
Dates are of birth and death except for kings and popes, where they are of the reign. A single date indicates a floruit. A footnote is indicated by an asterisk. Italicized page numbers indicate principal treatment.


Aachen, Germany, 144, 156

cathedral, 154

Abaqa, Khan (1265), 664

Abbate, Niccolo dell’ (c. 1512–71), 823, 826, 829

Abbeville, France, 58

church of St. Wulfram (1480), 96

Abd-er-Rahman, Sa’di (1596–1656), 695

Abélard, Peter (1079–1142), 5, 246, 250

Aberdeen, Scotland, university, 236, 603

Abrabanel, Isaac (1437–1508), 207, 217, 261, 741–742

Abrabanel, Judah Leon (d. 1535), 742

Abrabanel, Samuel (1473–1550), 742

absentee landlordism, 569

absolution, 22

absolutism, 255, 448, 571, 579, 718, 882, 924

abstractions, 247, 248

Abu-Abd-Allahi, “Az-Zaghral” (1480), 203

Abu-al-Fida (1273–1331), 689–690

Abu-al Hasan of Granada (1480), 202–203

Abu Sa’id (Timurid Sultan: 1452–69), 666, 676

Abulafia, Samuel (d. 1360), 200

Abyssinia, 192, 195

academy of scholars, 90

Acarnania, 179

Accusation, Act of (1529), 544

acrobats, 114

Acta Pauli, 924

Acuña, Antonio de (1520), 638

Adagiorum, Collectanea (Erasmus), 273–274, 275, 805

Adamites, sect, 72

Adashef, Alexis, 654, 656

Aden, 195

Adolf of Nassau (1462), 159, 331

Adoration of the Lamb, The (van Eyck), 131, 132*

Adret, Solomon ben Abraham ben (1235–1310), 742, 744, 745

Adrian VI, Pope (1522–23), 275–276, 285, 291, 357, 360, 380, 434, 440, 624, 625, 638, 918

quoted, 381, 433

Adrianople, 63, 179, 182, 186, 680

Adriatic, 178, 187

adulteration, 304

adultery, 70, 72, 112, 471, 474, 496, 529, 712, 762

Aegean, Turkish control, 299

Aeneas Sylvius, see Pius II

Aetolia, 179

Affonso IV, King of Portugal (1325–57), 191

Affonso V, King of Portugal (1438–81), 205, 259

Africa, 192, 193–194, 866

circumnavigability, 259, 260

Africa, Moslem, 203

Africa, West, 664

Africae, Descriptio (Leo Africanus), 864

age, expectation (1340), 39

Agenois, France, 68

Agincourt, battle of (1415), 70, 106

agnosticism, 3, 863

Agobard of Lyons, Saint (779–840), 232

Agricola, Alexander (1446?–1506), 771

Agricola, Georg (1494–1555), 752–753, 864;

quoted, 752, 864

De natura fossilium, 864;

De re metallica, 754, 864

Agricola, Rudolphus (1443–85), 129, 321

agriculture, 14, 38, 90, 269, 572

Agrippa, Henry Cornelius (1487–1535), 852–855, 876

quoted, 853, 854

Occult Philosophy, 853

On the Uncertainty of the Sciences, 854

Ahmad ibn Uways Jala’ir, Sultan (1382–93; 1405–9), 673

Ahmad Pasha (d. 1496), 682

Ahmedi of Sivas (c. 1334–1413), Alexander, Book of, 682

Aiguesmortes, 60

Ailly, Pierre d’ (1350–1420), 73, 240

Imago mundi, 259

Aix, Germany, 305

Aix-en-Provence, France, 76, 505, 508

Akhmet Khan (1480), 652, 653

Alama, Morocco, 202

Albania, 178, 179, 182, 187

Albert II, Holy Roman Emperor (1438–40), 152

Albert III, Duke of Saxony (1464–85), 339*

Albert of Saxony (1364), 241

Albertus Magnus (1193?–1280), 246, 255

Albigensians, 153, 216, 423

Albo, Joseph (d. 1444), Fundamental Principles, 746

Albrecht, Count of Hohenlohe (1525), 388

Albrecht (Albert), Duke of Prussia (1490–1568), 412, 439, 628

Albrecht Alcibiades (1522–57), 455

Albrecht of Brandenburg, Archbishop of Mainz (1490–1545), 320, 327, 338, 341, 356, 389, 440

