Eric, King of Norway, Denmark and Sweden (1412–39), 146
Ericsson, Leif (c. 1000), 258, 269
Erigena, Johannes Scotus (815?-?877), 153
Ermak Timofeevitch (d. 1584), 659
Ernest, Duke of Lüneburg (1521–46), 380, 439
Ernest, Elector of Saxony (1464–85), 152, 294. 339*
Ernst, Archbishop (1391), 163
erotic pictures, 760
Erzerum, 700
Espinay, Charles d’ 824
Estates, Assembly of, Scotland, 601–618
Este, Ercole d’ (1534–59), 891–892
Estella, Navarre, 200
Esthonia, 179
Estissac, Geoffroy d’ (1524), 795
Étampes, Duchesse d’, see Anne de Pisselieu
etching, 309
ethnography, 864
Étienne, Henri II (1528–98), Apologie pour Herodote, 785
Eton, England, school, 119, 235
Eucharist, 5, 35, 36, 163, 168, 171, 200, 288, 354, 367, 376, 408, 412, 464, 465, 478, 579, 631, 727, 920, 927, 931
Eugenius IV, Pope (1431–47), 11, 12, 721, 722, 729
Europe: anticlericalism, 24
interchristian wars, 14
interdependence of states, 643
modernity, 220
peace, destruction, 252
pestilence, 64
religious revolution, 25
religious unity, 6
resurrection of civilization, 5
upheaval, 332–333
Europe, Central, universities, 237
Europe, Christian Republic of, 6
European states, federation of, 171
Evangelical Brotherhood, 384, 389
evangelical preachers, 380
Evangelicals (Lutherans), 443, 446–447, 449, 505
evil eye, 234
Evreux, 96
excommunication, 24, 354, 356, 424
execution, 758
Exercitatorio de la vida espiritual (Cisneros), 909
Exeter, Marquis of, 574
Exeter, England, first English theater, (1348), 46
Exhortation, A Brief (Knox), 615
exorcism, 851
expectancies, 331*
exploration, no, 192–194, 743, 863–867
exports, frauds, 112
Exsurge Domine, papal bull, 352, 420, 426
Eyck, Hubert van (1366?-1426), 80, 131–133, 195
Adoration of the Lamb, The, 131–132*
Eyck, Jan van (1370?-?1440), 80, 131–133, 141, 195, 223, 774
Adoration of the Lamb, The, 131–132
paintings, 133
Faber, Johann (1478–1541), 407, 430
Faber (Favre), Peter (1506–46), 908, 909, 910, 911
Fabri, Felix (1484), 306
fairs, 320
faith, act of. 212
Faith, Age of, 935
Faith, Confession of, 618, 619, 628, 630
Faith, Edict of, 209
faith healing, 231
faiths, non-Christian, 16
Fallopio, Gabriele (1522–62), 871, 892
Familiarium colloquiorum formulae (Erasmus), 282
family names, 303
Farel, William (1489–1565), 468, 469, 470, 471, 481, 484, 488, 489, 500, 502, 806
Confession of Faith and Discipline, 469, 470
farm foreclosures, 293
Farnese, Alessandro, 921
Farnese, Giulia, 416
Farnese, Ottavio (1520–86), 920, 921, 922
Farnese, Pierluigi, (1503–47), 455, 920, 921
fatalism, 708
Faust, Georg (1507), 852
Faust legend, 852
federalism, 147
Federigo, Duke of Urbino, 137, 223
Felix V, anti-pope (1439–49), 11
feminist movement, 762
Ferdausi (940?-?1020), Book of Kings, 687
Ferdinand the Catholic, King of Aragon (1479–1516); of Castile (1474–1504), 15, 92, 94, 197, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204–208, 213, 214, 215, 217, 221, 226–228, 255, 260, 263–266, 268, 525, 639
Ferdinand I, King of Germany (1531–64)
Holy Roman Emperor (1556–64), 226, 301, 931
Ferdinand I, King of Hungary and Bohemia (1526–04), 440, 441, 442, 444, 445, 454, 455, 456, 631, 637, 705, 706, 707
Ferdinand I (Ferrante), King of Naples (1458–94), 187, 734
Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, 410, 438, 450, 920
Fernando I, King of Portugal (1367–83), 191
Ferrara, Italy, 12, 188, 189, 467
seasonal, 769
feudal barons, restrictions, 90, 145
Feuerbacher, Metern (1525), 387
Fez, Morocco, 695
Karouine Mosque, 695
Fichet, Guillaume (1433?-?1480), 159
Field, John (1525?-87), 862
Field of the Cloth of Gold (1520), 516, 537, 771
Fieravante, Ridolfo (d. 1486), 650
Filelfo, Francesco (1398–1481), 426
Filmer, Henry, 576
financiers, major political power, 295
finger prints, 679
Finland 652
Finno-Ugri tribe, 678
Firuzkuh, Persia, 698
Fish, Simon, “Supplication of the Beggars, The,” 543
Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester (1459–1535), 123, 277, 324, 429, 524*, 529, 540, 547, 548, 549–550, 558, 578
Fitzgerald, Gerald, Earl of Kildare (d. 1513), 570
Fitzgerald, Gerald, Earl of Kildare (1487–1534), 570
Fitzgerald, Thomas, Earl of Kildare (1513–1537), 570
Flagellants, 65
Flamboyant architecture, 79, 96, 97, 118, 196
Flaminio, Marcantonio (1498–1550), 893, 896, 926
Flanders, 8, 38, 58, 59, 62, 63, 92, 126, 142, 510, 631, 724, 774–777
Flanders, Count of (1336), 62
Fleet prison, London, 43, 580*
Fleming, Mary, 519
Flemings, slaughter, 43
Flodden Field, battle (1513), 605
Flore et Blanchefleur, 75
Florence, Italy, 8, 12, 38, 69, 127, 176, 187, 518, 540
Baptistery, 688
Council, 649
Orcagna’s Tabernacle, 307
Santa Maria Nuova hospital, 137
Florid style, architecture, 838
Flötner, Peter (c. 1490–1546), 836
folklore, Teutonic, 373
Fontainebleau, chateau, 80, 516, 825, 826, 827
Fontainebleau, School of, 825, 826, 829
Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de (1657–1757), 807
adulteration, 763
prices, 573
Foolish War (1485), 93
Fools, Muster of (Murner), 812
foreign trade, 109
forests, Germany, 143
Forment, Damian (d. 1533), 845, 846–847
Formigny, battle (1450), 88
Fornovo, battle (1495), 94
Fortescue, Sir John (1394?-1479), 113, 255
fortifications, medieval, 183
Fossilium, De natura (Agricola), 864
Fouquet, Jean (1416?-80), 80–81, 99
Fox, Edward (1496?-1538), 532, 536
Foxe, John (1516–87), 598
Book of Martyrs, 596*
Foxe, Richard (1448?-1528), 529
France: alliance with England, 526
constitutional government, 66
Declaration of the Rights of Man, 255
education, 236–237
extent (1300), 58, (1369), 69, (1481–83), 92
government (1300), 60
industrialization, 59–60
Jewish expulsion, 724
merchant rule, 67
papal tribute, 337
population (1515), 493
Protestants, 501–506
renaissance, 792–795
Revolution (1789), 88
sanitary ordinances, 245
serfs, 37
throne, English king on, 61, 68, 70–71, 106, 525
trade routes, 754
war lavages (1422), 70–71
war with England, 8, 27, 28, 29, 41, 45, 62, 63, 81, 535, 596, 599
France, Anatole (1844–1924), 805
Francesca, Piero della (1420?-92), 223, 313
Francis I, King of France (1515–47), 87, 95, 97, 99, 286, 287, 338, 357, 363, 413, 429, 438, 444, 453, 455, 460, 461, 491–571, 520, 526, 527, 697, 704, 718, 771, 785, 788, 793, 822, 921
quoted, 509
Francis II, King of France (1559–60), 518
Francis, son of Francis I of France, 8, 511, 518
Francis, Duke of Brittany, 91
tomb, 98
Francis, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, 439
Francis, Duke of Guise (1519–63), 517, 520, 521, 522, 923
Franciscans, 19, 209, 236, 246, 329, 597, 900;
Spiritual, 148
Franck, Sebastian (1499?-1543), 397, 423, 813
Franco, Niccolo, 932
Franconia, duchy, 387–388
francs-tireurs, free bowmen, 88
Frankenhausen, Germany, 391
Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, 151, 156, 387, 412, 424
Rathaus, 155
Frederick I, Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor (1152–90), 6, 161, 444
Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor (1440–93), 152, 188, 294, 300, 322, 383, 732
