Murad I, Sultan (1359–89), 178, 179, 180, 679, 709
Murad II, Sultan (1421–51), 181, 182, 185–186, 680
murals, 80, 119, 156, 177, 223, 686
Murillo, Bartolomé (1617–82), 221, 223
Murner, Thomas (1475–1537), 326, 410, 425, 812
Musculus, Andreas (1560), 765, 766
music, 6, 114, 156, 366, 447, 648, 649, 770, 77’-783
musical instruments, 772
Mustafa, son of Suleiman I, (d. 1553), 717
Mutianus Rufus, Conradus (1471?-1526), 322–323, 324, 426, 852
Myconius, Friedrich (1491–1546), quoted, 339
Myconius, Oswald (1488–1552), 413
mystery drama, 46, 76, 100, 326
myths, 820
Näfels, Switzerland, 147
Nagyvarad, Hungary, 189
names, children’s, 474
Nantes, France, 98
Naples, Kingdom of, 8, 80, 93, 94, 187, 188, 224, 227, 266, 721, 734
Napoleon I (1769–1821), 251, 792
Narrenschiff (Brant), 316, 326, 812
Narva, Russia, 656
Nasir ad-Din Faraj, Sultan, 690
Nassau, 147
national assembly, 27
nationalism, 287, 288, 305, 330, 354, 457, 578, 615, 621, 643, 653, 729
natural law, 3, 15, 248, 255, 373
Naumburg, Germany, 445
nautical information (1420), 192
Navagero, Andrea (1483–1529), 816
Navarro, battle, 405
navigation, 230, 239, 240, 689
Negro chieftains, Africa, slave trade, 193–194
Negro sorcery, 233
Negroponte (Euboea), 187
Neihardt, Matthias Gothardt, see Matthias Grünewald
Nejati, Isa (d. 1508), 682
Neoplatonism, 850
Neri, St. Philip (1515–95), 896
Nestorians, 678
Netherlands, 128, 142, 216, 300, 318, 526, 596, 631–637
Anabaptists, 398
annexation, 126
constitutional sovereign, 142
dykes, 136
extent (1300), 58
Holy Roman Empire, 148
liberation from Spain, 635
religious history, 127
schools, 235
sea, conquering, 143
Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 470
neuroses, contagious, 65
Neuss, Germany, 135
Neustadt, Germany, 389
Nevers, Count of, 180, 181, 679
Nevers, France, 58
Neville, Sir Edward, 574
New England, witchcraft, 216
New Jerusalem, 633
New Testament, 320, 503, 607, 628
circulation in print, 382, 407, 533
Luther’s translation, 369, 409, 439, 633
revision (Erasmus), 273, 283–285, 369
New York harbor, 865
Newcastle, England, coal, 752
Newfoundland, discovery, no, 865
newspaper, first (1548), 784
Newton, Isaac (1642–1727), 241, 251, 862
Nicaea (Iznik), Asia Minor, 678
Council of, 10
Nicaragua, 267
Nicholas V, Antipope (1328), 149, 150
Nicholas V, Pope (1447–55), 12, 13, 14, 153, 158, 171, 425, 721, 722, 729, 731
Nicholas of Cusa (1401–64), 13, 16, 25, 129, 246, 251, 255–257, 728, 731, 856
Nicholas o’ cusa (c. 1270–1340), Fostillae perpetuae, 75
Nicolas de démanges (1360?-1434), 72
Nicomedia (Izmid), Asia Minor, 678
Nicot, Jean (1530?-1600), 752
Nijni Novgorod, principality, 647, 651
Nikolaus von der Flüe (1417–1487), 403
Nîmes, France, 506
Niña, Columbus’s ship, 261, 263
Nisard, Desire (1806–88), 841
Nish, 180
Nishapur, Persia, 663
Nizami, Abu Muhammad (1141–1202), 682
nobles, function, 494
nomads, 692
nominalism, 248, 250, 255, 272, 342
Nonesuch Palace (1538), 839–840
Norby, Sören, 624
Norfolk, Duke of (1473–1554), 542, 560, 566
Norfolk, England, 116
Norman conquest (1066), 45, 61–62
Norman nobility, 570
Normandy, 58, 61, 63, 71, 88, 91, 161, 510
Normandy, Duchesse of, 67
North Carolina, 865
Northern War (1410), 173
Northumberland, Duke of, see John Dudley, Earl of Warwick Norway, 144, 145, 146, 628
Norwich, England, 582
Cathedral, 119
Nostradamus (1503–66), 851
Not-browne Mayd, The, 811
Novara, Domenico de (1498), 856
novel, picaresque, 818
Novgorod, Russia, 647, 649, 652, 658–659
Novgorod, Third Chronicle of, 658
Novgorod-Severski, principality, 653
Novi, Alevisio (1493), 65
Noyon, France, 96
Numa Pompilius (715–673 B.C.), 288
numerals, mathematics, 238
Nun of Kent, see Elizabeth Barton
Nuñes, Pedro (1492–1577), Treatise on the Sphere, 743
Nuremberg, Germany, 144, 147, 149, 156, 159, 239, 240, 241, 242, 269, 297, 298–299, 304, 319, 356, 439, 441, 454, 457
Churches, 154–155
Lorenzkirche, 307, 308, 309, 439
Peace of (1532), 444
Rathaus, 155
Sebaldusgrab, 307
Sebalduskirche, 306, 307, 308, 439
Nymegen, Germany, Rathaus, 835
Occult Philosophy (Agrippa), 853
occultism, 230, 233, 234, 850.
Ochino, Bernardino (1487–1564), 580, 893–894
quoted, 476
Ockham, William of (c. 1300–49), 7, 9, 16, 150, 165, 236, 246–251, 252, 255, 272, 332, 342
Ockhamists, 250
Oderic of Pordenone (1286–1331), 240, 664
Odes (Ronsard), 809
Oecolampadius, Johannes (1482–1531), 324, 410–411, 412, 479, 480, 505
Ojeda Alonzo de (1405?-1515), 269
Okeghem, Johannes (c. 1430–95), 774, 775
Oklahoma, discovery, 865
Olaf II, King of Norway (1380–87), 145
German translation, 369
Oldcastle, Sir John (1377?-1417), 116–117
Oldenburg, Christopher, Count of, 628
Olesnicki, Archbishop (1447), 725
Olevianus, Kaspar (1536–87), 488
Olgierd, Grand Duke of Lithuania (1345–77), 173
On Civil Dominion (Wyclif), 31, 32
Open Letter Concerning the Reform of the Christian Estate (Luther), 352–354
Oporinus, Johannes (1507–68), 871, 878, 879
Oran, 696
Orange, revolt, 93
Oratory, Fathers of the, 896
oratory, forensic, 274
Oratory of the Divine Love, 895
Ordóñez, García (c. 1500), 224
Ordonnances ecclésiastiques, 472
Oresme, Nicole (c. 1323–82), 234, 238, 246, 251–252, 856
organs, 772
Orkhan, Sultan (1326–59), 178, 678–679
Orkhan (nephew of Mohammed II), 182
Orlamünde, Germany, 367
Orléans, 81, 83, 86, 93, 96, 102, 506
Orléans, Duchesse of, 67
Orléans-Longueville, cathedral, 97
Orley, Bernaert van (1492?-1542), 318, 831
Orta, Garcia d’ (c. 1500–0. 1570), 743
Ortiz, Francisco, 639
Ortiz, Pablo (1490), 222
Ortoghrul (d. 1288?), 678
Ory, Matthias, 482
Osiander, Andreas (1498–1552), 859, 862
quoted, 859–60
Osier, Sir William (1849–1919), 869
Osman (Othman; 1288–1326), 678
Ostia, Italy, 697
Osuña, Francisco de, 901
Othman, see Osman
Otranto, Italy, 187
Otto, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, 439
Ottoman Empire, 438, 677, 698, 716
Ottoman Turks, 663
Ovando, Nicolas de (1460?-1518), 266, 268
Oviedo, Castile, 197
Oviedo, Gonzalo de (1478–1557), 817
Oxford University, 33, 36, 118, 119, 123, 124, 125, 236, 524, 550, 787
Magdalen College, 525
Ockhamists. school of, 250
Pacello, Domenico (1495), 97
Pacher, Michael (1435–98), 310
Altarpiece, St. Wolfgang’s Parish Church, Salzkammergut, 310
Padilla, Juan de, 222, 638, 639
Padilla, Maria dev 197
Padua, Italy, 785
University, 243
pagan culture, classic, 57
Pagnini, Santes, 480
painting: Burgundy. 131
England, 119
Flanders, 831
Hungary, 189
icons, 649
Italy, 820
Lowlands, 831
Netherlands influence, 98
panel, 119
Portugal, 195
textile, 177
Palaeologus, Zoë (fl, 1472), 650
palaces, Spain, 221
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da (1526?–94), 776, 779–783
Improperia, 781
Missa Papae Marcelli, 781
Palestrina, Lucrezia di Goris, 780
pallium, 7
Palmer, Sir Thomas, 585
Palos, Spain, 263
Panama Canal, 267
Pannonius, János (1434–72), 189
Panselinos, Manuel (1535), 177, 715
Pantagruel (Rabelais), 797, 798, 801–804, 80?