Albret, Henri d’ (1503–55), 498, 507

Albret, Jeanne d’ (1528–72), 498, 761

Albuquerque, Affonso de (1453–1515), 195, 707

Alcalá, Spain, University, 225, 228, 237

alchemy, 231, 234, 242, 877

Alcuin (735–804), 225

Aldine press, 784

Aleander, Jerome (1480–1542), 332, 354, 356, 358, 360, 362–363, 430, 431, 432, 444, 445, 897, 898

quoted, 359

Alençon, Charles, Duke of (1489–1525), 509

Alençon, French acquisition, 92

Aleppo, 673

Alexander III, Pope (1159–81), 6

Alexander V, anti-pope (1409–10), 9

Alexander VI, Pope (1492–1503), 13, 14, 19, 92, 94, 95, 124, 199, 213, 215, 219, 264, 332, 340, 416, 653, 722

Alexander, Great Prince of Lithuania (1500), 653

Alexander, Book of (Nizami), 682

Alexandria, Egypt, 676, 720

Alexandrovsk, Russia, 657, 658

Alexis, St., Metropolitan of Moscow (ft. 1354–70), 649

Alfonso V, King of Aragon (1385–1458), 93

Alfonso X, King of Castile and León (1252–84), 771

Alfonso XI, King of Castile (1312–50), 197, 200

Alfonso I, the Magnanimous, King of Naples (1443–58), 132

Algeria, 696, 720

Algiers, 696, 736

Ali-Shah (1312), 666

Aljubarrota, Portugal, 192

Allgemeine, commons, 293

Almagest (Ptolemy), 239

al-Malik al Nasiz (1381–99), 673, 676

Almanach perpetuum (Zacuto), 743

almanacs, astrological predictions, 850

Almería, Granada, 201

alphabet, French, 885

Alsace, 135, 294, 389, 392

Altas, Ribas (d. 1488), 217

Altdorfer, Albrecht (1480–1538), 833, 836

Battle of Arbela (Munich) 836

Rest on the Flight to Egypt (Berlin) 836

St. George (Munich), 836

Alva, Fernando Alvarez, Duke of (1508–1583). 453, 522, 923

Alvarado, Pedro de (1495?–1541), 865

Amadeus VIII, Duke of Savoy (1383–1451) see Felix V

Amadís da Gauia (Lobeira), 100, 192, 224–225, 905

Amazon river, 269

Amberger, Christopher (1500–61), 836

Charles V (Lille Museum), 836

Portrait of a Man (Chicago). 836

Amboise, Charles d’ (1473), 97, 98

Amboise, Georges d’ (1460–1510), 95, 96, 97, 98

Amboise, 492

royal lodge, 97, 496

Amboise, School of, 98

Amen, Jakob, 401*

Àmerbach, Bonifacius (1496?–1562), 432

Amerbach, Hans (1444–1513), 159, 432

America: Declaration of Independence, 255;

discoveries, first history of, 225

discovery, 16, 194, 261–268, 332

America, South, see South America

America, Spanish, 216, 864, 924

Amiens, 59, 80, 91, 506

Cathedral, 79, 99

Amir Husein, 672

Amish Mennonites, 402*

amoralism, 322

Amours (Ronsard), 809

Amsdorf, Nicholas von (1483–1565), 393

Amsterdam, Holland, 144, 400, 475, 633, 736

Amurath, see Murad

amusements, 114, 198

Amyot, Jacques (1513–93), 499, 791, 805

Anabaptists, 229, 294, 370, 395–402, 410, 421, 423, 424, 435, 442, 445, 461, 480, 580, 584, 597, 600, 614, 633, 635, 786, 813