Frederick I, King of Denmark (1523–33), 623, 627, 628
Frederick III, Duke of Austria (1306–30);
King of Germany (1314–22), 148, 295
Frederick III, Elector of Saxony (1486–1525), 237, 314, 339–340, 344, 347, 348, 351, 358, 362, 378, 381, 384, 391, 421, 429, 430, 439, 627
free cities, 297
free love, 633
free thought, 250, 708, 784, 785, 924
free will, 434–435
free workers, 39
freedom of debate, 28
freedom of speech, 579
freedom of worship, 219, 455, 456, 606, 616, 628, 629, 630, 632, 664, 678, 708, 716
freethinkers, 584
Fregose, Federigo (1536), 897
Freiburg, Saxony, 306
Cathedral (1283), 154
Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Austria, 389, 436
French Academy, 76
French Disease, Three Chapters on the (Paracelsus), 880
French Renaissance architecture, 822–828
Fribourg, Switzerland, 403, 467
Friesland, East, Germany, 440
Friesland, West, 633
Fritz, Joss (1512), 294
Froben, Jerome (1535), 436
Froben, Johann (1460?-1527), 159, 283, 285, 427, 429, 432, 503, 877
Froissart, Jean (1333?-?1400), 28, 29, 56, 75–76, 99, 243, 244
quoted, 41
Chronicles, 75
Froment, Antoine (1509-?81), 468
Froment, Nicolas (c. 1435–84), 98
Froschauer, Christian, 159, 409
Froude, James A. (1818–94), quoted, 581, 765–766
Fuchs, Leonard (1501–66), 868
Fuenllana, Miguel de (fl. 1554), 776
Fugger, Anton (1493–1560), 442, 522
Fugger, Georg (1453–1506), 295
Fugger, Jakob I (d. 1469), 295
Fugger, Jakob II (1459–1525), 295, 296, 357;
quoted, 357
Fugger, Johannes (1348–1409), 295
Fugger, Ulrich (1441–1510), 295, 296
Fugger family, 295, 296, 299, 338, 357, 358, 379, 397, 436, 453, 572, 632, 752
Fulda, Germany
Fundamentum organisandi (Paumann), 773
funerary monuments, 119
Fust, Johann (1400?-?1466), 158
Gad, Hemming (fl. 1517), 622
Gaetano da Thiene, Sr. (1480–1547), 895–896
Gaillon, France, castle-château, 97, 98
Galen (2nd Century A.D.), 123, 243, 244, 869, 870, 871, 873
Galicia, 172
Galilei, Galileo (1564–1642), 238, 241, 862
Galle, Peter (1524), 625
Gallegos, Fernando (1466–1507), 223
galleries, Protestant churches, 447
Gama, Vasco da (1409?-1524), 157, 194, 195, 269, 299, 676, 689, 707, 743
gambling, 10, 114, 471, 759, 769
Garamond, Claude (d. 1561), 784, 785
Garcilaso de la Vega (1503–36), 816–817
quoted, 816
botanical, 868
Gardiner, Stephen (1483?–1555), 571, 576, 577, 580, 585, 589, 590, 592, 593, 595, 596–597
Gargantua (Rabelais), 501, 760, 787, 797, 799–801, 808
Garter, Order of the, 28
Gascoigne, Thomas (1450), quoted, 23
Gasmaier, Michael (1525), 389, 392
Gasquet, Francis Aidan, Cardinal (1846–1929), 418
Gast, Johannes, 852
Gaston III, Phoebus, Count of Foix (1331–91), 71, 243
Gaston de Foix (1489–1512), 497
Gautier, Théophile (1811–72), 221, 847
Gaveston, Piers (d. 1312), 26
Gawhar Shad (1377–1457), 685, 686
Gay Saber, troubadour fraternity, 224
Gay Science, Academy of the, 76
Gedymin, Prince of Lithuania (1345–77). 173
Geertgen tot Sint Jans (c. 1467–c. 1495), 136
Geiger counters, 753*
Geiler von Kaiserberg, Johann (1445–1510), 297
Gelderland, Netherlands, 91, 135, 515
gem cutting, 688
Gemistus Pletho, Georgius (1355?-1450), 176
Gemma Frisius (1508–55), 870
Geneva, Switzerland, 404, 457–458, 467–468, 470, 471, 472–476, 487, 489, 608, 609
Consistory, 472–473, 474, 479, 489
Council of Sixty, 467, 470, 471, 474, 476
Great Council of Two Hundred, 468, 469, 472, 479, 484
Protestant Council, 483
Reformation Monument, 489
Small Council of Twenty-five, 468, 472, 482, 484
Genghis Khan (1206–27), 664, 671
Genoa, Italy, 48, 195, 258, 259, 734, 754
Gentile, Valentino (d. 1557), 488
Geometrical Gothic design, 79, 118
Geonim, 739
George, Count of Hohenlohe (1525), 388
George, Duke of Saxony (1500–39), 345, 348, 350, 378, 384, 435, 440, 445, 756
George Brankovic, King of Serbia (1427–56), 182
George of Poděbrad, King of Bohemia (1459.–71), 171
Georgia, 673
Gerhart, Nicolaus (1464), 306
Germaine de Foix, Queen of Aragon and Naples (1505–38), 227, 905
“German Nation, The Needs of the,” 383
Germany: capitalist era, 296
electors, 151–152
emperor, English king, 106
federation, 147
government (1453–1517), 299–302
Holy Roman Empire, 148
humanists, 320–325
Jews, 726–727
king, 147-148
mining, 143–144
prosperity, 293
Protestant churches, 445–446
public baths, 244
publishing, 784
Reformation, 37
religion subject to the state, 209
schools, 235
trade decline, 457
unity, 457
Germany, northern, 299
Germany, South, 299
Germany, Western, convents, 20
Gerona, Spain, Cathedral, 221
Gerson, Jean de (1363–1429), 71, 72, 75–7 4, 129, 232
Gersonides, see Levi ben Gerson
Gesner, Conrad (1516–65), 868–869, 871
Gespräche (Hutten), 351
Geyer, Florian (1525), 387, 388, 391
Ghazan Khan (1295–1304), 664
Ghent, 58, 59, 62, 63, 69, 127, 515, 631, 632, 635
St. Bavon Cathedral, 131
Ghibellines, 150
Ghiberti, Lorenzo (1378–1455), 174, 688
Ghinucci, Cardinal, 898
Ghiyathu’d-Din (1523), 666
Giberti, Gianmatteo (1495–1543), 780, 895, 896, 897
Giese, Tiedeman, 860
Gil (Egidio), Juan, 640
Gil Bias (Lesage), 818
Giles, Peter, 552
Gilianes, Captain (1433), 193
Gillis, Peter (1517), 139, 281
Giocondo, Giovanni (1433–1515), 96
Giorgione, II (c. 1478–1511), 298
Giotto di Bondone (c. 1276-c. 1337), 177
Giovanni da Udine (1494–1561), 829
Giovio, Paolo (1483–1552), 205, 306
Girón, Don Pedro, 639
Giudecca, Venice, 734
Giustiniani, Paolo, 899
Glapion, Jean, 359
Glarus, Switzerland, 146, 404, 405
Glasgow, Scotland, 602
university, 236
glass, painted, 835
Glendower, Owen (1359?-?1416), 106
Glinski, Helena, 654
globe, circumnavigation, 259, 865
Gloucester, Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of (1355–97), 56, 57
Gloucester Cathedral, 118, 119
Gobelins, Musée des, 99
God, Judaic conception, 372
Godfrey, Bishop of Würzburg, 731
God’s Truth in England, A Faithful Admonition to the (Knox), 611
Godunov, Boris (1551?–1605), 661
Goes, Hugo van der (1440?-82), 137
Goethe, Johann W. von (1749–1832), 74, 131, 852, 863
gold: medicine, 231
transmutation, 850
Golden Bull, 151, 155, 162, 726
Golden Fleece, order of the (1429), 127, 636
Golden Horde, 173, 647, 652, 653, 672
goldsmithry, 59, 298, 815, 823, 829, 835, 848
Gómara, Francisco López de (1510?-60), 817
Gonçalves, Nuno (fl. 1450–72), 195
Gonzaga, Ercole, 896
Gonzaga, Ferdinand, 776
Gonzaga, Giulia, 893
Gonzalez de Clavijo, Ruy (d. 1412), 175, 240, 664, 671, 674, 675
Gonzalo de Cordoba, Hernández (1453–1515), 227, 742
Gossaert, Jan (c. 1470–c. 1534), 141–142
Adam and Eve (Berlin), 141
Agony in the Garden (Berlin), 141
Jan Carondelet (Louvre), 141
St. Luke Drawing the Virgin (Vienna), 141
Gotha and Torgau, League of (1526), 439
Gothic architecture, 79, 96, 97, 118, 130, 154, 220, 821, 822–823, 846
Gothic-Renaissance architecture, 97
Goudimel, Claude (c. 1505–72), 779, 795, 809
Goujon, Jean (c. 1510–66), 827, 830–831, 848
government: administration, 15
centralization, 188
France, 60
loans, 545*
monarchy, 287
Ottoman, 707–711
representative, 254
Governour, Boke Named the (Elyot), 789
