Fortunately, the lot’s mostly empty, they don’t cut any heads off. A couple of youths are playing video games inside, and they barely look up at the astonishing sight of the chopper. She’s glad; Y.T. is totally embarrassed to be-seen with this dull assortment of old farts. The chopper just sits there, idling, while L. Bob Rife jumps out and runs over to the pay phone bolted to the front wall.
These guys were stupid enough to put her in the seat right next to the fire extinguisher. No reason not to take advantage of that fact. She jerks it out of its bracket, pulling out the safety pin in virtually the same motion, and squeezes the trigger, aiming it right into Tony’s face.
Nothing happens.
“Fuck!” she shouts, and throws it at him, or rather pushes it toward him. He’s just leaning forward, grabbing at her wrist, and the impact of the extinguisher hitting his face is enough to put a major dent in his ‘tude. Gives her enough time to swing her legs out of the chopper.
Everything’s getting fucked up. One of her pockets is zipped open, and as she’s half-falling, half-rolling out of the chopper, the fire-extinguisher bracket catches in that pocket and holds her. By the time she’s gotten free of that, Tony’s back, now on his hands and knees, reaching out for her arm.
That she manages to avoid. She’s running out freely into the parking lot. At the back, she’s hemmed in by the Buy ‘n’ Fly, along the sides by the tall border fence that separates this place from a NeoAquarian Temple on one side and a Mr. Lee’s Greater