anarchism, 32, 170

Anatolia, 179, 181, 663

anatomy, 243

Ancona, Italy, 705

Ancrum Moor, Scotland, battle (1545), 577

Andalusia, 227

Andelot, François d’, 521

Andreae, Laurentius (1482–1552), 625

Andreae, Valentin (1586–1654), quoted, 476

Andrew III, King of Hungary (1290–1301), 184

Andronicus II (1260–1332), 175

Anet, France, Brézé mansion, 520

Angela, Saint (1470–1540), 900

Angelus, 90

Anghiera, Pietro Martire d’ see Peter Martyr

Anglican Articles of Religion, 787

Anglican Church, 547, 548, 579, 590

Anglo-Saxon, evolution into English, 45

Ango, Robert (1493), 96

Angoulême, duchy, 58, 93, 491

Angoumois, 68

Anhalt, Germany, 454, 478

Duke of Anhalt Rug, 702

animalium, Historia (Gesner), 868

animals, trials and executions, 72

Anjou, duchy, 58, 92, 491, 510

Anjou, Duke of, see Louis I

Ankara, Turkey, 181, 674

annates, 7, 11, 215, 546, 547, 561

Anne, wife of Ferdinand I (1521), 301

Anne de Pisselieu (1508–80), 492, 512, 520, 825

Anne of Beaujeu (1460–1522), 93, 98

Anne of pahemia, Queen of England (1382–94), 56, 163

Anne of Brittany, Queen of France (1491–1514), 93, 95, 491

Anne of Cleves (1515–57), 575

Anne of Vere, Lady, 272, 274

Antichrist, 34, 148, 164, 328, 345, 439, 471

anticlericalism, 30, 31, 32, 115, 153, 332, 345, 544, 556, 605

anti-Semitism, 198, 290, 422, 727

Antoine de Bourbon, 521

Antwerp, Belgium, 58, 136, 299, 475, 631–632, 633, 635, 754

Cathedral (1352–1474), 130, 136

St. Jacques Church, 136

town hall, 846

Apelles (4th century B.C.), 315

Apian, Peter (1501–52), 866–867

Apocalypse, 370, 396, 608

Apollonius of Perga (3rd Century B.C.), Conies, 849

Apologie pour Herodote (Étienne), 785

Apostolic Church, 169

Appeals, Statute of (1533), 547

Appenzell, Switzerland, 396, 403, 410

aqueduct, “Forty Arches,” 716

Aquinas, Thomas (1225–74), 241, 246, 247, 250, 254, 255, 745, 757, 929

Summa Theologica, 929

Arabia, 681

Aragon, 197, 205, 214, 215, 224

Arboga, Sweden, 146

Arch-Wisdom, The (Paracelsus), 876

Archeteles (Zwingli), 406

Archimedes (287?–212 B.C.), 848, 856

architects, German, 306

architecture: civil 79–80, 826, 846

domestic, 306

ecclesiastical, 79, 96, 154–155, 220–221, 236, 306, 649, 660, 822, 838

England, 118, 838–840

France, 822, 823–828

Germany, 835

Italian influence, 96–97

Moslem Persian, 685

mosques, 677, 684–686

Russian, 649–650, 660

Saracenic, 221

Spain, 220–221

Architecture, Treatise on (Delorme), 828

Architettura, Opere di (Serlio), 826

Arcimboldo, Giovanni, 627

Arctic, 652

Aretino, Pietro (1492–1556), 760, 893

Argentina, 865

Argyropoulos, Johannes (1416?-?1486), 123, 323

Arians, 584

Aristarchus of Samos (310–230 B.C.), 856, 860

Aristotelians, 176

Aristotelicae animadversiones (Ramus), 884

Aristotle (384–322 B.C.), 117, 193, 226, 238, 241, 246, 247, 248, 370, 744, 745, 746, 867, 883–884

Arithmetica integra (Stifel), 855

Arkhangelsk, 655

Armagnac, France, 58

Armagnac party, 126

Armenia, 673

Armleder, peasants, 730

armor, 688

arms equipment, Ï82, 709

army, first standing, in Europe (1439), 88

Arneys, Antoine, 482

Arnold of Brescia (1100?-1155), 25

Arnouillet, Balthasar (1553), 481

Arran, James Stewart, Earl of (id. 1596), 606

Arras, Flanders, 92, 96, 136, 233

arrows, 671

art: Asiatic Islam, 684–688

baroque, 932

Burgundy, 130–134

Byzantine, 176–177, 183

Catholicism, 894–895

Chinese, 687

Church function, 6, 18, 80

France, 78–81, 96–99, 822

Germany, 154–156, 306–311

Gothic, 821

Greece, 177

Hebraeo-Moorish, 200

hieratic style, 177

Hungary, 184, 189

Italian influence, 80, 98, 137

Italy, 313

Lowlands, 136–142, 831

Moorish influence, 222

Moslem, 677, 820

Persia, 700

Poland, 173–174

Portugal, 192, 195–196

pre-Christian, 16

realistic, 156

Serbian, 179

Spain, 220–224, 845

art crafts, Germany, 835

Artevelde, Jacob van (1290?-1345), 62–63

arthritis, gold cure, 231

Arthur, son of Henry VII (1487–1502), 535

artillery, 63

artists, German, 306

Artois, 58, 92, 93, 126, 510

Arundel, Richard, Earl of (1346–97), 56, 57

Arundel, Thomas, Archbishop (1353–1414), 115, 533

asceticism, 199

Ascham, Roger (1515–68), 761

Asher, Jakob ben (1270–1349), 738–739

Asia, 676, 865–866

Asia Minor, 181, 663, 673, 678, 710

Aske, Richard, 566

Askew, Anne, 577

Assertion of the Seven Sacraments against

Martin Luther (Henry VIII), 532

Astorga, Spain, 221

Astrakhan, Russia, 655, 660, 673

astrology, 73–74, 230–231, 234, 239, 240, 255, 420, 477, 850–851

astronomical physics, 241

astronomical tables, 743

astronomy, 230, 238, 239, 240, 241, 420, 676, 689, 743, 744, 855

Copernican, 849

geocentric, 856, 863

heliocentric. 856–857, 862, 863

atheism, 328, 371, 395, 881, 939

Athens, Greece, 177, 186

Atlansee, publishers, 427

Atlantic ocean, no, 240, 259, 299, 867

Auch, France, 60, 99

Audit, French Bureau of, 238

Audley, Thomas (1488–1544), 547

Augenspiegel (Reuchlin), 324

Augmentations, Court of, 564

Augsburg, Germany, 144, 156, 159, 269, 295, 297, 298, 299, 300, 397, 381, 412, 424, 439, 454, 787