Gower, John (1325?-1408), 16, 30, 47, 50
Goya y Lucientis, Francisco José de (1746–1828), 221
grammar, Latin, 791
Grammont, Gabriel de, 538
Granada, 199, 201–204, 205, 206, 207, 217, 219, 220, 663
Alhambra, 201, 203, 204, 221, 226, 846
Cathedral, 846
Granson, 135
Granvelle, Cardinal de (1517–86), 776
graphic arts, 80
Grau, Hungary, 706
Great Ordinance (1357), 66, 67
Great Plague, see Black Death
Great Slaughter (1355), 236
Greban, Annoul (1400?), 76
Grebel, Conrad, 396
Greco, El, Domingo Teotocopuli (1548?-?1614), 223
greed, 112
Greek Anthology (Planudes), 175
Greek Catholics, 181, 182, 629
Greek Christianity, 12, 182, 83
Greek Orthodox Church, 21, 178, 350, 708
Greene, Robert (1560?-92), 760
Gregoras, Nicephorus (1295–1359), 176
Gregorian chant, 780
Gregory VII, Hildebrand, Pope (1073–85), 6, 15, 21, 35, 232, 332, 351
Gregory XI, Pope (1370–8), 7, 8, 32, 33
Gregory XII, Pope (1406–15), 9, 10
Gregory XIII, Pope (1572–85), 641
Grenoble, Palais de Justice (1505), 96
Grisons, Switzerland, 410
Groote Privilegie (1477), 142
Grünewald, 173
Grey, Lady Jane (1537–54), 586–587, 589, 593, 597
Gribaldi, Matteo (1553), 487–488
Grien, Hans Baldung (1476?-1545), 836, 841
Gringore, Pierre (c. 1475–0. 1538), 100
Grocyn, William (1446?-1519), 123, 124, 125, 551
Grolier, Jean (1479–1565), 785
Groote, Gerhard (1340–84), 128, 129
Gruet, Jacques (1547), 479
Grünewald, Matthias (c. 1455–1528), 310–311, 312
Portrait of a Man (New York), 310
Gryphius, Sebastian, 796
Guadalajara, Spain, 638
Guadix, Granada, 203
Guam, 866
Guarino da Verona (1370–1460), 123, 239
Guéroult, Guillaume (1553), 481
Guevara, Antonio de (1480?-1545), 816
Guicciardini, Francisco (1483–1540), 16, 100, 205, 206, 525, 815
Guienne, 58, 61, 62, 68, 88, 510
Guildhall, London (1411–35, 1866), 119
guilds, 38, 59, 60, 155, 198, 297, 309, 573, 631, 638, 738, 755, 813
cycle of mysteries, 46
merchant companies, 109
poetry, 76
Guilford, Sir Henry, 843
Guinegate, 95
Guise, Francis, Duke of (1519–63), 605
Güns, Hungary, 705
Gustavus I, King of Sweden (1523–60), 622–626
quoted, 624–625
Gutenberg Bible, 159
Gutenberg, Germany, 331
Gutenberg, Johann (c. 1400–0. 1468), 158–160
Guzmán, Leonora de, 197
Gypsies, 171*
Haakon VI, King of Norway (1355–80), 145
Hadrian, Emperor (117–38), 845
Hafiz, Shamsu’d-Din Muhammad (1320–89), 663, 666–670, 672
Hagenbach, Peter van, 135
Haggada, the, 739
Halberstadt, Germany, 338
Hales, Robert (d. 1381), 40, 42, 43, 45
Hales, William, 121
Halidon Hill, battle of, 604
Halley’s comet, 239
Hallgarten, Germany, 155
Hamburg, Germany, 156, 297, 299, 439
Hamilton, John, Archbishop, 603
Hamilton, Patrick (c. 1505–28), 607
Hampton Court, England, 528, 839
Handel, George Frederick (1685–1759), 778
Handspiegel (Pfefferkorn), 324
Hanseatic League, 144, 155, 627, 632, 843
Hapsburg-Valois debate, 513
Hardouin, Jean (1646–1729), 21
Harfleur, France, 70
Haromi, Immanuel (1265–1330), 723
harpsichord, 772–773
Harrowing of Hell, The, 46
Harun-i-Vilaya, 700
Harvey, William (1578–1657), 871, 872
Hassam, Sultan (1356–63), 677
Hätzer, Ludwig (d. 1529), 395, 397
healers, 243–246
Heaven and Paradise (Horomi), 723
Hebraism, 425
Hegius, Alexander (1433–98), 128
Heidelberg, Germany, 233
Heidelberg Catechism, 488
Heilbronn, Germany, 387
Heimburg, Gregor (1400?-72), 171, 331
Hele, Peter (1510), 242
Helfenstein, Ludwig von, 388
Helgesen, Paul (Poul Eliae or Eliaesin)(1480?-?), 627, 628
Helvetic Confession: First (1536), 413, 607
Second (1566), 489
Helvetius, Claude (1715–71), 939
Hennenberg, Graf von, 302
Henry II, King of Castile (1369–79), 198, 201, 204
Henry IV, King of Castile and León (1454–74), 202, 204
Henry II, King of England (1154–89), 57, 58
Henry IV, King of England (1399–1413), 56, 57, 106, 116, 119, 674
Henry V, King of England (1413–22), 70, 106, 107, 114, 230, 774
Henry VI, King of England (1422–61; 1470–71), 57, 70, 107, iii, 235
Henry VII, King of England (1485–1509), 92, 108–109, 115, 123, 255, 260, 275, 276, 491, 525, 536, 551, 569, 838
Henry VIII, King of England (1509–47), 31, 33, 37, 109, 115, 117, 125, 152, 199, 251, 253, 255, 273, 291, 338, 354, 430, 449, 455, 451, 492, 508, 510, 514, 515, 517, 523–578, 606, 771, 787
Assertion of the Seven Sacraments against Martin Luther, 532
Henry II, King of France (1547–59), 455, 514, 517, 523–578, 581, 583, 599, 930
Henry III, King of France (1574–89), 518
Henry IV, King of France (1589–1610), 61, 498
Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor (1056–1106), 6, 15, 149, 332, 351
Henry, Duke of Brunswick (1525), 391
Henry, Duke of Mecklenburg, 439
Henry of Bergen, Bishop of Cambrai (1492), 271, 272
Henry of Hesse (1325–97), 242
Henry of Zutphen, 633
Henry the Navigator, Prince of Portugal (1394–1460), 157, 192, 194, 259, 269
Henry VI (Shakespeare), quoted, III
Heptameron (Marguerite of Navarre), 499, 501–502
Heraclitus (6th–5th century B.C.), 31
Herat, Khurasan, 663, 676, 686, 687, 698, 699
Herbert, Edward, Baron of Cherbury (1583–1648), 839
Hereford, Nicholas, 36
Heresies, A Dialogue Concerning (More), 533, 556
heresy, 85, 116, 117, 148, 153, 166, 168, 199, 206, 208–216, 249, 289, 347, 423, 438, 457, 473, 483, 484, 485, 500, 504, 521, 531–532, 544, 547, 549, 576, 584, 595, 596, 597, 607, 614, 624, 630, 631, 635, 639, 852
Heretics .... Duty of Civil Magistrates to Punish (de Bèze), 487
Hermann von Wied (1477–1552), 446
Hermetic lore, 850
Heroides Christianae (Hesse), 322
Herrezuelo, Antonio de, 640
herring industry, 136, 144, 752
Hertenstein, Jakob, 840
Hesdin, Jacquemart de (d. c. 1412), Les grandes heures (1409), 80
Hesse, Eoban (1488–1540), 322, 324, 327, 427
Heures de Turin, Les, 131*
Hicetas of Syracuse (5th Century B.C.?), 856
Hildesheim, Germany, 147
House of the Butchers’ Guild, 835
Hims, Syria, 673
Hipler, Wendel, 387
Hipparchus (130 B.C.), 856
Hippocrates (460?-?377 B.C.), 873
Hispanic Society Museum, New York, 222
Historia rerum gestarum (Pius II), 259
Histories, Compendium of (Rashidu’d-Din), 666
historiography, 690, 691–694, 850
Hobbes, Thomas (1588–1679), 251, 939
Hochstetter, Ambrose, 296
Hochstetter, Joachim, 297
Hochstetter family, 295, 296, 397
Hofmann, Melchior (1530), 398, 633
Hohenzollern, Count of, 180
Hohenzollerns, 300
Holbach, Paul (1723–89), 745, 939
Holbein, Ambrose (c. 1494–1519), 108, 310, 840
Holbein, Hans, the Elder (c. 1460–1524), 296, 310, 840
Holbein, Hans, the Younger (1497?-1543), 73, 140, 306, 310, 432, 547, 575, 840–845, 848
Catherine Howard (Toledo, USA), 843
Charles de Saulier (Dresden), 843
Christ in the Tomb (Basel), 841
Christine of Denmark (London), 843
Erasmus (1523, Coll. Earl of Radnor), 290, 432, 841
Erasmus (1523, Basel, Turin), 290, 432, 841
Erasmus (1524?, Louvre), 290, 432, 841
French Ambassadors (London), 843
Fro ben (Hampton Court), 432, 841, 842
Henry VIII (1536, Coll. Baron Thyssen), 523, 573
Henry VIII in Wedding Dress (London), 844
Jakob Meyer and His Wife (Basel), 840
Jane Seymour (Vienna), 573, 843