Pantagruelism, 806–807
papacy, Germany’s grievances against, 332
Papacy at Rome Founded by the Devil, Against the (Luther), 450
Papal Schism (1378–1417), 8–10, 33. 34, 41, 73, 332
papal sovereignty, 590
Papal States, 8, 13, 92, 918, 921, 923
paper manufacture, 157
paper money, 158
Paracelsus (1493?-1541), 850, 875–881, 886
quoted, 878
Arch-Wisdom, The, 876
French Disease, Three Chapters on the, 880
Great Surgery, The, 880
Paraphrases (Erasmus), 285
pardoners, 23
Paré, Ambroise (1510–90), 872, 874–875, 886
quoted, 874
Paris, France: Bastille (1369), 80
Cluny, Musée de, 99
Cours des Miracles, 72
description, 60
French attack on (1429), 84
Hôtel Carnavalet, 827
Hôtel de Ville (1532), 823
Innocents, Church of the, 72
Louvre, 60, 67, 68, 70, 496, 504, 823, 826, 827
Navarre, College of, 73, 102, 104
Notre Dame Cathedral, 79, 192, 221, 505
peasant uprising (1300), 60
printing press, 159
revolution (1358), 67–68
St. Etienne du Mont (1492–1628), 96, 822, 829
St. Eutache (1532–1654), 822
St.-Germain l’ Auxerrois, 827
siege (1465), 91
Sorbonne, 500, 503, 504, 785, 788, 798, 924
Tour St. Jacques (1508–22), 96
Tuileries, 828
underworld, 101
war ravages (1422), 71
parish priests, 21, 329, 529, 619
parlements, 66, 92, 105, 237, 494, 503, 505, 508, 521, 759, 785, 798, 882, 924
Parler, Heinrich (1361), 155
Parliament, English: first, 27–28
“Good Parliament” (1376), 29
labor representation, no; Lower House, 27
Merciless Parliament, 56
Reformation, 543–55
Parma, Italy, 161, 507, 920, 922
Parr, Catherine (1512–48), 576
Pascal, Blaise (1623–62), 744, 807
Pasquier, Étienne (1529–1615), 807
quoted, 77
treaty (1552), 931
Paston, Agnes (1450), 235
Paston, John (1421–66), 122
Paston, Sir John II (1442–79), 122
Paston, Margaret (1460), 112, 122, 235
Paston Letters, 122
Pastor, Ludwig von (1854–1928), quoted, 17*, 18, 24, 332
Patagonia, 865
Patay, France, 84
paternalism, 297
Patinier, Joachim (1485?-1524), 831
Jerome (New York), 831
Patras, Turkey, 706
Patriotes, Genevese, 467, 469, 478, 479, 483
patriotic massacres, 216
patriotism, 641
Paul, Saint (d. 67), 32, 272, 377, 469
Paul II;, Pope (1464–71), 13, 171, 204
Paul III, Pope (1534–49), 438, 445, 446, 453, 454, 455, 505, 514, 515, 550, 558, 575, 697, 733, 735, 798, 818, 851, 860, 892, 897, 911, 919–922, 925, 927–930
Paul IV, Pope (1555–9), 201, 521, 522, 598, 706, 735, 737, 744, 781, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 913, 922–923, 924, 925–926, 931
Paumann, Conrad (d. 1473), 773
pauperism, 763–764
Pavia, Italy, 508, 509, 513, 535
University, 259
Peace, Admonition to, (Luther), 386
Peace, The Complaint of (Erasmus), 287
Peace, The Defender of (Marsilius of Padua), 252, 253
Peace, Dialogue on (Trithemius), 257
peasant commune, 582
peasant revolts, 40, 67, 69, no, 145
“Peasants, Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of,” (Luther), 389–391
Peasants, Open Letter Concerning the Hard Book against the (Luther), 393
Peasants’ War (1525), 145, 294, 382–94, 396, 504, 842, 876
Pecock, Reginald (c. 1395 c. 1460), 217
Pécs, University (1367), 184
Pedersen, Christian (1480?-1554), 628
Pedro (Peter) el Cruel, King of Castile and León (1350–69), 197–198, 200, 211
Pedro I, King of Portugal (1357–67), 291
Pedro, Prince of Portugal, 192
Pelayo, Alvaro (1330), 7
Pellegrino, Francesco (1530), 823, 825
Peloponnesus (Morea), 176
penal code, 758
penalties for crimes, 115, 713
penances, 22
pepper, 296
Percy, Dame Eleanor, 119
Percy, Henry, Earl of Northumberland
Percy, Henry “Hotspur” (1364–1403), 206
Peres de Andrade, Fernao (1517), 195
Pérez, Juan, 260
Pergamum (Bergama), Asia Minor, 678
Périgord, France, 68
Perpendicular Gothic, 118, 119, 839
Perpignan, France, 221
rebellion, 90
Perréal, Jean (d. c. 1528), 98
Perrers, Alice (d. 1400), 28–29
Persia, 222, 453, 510, 663, 664–666, 678, 698–702
personal hygiene, 198–199, 202, 244, 302. 712, 768
Perth, Scotland, 602, 616, 617
Perugino, II (Pietro Vannucci: 1446–1523), 138
Pescara, Marquis of, see Fernando Avalos
Peter, Saint (d. 67?), 22, 234, 252, 469
Peter I, the Great (1672–1725), 658
Peter Martyr (1457–1526), 225, 264
Peter Martyr Vermigli (1500–62), 580, 589, 863, 892, 893
Peter of Corvara, see Nicholas V, Antipope
Peter the Lombard (1100?-60), 247
Peterborough, England, Cathedral, 119
Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca: 1304–74), 19, 20, 48, 54, 162, 182, 224, 252, 291, 873
quoted, 60
Canzoniere, 811
Petri, Laurentius (1499–1573), 625
Petri, Olaus (1493–1552), 624, 625
Petrucci, Ottaviano dei (1466–1539), 773
Petruzzi, Baldassare (1481–1536), 826
Peutinger, Konrad (1465–1547), 298, 301, 320, 322, 324, 327
Pfefferkorn, Johannes (1469–1524), 290, 324
Handspiegel, 324
Judenspiegel, 323
pharmacopoeia, 873
pharmacy, 867
Philadelphia, Asia Minor, 181
Philibert II, King of Savoy (1480–1504), 96
Philip II, King of France (1180–1223), 62
Philip IV, King of France (1285–1314), 6, 60, 61, 62, 251
Philip V, King of France (1316–22), 61
Philip VI, King of France (1328–50), 59, 67, 62, 63, 65
Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy (1363–1404), 72, 126
mausoleum, 130–131
Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy (1419–67), 85, 87, 126–127, 130, 133, 134, 135, 136, 141
Philip I, King of Spain (1504–06), 142, 226, 227, 301
Philip II, King of Spain (1556–98), 141, 201, 216, 223, 228, 255, 456, 522, 591–592, 594, 595, 595, 597, 599, 600, 636, 637, 904, 923
Philip, Landgrave of Hesse (1509–67), 380, 391, 401, 412, 439, 441, 445, 449–450, 452, 455, 5*6, 534
Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow, 659–660
Philippa of Hainaut, wife of Edward III (1314?-1369), 29, 75
Philippines, 866
Philippists, 457
Philolaus (5th Century B.C.), 856
philosophy, 16, 246–251, 693, 744–746, 789, 869, 881, 886, 939
Philosophy, The Consolation of (Boethius), 49
physicians, 243
Physicians, Royal College of, 123, 873
physics, 3, 239, 240, 242, 849
physiology, 243
Piccolomini, Enea Silvio de (1405–64), see Pius II
Pico della Mirandola, Gianfrancesco (1470–1533), 918
Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni (1463–94), 323, 405, 425, 724
Pierre de Luxembourg, 231
Pierre of Beaujeu, 98
Pierrefonds, Chateau of (c. 1390), 74, 80
Piers the Plowman (Langland), 46–47
Pierson, Anthony, 576
Pietà of Villeneuve (Louvre), 80