Confession (1530), 424, 443, 446, 456

Diet (1525), 3921 (1530), 442

(1547), 455

(1555), 456

Fugger chapel, 306

Fuggerei, 296*

Recess (1530), 444

Augustine, St. (354–430), 246, 375, 465

Augustinians, 19, 275, 329, 633

Eremites, 329, 343, 344, 899

Wittenberg Congregation disbanded, 366

Augustus, Elector of Saxony (1553–86), 456

Aunis, 68

auricular confession, 35, 37, 376, 376*

Austerlitz, 398

Austin Canons, 899

Austria, 143, 147, 148, 188, 389, 706

German empire, separation, 300

peasant revolt (1525–26), 392

Swiss Catholic cantons alliance, 411

Austro-Hungarian Empire, 188

authors, payment, 157

auto-da-fé, 212, 213, 214, 215, 217, 640

autos, acts, 195, 815, 817

Auvergne, France, 58

Auxerre, France, cathedral (1335), 79

Avalos, Costanza d’ (1520), 893

Avalos, Fernando, Marquis of Pescara (1489–1525), 508

Averroës, ibn Rushd (1126–98), 249, 255, 744, 745

Averroistic skepticism, 252

Avicenna (980–1037), 873

Kanun, 869

Avignon, France, Holy See, 6, 8, 148, 149, 332

Ávila, Spain, church of Santo Tomás, 846

Axiomata Erasmi (Erasmus), 430

Ayesha, Sultana, 202

Azerbaijan, 672, 673, 698, 700

Azores, 193, 263

Aztec Empire, 865

Baalbeck, 673

Babur, Zahir ud-Din Muhammad (1483–1530; emperor of India 1526–30), 676

Babylonian Captivity of the Church, The (Luther), 359

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685–1750), 772, 778

Backoffen, Hans (c. 1465–1519), 306

Bacon, Francis (1561–1626), 45, 108, 251, 713, 838, 869, 915, 939

Bacon, Roger (1214?-94), 251

Badby, John (1410), 116

Baden, Germany, 392, 478

Baden-Baden, Germany, 302

Badia, Tommaso, 897

Baghdad, 663, 664, 673, 698, 700, 713

Baïf, Antoine de (1532–89), 808

Bainham, James (d. 1532), 549

Baisunkur Mirza, 687

Bajazet I, Sultar (1380–1402), 180-181, 185, 673, 674, 680, 712

quoted, 679

Bajazet II, Sultan (1481–1512), 680–681, 682, 686, 736

Balboa, Vasco Nuñez de (1475–1517), 269

Baleares, 197, 216

Balkans, 178–181, 182, 183, 186, 679, 680, 709

Balkh, 633, 698

Ball, John (d. 1381), 36, 40–41, 42, 45, 47

Balliol, Edward (1333–57), 604

Balmes, Abraham de (d. 1524), 741

Baltic Sea, 144, 178, 299, 629, 656

Bamberg, Germany, 147, 153, 389, 393

bank deposits, guaranteed, 198

banking, 632, 728, 754

Bannockburn, Scotland, battle (1314), 27, 604

baptism, 366, 376, 395, 396, 480

Baptists, 401, 402

Baqi, Mahmud Abdu’l (1526–1600), 714

quoted, 714–715

Barbari, Jacopo de’ (1440?-?1516), 313

barbarians, 766

Barbarossa I, Horush (1473?-1518), 696

Barbarossa II, Khair ed-Din (1466?-1546), 514, 515, 516, 696–698

Barbarossa, Frederick, see Frederick I

barber surgeons, 243–244, 869, 874

Barcelona, Spain, 197, 198, 218, 224

cathedral, 220–221

Barcelona, Treaty of (1529), 540

Barclay, Alexander (1475?-1552), 812*

Barefoot Friars, 384

Barnabites, 900

Barnet, England, 107

Barquq al-Zahir, Sultan (1390–1412), 677, 690

Barros, Joāo de (1496–1570), 815

Barton, Elizabeth (1506?-34), 547, 557

Basel, Switzerland, 147, 154, 156, 159, 396, 403, 410, 432, 436

Council, 11, 12, 22, 170, 411, 729, 841, 927, 928, 930

university, 786

Basques, 197

bastardy, 127, 303

Batalha, Portugal, Santa Maria da Victoria church, 192

Bath, England, 118

Bath of Blood, Stockholm, 622, 624