Prince Edward (1539, Washington), 844
Prince Edward (1543, New York), 579, 844
Self-portrait (1542, Uffizi), 844
Self-portrait (1543, Clowes Coll., Indianapolis), 844
Thomas More (London), 842
Thomas More and His Family (copies), 842
Triumph of Poverty (British Museum), 843
Triumph of Riches (British Museum), 843
holidays, workers, 110
Holinshed, Raphael (d. 1580), 57, 106
Holland, see Netherlands
Hollanda, Francisco de (1517–84), 848
Holy Brotherhood, 206
Holy Faith, war for, 199
Holy Land, On the Recapture of the (Dubois), 251
Holy League, 697
Holy Roman Emperors, papal coronation, 923
Holy Roman Empire, 147, 148, 161, 359, 457, 642
Holy Union, 638
Holzschuher, Johann (1469–1529), 314, 350
homicidal certainty, 216
Honduras, 267
Honi soit qui mal y pense, motto of Order of the Garter, 28
honor, 202
Hoogstraeten, Jakob van (1460?-1527), 324, 346
Hooper, John (d. 1555), 596
quoted, 584
Hopfer, Daniel (1504), 309
Horeb Brotherhood, 169
Hormuz, Arabia, 195
Hosius, Stanislaus (1504–79), 630
Host, bleeding, 728
Hotman, François (1524–90), 614
House of Fame, The (Chaucer), 49
House of Martha, 911
Household Book (Sylvester), 660
household pets, 769
houses, 74–75, 97, 113, 136, 155, 201, 404, 651, 674
English country, 839
Germany (1500),
Hrotswitha (960), 322
Hübmaier, Balthasar, (1480–1528), 383, 395, 396, 397, 398
Huesca, Spain, 221
cathedral, 847
Hugh Capet, King of France (987–996), 61, 66
Huguenots, 216, 465, 466, 467, 475, 484, 488, 500, 505, 506, 520, 521, 635, 779, 810, 821, 885, 892
Hulagu, Mongol emperor (1217–65), 664
Hull, England, 107
Human Body, On the Structure of the (Vesalius), 871, 872
Human Race, Abridgement of the History of the (Abu-al-Fida), 690
humanists, 122–125, 162, 189, 225, 238, 239, 257, 271, 291, 301, 320–325, 371, 403, 425–427, 485, 629, 724, 789, 790, 791, 796, 806, 842, 883, 924, 935, 939
humanities, 238
Humboldt II, Count of-the Viennoise (1349), 66*
Hume, David (1711–76), 251, 869
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester (1391–1447), 123, 157
Hundred Grievances, against the Church, 17
Hundred Years’ War, 8, 61, 62, 65, 73, 87, 88, 107, 126, 150, 237, 604, 792
Hungarian Diet, 190
Hungary: German empire, separation, 300
peasant revolt (1514), 190
population, 184
primate, 188
Reformation, 631
renaissance (1456–90), 187–190
Turkish invasion, 182, 185–186, 440–441, 704, 710
Hunyadi János (c. 1387–1456), 182, 184–186, 187, 189, 680
Husein ibn-Baiqara, Sultan, 676, 682, 687
Huscin Udi, 682
Huss, John (1369?-1415), 10, 31, 74, 152, 162, 163–167, 168, 250, 343, 350, 353, 354, 360, 607, 725
On the Church, 406
Hussites, 152, 153, 162, 165, 168–169, 170, 328, 629, 725
Hut, Hans, 398
Hutchinson, Roger (c. 1550), quoted, 584
Hutten, Ulrich von (1488–1523), 297, 304, 324, 325–328, 350, 351, 352, 356, 427
Expostulation, An, 427
Gespräche, 35’
hydraulic hammer, 144
hymnal, Protestant, 778
hymns, Luther’s, 439, 443, 447
Iaroslavl, Russia, 652
Ibn-al-Khatib, 689
ibn al-Nafis (d. 1288), 689, 872
Ibn-Batuta (1304–77), 201, 677, 689, 695, 864
ibn-Khalduii, Abd-al-Rahman (1332–1406), 251, 677, 690–694
Introduction to the Universe, 690–694
Ibn-Muzaffar (1352), 667
Ibrahim Pasha, 700, 710–711, 713
iconoclasm, 615
idleness, 759
idolatry, 474, 613*, 616, 617, 708, 820, 932
Ile-de-France, 58
Iliad, 49
illiteracy, see literacy
illuminated manuscripts, 80, 98, 119, 130, 155, 189, 309, 687, 700, 701
images, removal from churches, 366, 408, 409, 411, 436, 464, 580, 584, 629, 631, 821
Imago mundi (d’Ailly), 240, 259
Imhoff, Hans, 308
Imitation of Christ, The (Thomas à Kempis), 129
immortality, personal, 288
Imperial Chamber of Justice, 444, 445
Imperial Diet, Germany, 147
imperialism, no, 195
impetus, law of, 241
imprimatur, ecclesiastical, 924
imprinting, 157
Improperia (Palestrina), 781
Incas, socialistic civilization, 865
incontinence, 21
Index, Congregation of the, 862, 863, 924
Index auctorum et librorum prohibitorum, 924
India, 88, 194–195, 259, 260, 261, 673, 676, 700, 707, 815
Portuguese, 195
Indies, Caribbean, 194
individualism of belief, 473, 475
indulgencies, 11, 13, 22–24, 34, 37, 164, 199, 237, 326, 346, 348, 405, 503, 627, 933 (1517), 337–340, 406
abuses, quoted, 932
Indulgencies, Disputation for Clarification of the Power of (Luther), 340
“Indulgencies and Grace, A Sermon on” (Luther), 345
industrial arts, 155
Industrial Revolution, 242, 269
industry, progress, 15, 38, 65, 109, 294
Strieltsi, 654
Swiss, 147
Turkish, 708
infidels, 208
influenza, 874
informers, 521
inlay, gold and silver, 677
Innocent III, Pope (1198–1216), 6, 12
Innocent VII, Pope (1404–1406), 9
Innocent VIII, Pope (1484–92), 13, 233
Innsbruck, Germany, 455
Diet (1518), 763
Inquisition, 24, 33, 72, 85, 148, 153, 206, 225, 233, 302, 324, 332, 423, 483, 484, 505, 516, 521, 634, 639, 640, 641, 735, 845, 862
Caroline, 635
methods, 208–213
Portuguese, 732–733
progress (1480–1516), 213–216
rules, quoted, 925
Inquisition in Spain, History of the (Lea), 917*
insane asylums, 245
instincts, man’s natural, 373
Institutes (Calvin), 460, 462, 467, 472, 477, 481, 521, 785
Insurrection and Rebellion, Exhortation against (Luther), 365
interdict, abuse of, 24
interest rates, 15, 110,111, 198, 422, 475, 573, 728, . 755
investiture, papal right, 15
universities, 236
iron cages, imprisonment in, 90
Iron Maiden, 304
irrigation canals, 674
Isabella, Queen of Castile (1474–1504), 15, 92, 202, 203, 204–208, 213, 217, 221, 222, 226, 228, 260, 261, 263, 264, 268
Isabella, Queen of England (1292–1358), 27, 61, 231
Isabella, Queen of England (1396–1401), 56–57
Isabella, sister of Charles V, 380, 382
Isabella of Bavaria, Queen of France (1385–1422), 70
Isabella of Portugal (1503–39), 511, 636
Isabelle, Duchess of Lorraine (1410?-53), 87
Isambart (Augustinian monk), 86
Isen, Germany, monastery, 310
Isfahan, Persia, 672, 684–685, 700
Ishaq, Abu (d. 1352), 667
Islam, 16, 157, 181, 183, 190, 192, 203, 251, 676, 738
Afranic, 695–698
Isma’il I, Shah (1500–24), 676, 681, 698–699, 701
Israel, Consolation for the Sorrows of (Usque), 742
Israeli, Isaac, the Younger (1320), 743
Isserles, Moses (1520–72), 739
Istanbul, Turkey, 189
see also Constantinople Italy: barbarian inundation, 5
culture (1378), 48
economic development, 58
French invasions, 93–95, 506–510, 522, 525
medical knowledge, 243
music, 776
Protestant reformers, 891–895
universities, 788
lulius exclusus (Erasmus), 278–281
Ivan I, Prince of Vladimir (1328–41), 651
Ivan II, Grand Prince (1353–59), 651
Ivan III, the Great (1462–1505), 650, 652, 653, 661
Ivan IV, the Terrible (1533–84), 653–662, 700
Ivan, History of (Kurbski), 657
Jacques Bonhomme, nickname, 67
Jadwiga, Queen of Poland (1384–99), 173
Jaén, Granada, 201
Jagatai, Mongol Emperor (d. 1242), 671
Jagatai tribes, 672
Jagello, Grand Duke of Lithuania (1377–86). see Ladislas II of Poland
Jakoubek of Strzibo (1412), 168
Jamaica, 267
James I, King of Scotland (1406–37), 603,
604; Kings Quair, The, 604