piety, 648
Pinkie Cleugh, Scotland, battle (1547), 581
Pinsk, Russia, 173
Pinta, Columbus’s ship, 261, 263
Pinzón, Martín Alonso (1440–93), 262, 263
Pinzón, Vicente (1460?-?1524), 269
piracy, 109, 112, 572, 581, 627, 696, 718, 765
Pires, Diogo, see Solomon Molcho Pirkheimer, Willibald (1470–1530), 291, 299, 301, 312, 319, 320, 322, 324, 350, 356, 425, 765
quoted, 426
Pisan, Christine de (1363–1431), 77
Pius II, Pope (Aeneas Sylvius: 1458–64), 13, 18, 22, 59, 171, 187, 259, 295, 321, 897
quoted, 12–13, 155, 298, 330, 331
Pius IV, Pope (1559–65), 477, 780, 913, 926–927, 931
Pizarro, Francisco (1471–1541), 865
placard, against social or religious dissent, quoted, 634
planetary motion, 241, 856–857, 861–862
planetary observation, 239, 862
planets, revolution, 862*
Plantarum, Historia (Gesner), 868
Plantin, Christopher (1520?-89), 784
Planudes, Maximus (1260?-?1330), 175
Platina (Bartolommeo de’ Sacchi: 1421–81), 22
Plato (427?-347 B.C.), 289, 883
Platonists, 176
Plants, living pictures of (Brunfels), 868
plateresque decoration, 846
Plautus, Titus (c. 255–184 B.C.), 811
playing cards, 72*, 114, 158, 419
plays, see drama
Pléiade, La, French poets, 808–811, 826, 827
Plochnik, 180
pluralism, 19
Podolia, Russia, 173
poetic contests, 224
England, 811; erotic ballads, 72
France, 807–811
narrative poems, 49
Ottoman, 714
Persia, 667–670
Spain, 224
Poetry, Academy of, Vienna, 322
Plutarch (46–120?), 856
Poggio, Giovanni (1380–1459), 426
Poitiers, 65, 79, 83, 88, 126, 506, 520
Poland, 8, 161, 172–174, 629, 656, 725
universities, 788
war (1409), 144
Poland, History of (Dlugosz), 173
Pole, Geoffrey (1502?-58), 574
Pole, Henry, Lord Montague (1492?-1538), 574
Pole, Margaret, Countess of Salisbury (1473–1540, 575
Pole, Reginald (1500–58), 560, 561–562, 575, 590, 594–595, 596, 599, ó00, 716, 896, 897, 926, 928, 929
Church Unity, In Defense of, 562
Politian, Angelus (1454–94), 123
political morality, 304, 764–765
politics, 246
Politique Power, A Short Treatise of (Ponet), 881
Polo, Marco (1254?-?1324), 664
polyphonic music, 781–782
polytheism, 249, 479, 727, 891
Pomponazzi, Pietro (1462–1525), 16, 935
Ponce de la Fuente, Constantino, 640
Ponce de Leon, Juan (1460?-1521), 269
Ponet, John (1558), Short Treatise of Politique Power, 881
Poor, On the Relief of the (Vives), 764
Poor Preaching Priests, 36, 115
poor relief, 475, 573, 582, 627, 764
“Pope and the Bishops, Against the Falsely Called Spiritual Order of the,” (Luther), 377
popes: Apostolic Succession, 249, 252
infallibility, 249
supernational authority, 157, 653
Popes, History of the (Pastor), quoted, 17*
Popess Joanna, History in Rhyme of the (Sachs), 814
portraiture, 829
Portugal: commercial revolution, 191–196
explorations, 259–260
line of demarcation, 264
Spanish Jews, 218–219
postal service, 90, 95, 305, 627, 753
Postel, Guillaume (1552), Contra atheos, 881
Potosi, Bolivia, 865
Poupin, Abel (1547), 481
Pourbus, Frans, I (1545–81), 832
Pourbus, Frans, II (1599–1622), 832
Pourbus, Pieter (1510–84), 832
Poussin, Nicolas (1594–1665), 80
poverty, 39, 40, 59, 60, 71, 873
power of the Keys, papal, 340
Poynings, Sir Edward (1459–1521), 569
Poynings’ Law (1494), 569
Poznan, Poland, Lubranscianum, 788
Praemunire, Statute of, 15, 30, 541, 545
Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges, 11, 15
Prague, 147, 151, 156, 162, 184, 724, 725
Bethlehem Chapel, 163
Compacts of, 171
Four Articles (1420), 168, 170
Karlstein Castle, 162
“New Town,” 168
Peace of (1562), 707
Praise of Folly, The (Erasmus), 277–278, 337, 429, 805, 840
predestination, 31, 37, 165, 328, 343, 371, 375, 408, 410, 429, 434, 435, 464, 465, 466, 477, 487, 489, 895
Presbyterian Church of Scotland, official
creed, quoted, 618–619
Presbytery, 472–473
price control, 40, no, 198, 382, 383, 475, 757
price rises, 573
Prierias, Sylvester, 346
Primaticcio, Francesco (1504–70), 823, 825, 826, 829, 848
Prince, The (Machiavelli), 13, 89, 227, 525, 548
Princes, Dial of (de Guevara), 816
printing, 90, 92, 119, 120, 128, 157–160, 189, 368, 505, 660, 784, 849, 924
music, 773
Priuli, Luigi, 896
private judgment, doctrines of, 154, 929
private property, public trust, 296
profanity, 71, iii
profit distribution, 381
prohibition, 667
propaganda, 368
prostitution, 10, 21, 72, 127, 302–303, 469, 761, 932
protective tariffs, 110
Protectors of the Poor, 764
Protestant, German rebels from Rome, 442
Protestant theology, exposition of, 364
Protestantism, 148, 389, 425, 438–447, 453–458, 488, 520, 564, 590, 591, 598, 607, 608, 627, 629–631, 635, 642, 723, 757, 806, 820, 849, 921, 929, 937–939
Gallic, 521
Provence, 58, 92, 224, 505, 508, 510, 515, 520
Prutenic Tables of celestial motions, 862
Pskov, Russia, 647, 652, 653, 659
Ptolemy, Claudius (fl. 127–51), 193, 239, 856, 857, 861, 862
Geography, 480
public accounting, 382
public baths, 244, 302, 665, 712, 768
public sanitation, 39, 65, 202, 712
publishers, 159, 427, 432, 503, 784–786
Puerto Rico, 264
Pulgar, Hernando del (1436?-?1499), 215
Pulkar, Isaac ibn- (1320), 741
pumps, 241
punishment, 22, 145, 304, 647, 758
Purbach, Georg (1423–61), 239
purgatory, 168, 348, 464, 579, 619
Purvey, John, 36
Pyrenees, 69
Pythagoreanism, 850
Qa’it Bey (1468–96), 677
Qandahar, Persia, 698
Qasvin, Persia, 700
Qavam ad-Din, 685
quarantine, 245
Quercy, France, 68
quicksilver, 296
Quintilian (68), 845
Qul-Muhammad, 682
Rabeau, Julienne (1531), 758
Rabelais, François (1495–1553), 101, 277, 499, 788, 792, 795–807, 808, 810, 850
quoted, 796
Gargantua, 501, 760, 787, 797, 799–801
Racine, Jean Baptiste (1639–99), 807
Radewijnszoon, Floris (1350–1400), 128
rain, prayers for, 850
Rais (Retz), Baron de (?404?-40), 71
Ralph Roister Doister (Udall), 811
Ramus, Petrus (1515–72), 250, 883–887
quoted, 883
Aristotelicae animadversiones, 884
Dialectique, 885
Logic, Divisions of, 884
Ramusio, Giambattista (1485–1557), 866
Ramusio Map (1534), 866
Ranconis, Adelbert (1388), 163
Raphael (1483–1520), 13, 132, 223, 281, 290, 317, 825, 829
Rashidi Foundation, Tabriz, 665
Rashidu’d-Din (c. 1247–1318), 663, 666
quoted, 665
Histories, Compendium of, 666
Rathouse, Council Hall, 155
Ratio fidei (Zwingli), 408
rationalism, 255, 288, 745, 929
Ratisbon (Regensburg), Germany, 297, 446, 731–732, 92
Rättvik, Sweden, 622
Ravenna, Italy, 540
Ravi, Jean (1351), 79