bathing, 198, 244, 302, 648, 665, 712, 768

Batt, James (1500), 274

Battles of the Lord (ben Gerson), 745

Batu Khan (d. 1255), 647

Baudricourt, Captain (1429), 82

Baumgartner, Franz, 297

Baumgärtner, Hieronymus, (1526), 439

Bavaria, Germany, 147, 389, 455

Bayard, Pierre Terrail, Chevalier de (1473?-1524), 94, 205, 506–507, 508

Bayer, Christian, 443

Bayle, Pierre (1647–1706’), 50.

Beaton, David, Cardinal (1494–1546), 603, 605, 606, 607, 608

Beaton, James, Archbishop (1470?–1539) 607

Beatrice of Aragon (1476), 188

Beatriz, Queen of Portugal (1383), 191–192

Beauchamp, Richard de (1382–1439), 119, 121

Beaufort, France, 492

Beaugency, France, 84

Beaune, France, hospital (1443), 80, 134

Beauneveû, André (fl. 1360–1403), 80

Beauvais, France, 91, 99

Cathedral (1500–48), 96, 822, 829

Beauval, Firmin de (1344), 238

Bedford, Duke of, see John of Lancaster

Begardi, Philip, 852

beggars, 39, 72, 474, 572, 582

“Beggars, The Supplication of the,” 543

Beghards (lay group), 128, 169, 382, 396

Beguines (lay group), 128

Behaim, Martin (1459?-?1507), 240

Beham, Ottilie, 813

Belem, Portugal, monastery of Santa Maria, 196, 846

Belgrade, Hungary, 179, 185, 186, 441, 703

Bellay, Guillaume du (1491–1543), 504, 798

Bellay, Jean du (1492–1560), 544, 788, 797, 798

Bellay, Joachim du (1522–60), 501, 808, 809, 815, 826

Défense et illustration de la langue françoyse, 809

Belle dame sans merci, La (Chartier), 77

Belleau, Remy (1528–77), 808

Bellini, Gentile (1429?-1507), 686, 687, 715

Bellinzona, Switzerland, 403

Belloc, Hilaire (1870–1953), 603

bells, casting, 156

Belon, Pierre (1517–64), 868

Bembo, Pietro (1470–1547), 470, 896

Benedetto da Maiano (1442–97), 188

Benedict XII, Pope (1334–1342), 151, 730

Benedict XIII, anti-pope (1394–1423), 9, 10

Benedict XV, Pope (1914–22), 86

Benedictines, 20, 236, 329, 899

benefices, multiple, 19, 501, 545, 899

Berab, Jakob (1474–1546), 736, 737

Berbers, 198

Bergamo, Italy, 161

Berkeley, Sir Edward, 48

Berkeley, George (1685–1753), 251

Berlichingen, Götz von (1480–1562), 299, 387, 391

Berlin, Germany, 445

Bermejo, Bartolomé (d. 1498), 223

Bern, Switzerland, 146, 396, 403, 410, 467

Bernabei, Domenico (1495), 93, 823

Bernardino of Feltre (1439–94), 721

Bernardino of Siena, Saint (1380–1444), quoted, 16

Berners, John, Lord (1467–1533), 816

Bernini, Giovanni (1598–1680), 830

Berquin, Louis de (1489–1529), 503, 504

Berruguete, Alonso (c. 1480–1561), 845, 847, 848

Berruguete, Pedro (c. 1450–1504), 223, 845, 847, 848

Berry, Duke of, see Charles, Duke of Berry (1446–72)

John, Duke of Berry (1340–1416)

Berthelier, Philibert (1553), 483

Berthelot, Gilles (1521), 824

Bertinoro, Obadiah (1488), 720

Bessarion, Joannes (1403–72), 176

Beszterczebánya, Hungary, 189

betrothals, 112

Betti, Giovanni di Giusto (1485–1549), 830

Bèze, Théodore de (1519–1608), 472, 486–487, 488, 489, 614

Bibbiena, Bernardo (1470–1521), Calandra, 81

Bible: authenticity, 352, 370–371

Authorized Version (1611), 534

Complutensian Polyglot, 225

Great Bible, 571

Luther’s translation, 368–369

paramount authority, 349

text, interpreting, 366

translations, 36–37, 75, 124, 320, 368–369, 485, 486, 502, 533, 534, 556, 571, 625, 628, 630, 924