James II, King of Scotland (1437–60), 605
James III, King of Scotland (1460–88), 605
James IV, King of Scotland (1488–1513), 605, 771
James V, King of Scotland (1513–42), 603, 605
Jami, Ghiyath ad-Din, 702
Jami, Nuru’d-Din Abd-er-Raman (1414–92), 682
quoted, 683–684
Jamnitzer, Wenzel (1508–85), 835
Janissaries, 709
Jannequin, Clément (1530), 776, 809
Janssen, Johannes (1829–91), quoted, 329–330
Jean de Poitiers, 519
Jeanne, daughter of Louis X, 61
Jeanne de France (wife of Louis XII), 94–95
Jednota Bratrska, Church of the Brotherhood, 171–172
Jehan à la Barbe, see Sir John Mandeville
Jenkinson, Anthony (1560), 655, 700
Jerome, Saint (340?-420), Vulgate, 225
Jerome of Prague (1360?-1416), 74, 164, 165, 166
quoted, 167
jesters, 114
Jesuits, 209, 631, 911–916, 933
Jew of Malta (Marlowe), 722
jewelry, 768
Jewesses, 722
Jewry, 738
baptized, 201, 207–208, 209–210, 213, 214, 215, 217–218, 219
expulsion, 206, 217–219, 717, 731, 732
persecution, 60, 61, 65, 72, 200, 727–734
Spanish, 200–201
Jews, History of the (Graetz), 738
Jews and Their Lies, Concerning the (Luther), 727
Joachim II, Elector of Brandenburg (1535–71), 440, 445, 454, 930
Joachim of Floris (1145?-?1202), 25
Joan (wife of Black Prince: 1328–85), 33, 44
Joan of Arc (1412–31), 79, 81–88, 97, 111
Joan of Valois (1340), 62
Jodelle, Étienne (1532–73), 808, 815
Cléopatre captive, 811
Joffre, Jean (1409), 245
John VIII, Pope, supposititious, 165
John XXII, Pope (1316–34), 7, 8, 148, 149, 150, 154, 231, 232, 234, 249, 252, 780
John XXIII, anti-pope (1410–15), 9–10, 164, 165
John I, King of Aragon (1387–95), 224
John, King of Bohemia (1310–46), 60, 71, 151, 161–162
John I, King of Castile (1379–90), 191
John II, King of Castile (1406–54), 204, 224
John V, Palaeologus, Eastern Roman Emperor (1355–76), 178, 179
John VI, Cantacuzene, Eastern Roman Emperor (1347–55), 176, 177, 179
John VII, Palaeologus, Eastern Roman Emperor (1390; 1398–1412), 181
John VIII, Palaeologus, Eastern Roman Emperor (1425–48), 176, 182
John, King of England (1199–1216), 30, 32
John II, King of France (1350–64), 28, 65, 66, 68, 126, 252
John I, King of Portugal (1385–1433), 192
John II, King of Portugal (1481–95), 194, 218, 219, 259, 260, 263, 264
John III, King of Portugal (1521–57), 733, 740
John, Duke of Berry (1340–1416), 68, 80
John II, Duke of Bourbon, 102
John, Elector of Saxony (1525–32), 380, 384, 391, 422, 424, 439, 446, 450, 454
John Alexander of Bulgaria (d. 1365), 179
John Frederick, Elector of Saxony (1332–47), 439
John of Augsburg, 328
John of Capistrano, Saint (1386–1456), 713, 721, 725, 729, 731
John of Gaunt, English prince (1340–1399), 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 40, 42, 43, 48, 57
John of God, Saint (1495–1550), 900
John of Jandun (d. 1328), 149, 252
John of Lancaster, Duke of Bedford (1389–1435), 70, 85
John of Ley den (1509–36), 398, 399, 400, 401, 633
John of Luxembourg (1430), 85
John of Salisbury (d. 1180), 254
John of Stresa (1360), 162
John of the Cross, St. (1542–91), 904
John Shishman (1392), 180
John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy (1404–19), 126
Joinville, Jean de (1224?-1317), 99
Joris, David (1501?–56), 484
Joseph of Écija, 200
Jouenneaux, Guy (1503), 20
Juan de Quintana, 479
Juan de Tavera, Cardinal, 847
Juana la Loca, Queen of Castile (1504–1506), 225, 226, 301, 637, 638, 639
Juana of Portugal (1462–1530), 204, 205
Jour s’endort, Le (Dufay), 775
Joyeuse Entrie, 142
Jud, Leo (1482–1542), 409, 413, 423
Judaism, 422, 425, 466, 722, 723, 726, 747, 850
Judaizing, 726
Judenspiegel (Pfefferkorn), 323
Julian calendar, reform, 238
Julius II, Pope (1503–13), 13, 19, 23, 76, 199, 215, 275, 276, 278, 281, 287, 290, 300, 331, 332, 337, 404, 536, 539, 722, 922
Julius III, Pope (1550–55), 743, 922, 925, 930–931
Junkers, 144
Jürgen, Johann (1533), 753
Jurischitz, Nicholas (1532), 705
justification by faith, 172, 641, 920, 926
Justinian Code, 759
Justus van Ghent (c. 1433–0. 1481), 137, 223
Juvénal des Ursins (1460), 80
“Kaiser Sigismund’s Reformation,” 145
Kalkar, Jan Stefan van (c. 1499–1550), 870, 871
Kalmar, Sweden, 146
Kalonymos ben Kalonymos (1286-c, 1329). 723–724
Kansas, discovery, 865
Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804), 248, 251
Kappel, Switzerland, 413
Peace of (1529), 411
Karo, Joseph (1488–1575), 739
“Karstans,” pamphlet, 382
Kaspi, Joseph (c. 1280–0. 1340), 744
Kassa, Poland: Privilege of (1374), 173
school of artists, 189
Katechismus, Kleiner (Luther), 447
Katherine of Valois, wife of Henry V of England (1401–37), 70
Keiserberg, Geiler von (1500), 305
Kemény, Simon (d. 1442), 185
Kempis, Thomas à (1380–1471), 129, 250
Kent, England, uprising (1381), 41–42
Kepler, Johannes (1571–1630), 862
Ket, Robert (1549), 581, 582, 583
Khair ed-Din, see Barbarossa II
Khalil Pasha, Vizier, 182
Khurasan, Persia, 676, 678, 698, 699
Khurrem, wife of Suleiman (d. 1558), 717
Khwandamir, quoted, 688
Kildare, Earl of, see Gerald Fitzgerald
Kilkenny, Statute of (1366), 569
“King of the Romans,” 147
kings: divine right, 448, 457, 881
medieval function, 145
king’s courts, 30
Kings Quair, The (James I), 604
Kingston, Lady, 560
Kingston, Sir William, 542
Kirkaldy, Sir James, 606
Kirman, Persia, 698
Kitazato, Shibasaburo (1852–1931), 64
Knight, William, 539
knights: German, 299
Livonian, 161
revolt, 380
Knights of Rhodes, 674
Knights of St. John, 180, 703, 704, 718
Knox, John (1505?–72), 152, 489, 607–615, 616- 620, 849
Exhortation, A Brief, 615
Faith, Confession of, 618–619
God’s Truth in England, A Faithful Admonition to, 611
Reformation of Religion in Scotland, 607
Scotland, Appellation to the Nobility and Estates of, 613
Women, .... Monstrous Regiment of, 612
Knox, Margaret Bowes, 609
Knutsen, Kark (1435–70), 146
Koberger, Johann (1510), 159
Kobilich, Milosh (d. 1389), 180
Kolozsvari, Nicholas (1370), 184
Königshofen, Germany, 391
Konya (Iconium), Asia Minor, 678
Koran, 708
Kosovo, 180, 181, 182, 186, 679, 680
Kraft, Adam (1460?-1508), 308–309
Krell, Ostwolt, 314
Kromer, Bishop (1581), 863
Kruja, Albania, 187
Kublai Khan (1229–94), 664
Kunovitza, 182
Kurbski, Andrei (1528?-83), 656
History of Ivan, 657
Kurfürstentag, Diet of Electors, 147, 148
Kutna Hora, Treaty of (1485), 171
Kyng, Margaret, 121
La Boétie, Étienne de (1530–68), 882–883;
quoted, 882
La Bruyère, Jean de (1645–96), 807
Labé, Louise (1526–66), 808
labor: bargaining power, 64–65
conscription, 39
passage of, 15
regulation of conditions, no, 198
revolts, 110–111
Labourers, Statute of, 40, 110
Labyrinth, The (de Mena), 224
Laccaria, Antonio (1502–39), 899
lace, Spanish, 847
Ladies Peace (1529), 513
Ladislas I, King of Bohemia (1452–7)
Ladislas V, King of Hungary (1446–52), 185–186
Ladislas II, King of Bohemia (1471–1516), 171
Ladislas II, King of Hungary (1490–1516), 190
Ladislas, King of Naples (1386–1414), 164
Ladislas I, King of Poland (1306–33), 172
Ladislas II, King of Poland (1386–1434), 173
Laetus, Julius Pomponius (1428–98), 919