Rayonnant Gothic design, 79
Reason, Age of, 935
recess, 442*
Recorde, Robert (1510?-58), 855
Red Sea, 195
reform, 253, 607, 929, 931–933
reformers, 251–257
Italian Catholic, 895–899
Italian Protestant, 891–895
Regiomontanus, see Johann Müller
Reichstag, Germany, 147, 148, 155
Reinhold, Erasmus (1511–53), 862
Reisebuch (Schnittberger), 240
relics, 24, 168, 234, 339, 531, 567
religion, 693
“Religion Articles of,” 585
Religion, History of Reformation of, in Scotland (Knox), 607
Religione, De vera et falsa (Zwingli), 408
religious drama, 76
religious toleration, 395, 589
religious unity, 229, 596, 632
René, Duke of Anjou (1409–80), 76, 80, 92, 98
Renée of France and Ferrara (1510–75), 467, 537, 538, 539, 794, 891
rents, 573
Repressor of Overmuch Blaming of the Clergy (Pecock), 117
reredos, 189
Resolutiones (Luther), 346, 350
Resurrection of Lazarus, The (Froment), 98
retables, 222
Reubeni, David (c. 1490–c. 1536), 740–741
Reuchlin, Johannes (1455–1522), 288, 290, 301, 322, 323–325, 426
Augenspiegel, 324
Reval, Russia, 439
Revolutions, Book of (Copernicus), 849
revolts: peasants, 40, 67, 69, no, 145, 295,
Rhenanus, Beatus (1485–1547), 282, 411, 425, 432
Rhenish Literary Society, 322
Rheticus, Georg (1514–76), 855, 858–859, 862
Rhetoric, Chambers of, 130
Rhodes, island, 187, 703, 709, 718
Ribeaumont, Eustace de (1347), 63–64
Ribeiro, Bernardim (1482–1552), 815
Ribeiro, Diogo (1527), 866
Ricci, Paolo, 892
Richard II, King of England (1377–99), 29, 36, 40, 42, 43–45, 48, 55–57, 106, 116, 163, 235
Richard III, King of England (1483–5), 108, 112
Richard III, History of (More), 552
Richard, Duke of York (1411–60), 107
Richard, Duke of York (1472–83), 108
Richard of Bury St. Edmunds (1287–1345), 157
Richelieu, Cardinal (1585–1642), 76, 220
Richemont, Constable, 87
Richmond and Somerset, Duke of (1519–36), 537, 561
Ridley, Nicholas (1500?-55), 532, 580, 585, 589, 596, 597
Riemenschneider, Tilman (c. 1460–1531), 306
Riese, Adam (c. 1489–1559), 855
Rigot, Claude (1553), 483
Riksdag, Swedish, 146
Rio Plata, 194
Ripa, Alberto da (d. 1551), 773
Ripon, England, 21
roads, improvement, 627
robber barons, 299
Robbia, Girolamo della (1488–1566), 824
Robert, King of Naples, 723
Robert III, King of Scotland (1390–1406), 604
Robert of Geneva, see Clement VII
Robert of Ormsby, 119
Rochelle, French acquisition, 92
Rochester, England, 41
Rochford, Lady, 576
Rodriguez, Simon (1534), 910
Rogues, Guild of (Murner), 812
Rohrbach, Jäcklein (1528), 387, 388, 391
Rojas, Fernando de (1499), 225
Rokycana, Jan (1451), 171
Rolle, Richard (1290?-1349), 39
rolling mill, 144
Romagna, Papal State, 8
Romagnano, Italy, 508
Roman Catholic Church: international court, 6
nadir, 6–11
New World, 269
Roman law, 254, 296, 300, 439, 759
Romano, Giulio (1499–1546), 823, 825, 829
Romanovna, Anastasia (1547), 654, 657
Romaunt de la rose (Guillaume de Lorris), 49
Rome: capture by Imperial troops (1527), 535
clerical life (1509), 275–276
concubinage, 21
control by Louis of Bavaria, 149–150
Council of (1302), 376
French possessions, 58
Jews, 721–722
printing press, 159
restoration, 14
(1526), 512, 574, 659, 704, 892, 895, 919, 923
St. Peters, 13, 14, 199, 221*, 281, 337, 338
University of, 14
Ronsard, Pierre de (1524–85), 501, 508–811, 826, 873
quoted, 809–810
Amours 809; Odes, 809
rope-climbing myth, 234
Roper, William (1496–1578), 557
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828–82), 49
Rosso, Giovanni Battista de (1494–1540), 823, 825, 826, 829, 848
Rostock, Germany, 439
university, 786
Rostov, Russia, 652
rotary motion, 241
Rottman, Bernard, 399
Church of St. Germain l’Auxerrois, 830
Church of St. Quen, 79
Palais de Justice, 96
Rouergue, France, 68
Rousseau, Jean Jacques (1712–78), 806
Êmile, 474
Roussel, Gérard (d. 1550), 460, 503, 504, 505
Roussillon, France, 92, 94, 102, 227
Rovere, Giuliano della, see Julius II
Rovezzano, Benedetto da (1474–1550), 839
royal hand, curative, 231
Rubliov, Andrei (c. 1370-r. 1430), 649
Rueda, Lope de (1510?-65), 817
rugs: Persian, 701–702
Turkish, 715
Ruiz de Acaraz, Pedro, 639
Rupert III (1400), 152
Ruskin, John (1819–1900), 99
Russell, Bertrand, Earl (1872-), 251
Russia, 161, 173, 183, 629, 700
Rustem Pasha (1550), 717
Rut, John (1527), 865
Ruysbroeck, Jan van (1293–1381), 73, 127, 129
quoted, 128
Ryazan, principality, 647, 653
Sabzawar, Persia, 672
Sachs, Hans (1494–1576), 298, 765, 812–814
quoted, 814
Sachsenhausen, Germany, 148
Sacrobosco, Johannes de (1230), Sphaera, 859
Sa de Miranda, Francisco de (1485?-1558), 815
Sa’di, Persian poet (1184?-1291), 667
Sadoleto, Jacopo (1477–1547), 470, 471, 735, 892, 895, 897
Epistle to the Genevese, 470
Safed, Upper Galilee, 737
Safi-al-Din, 699
St. Alban’s, England, Abbey, 119, 242
St. Andrews, Scotland, 606
St. Bartholomew, Massacre, 574, 661, 886
Saint-Gall, Switzerland, 5, 396
Abbey of St. Gall, 410
St. Galmier, church, 98
St. George and the Dragon (Colombe), 98
Saint-Omer, France, 96
St. Paul’s School, England, 524
Saint-Quentin, France, 91, 96, 522, 923
St. Thomas Islands, 219
St. Vitus’s dance, 231, 305, 874
Saintonge, France, 68
saints, adoration of, 376
cathedral, 846
university, 788
Salic law, 61*
Salisbury, Countess of, 28
Salm, Count Nicholas von (1529), 704
Salmerón, Alonso (1515–85), 910, 928
salon, 762
Salonika, 175, 178, 180, 182, 736
salvation by faith, 343–344, 345, 356, 373, 374–376, 408, 465, 929
Salzburg, Germany, 147, 156, 397
Samarkand, Persia, 663, 671, 672, 673, 674, 676, 685
Mausoleum of the Emir, 675
Samnan, Persia, 698
Samson, Bernhardin, 405
Samuel ibn-Wakar, 200
San Ildefonso, College of (1499), 225
San Roman, Francisco de (1542), 640
San Salvador, 262
sanbenito, 211
Sánchez Coello, Alonso (1531?-88), 223
sanctuary, laws of, 759
Sand, George (Amandine Dudevant; 1803–76), 99
Sanitary Act (1388), 245
Sannazaro, Iacopo (1458–1530), 816
Sanseverino, Cardinal, 897
Santa Fé, Granada, 203
Santa Maria, flagship of Columbus, 261, 263
Santarem, Joao da (1471), 194
Santillana, Marquis of (1398–1458), 224
Santo Domingo (Ciudad Trujillo), 265, 266, 268
Saragossa, Aragon, 197, 214, 221
church of
Nuestra Señora del Pilar, 846
Sarpi, Paolo (1552–1623), 924
Sarto, Andrea del (1487–1531), 823
Satan: Congregation of, 615
preoccupation with, 372–373
Saumur, France, 96
Sauvage, Jean le, 289
