“Da5id,” Him says. “Call them off, man, I’ll stop using it”
All of the people in his vicinity are staring over Him’s shoulder, their faces illuminated by a stew of brilliant colored lights.
Hiro turns around to look at Da5id. But Da5id’s not there anymore.
Instead of Da5id, there is just a jittering cloud of bad digital karma. It’s so bright and fast and meaningless that it hurts to look at. It flashes back and forth from color to black and white, and when it’s in color, it rolls wildly around the color wheel as though being strafed with high-powered disco lights. And it’s not staying within its own body space; hair-thin pixel lines keep shooting off to one side, passing all the way across The Black Sun and out through the wall. It is not so much an organized body as it is a centrifugal cloud of lines and polygons whose center cannot hold, throwing bright bits of body shrapnel all over the room, interfering with people’s avatars, flickering and disappearing.
The gorillas don’t mind. They shove their long furry fingers into the midst of the disintegrating cloud and latch onto it somehow and carry it past Hiro, toward the exit. Hiro looks down as it goes past him and sees what looks very much like Da5id’s face as viewed through a pile of shattered glass. It’s just a momentary glimpse. Then the avatar is gone, expertly drop-kicked out the front door, soaring out over the Street in a long flat arc that takes it over the horizon. Hiro looks up the aisle to see Da5id’s table, empty, surrounded by stunned hackers. Some of them are shocked, some are trying to stifle grins.
Da5id Meier, supreme hacker overlord, founding father of the Metaverse protocol, creator and proprietor of the world-famous Black Sun, has just suffered a system crash. He’s been thrown out of his own bar by his own daemons.
About the second or third thing they learned how to do when studying to become Kouriers was how to shiv open a pair of handcuffs. Handcuffs are not intended as long-term restraint devices, millions of Clink franchisees to the contrary. And the longtime