La Fontaine, Jean de (1621–95), 807
La Hire (Gascon soldier; 1429), 86
quoted, 83
Lais, Les (Villon), 102
Lambert, John, 571
Lambeth, England, 21
Lamentations of Jeremiah (Palestrina), 782
La Mettrie, Julien (1709–51), 939
land: accumulation by Church, 17
inheritance by women, 61*; rental, 40
Landino, Francesco (c. 1325–97), 771
Lang, Matthias, Archbishop of Salzburg (1525), 389
Langeais, castle, 97
Langenstein, Heinrich von (1381), 9
Langland, William (c. 1332–0. 1398), 30
Piers the Plowman, 46–47
language: Burgundy, 130
France, 92
Greek, 5
Hebrew, 323
Jüdisch, 738
Latin America, 269
Spain* 815–816
Sweden, 625
Turks, 678
vernacular, 886
Languet, Hubert (1518–81), 873, 891, 892
Lanzarote, Captain (1444), 193, 194
Lark, Song of the (Jannequin), 776
La Salle, Antoine de (c. 1398–0. 1462), Cent nouvelles nouvelles (c. 1460), 75, 90
Las Casas, Bartolomé de (1474–1566), 817
Lascaris, John (1445?-1535), 790
Laski, Jan (1499–1560), 580, 599, 630
Lasso, Orlando di (c. 1530–94), 776–777, 779
Last Supper, The (da Vinci), 132
Lateran, Fifth Council, 16, 924
Latimer, Hugh (1485?-1555), 532, 534, 565, 572, 581, 589, 596, 597–598
Latimer, William (c. 1460–1545), 123
Latin mysteries (1182), 46
Latium, Papal State, 8
Laudibus legum Angliae, De (Fortescue), 115
Lausanne, Switzerland, 469
Lautrec, Vicomte de (1485–1528), 494, 512
La Valette, Jean Parisot de (1494–1568), 718
law: Christian state, 472
obeying, 377
Ottoman codes, 708
secular, 15
law schools, 254
Lawbook of Czar Dushan, 179
lawlessness, 112
Laws, The (Pletho), 176
lay chalice, 168
lay conduct, regulating, 473–474
lay morality, 765
lay priests, 36
Laynez, Diego (1512–65), 910, 911, 913, 928, 929
Lazar I, King of Serbia (1371–89), 180
Leamington, England, 119
“learned ignorance,” 255
learning: pre-Christian, 16
Protestant derogation, 426
leather, Spanish, 847
Leclerc, Pierre, 506
Lefèvre d’Étaples, Jacques (1450?-1530), 468, 499, 502, 504, 505
legacies, 17
Leinberger, Simon (1470), 306
Leipheim, Germany, 388
theological debate, Eck and Carlstadt, 349–350
Leith, Scotland, 617
Le Jay, Claude (1534), 910, 928
Lenten fasts, 406
Leo III, Pope (795–816), 148, 149, 923
Leo X, Pope (1513–21), 14, 19, 23, 25, 225, 283, 285, 287, 291, 324, 325, 327, 332, 557–556, 346–350, 355, 358, 362, 363, 406, 425, 429, 431, 492, 507, 520, 525, 526, 621, 681, 722, 771, 858, 918
Leo Africanus (1550), Deseriptio Africae, 864
Leoni, Leone (1509–90), 845
Leonor de Cisneros, 640
Leonora Telles de Menesco (regent of Portugal, 1383–86), 191
Lérida, Spain, 221
Leroux, Roland (1493), 96, 830
Lesage, Alain (1668–1747), 818
Lesbos, Greece, 187
Lescot, Pierre (1510?-78), 827, 848
“Fountain of the Innocents,” 830
Leslie, Norman (d.1554), 606
Letters of Obscure Men to the Venerable Master Ortuinus Gratius, 324–325, 426
Lever, Thomas (1521–77), 581, 764
Levi ben Gerson (1288?-?1344). 741, 744
S Battles of the Lord, 745
Levita, Elijah (1468–1549), 724, 741
Lewin of Augsburg, 328
Ley den, Netherlands, 398, 400
town hall, 846
Libellus, De canonicis scripturis (Carlstadt), 352
Libero arbitrio, De (Erasmus), 434
libertine, 469*
Libertins, Genevese, 469, 478, 479, 483
Liège, 58, 91, 126, 127, 130, 135, 659
Life and Adventures of Lazarillo de Tormes, The (Mendoza), 818
Light of the Lord (Crescas), 746
Ligue du bien public (1464), 91
Lille, France, 59
Limburg, Belgium, 126
Limousin, France, 68
Limousin, Léonard (1505?-77), 829
Linacre, Thomas (1460?-1524), 123, 124, 125, 524, 873
Lincoln, England, cathedral, 118, 119
Lincolnshire, England, 565
Lindau, Germany, 443
Lindenast, Sebastian (1516), 308
Liniers, Jean de (d. c. 1354), 238
Linnaeus, Carolus (1707–78), 868
Lippi, Filippino (1457?-1504), 188
Lippomano, Lodovico, 630
Lipstein, Germany, 392
Lisbon, Portugal, 195, 196, 632
university, 237
literacy, 123, 136, 157, 235, 320, 366, 602, 603, 714, 789
literary societies, 76, 189, 322
literature: Church function, 18
Iceland, 146
Islamic, 681–684
licentious, 760
Norwegian leadership, 146
Russia, 649
Switzerland, 427
Lithuania, 161, 173, 647, 653, 725
Little Book of Eternal Wisdom (Suso), 154
liturgy, Catholic, 777–778
livery, 38.
Llorente, Juan Antonio (1756–1823), 215.
Lobeira, Vasco de (1360?-1403), 192
Locarno, Switzerland, 403
Loches, France, royal residence, 97
Lochner, Stephan (d. 1451), 156
Loci communes (Melanchthon), 434
Locke, Mrs. Anne, 609–610
Locke, John (1632–1704), 247, 251, 939
Lodovico II Moro, Regent of Milan (1494–1504), 94, 97, 188
Logic, Divisions of (Ramus), 884
Lollards, 36, 40, 47, 115–111, 236, 532, 595, 607, 727
London, England: aliens, banishment (1381), 45
economy and religion, 475
Inns of Court, 236
Newgate prison, 43
St. Mary of Bethlehem hospital (1247), 245
St. Paul’s Cathedral, Nelson’s shrine, 839
Temple, destruction, 42
Tower, 117
Westminster Abbey, see Westminster Abbey
Westminster Cathedral, 119
workers’ revolt (1381), 69, (1450), 110–111 London and Muscovite Company, 656
Lopes, Fernao (c. 1380–1460), 195, 815
Lords, House of (Upper House), 27, 30, 109, 115
Lorrain, Claude (1600–82), 80
lotteries, 759
Louis I de Nevers, Count of Flanders (1304?–46), 59
Louis II de Male, Count of Flanders (1330–83), 63
Louis IX, King of France (1226–70), 231
Louis X, King of France (1314–16), 61
Louis XI, King of France (1461–83), 81, 89–93, 95, 97, 99, 108, 135, 142, 792
Louis XII, King of France (1498–1515), 94–96, 97, 98, 99, 227, 266, 314, 491, 492, 493, 506, 525, 771, 792
Louis IV, King of Germany and Holy Roman Emperor (1314–47), 148–151, 152, 249, 250, 251, 252, 254
Louis I, King of Hungary (1342–82), 172–173, 184
Louis II, King of Hungary (1516–26), 301, 430, 440–441
Louis I, Duke of Anjou (1339–84), 68
Louis, Duke of Orléans (1372–1407), 80, 81, 126
Louise of Savoy (1476–1531), 491, 496, 497, 498, 503, 508, 510, 511, 512, 513
quoted, 502
Louvain, Flanders, 58, 126, 127, 136, 356, 631
Cathedral of St. Pierre (142 c-), 130, 136
Town Hall (1448-), 130
University (1426), 130, 428, 788
Lowlands, see Netherlands
Loyola, Ignatius (1491–1556), 459, 507, 905–911, 912, 913, 915, 925
Lübeck, Germany, 144, 297, 398, 439, 445, 622, 623, 624, 627, 628
Lucan, Marcus Annaeus (39–65), 845
Lucas van Ley den (1494–1533), 309, 318, 831
Lucena, Spain, 203
Lucerne, Switzerland, 146, 410
Lucero (inquisitor), 215
Lucian (2nd Century A.D.), Dialogues, 275
Ludwig, Palatinate Elector (1525), 362, 389
Lugano, Switzerland, 403
Luna, Álvaro de (1388?-1453), 222
Luristan, Persia, 672
Lusiads, The (Camoëns), 814
quoted, 191
Lusitanus, Amatus (1511–68), 743–744
lute, 772
Luther, Hans, 341
Luther, Magdalena, 417
Luther, Margaret, 851
Luther, Martin (1483–1546), 13, 16, 32, 55, 75, 149, 152, 157, 160, 166, 195, 238, 250, 275, 283, 297, 299, 318, 320, 324, 325, 327, 329, 340, 341–319, 380, 382, 401, 412, 413, 415–425, 428, 429, 431, 443, 446, 441–453, 471, 607, 624, 726–727
quoted, 304, 328, 346, 349, 351, 352, 353, 355, 361, 365, 367, 370, 374, 378, 386, 391, 393, 418, 421, 422, 434, 435, 441, 450, 532, 761, 765, 778, 820, 858, 881
