* In 1485 the domains of the house of Wettin were divided into two regions. The smaller but richer part, containing Leipzig and Dresden, was given to the younger son, Duke Albert, and became known as Ducal or Albertine Saxony. The larger but less populous portion, including Wittenberg and Weimar, was assigned to the elder brother, the Imperial Elector Ernest, and came to be known as Electoral or Ernestine Saxony. This division proved of some moment in the Reformation.
* We cannot fully authenticate the famous words engraved on the majestic Luther Denkmal or Memorial at Worms: Hier stehe Ich, Ich kann nicht anders—“Here I stand, I can do no other.” The words do not occur in the transcript of Luther’s reply as given in the records of the Diet; they make their first appearance in the earliest printed version of his speech.77
* Or, as we should now say, man is born with instincts fitted for the hunting stage but requiring persistent restraint in civilization.
† Cf. the Beatitudes, Matt. 5 : 3-10
* It has been replaced in Lutheran practice by collective confession of sinfulness, followed by a general absolution.