Vulgate, 225, 272, 283, 285, 320, 929

Biblia pauperum, 328

bibliolatry, 302

Bibliotheca Corvina, Buda, 189

Bibliotheca universalis (Gesner), 868

Bibliothèque Nationale, France, 68, 786

bigamy, 449, 762

Bigorre, France, 68

Bihzad, Kamal al-Din (c. 1440–0. 1523), 682, 687–688, 699, 701

bills of exchange, 198

Bilney, Thomas (1495?-1531), 532, 549

biology, 867–869

Biscay, Bay of, 62

bishops, appointment, 547

bishops’ courts, 30

Black Death, 39, 64, 143, 144, 244, 250, 676, 689, 690, 724, 725, 730, 731, 739, 758

Black Prince, see Edward

Black Sea, 177, 178, 182, 680

Blackheath, London, 110

Blanche of Bourbon (d. 1361), 197

Blanche of Navarre, Queen of France (1331–1398), 65

Blandrata, Giorgio (1515?-?88), 488, 630

blasphemy, 206, 421, 474, 484, 503

Blast against the Monstrous Regiment of Women (Knox), 612–613

blast furnaces, 144, 241

Bleda, friar, 220

block printing, 158

Blois, France, 58, 92, 102, chateau, 97, 496, 824

blood: pulmonary circulation, 480–481, 689, 872

purity of, 639

Blount, Elizabeth, 532

blue laws, 758

Boabdil, Moorish King of Granada (1482 s3, 1486–92), 202–203

Bobadilla, Francisco de (d. 1502), 265–266, 267

Bobadilla, Nicolas (1534), 910

Böblingen, Germany, 391

Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313–75), 48, 54, 224

Decameron, 50, 54, 499

Filostrato, 49

Teseide, 54

Boccadoro, Domenico Bernabei (d. 1549), 97

Bocher, Joan, 585

Bodleian Library, 119, 123

Boffi, Guillermo (1410), 221

Bohemia: chivalry, 161

civil war, 31

Diet of Electors, 147

German empire, separation, 300

German settlers, 169

Holy Roman Empire, 148

Hussite revolt, 153

Protestants, 629, 631

racial hostility, 163

revolution (1415–36), 167–172

separation from papacy, 12

Bohemian Brethren, 630, 631

Bohier, Thomas (1513), 824

Böhm, Hans (1476), 293

Bojador, Africa, 193

Bokhara, 663, 672, 676

Boleslav V, King of Poland (1227–79), 725

Boleyn, Anne (1507–36), 537–541, 543, 546, 547, 548, 556, 559, 587

Boleyn, Mary, 537, 538

Boleyn, Sir Thomas (1477–1539), 537, 560

Bolingbroke, Henry (1367–1413), see Henry IV of England

Bologna, Italy, 507

University, 224, 788

Bolsec, Jerome, 477

Bona, 698

Bonaparte, Joseph (1768–1844), 215*

Bonaventura, Giovanni di Fidanza (1221–74), 246

Bonfils, Immanuel (fl. 1350), 743

Bonfini, Antonio (1427–1502), 189

Boniface, Saint (680–755), 232

Boniface VIII, Pope (1294–1303), 6, 35, 149, 232, 376

Boniface IX, Pope (1389–1404), 9, 23

Boniface, Supplication du peuple de France au roi contre le pape (Dubois), 251

Bonner, Edmund (1500?-69), 580, 589, 590, 596, 597, 598–599

Bonnivard, François de (1496–1570), 467, 468, 469

Bonnivet, Guillaume de (c. 1488–1525), 494, 497, 498, 499, 508

Bontemps, Pierre (1505–68), 830

Book of Common Prayer, 615, 892

First, 580

Second, 585

Book of Hours, 80, 81

Book of Kings (Firdausi), 687

books, 157, 320, 784–786

burning, 324, 356–357, 363, 639, 739, 881, 924

Germany, 368, 784

Hebrew, suppression, 323–324

illustration, 309

index of prohibited, 424, 862, 863, 924

Luther’s, distribution, 368

magic, 231

Persia, 666

Bora, Catherine von, wife of Martin Luther (1499–1552), 407, 416–417

Bordeaux, 62, 69, 88, 506

Cathedral (1320–5), 79

Borgia, Caesar, (1475–1507), 13, 95

Borgia, St. Francis (1510–72), 913–914

Borgia, Rodrigo, see Alexander VI

Borgognoni, Theodoric, 244

Borgoña, Felipe de (fl. 1505–35), 847

Borromeo, Charles (1538–84), 781, 896–897