Savonarola (1452–98), 18, 25, 124
Sawtrey, William (1401), 116
Albertine (Ducal), 339*
Ernestine (Electoral), 339*, 340, 454
Saye, Lord (1450), iii Sayyids, 673
Scaliger, Julius Caesar (1484–1558), 791
Scanderbeg (George Castriota: 1403?-68), 186–187, 709
Scandinavia, 143, 144, 145, 152, 216, 445, 621–623
Schaffhausen, Switzerland, 384, 403, 410
Schinner, Matthaus (1508), 405
Schnittberger, Johann (1396–1426), 240
Schöffer, Peter (1425?-1502), 158
scholasticism, 237, 246, 251, 332, 342, 370, 664, 747, 787, 789, 883, 886
Schonberg, Nicholas, Cardinal, 860
Schöner, Dr. Johannes, 837
Schongauer, Martin (1445?-1491), 309, 310, 312
Christ Carrying the Cross (New York), 309
schools, 130, 157, 287, 320, 524, 786–790
curriculum, 235
painting, 156
Schools of Letters, On Rightly Opening (Sturm), 787
Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788–1860), 248
Schulplan (Melanchthon), 787
Schwarz silver mines, 295
Schwarzert, Philipp, see Melanchthon Schwyz, Switzerland, 146, 410, 411
science, 4, 246, 248, 742, 848, 886
Sciences, On the Uncertainty and Vanity of the (Agrippa), 854
Scone, Stone of, 604
Scorel, Jan Van (1495–1562), Magdalen (Amsterdam), 831
Scotland: French alliance, 62, 515, 604, 606, 617, 618
French intrusion, 615
Perpetual Peace (1423), 604
population (1500), 602
self-government, 602
universities, 236
wars with England, 27, 62, 577, 581, 604, 606
Scotland, Appellation to the Nobility and Estates of (Knox), 613
Scott, Walter (1771–1832), 49
Scottish Covenant, First (1557), 615
scrofula, curing, 231
sculpture: England, 119
France, 830–831
Hungarian, 189
Scutari, 187
sea travel, 114–115
Sebastiano del Piombo (1485?-1547), 899
Secular Authority (Luther), 377
secularism, 79
secularization, 377
seduction, 10
Segovia, Spain, 208
Selby, England, Cathedral (c. 1340), 118
Seleucus of Babylonia (2nd Century B.C.), 856
Selim I, Sultan (1512–20), 677, 681, 696, 699, 736
Selim II, Sultan (1566–74), 702, 717
Seljuq clan, 678
semantics, 247
Semendria, Hungary, 185
seminaries, establishment, 932
Sempach, Switzerland, 147
Seneca, Marcus Annaeus (54 B.C.?-A.D. 39), 272, 285, 289, 465, 845
quoted, 259
Senegal, Africa, 192
Senfl, Ludwig (c. 1492-c. 1555), 779
Senior, Abraham (c. 1410–1?. 94), 207, 217, 261
Senlis, France, cathedral, 96
seraglio, 712
Serbia, 178–179, 180, 182, 184, 186, 187
serfdom, 40, 45, 67, 90, 109, 144, 171, 175, 572, 621, 627, 659
serfs, education, 235
Seripando, Girolamo (1493–1563), 899, 925, 929
Serlio, Sebastiano (1475–1554), 823, 826;
Architettura, Opere di, 826
Servetus, Michael (1511–53), 413, 424, 460, 478, 479–484, 599, 614, 630, 796, 871, 872
Christianity, The Restitution of, 481
Trinitatis erroribus, De, 479–480, 481
monument, 484*
Servo arbitrio, De (Luther), 375, 434, 435
Sève, Maurice (1510–64), 808
Sévigné, Marquise de (1626–96), 807
Sevenoaks, England, III
Seville, Castile, 197, 213, 216, 218
Alcazar, 221
Casa de Pilatus, 221
Town Hall, 846
sewers, 873–874
sexual perversions, 639, 760–761
sexual relations, 39, 72, 232, 762
Seymour, Jane, wife of Henry VIII (d. 1537), 559–560, 575
Sforza, Bona (1493–1550), 629
Sforza, Maximilian, Duke of Milan (1512–15), 506, 507
Shah-Ali (1557), 656
Shah Muzaffar, 682
Shah Rukh (1405–47), 676, 685, 687
Shakespeare, William (1564–1616), 54, 57, 58, 111*, 224, 552, 792, 796, 811, 815, 873
Shaxton, Bishop, 572
Shayki Na’i, 682
Sheppey, England, III
shipping, 753
shipwrecks, 627
Shore, Jane (1445?-?1527), 112
Should Heretics be Persecuted”?, 486
Shrewsbury, England, 106
shrines, curative, 231
Shuiski, Andrei, 654
Shyp of Folys, The (Barclay), 812*
Siam, 195
Sicily, 197, 205, 216, 224, 663
Sickingen, Franz von (1481–1523), 299, 350, 352, 380
Sidney, Philip (1554–86), 815, 816
Siger de Brabant (1235?-?1281), 246
Sigismund, Archduke of Austria (1488), 295
Sigismund, King of Hungary (1387–1437)
Holy Roman Emperor (1411–37), 22, 152, 162, 165, 166, 168, 170–171, 180, 185, 360
Sigismund I, King of Poland (1506–48), 174, 291, 629, 630, 725, 857
Sigismund II, King of Poland (1548–72), 629, 630, 725, 77}
Silesia, 144, 145, 172, 188, 440
silk weaving, 177
Siloé, Diego de (d. 1563), 846
Siloé, Gil de (fl. 1475?-?1505), 222
silver plate, 294
Simeon (Ivanovitch) the Proud (1341–53), 651
Simonetta, Cardinal, 898
simony, 12, 19, 34, 164, 168, 899
Sinan, architect (1489?-1587)
sinecures, 19
Sistine Madonna, 132
Sithium, Miguel (1492), 223
Si vas, Asia Minor, 673
Six Articles, Act of the (1539), 572, 575
Sixtus IV, Pope (1471–84), 13, 15, 23, 204, 207, 209, 213, 214, 215, 239, 721
skeptics, 881–883
Skoplje, Serbia, 179
slave trade, African, 193–194
Slave Will, On the (Luther), 434, 435
slavery, 449, 514, 516, 817, 867
Spanish Jews, 219
Sluis, Flanders, 62
Sluter, Claus (d. 1406), 130, 774
Well of Moses, 131
Smyrna. Turkey, 674
Smyth, Hugh, 121
social hygiene, 244
social morality, 763–764
social revolution, Britain (1381), 116
social unit, Anabaptists, 398
socialism, 365
state, 475
Society of Jesus (1540), 912
Socinus, Faustus (1539–1604), 630
Socinus, Laelius (1525–62), 478, 630
sociology, 694
Sociology, Principles of (Spencer), 694
Socrates (470?-399 B.C.), 289, 854, 883
Sodalitas Litteraria Danubia, 189
Sofia, Bulgaria, 180
Solario, Pietro (1485), 650
Solesmes, France, priory church, 98
Solothurn, Switzerland, 403
Solway Moss, battle (1542), 605
Somerset, Edward Seymour, Duke of (1506?-52, 579–583, 585, 588
Sophia, Queen of Bohemia, 163, 168
Sorano, Bishop, 892
Soranus (early 2nd century), 243
Sorel, Agnès (?409?-50), 81, 87, 88, 519
soties, follies, 100
Soto, Hernando de (1499–1542), 865
Sourdeau, Jacques (c. 1470–c. 1530), 824
Spagna, Lo (Giovanni di Pietro; fl. 1500–1530), 223
Spain: absolute monarchy, 207
Americas, 195
civil war, 204
Comuneros, revolt (1520–22), 637–639
economic competition, 200
Inquisition, 208–216
involvement in foreign wars, 228, 510–515
line of demarcation, 264
mines, control of, 358
Moslems, exodus, 220
music, 776
national unification, 92
navigators, 194
papal tribute, 337–338
population (1450), 198, (1515), 493
printing press, 159
religious unity, 208, 209, 219, 220, 228
royal absolutism, 255
trade barriers, 198
Spalatin, Georg (1484–1545), 347, 349, 352, 359, 364
Sparta, 177
speech from the throne, 27
Spencer, Herbert (1820–1903), 251
Sociology, Principles of, 694