Babylonian Captivity of the Church, The, 354, 359, 449
Burgomasters, Epistle to the, 786
Christian Liberty, A Treatise on, 356
Common Chest, Regulation of a, 764
Councils and the Churches, On the, 448
Epitome, 351
“Indulgencies and Grace, A Sermon on,” 345
Indulgencies, Disputation for Clarification of the Power of, 340, 428
Insurrection and Rebellion, Exhortation against, 365
Jews and Their Lies, Concerning the, 727
Katechismus, Kleiner, 447
On Monastic Vows, 364
Open Letter Concerning the Reform of the Christian Estate, 352–354
Open Letter to the Christian Nobility, 420
Papacy at Rome Founded by the Devil, Against the, 450
Peace, Admonition to, 386
Peasants, Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of, 389–391
Peasants, Open Letter Concerning the Hard Book Against, 393
“Pope and the Bishops, Against the Falsely Called Spiritual Order of the,” 377
Theologia Germanica, 345
Trade and Usury, 379
Lutheran churches, 419
Lutheran princes, 520, 521, 624
Lutheran Reformation, 168
Lutheranism, 174, 377, 380, 382, 393, 424, 439, 457, 488, 503, 504, 532, 580, 599, 607, 608, 625, 628, 630, 631, 633, 640, 643, 703, 849, 891, 921
Lutzeburger, Hans (1524), 835
Luxembourg, 126
Lwów, Poland, 172
Lyly, John (1554?-1606), 816
Lyon, Corneille de (c. 1510–74), Maréchal Bonnivet (Toledo, U.S.A.), 830
Lyons, France, 227, 494, 506, 784
Maastricht, Netherlands, 633
Mabuse, Jan, see Jan Gossaert
Macarius, Russian metropolitan, 660
Macedonia, 179
Machaut, Guillaume de (c. 1300–77), 773–774
Machiavelli, Niccolo (1469–1527), 100, 198, 206, 227, 229, 288, 300, 516, 610, 815
quoted, 16
The Prince (1513), 13, 89, 227, 525, 548
Madeira, 192–193
madness, group, 65
Obispo Chapel, 846;
Treaty (1526), 511, 512, 513, 514
madrigals, 782
Madruzzo, Cardinal (1545), 928
Magdeburg, Germany, 147, 153, 297, 338, 438
Magellan, Ferdinand (c. 1480–1521), 264, 269, 865–866
magicians, 230–234
Magnesia, Asia Minor, 680
Magnificat, (Palestrina), 782
Magnus II, King of Sweden (1319–65), 145
Magnus, Johannes, 624
Magyars, 631
Mahmud, Sultan of Delhi (1395), 673
Mahmud Nishapuri, 701
Mahmud Pasha, 680
Maiano, Giovanni da, 839
Maidstone, England, 42
Maillart, Jean, 68
Maimonides (1135–1204), 744, 745
Maine, U.S., 865
Mainz, Germany, 7, 12, 121, 144, 147, 156, 158, 159, 231, 297, 299, 338, 356, 412, 440, 467
Rhenish Literary Society, 322
Maistre Pierre Pathelin, 100–101
Maitland, William (1528?–73), 609, 618
Major, John (1470–1550), 881
Majorca, 638
Malacca, Malay Peninsula, 195
Malaga, Granada, 201, 202, 203, 218
Malory, Sir Thomas (1470), 121–122
Malouel, Herman (1416), 80
Malouel, Jehannequin (1416), 80
Malouel, Pol (1416), 80
Mamai, Tatar Khan (1380), 651
Man, Thomas (1518), 117
Mander, Karel (1548–1606), 832
Mandeville, Sir John (d. 1372), Travels, 75
manners, III, 198, 202, 304, 629, 660, 712, 776, 770
manorial system, 39
Manresa, Spain, 221
Manriquez, Isabella, 893
Mansion, Colard (1471), 121
Mantegna, Andrea (1431–1506), 195, 313
Mantin, Jakob (1540), 741
Manuel II, Palaeologus, Eastern Roman Emperor (1391–1425), 177, 178, 181
Manuel I, King of Portugal (1495–1521), 194, 196, 219
Manuel, Donna Costanza, 191
Manuel, Don Juan (1282–1349), 224
manumission, 712
Manutius, Aldus (1450–1515), 123, 159, 275
Manz, Felix, 396
Maqrizi, al (1364–1442), 677
Maragha, Persia, 664
Marathon, Greece, 186
Marcel, Étienne (d. 1358), 67, 68
Marcellus II, Pope (1555), 781, 922, 925
Marches, the, Papal State, 8
Marco Polo, The Book of Ser, 259
Margaret, Queen of Denmark, Norway and Sweden (1363–1412), 145–146, 226
Margaret of Anjou (Queen of England; 1445–82), 107
Margaret of Austria (1480–1530), 96, 142, 513, 632
Margaret of Carinthia (1318–69), 151
Margaret of Flanders (wife of Philip the Bold; 1369–1405), 131
Margaret of Saale, 449
Margaret of Scotland, wife of Louis XI (1425?-1445), 77, 89
Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scotland (1503–41), 605
Marguerite, Queen of Navarre (1492–1549), 291, 460, 478, 491, 493, 495, 491–501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 510
Miroir de l’âme pécheresse, Le, 500
Marguerite of Berry, 522
Marguerite of Valois (1553–1615), 518
Mariana, Juan de (1536–1623), 614
Marie of Orléans (1460), 102
Marienburg, Germany, 173
Deutschorden-schloss, 155
Marignano, battle (1515), 403, 405, 506, 508
Marigny, Enguerrand de (1260–1315), 232
marine insurance, 198
Maritsa, 181
Marmora, Sea of, 181
Marot, Clément (1495?-1544), 495, 499, 501, 505, 779, 788, 793–195*, 808, 891
Marranos, converted Jews, 734, 735, 740, 744
Marraqesh, Morocco, 695
marriage, 39, 72, 112, 303, 354, 648, 761–762
sacerdotal, 21, 22. 364, 376, 380, 407, 440, 455, 572, 629, 630, 631, 648, 932
sanitary ordinances (1383), 245
Marsilius of Padua (1290?-?1343), 7, 9, 16, 149, 150, 151, 165, 246, 249, 251, 252–254
quoted, 253–254
Marsilius von Inghen (1330?-1396), 241
Martial (1st Century A.D.), 845
Martin V, Pope (1417–31), 10–11, 23, 168, 722
Martin, Jean, 826
Martínez, Fernán (1391), 200
Martini, Simone (1283?-1344), 80
Martinique, 266
Martyrs, The Book of (Foxe), 596*
Marville, Jean de (d. 1389), 130
Marx, Karl, (1818–83), 555
Mary I, Queen of England (1553–58), 522, 526, 536, 538, 546, 548, 559, 560, 501, 573, 576, 581, 585, 586, 581–601, 606, 612
quoted, 593
Mary of Burgundy (1457–82), 142, 300, 507
Mary of Hungary (regent 1531–52), 301, 632, 633, 636, 641
Mary of Lorraine, Queen of Scotland (1538–60), 605, 606, 609, 612, 613, 615, 616, 617
Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots (1542–87), 576, 581, 593, 594, 606, 612, 617, 618
Mary Tudor (Queen of Louis XII; 1514–1515), 95–96, 525
masonry, 838
Mass, 24, 115, 168, 354, 411, 579, 597, 619, 778, 850
music, 780
Mass, Commentary on the (Calvin), 630
Mass of Pope Marcellus (Palestrina), 781
Massys, Cornells (c. 1513–80), 832
Massys, Jan (1509–75), Judith (Boston), 831
Suzanna and the Elders (Brussels), 831
Massys (Matsys), Quentin (1466?-1530), 139–140, 141, 842
Adoration of the Child (New York), 140
The Banker and His Wife (Louvre), 139
The Courtesan (Coll. Comtesse de Pourtalès), 139
Entombment (Antwerp, Louvre), 139
Erasmus (1517, Galleria Corsini, Rome), 139, 290
Feast of Herod (Antwerp), 139
Jesus Christ Shown to the People (Madrid), 140
Madonna (Louvre, Lyons, Brussels, Antwerp, Berlin), 139
“Master M.S.,” Mary Visiting Elizabeth (Budapest Museum), 189
Master of Flemalle, see Campin, Robert
Master of the House Book (c. 1470), 309
Master of the Life of the Virgin (fl. 1470), 310
Virgin and St. Bernard (Cologne), 310
Masudi, Abu-al-Hasan al (d. 956), 694
mathematics, 238, 239, 240, 420, 744, 849, 855
Matteo da Bassi (c. 1495–1552), 900
Matthew of Arras, 162
Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary (1458–90), 171, 181–190, 230, 239, 441, 710, 711
Matthias of Janov (1390), 163
Maurice, Elector of Saxony (1547–53), 445, 453, 454, 455, 930, 931