Boscán, Juan (1493?-1542), 816

Bosch, Hieronymus (1450?-1516), 73, 140–141, 832

Adoration of the Magi (Madrid, New York), 140

Hay Ride (Escorial), 140

Nativity (Cologne), 140

Pleasures of the World (Escorial), 141

Temptations of St. Anthony (Lisbon, Cleveland), 140

Bosnia, 178, 179, 180, 182, 184, 186

Bosporus, 663

Boswell, James (1740–95), 318

Bosworth Field, battle (1485), 108

botany, 242, 743, 867–868

Boulogne, France, 577, 581, 583

Bourbon, Cardinal of, 91

Bourbon, France, 58

Bourdichon, Jean (1508), 99

Les heures d’Anne de Bretagne (1508), 93, 98

Bourg, Anne du, 521

Bourges, 80, 102, 506

Coeur house, 74

Bourré, Jean (1460), 97

Bouts, Dirk (Dierik: c, 1410–75), 136–137

Last Supper (St. Pierre, Louvain), 136

Martyrdom of St. Erasmus (St. Sauveur, Bruges), 137

Bowes, Mrs. Elizabeth, 609, 610

Boyars, Council of, 651

Brabant, 58, 59, 126, 142

Bracciolini, Poggio (1380–1459), 167, 320–321

Bradwardine, Thomas (1290?-1349), 238

Brahe, Tycho (1546–1601), 862, 863

Brandenburg, Germany, 144, 145, 147, 172, 356, 423, 454, 478

Brant, Sebastian (1457?-1521), 425

Narren-schiff, 316, 326, 812

Brantôme, Pierre de Bourdeilles, Seigneur de (1535?-1614), 93, 499, 501, 760

Dames Galantes, 492

Brask, Hans, 624, 625, 626

Braunsberg, Germany, 630

Brazil, 194, 195, 264, 269

Bremen, Germany, 147, 297, 299, 439, 478

Rathaus, 155

Brescia, Italy, 161

Breslau, Germany, 65, 143, 155, 297

Brest, France, 69

Brétigny, Peace of, 68

Breton, Gilles de (d. 1552), 825

Breton, Jean le, 824

Brereton, Sir William, 559

Brethren, Anabaptist sect, 396

Brethren of the Common Life, 20, 73, 128, 235, 255, 271, 382, 635, 787, 915

Brethren of the Free Spirit, 128

Brézé, Louis de (d. 1531), 518

bribery, 18, 71, 112, 304, 713, 764

Briçonnet, Guillaume (d. 1533), 502–505, 505

Brigade, La, French poets, 808, 809

brigandage, 70–71

Brissot, Pierre (1478–1522), 870

Britain, see England

Brittany, 58, 91, 93

Brixen, Tirol, 389

Broederlam, Melchior (1392), 131

Broet, Paschase (1534), 910

Bromyard, John (1350), quoted, 20

bronze work, 307

Bronzino, Agnolo di Cosimo, II (1502–72)

Venus and Cupid, 823

Brosse, Jean de, 512

Brothel Queen, Geneva, 469

Brothers of Mercy, 900

Brou, France, Church (1506–32), 96, 98, 829

Bruce, Robert (1274–1329), 604

Brueghel, Jan (1568–1625), 832

Brueghel, Maria Coecke, 832

Brueghel, Pieter, the Elder (1525–69), 141, 829, 832–835, 848

Blind Leading the Blind (Naples), 833

Fall of Icarus (Brussels), 834

Gloomy Day (Vienna), 834

Hay Harvest (Collection Prince Lobkowitz), 834

Hunters in the Snow (Vienna), 834

Land of Cockayne (Munich), 833

Merry Way to the Gallows (Darmstadt), 835

Netherlandish Proverbs (Berlin), 833

Return of the Herd (Vienna), 834

Storm (Vienna), 834

Triumph of Death (Madrid), 832

Wheat Harvest (New York), 834

Brueghel, Pieter, the Younger (1564?-?1638), 832

Bruges, Belgium, 58, 59, 69, 121, 126, 127, 136, 515, 631, 635

town hall, 130

Bruna, Israel (1400–80), 732

Brunfels, Otto (1488?-1534), 383, 867

Herbarum vivae icones, 868

Bruno, Giordano (1548?-1600), 862

Brunswick, Germany, 439

Althaus, 835

Rathaus, 155

Brusa, Asia Minor, 176, 673, 674, 678, 680

Brussels, Belgium, 58, 65, 127, 136, 631

Notre Dame du Sablon church, 136

Town Hall (1444–55), 130

bubonic plague, 39, 64, 874

Bucer, Martin (1491–1551), 423, 439, 443, 449, 461, 465, 477, 479, 480, 484, 505, 580, 920