Spengler, Lazarus (1526), 350, 356, 439
Spenser, Edmund (1552?–99), 815
Speyer trial (1520), 325
Sphere, Treatise on the (Nuñes), 743
Spice Islands, 195
spice trade, 632
spies, 764
spinet, 773
Spinoza, Baruch (1632–77), 375, 462, 742, 745, 939
Spiritual Madrigals (Palestrina), 782
Spirituals, Anabaptist sect, 396
Sprenger, Jacob (1474), 233, 328
Spurs, Battle of the (1513), 95, 525
Squarcione, Francesco (1394–1474), 312
Stabat Mater (Palestrina), 782
Stafford, Thomas (d.1557), 599
Stafileo, Bishop, 895
stained glass, 99, 118, 309, 829
Stans, Diet of (1481), 403
Stapleton, William, 566
Star Chamber, Court of, 108
Starkey, Thomas (c. 1495–1538), 573
quoted, 759–760
state bank, 198
state loans to private industry, 475
state monopolies, 676
States-General, 60, 66, 67, 68, 87, 92
Staupitz, Johann von (d. 1524), 343, 344, 345
stealing, 112
steam baths, 768
steel, 241
Stephen, Bishop of Brandenburg, quoted, 731
Stephen Báthory (1533–86), 656
Stephen Dushan, King of Serbia (1335–46), 178–179
Stephen Lazarevitch, King, f Serbia (1389–1427), 180, 679
Stephen of Palecz (1414), 165
Stephen Urosh III, 178–179
Sterne, Laurence (1713–68), 807
Stifel, Michael (1487–1567), 855
Stockholm, Sweden, 622
Stoicism, 465
stone sculpture, 308
Storch, Nicholas, 366
Stoss, Veit (1447–1533), 173, 301, 306–307
Strabo (63 B.C.?-?24 A.D.), 259, 482
Stralsund, Germany, 439
Marienkirche (1382), 154
Strasbourg, Germany, 69, 143, 147, 156, 158, 159, 297, 305, 397, 412, 439, 443, 454, 457, 470–471, 730
cathedral (1439), 154, 242, 306
gymnasium, 787
stratigraphy, 864
Straw, Jack (1381), 45
Stroganov, Semën (1581), 659
strolling players, 817
Stuart, Robert (1371–90), 604
Stübner, Marcus, 366
students, college, 788–789
Studies, On the Transmission of (Vives), 790
Stühlingen, Germany, 384
Stuhlweissenburg, Hungary, 706
Sture, Sten, the Younger (1512–20), 621, 622
Sturm, Johannes (1507–89), 787
Stuttgart, Germany, palace of Duke Christopher, 835
Sublime Forte, 710
Succession, Act of (1534), 548, 557, 561
Sudan, 695
Sudbury, Simon, Archbishop (d. 1381), 32, 35, 40, 42, 43, 45
Suffolk, Henry Grey, Duke of (d. 1554), 586, 589, 592, 593
mass, 731
Suleiman the Magnificent, Sultan (1520–66), 187, 440–441, 442, 444, 453, 494, 507, 510, 515, 695’719 737, 818, 921, 923
Suleiman, son of Orkhan (fl. 1353–61), 179, 679
Sultaniya, Persia, 685
Summa theologica (Aquinas), 929
supernatural, belief in, 3, 81
supernatural revelations, 154
superstition, 65, 73, 230, 233, 234, 420, 648
Suprema, Inquisition, 209
Supremacy, Statute of (1534), 548, 549, 563
surgeons, 243–244
Surgeons, Royal College of, 244
surgery, 873–875
Surgery, The Great (Paracelsus), 880
Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of (1517?-47), 811–812
quoted, 812
survival, technique of, 737–741
Suso, Heinrich (1295–1365), 154
Sutton Place, Surrey, 839
Suzanne of Bourbon, 508
Suzdal, principality, 647, 651, 652
Swabian League (1488), 300, 388, 392, 731
sweating sickness, 874
Sweden, 143, 144, 145, 146, 159, 515, 621–626, 629
Swift, Jonathan, Dean (1667–1745), 558, 807
Switzerland: Anabaptists, 396
Confederation (1291), 135, 146, 403, 410
Holy Roman Empire, 148
humanism, 432
peasant freedom, 384
printing press, 159
serfdom, 144
war with Burgundy, 91
Sylvester, advisor to Ivan IV, 654, 656
House-hold Book, 660
syphilis, 94, 245–246, 265, 303, 492, 761, 873, 880
Syria, 663, 678, 681, 703, 710
Szigetvar, Hungary, 718
Tabard Inn, London, 50
Table, A Cloth for the (Isserles), 739
Table in Order (Karo), 739
Taborites, 169–170, 365, 395, 725
Tabourot, Jean, quoted, 770
Tabriz, Persia, 664, 665, 672, 681, 684, 687, 698, 699, 700, 706, 713
Blue Mosque, 686
Rashidi Foundation, 665
Talavera, Hernando de (1492), 219–220, 260
Talbot, John (1388?-1453), 83, 84, 88
talismans, 850
Tamasp I (1524–76), 699, 700, 702, 717
Tamerlane (Timur: 1336?-1405), 181, 240, 663, 671–676, 680, 685, 690
Tannenberg, Germany, 173
Taranto, Italy, 697
Tarascón, France, 76
tariffs, industry, 573
Tata, Hungary, 189
Tatars, 161, 647, 650, 651, 652, 655, 663, 671
Tauler, Johannes (c. 1290–1361). 154, 343
Tausen, Hans (1494–1561), 628
taverns, 713
closing hours, 604
taxation: “Amicable Grant,” 535
arms, 40
Church property, 17–18
crusade, financing, 347
English Church, 30
luxuries, 287
predatory, 659
Roman Curia, 330
Templars, confiscations from, 61
Ten Commandments, 820
tenants: Church property, 30
Teresa, Saint (1515–82), 900–905
quoted, 902
Interior Castle, The, 905
Vida, 903
Way of Perfection, The, 905
Tertullian (160?-?230), 375
Teruel, Aragon, 214
Testament, Le Grand (Villon: 1461), quoted, 102–104
Testament, Le Petit (Villon: c. 1456), 101
Testwood, Robert, 576
Tetrapolitana, Confession, 443
Tetzel, Johann (1465?-1519), 325, 338, 348
One Hundred and Six Anti-Theses, 345
Teutonic knights, 161, 172, 173, 329
Teutonic Order, Grand Masters of, 155
Tewkesbury, England, 107
Texas, discovery, 865
Texier, Jean le (1510), 96
textile industry, 38, 59, 296, 309, 384, 573, 674, 775
Spain, 222
theater, first English (1348), 46
theocracy, 459, 472, 485, 489, 611, 635
socialist, 399
Theologia Germanica (Luther), 345
theology, 249, 619, 659, 693, 881
Luther’s, 371–377
Theophanes the Greek, 649
Theophrastus, (d. c. 287 B.C.), 868
theses: Carlstadt’s, 349
Eck’s, 349–350
public announcement, 341
Tetzel’s, 345
Zwingli’s, 407
Thessaly, 179
thieving, 757
Thirty Years’ War, 172, 392, 398, 489, 812
Thomas of Stitny (1390), 163
Thorgau, Switzerland, 410
Thorn, Peace of (1466), 173
Throckmorton, Sir George, 537
Thuringia, Germany, 147
Thurzo family, 295
Thyard, Pontus de (1521–1605), 808
glazed, 685
Tiilet, Louis de, 460
Tilley, William (d. 1494), 123
Timbuktu, 192
time measurement, 241
Timur the Lame, see Tamerlane
Tiptoft, John, Earl of Worcester (1427?-70), 123
Tirol, Austria, 389, 392, 397, 410
tithes, 7, 293, 383, 406, 529, 621, 628, 629, 631, 708, 738, 751, 936
Titian (1477–1576), 298, 314, 516, 847, 921;
Magdalen, 823
Paul 111, Pope (Naples), 921
Tlemcen, Morocco, 695
tobacco, 262
Toledo, Castile, 197, 200, 208, 213, 214, 221;
toleration, 456, 485, 486, 937
tombs, 80, 98, 174, 192, 222, 226, 301, 307, 308, 642, 670, 830, 838–839
Torcello, Bishop of, quoted, 19
Treaty of (1494), 264
Torgau, Germany, 356
Toro, Castile, 205
Torquemada, Tomás de (1420?-98), 201, 213–214, 217, 732