Maurolico, Fr. (1494–1575), 744
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor (1493–1519), 93, 242, 226, 233, 294, 296, 299, 300–302, 303, 314, 317, 320, 324, 331, 338, 347. 403, 526, 731, 774
Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor (1564–76), 718
Mayan culture, 865
Mazarin Bible, 159*
Mazzoni, Guido (1450–1518), 97
measurements, standardized, 92
meat-eaters, 321*
Meaux, France, 67
mechanics, 241
Mechlin (Malines), Belgium, 58, 136
medical practice, 874
medical schools, 243
Medici, Cosimo de (1389–1464), 122, 129
Medici, Giuliano de (1519), 896
Medici, Lorenzo de (1449–92), 13, 122, 188, 776, 919
medicine, 64, 231, 243, 689, 743, 873
Médicis, Catherine de (1519–89), 492, 514, 518, 519, 522, 612, 851
Mediterranean, 867
Meister, title, 156
Meistersinger, 298, 771, 778, 813
Meistersinger schools, 156
Melanchthon, Philip (1497–1560), 324, 349, 350, 352, 364, 401, 412, 419, 423, 424, 426, 438, 440, 441, 443, 446, 447, 449, 451–458, 461, 478, 484, 504, 505, 786–787, 849, 851. 859, 920, 930
Loci communes, 434
Schulplan (1527), 787
Melozzo da Forli (1438-?95), 223
Melrose Abbey, 604
Memling, Hans (1430?-95), 137–139
Adoration of the Child (Cologne), 138
Adol ration of the Magi (Madrid; Hospital of St. John, Bruges), 138
Bathsheba at the Bath (Stuttgart), 138
Crucifixion (Marienkirche, Lubeck; Louvre, Vicenza), 138
Last Judgment (Marienkirche. Danzig). 138
Life of Christ and Mary (Munich), 138
Passion of Christ (Turin), 138
Memmingen, Germany, 384, 392, 443
memoirs, French literature, 99
Mena, Juan de (1411–56), 224
Ménagier (1393), quoted, 72
Mendes, Diogo, 735–736
Mendesia, Gracia (c. 1510–68), 737
Mendez, Diego (1503), 267–268
Mendoza, Diego de (1503?-75), 817–818
Mendoza, Pedro González de (1428–95), 204, 207
Menno Simons (1492–1559), 401
mercantile oligarchy, 40, 60, 144, 472
Mercator, Gerhardus (1512–94), 269, 866
Mercator’s Projection, 866
merchant adventurers, 109, 632
merchant capitalists, 297
Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare), 722
Merle, William (d. 1347?), 239
Mermaid Tavern, London, 767
Merseburg, Germany, 356
Merv, Russia, 663
metabolism, 877
metal industries, 38, 59, 144, 155–156
Metallica, De re (Agricola), 753
metallurgy, 753
metalworkers, 298, 307, 309, 688, 828, 847–848
Méthode de traicter les plates (Paré), 875
Metochites, Theodorus (d. 1332), 175–176
metropolitans, 649
Metz, Germany, 297, 299, 305, 455, 521
Metzler, George (1525), 387, 388
Meung, France, 84
Meung, Jean de (13th Century A.D.), 808
Meurs, Jean de (1344), 238
Meyer, Martin (1457), 330
quoted, 331
Michael, Prince of Tver (1319), 651
Michelangelo (1475–1564), 13, 132, 134, 222, 281, 290, 830, 831, 847, 873, 899, 921
Last Judgment, 899
Leda, 823
Michelet, Jules (1798–1874), quoted, 501
Middle Ages, 230
migrations, 659
Milan, Luis de (c. 1500–65), 771, 776
Milan, Italy, 94, 97, 149, 161, 444, 507, 508, 514
Castello Sforzesco, 650
Cathedral, 192
San Gotardo clock, 241
Milíč of Kromërize (d. 1374), 163, 725
Mill, John Stuart (1806–73), 251
millennarianism, 170
Milne, Walter, 615
Miltitz, Carl von (1490?-1529), 348, 355
Milton, John (1608–74), 277
Paradise Lost, 894
mineralogy, 864
miniatures, 80, 98, 119, 131 155, 177, 309, 686, 687, 715
mining, 90, 143, 294, 295, 296, 626, 752–753, 817.
minnesingers, 156
minstrel troupes, 46
Mir Ali Shir Nawa’i (1440–1501), 682
Miraflores, Cathusian monastery, 222
Mirak, Aqa, 701
Miroir de l’âme pécheresse, Le (Marguerite of Navarre), 500
Miroir de mariage, Le (Deschamps), 76
Miroir de Phoebus (Foix), 243
Mishna Torah (Maimonides), 739
Misrule, Lord of, 114
Mithridates (Gesner), 868
Mittenwald, Germany, 306
Modena, Tommaso da, 162
Modena, Italy, 161
Accademia, 892
Mohács, Hungary, 441, 510, 704
Mohammed (570–632), 480
Mohammed I, Sultan (1413–21), 181, 680
Mohammed II, Sultan (1451–81), 182, 183, 186, 187, 680, 682, 686, 708
Book of Laws, 711
Mohr, George, 366
Molcho, Solomon (c. 1501–32), 740–741
Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin) (1622–73), 101, 807
Moluccas, 195
Monarchia, or Governance of England (Fortescue), 115
monarchical government, centralization, 157
monasteries: laxity, 19–20
manufacturing and trading, 330
Mount Athos, 177
reclamation work, 17
restoration, 595
suppression, 439, 534–535, 562, 563, 569, 630
Monastery of the Trinity, 648
Monastic Vows, On (Luther), 364
Mondeville, Henri de (d. c. 1326), 244
Money, On the Origin, Nature, Law, and Alterations of (Oresme), 252
money economy, 294
moneylending, 728
Mongols, 161, 647, 663, 664, 671
Monophysites, 678
Montaigne, M. E. de (1533–92), 250, 788, 792, 806, 807, 854, 867, 882
Monte Cassino, ecclesiastical library, 5
Montefeltro, Federigo da (1444–82), 189
Montemayor, Jorge de (1521?-61), 816
Montezumas, Aztec Empire, 865
Montis Pilati, Descriptio (Gesner), 868
Montlhéry, battle of, 91
Montluc, Bishop of Valence (1572), 886
Montmorency, Due Anne de (1493–1567), 492, 494, 515, 522, 824, 828
Montmorency, Guillaume de (1530), 824, 828, 829
Montreal, Canada, 865
Moors: baptism, 638
capture, quoted, 193
Christianizing, 220
Portugal, 219
Mor, Anthonis (1512?-76), 831, 847
Alva (Brussels), 831
Granvelle (Vienna), 831
Mary Tudor (Madrid), 831
Philip II (Madrid), 831
Self-portrait (Uffizi), 831
Mora, Sweden, 623
Morales, Cristobal (r. 1500–53), 776
Morales, Luis de (1510?-86), 847
freedom, 434
laxity, 304
Ottoman, 711–714
Morat, 135
Moravia, 398
Moray, James Stuart, Earl of (1499?-1544), 609
More, Lady, quoted, 557
More, Margaret, 557
More, Thomas (1478–1535), 25, 109, 123, 125, 139, 232, 273, 277, 278, 288, 291, 429, 435, 523, 524, 525, 542, 547, 548, 550-558, 578, 727, 769, 842
quoted, 574
Confutation, 533
Heresies, A Dialogue Concerning, 533, 556
Richard III, History of, 552
Morea (Peloponnesus), 176, 177, 187
Moreh Nebuchim (Maimonides), 744, 745
Morgarten, Switzerland, 146
Moriscos, 220
Morocco, 695
Morone, Cardinal Giovanni (1509–80), 780, 898, 899, 926
morris dance, 770
Morte d’Arthur, Le (Malory), 121–122
Mortimer, Roger de (1287–1330), 27
Morton, John, Archbishop (1420?-1500), 529, 550
Moscow, principality, 647, 649, 650–655
Cathedral of the Archangel, 650
Cathedral of the Assumption, 649, 650
Church of Basil the Blessed, 660
Moses (c. 1200 B.C.), 288
Moslems, 158, 175, 182, 208, 220. 229
mosques, 677, 681, 684–686, 605, 715–716
motion, relativity of, 861
Motteux, Peter de (1660?-1718), 807
Mountjoy, Baron (d. 1534), 272, 276, 289, 428
quoted, 524
Mudejares, unconverted Moors, 200, 222
Muhammad ibn-Hasan, 698
Muhammad Nur, Sultan (1540), 701
Mühldorf, Germany, 148
Muley Hassan, Prince (1534), 696, 697
Mülier. Hans (1524), 384
Mülier, Johann (Regiomontanm;, 1436–76), 239, 298, 744
Munich, Germany, 156
Altes Rathaus (1470–88), 306
Frauenkirche (1468–88), 306
Haus der Kunst, 319
municipal democracy, agitations for. no municipal protectionism, 631
Münster, Sebastian (1489–1552), Cosmographia universalis, 864
Münster, Germany* 398–400, 445, 461
Rathaus, 155