she walks through the worsted-wool desolation of the Westlake Corporate Park in her dynamic blue-and-orange Kourier gear. She knows that the people in the Street are giving her dirty looks because she’s just coming in from a shifty public terminal. She’s a trashy blackand-white person.
The built.up part of the Street, around Port Zero, forms a luminescent thunderhead off to her right. She puts her back to it and climbs onto the monorail. She’d like to go into town, but that’s an expensive part of the Street to visit, and she’d be dumping money into the coin slot about every one-tenth of a millisecond.
The guy’s name is Ng. In Reality, he is somewhere in Southern California. Y.T. isn’t sure exactly what he is driving some kind of a van full of what the man with the glass eye described as “stuff, really incredible stuff that you don’t need to know about.” In the Metaverse, he lives outside of town, around Port 2, where things really start to spread out
Ng’s Metaverse home is a French colonial villa in the prewar village of My Tho in the Mekong Delta. Visiting him is like going to Vietnam in about 1955, except that you don’t have to get all sweaty. In order to make room for this creation, he has laid claim to a patch of Metaverse space a couple of miles off the Street. There’s no monorail service in this low-rent development, so Y.T.’s avatar has to walk the entire way.
He has a large office with French doors and a balcony looking out over endless rice paddies where little Vietnamese people work. Clearly, this guy is a fairly hardcore techie, because Y.T. counts hundreds of people out in his rice paddies, plus dozens more running around the village, all of them fairly well rendered and all of them doing different things. She’s not a bithead, but she knows that this guy is throwing a lot of ôomputer time into the task of creating a realistic view out his office window. And the fact that it’s Vietnam makes it twisted and spooky. Y.T. can’t wait to tell Roadkill about this place. She wonders if it has bombings and strafings and napalm drops. That would be the best.
Ng himself, or at least, Ng’s avatar, is a small, very dapper Vietnamese man in his fifties, hair plastered to his head, wearing