Torrigiano, Pietro (1472–1522), 838–839, 845, 846
Tortosa, Spain, 224
torture, 115, 190, 210–211, 302, 304, 474, 503, 549, 759, 851
Toscanelli, Paolo (1397–1482), 259
Tottel, Riçhard (1525?-94), 811
Toulouse, France, 60, 224, 506, 729, 785
Tour-Landry, Geoffrey de la, 71
Tournai, Belgium, 58, 126, 635
Tournon, François de, Cardinal, 482, 494, 505
cathedral, 96
Towton, England, 107
Tractatus de civili dominio (Wyclif), 31, 32
Trade and Usury (Luther), 379
Trajan, Roman Emperor (98–117), 845
Transoxiana, 663, 671, 672, 673, 676, 699, 700
transubstantiation, 35, 37, 116, 272, 354, 487, 580, 895, 920, 930
treaties, Christian powers with Eastern states, 706
Treatise on Faith (Pecock), 117
Trebizond, Turkey, 187
Trémouille, Louis de la (1459–1525), 93
Trent, Italy, 721
Council of, 285, 437, 521, 635, 641, 780, 781, 849, 924, 927–933
Tres belles heures de Nôtre Dame, Les, 131
trial by combat, 513*
Triana, Rodrigo de (1492), 261
tribute, Granada to Castile, 202
Tridentine Index (1564), 924
Trie, Guillaume, 482
Trier, Germany, 147, 297, 380, 400, 440, 467
trigonometry, 238, 239, 744, 855
Trinidad, 265
Trinità de’ Pellegrini, 896
Trinitarianism, 480, 488, 630, 726
Trinitatis erroribus, De (Servetus), 479–480, 481
Trionfo, Agostino (1243–1328), 7, 233
Tripartite Code (1514), 190
Tristâo, Nuno (1441), 193
Trithemius, Johannes (1462–1516), 321, 322, 852
Trnovo, Bulgaria, 180
Trolle, Gustav, Archbishop (d. 1535), 621, 622, 623, 624
troops, Swiss, 406
troubadours, 224
Troubadours, Last of the, 76
Troyes, France: cathedral, 96
Treaty of, 70
Trtko, Stephen (1353–91), 179, 180
Truchsess, Georg von, 388, 391
Tschudi, Valentin (d. 1555), 414
Tubingeri, Germany, University, 488
Tucher, Anton, 307
tulips, 769
Tunstall, Cuthbert (1474–1559), 533
Tuqatmish, Tatar Khan (c. 1390), 672, 673
Turim, Arabaah (Asher), 739
westward campaign, 510–516
Turkestan, 678
Twelve Articles, German peasants’, 389
quoted, 385
Tyler, Wat (d. 1381), 40, 41–45
Tyndale, William (1492?-1536), 532, 533, 534, 571
typhus fever, 874
tyrannicide, 614
Tyrol, 144
Udall, Nicholas (1505–56), Ralph Roister Doister, 811
ulema, association of scholars, 708, 709
Uljaitu, Khan (1305–16), 66ç, 666, 685
Ulrich, Duke of Württemberg (1498–1550), 380, 439, 445
Ulug-Beg (1394–1449), 676
Umiliati, religious order, 896
Ulm, Germany, 156, 159, 297, 300, 381, 412, 439, 454
Cathedral (1377), 154î public baths, 244
Umbria, Papal State, 8
uncleanliness, 873
Uniformity, Act of (1552), 585
Unitarianism, 484, 487, 580, 630
Universe, Introduction to the (Ibn-Khaldun), 690–694
Unterwalden, Switzerland, 146, 410
Uppsala, Sweden, 623
University, 621
Urals, 652
Urban V, Pope (1362–70), 8, 178, 179, 182
Urban VI, Pope (1378–89), 8, 9, 37
Urquhart, Sir Thomas (1611–60), 807
Ursinus, Zacharias (1534–83), 488
Ursulines, 900
Uruguay, 865
usury, 10, 15, 293, 382, 728, 756
Usque, Samuel (1550), Consolation for the Sorrows of Israel, 742
Utopia (More), 396, 552–555, 556
Utraquists, 168, 171, 364, 629, 631
Utrecht, Netherlands, 126, 158
Uzbeg Mongols, 676
Uzbeks, 699
Vác, Hungary, 189
Vaga, Perino del (1501–47), 829
vagabondage, 572
vagrancy laws, 756
Valdés, Alfonso de (c. 1500–32), 892–893
Dialogo de Lactancio, 892
Valdés, Juan de (c. 1500–41), 641, 892–893
Dialogo de Mercurio y Carón, 893
Valencia, Aragon, 197, 214, 218, 638
Hall of Audience (1500), 221
Valenciennes, France, 58, 136, 635
Valentinois, France, 58
Valla, Lorenzo (1406–56), 16, 272, 327, 369
Valladolid, Castile, 197, 200, 208, 214, 245, 640
Cathedral, 221
Church of San Benito el Real, 847
Valois, France, 58
Varamin, Persia, 685
Vasa, Gustavus (1523–60), see Gustavus I
Vasari, Giorgio (1511–74), 823, 825
Vasili I, Grand Duke (1389–1425), 651
Vasili II, Grand Duke (1425–62), 651
Vasili III, Grand Duke (1505–33), 653–654
Vast, Jean, 822
Vatable, François (d. 1547), 503, 794
Vatican: 281, 921
frescoes, 132
Vaucelles, Truce of (1556), 522
Vaucouleurs, France, 82
Vaud, Switzerland, 135
Vaudois, 505
Vecinho, Joseph (1490), 743
Vedrosha, Russia, 653
Vega, Lope de (1562–1635), 216, 905
vegetarians, 321*
Velásquez (1599–1660), 216, 223
venery, 760
Venice, Italy, 13, 15, 159, 182, 184, 187, 195, 312, 540, 681, 697, 706, 734
Fondaco Tedesco, 298
Palace of the Doges, 221
Verdun, Bishop of, 90
Vere, Lord of, 272
Vergerio, Pierpaolo (1535), 920
Vergil, Polydore (1470?-1555), 528
Vermigli, Pietro Martire, see Peter Martyr
Vermigli Verona, Italy, 161, 896
Verrazano, Giovanni da (1485?-?1528), 865
Verrocchio, Andrea del (1432–88), 188
Versailles, 97
Vesteres, Diet of (1527), 625–626
Verwere, Johannes, 774
Vesalius, Andreas (1514–64), 480, 849, 869–873
quoted, 870
On the Structure of the Human Body, 871, 872
Venesection Letter, 870
Vespasiano da Bisticci (c. 1421–98), 137
Vespucci, Amerigo (1451–1512), 194, 225, 265, 268–269
Viborg, Denmark, 628
Vicente, Gil (1465–1536?), 195, 815, 817, 848
Vicenza, Italy, 681
Victoria, Tomaso Luis de (1540?-1611), 776
Vida, Marco (1480?-1566), 896
Vienna, Austria, 25, 152, 188, 297, 441, 444, 514, 704, 706
Academy of Poetry, 322
Stefansdom (1304), 154
Vigili, Fabio, 896
Vignola, Giacomo da (1507–73), 823, 922
Villa di Papa Giulio (1553), 922
Villach, Carinthia, 455
Villefranche, France, 698
Villiers de L’lle-Adam, Philippe de (1522), 704
Villon, François (1431–1480), 78, 101–105, 808
quoted, 102–104
Grand testament, le (1461), 102
Petit testament, Le (c. 1456), 101
Villon, Guillaume de, 100, 104, 105
Vincennes, France, chateau (1364–73), 80
Vincente Ferrer, Saint (1350–1419), 73, 200
Vinci, Leonardo da (1452–1519), 140, 188, 241, 313, 317, 856
Last Supper, 132
Mona Lisa, 823
viol, 772
Viret, Peter (1511–71), 468, 469, 479
Virgin Islands, 264
Virgin of the Pillar, The (Colombe), 98
virginal, 773
virginity, 71, 83, 112, 415, 648, 760
Vischer, Hans (1489?-1550), 836
Vischer, Hermann, the Younger (1486?-1517), 308
Vischer, Paul (d. 1531), 836
Vischer, Peter, the Elder (c. 1460–1529), 301, 507–30*
Vischer, Peter, the Younger (1487–1528), 836
Visconti (Lombard family), 149, 150
Visconti, Bernabo (1323–85), 8
Vitez, Janós (1408–72), 189
Vitovst, Grand Duke, 725
Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus (1st Century B.C.), 826
Vitry, Philippe de (1291–1361), 773
Vives, Juan Luis (1492–1540), 789–790, 869
De anima et vita, 869
