10 ap. BY

 Coruscant : le retrait,
(Retreat from Coruscant), Laurie Burns [CO]

11 ap. BY

— Mirax a disparu,
(I, Jedi), Michael A. Stackpole [R]

— La quête des Jedi,
(Jedi Search), Kevin J. Anderson [R]

— Tempête de feu,
(Firestorm), Kevin J. Anderson [CO]

— Sombre disciple,
(Dark Apprentice), Kevin J. Anderson [R]

— Les champions de la Force,
(Champions of the Force), Kevin J. Anderson [R]

— L’héritage de Coran Horn,
(I, Jedi), Michael A. Stackpole [R]

— Love est un blaster brûlant,
(Love is a Warm Blaster), Paul Danner [CO]

12 ap. BY

— Les enfants du Jedi,
(titre), auteur [R]

— De simples ruses,
(Simple Tricks), Chris Cassidy et Tish E. Pahl [CO]

— Nuances de gris,
(Shades of Gray), Charlene Newcomb [CO]

13 ap. BY

— Enquête sur Gamorr,
(Murder In Slushtime), Barbara Hambly [CO]

— Le sabre noir,
(Darksaber), Kevin J. Anderson [R]

— La planète du crépuscule,
(Planet of Twilight), Barbara Hambly [R]

— Les chasseurs stellaires d’Adumar,
(Starfighters of Adumar), Aaron Allston [R]

14 ap. BY

— L’étoile de cristal,
(The Crystal Star), Vonda McIntyre [R]

16 ap. BY

— La tempête approche,
(Before the Storm), Michael Kube-McDowell [R]

17 ap. BY

— Le bouclier furtif,
(Shield of Lies), Michael Kube-McDowell [R]

— Le défi du tyran,
(Tyrant’s Test), Michael Kube-McDowell [R]

— La nouvelle Rébellion,
(The New Rebellion), Kristine Kathryn Rusch [R]

18 ap. BY

— Traquenard sur Corellia,
(Ambush at Corellia), Roger Mac Bride Allen [R]

— Assaut sur Selonia,
(Assault on Selonia), Roger Mac Bride Allen [R]

— Bras de fer sur Centerpoint,
(Showdown at Centerpoint), Roger Mac Bride Allen [R]

19 ap. BY

— Le spectre du passé,
(Specter of the Past), Timothy Zahn [R]

— À la chasse au Gorach,
(Hunting the Gorach), Jeff Grubb [CO]

— Vision du futur,
(Vision of the Future), Timothy Zahn [R]

20 ap. BY

— Un marché de dupes,
(Fool’s Bargain), Timothy Zahn [CO]

21 ap. BY

— Ciel rouge, Flamme bleue,
(Red Sky, Blue Flame), Elaine Cunningham [CO]

De 22 à 24 ap. BY

— Les jeunes chevaliers Jedi,
(Junior Jedi Knights), Collectif [R]

22 ap. BY

— La sagesse du juge,
(Judge’s Call), Timothy Zahn [CO]

— Une question de survie,
(Survivor’s Quest), Timothy Zahn [R]

De 24 à 25 ap. BY

— Boba Fett, un homme pragmatique,
(Boba Fett : A Practical Man), Karen Traviss [CO]

24 ap. BY

— Le cristal,
(The Crystal), Elaine Cunningham [CO]