On the Relief of the Poor, 764
On the Transmission of Studies, 790
viziers, 710
vocation, conception of, 449
Voes, Henry, 633
Vogel, Hans, 732
Volhynia, Russia, 173
Volkslied, 156
Voltaire (François Marie Arouet: 1694–1778), 246, 452, 489, 807, 939
quoted, 184
Volterra, Daniele da (1509–66), 899
voodooism, 233
Vorst, Peter van der (1536), 920
Vulgate, 225, 272, 283, 285, 320
Vyd, Jodocus (1432), 132
wages, 573
regulation, 39–40, no, 144, 198, 590, 756
Wakefield, England, 107
Waldeck, Franz von, 399
Waldemar IV, King of Denmark (1340–75), 145
Waldensians, 36, 149, 153, 164, 169, 328, 382, 396, 470, 505–506
Waldo, Peter (1180), 505
Waldseemüller, Martin (1470?-1518), 269
Waldshut, Switzerland, 396
Waldthauser, Conrad (1374), 163
Wales, Prince of, ruler of Flanders, 62
Wallingford, Richard (c. 1292–1335), 238, 242
Walpole, Horace (1717–97), 437
Walsingham, Alan de (1321), 118
Waltham Abbey, 42
Walther, Johann (1496–1570), 778
Walworth, William (d. 1385), 42, 44, 45
Wandering Jew, 720
Wang Chen (1314), 158
war: Christian states, 287
decline, 65
morals, 765
work of kings, 29
Warham, William, Archbishop (1450?-1532), 123, 125, 274, 276, 289, 428, 429, 524, 525, 529, 536, 545–546, 547
Wars of the Roses, 107, 569, 571
Warwick, John Dudley, Earl of (1549–53), 582, 583, 585–586, 587, 588, 589, 608, 610
Warwick, Richard Neville, Earl of (1428–71), 107, 113
Warwick Castle, 119
water power, 241
Watzelrode, Lucas, 856
Wayneflete, William of (1395?-1486), 119, 123
wealth: concentration, 17*, 287, 692
ecclesiastical, 17–18, 30, 32, 115, 148, 153, 168
English, growth, 109–111
mercantile, 79
papacy, 894
peril of, 211
weavers, 38, 59, 62, 63, 90, 136, 155, 365, 753
Wehe, Jakob (1525), 388
Wehrgeld, 22
Weigant, Friedrich (1525), 387
Weimar, Saxony, 339*
welfare state, paternalistic, 297
well boring, 241
Wells, England, cathedral clock, 242
Wenceslaus III, King of Bohemia (1305–1306), 161, 172
Wenceslaus IV, King of Bohemia (1378–1419), 152, 162, 163, 165, 168
Wendover, Roger (d. 1236), 720
Werner, Johannes (1468–1528), 855
Werve, Claus de (1411), 130
Wesel, Johan von (1410–81), 328
Wessel, Andreas, 869
Wessel Gansfort, Johann (1420?-89), 328
Westminster Abbey, London (1376–1517), 56, 118
Henry VII’s Chapel (1502–12), 118, 839
Lady Chapel, 838
Parliament, meeting, 27–28
Weston, Sir Richard (1577–1635), 839
Westphal, Joachim (1510–74), 477–478
Westphalia, Treaty of, 155
Weyden, Rogier van der (1399?-1464), 133–134, 136, 310, 774
Adoration of the Magi (Munich), 134
Annunciation (Antwerp, New York, Louvre), 134
Crucifixion (Vienna), 134
Descent from the Cross (Madrid), 134
Last Judgment (Beaune Hospital), 134
Nativity (Berlin), 134
Portrait of a Lady (Washington), 134
Presentation in the Temple (Munich), 134
Resurrection (New York), 134
St. Luke Painting the Virgin (Boston, Munich), 134
Seven Sacraments (Antwerp), 134
Visitation (Turin), 134
Whetstone of Wit (Recorde), 855
Wier, Johannes (1563), On Demonic Deceptions, 852
Wildhaus, Switzerland, 404
William, Count of Hainaut, 131
William, Count of Henneberg (1525), 388
William, Prince of Orange (1533–84), 636
William of Ockham, see Ockham, William of
Willoughby, Sir Hugh (d. 1554), 655
wills, probating, 17, 545, 621
Wilno, Lithuania, 173
Wimpheling, Jakob (1450–1528), 321, 322, 331–332, 425
Winchester, Bishop of, III
Winchester, Cardinal (1431), 86
Winchester Cathedral, 118–119
windmills, 241
Windsor Castle: Round Tower (1344), 28, 118
St. George’s Chapel (1473), n8, 839
wiredrawing, 241
Wishart, George (1513?–46), 607–608
witchcraft, 232–233, 473, 627, 851–852
witches, burning, 85, 216, 233, 473, 851, 852
Witches, Hammer of (Sprenger), 233
Witches’ Sabbaths, 232–233
Wittelbacher family, 300
Wittenberg, Saxony, 339*, 344, 364, 454
Dresden Altarpiece, 314
Luther’s sermons on moderation, 367
Witz, Conrad (c. 1400–c. 1447), 156
Wolf, Jerome (1575), 863
Wolgemut, Michael (1434–1519), 309, 311
Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal (1475?-1530), 123, 525–542, 544, 545, 555, 563, 839
women: communism of, 170
equality, 648
German conception, 416
place in history, 63
savants, 202
Spain, 199
status, 762
writers, 77
wood carving, 99, 298, 307, 309, 316, 828, 835, 847
woodcuts, 835
Dürer’s, 316
Holbein’s, 842
woolsacks, 27
Worde, Wynkyn de (d. 1534?), 121
Worms, Germany, 293, 297, 299, 401, 446
Diet of (1521), 357–363, 431, 627, 924
quoted, 362
Luther Memorial, 361*
Wren, Christopher (1632–1723), 119
Wullenwever, Jürgen (1488?-1537), 398, 445
Württemburg, Germany, 147, 391, 397, 412
dukes, 300
Würzburg, Germany, 156, 387, 389, 391, 393
Wyatt, Sir Thomas (1503?-42), 537, 811
Wyatt, Sir Thomas the Younger (1521?-54), 592, 593
Wycherley, William (1549), 850
Wyclif, John (c. 1320–84), 8, 30–37, 40, 116, 152, 163, 164, 165, 166, 236, 250, 251, 255, 607
quoted, 33
Confessio, 35
Tractatus de civili dominis, 31, 32
Wykeham, William of (1324–1404), 119, 235, 770
Wyttenbach, Thomas (1508), 404
Xanten, Germany, 7
St. Victor Church, 154
Xavier, St. Francis (1506–52), 908, 910, 914
Xeres, Granada, 201
Ximenes de Cisneros, Francisco (1437–1517), 199, 207, 220, 225–226, 227, 228, 283, 637, 640, 817
Yaqub II of Morocco (1269–86), 695
Yazd, 698
Yeni-Sheir, Asia Minor, 678
Yersin, Alexandre (1863–1943), 64
Yolande of Anjou, 87
York Minister, 119
Yorkshire, England, 566
Ypres, France, 58, 59, 69, 515, 635
Yucatán, 865
Yuri Danielovitch, Prince of Moscow (1303–25), 650, 651
Zabarella, Cardinal, 22
Zacuto, Abraham (c. 1450-r. 1510), 743
Zahara, Morocco, 202
Zamora, Council of (1313), 729
Zápolya, John (1487–1540), 441
Zaporogue Cossacks, 655
Zasius, Ulrich (1461–1536), 322
Zbynek, Archbishop (1408), 164
Zeeland, Netherlands, 126
Zell, Ulrich (d. c. 1507), 121
Zirih, Persia, 672
Zižka, Jan (1360?-1424), 168–169
Zohar, 740
Zoroastrians, 176
Zurbarán, Francisco de (1598?-1664), 223
Zurich, Switzerland, 146, 156, 404, 405–414, 457
Zurita y Castro, Jerónimo (1512–80), 215–16
Zwickau, Germany, 365
Zwilling, Gabriel (1521), 365
Zwingli, Anna Reinhard, 407
Zwingli, Ulrich (1484–1531), 153, 396, 403–414, 424, 427, 443, 465, 478, 489, 778
quoted, 726
Archeteles, 406
Christiane fidei brevis et clara expositio, 413
Christliche Einleitung, Eine kurze, 408
Ratio fidei, 408
Religione, De vera et falsa, 408
Zwinglian doctrine, 408