Buckingham, Edward, Duke of (d. 1521), 536

Buda, Hungary, 185, 188, 189, 239, 440, 441, 706

Budé, Guillaume (1467–1540), 25, 124, 288, 495, 788, 790, 795

Bulgaria, 178, 179, 180, 184

Bullant, Jean (1510–78), 826, 828

bulletin board, academic, 341

bullfights, 198

Bullinger, Heinrich, (1504–75), 409, 413, 477, 484, 489, 879

bulls, papal, 23, 148, 204, 209, 214–215, 264, 348, 352, 454, 897

excommunication, 354, 356, 558

Golden Bull, 151, 155, 162, 726

indulgence, 338

Jewish converts, quoted, 732

bundling, 762

Bundschuh, Bond of the Shoe, 293, 294, 362

Bureau, Jean, 87, 88

bureaucracy, 494

Burgkmair, Hans (1473–1531), 296, 301, 310, 840

Burgomasters, Epistle to the (Luther), 786

Burgos, Castile, 197, 221, 222

Burgundy, 58, 91, 126, 127, 135, 136, 507, 510, 513

Buridan, Jean (c. 1299-c. 1359), 240–241, 246, 251

“Buridan’s ass,” 240*

Burnell, Bishop Robert (d. 1292), 30

Burnet, Gilbert (1643–1715), 534

burning at the stake, 212, 214, 215, 216, 556, 576, 596–599, 607, 640, 758, 892

Burning Bush, The (Froment), 98

Burton, Robert (1577–1640), Anatomy of Melancholy, 274

Bury St. Edmund, England, 42

Busbecq, Augier Ghislain de (1522–92), 702, 769

quoted, 703

buttons, use of, 74

Byzantine Empire, 775–178, 181, 653, 663, 703

Ca Da Mosto, Alvise da (1432?-1511), 194

Cabala, the, 724, 740, 850

Cabot, John (1450–98), no, 268

Cabot, Sebastian (1476?-1557), no, 865

Cabral, Gonzalo, 193

Cabral, Pedro Alvarez (1460?-?1526), 194, 269

Cabrero, Juan, 261

Caccia, Giovan B. (1535), 897

Cade, Jack (d. 1450), 110–111

Cádiz, Marquis of, 202

Cádiz, Spain, 218

Caen, France, 520

Church of St. Pierre (1308), 79, 822

Caesar, Julius (100–44 B.C.), 187

Cagliari, Sardinia, 697

Cahors, Bishop of (1317), 231

Cairo, Egypt, 677, 736

Cajetan, Tommaso de Vio, Cardinal (1469–1534), 327, 347–348

Calabria, Italy, 697

Calais, France, 63, 65, 68, 69, 70, 88, 136, 522, 599

Calandra (Bibbiena), 811

calculus, 743

calendar: astrological, 231

reform, 238, 240, 301

Calicut, India, 194

California, Spanish conquest, 864

Calixtus III, Pope (1455–58), 12, 86

calligraphy, 158, 686, 700–701

Calmar, Union of (1457), 621, 622, 623

Calvin, Idelette de Bure, 470

Calvin, John (1509–64), 13, 35, 152, 153, 165, 404, 435, 459–490, 501, 503, 599, 608, 778, 821, 849

quoted, 461–462, 463, 464, 482, 485, 858

Catechism, 469

Christian Religion, The Principles of the, 460–461

Institutes, 460, 462, 467, 472, 477, 481, 521, 785

Mass, Commentary on the, 630

Calvinism, 465, 475, 517, 521, 599, 607, 608, 609, 610, 614, 615, 619, 630, 631, 633, 635, 787

Camaldolites, 899

Cambrai, Flanders, 58, 59, 126

Ladies Peace, 513

Treaty of, 514, 540

Cambridge University, 42, 118, 123, 236, 277, 531, 532, 550, 787

King’s College, 235

King’s College Chapel (1447), 119, 839

camera obscura, 744

Camoëns (Camöes), Luis (1524–80), 191, 814

Campeggio, Lorenzo, Cardinal (1474?-1539), 382, 430, 443, 539, 540

Campin, Robert (1375?-1444), 133

Canada, 865

Canary Islands, 261

Canisio, Egidio, 899

Canisius, Peter (1521–97), 928

cannon, 63*, 182, 241, 671

Cano, Giambattista (1515–79), 872

Cano, Juan Sebastian del (d. 1526), 866

Cano, Melchior (1509–60), 641

canon, clergyman, 856*

canon, fugue, 775

canon law, 759

Canterbury, Archbishop of, III

Canterbury, England, 42, 119

Christ Church Priory library, 157

St. Thomas à Becket shrine, 275, 567

Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 47

quoted, 50–54

Canton, China, 195

cantons, Swiss, 146–147

Canzoniere (Petrarch), 811

Cao, Diogo (fl. 1480–86), 194

Cape Breton Island, 268

Cape of Good Hope, Africa, 194

Cape Verde Islands, 194, 264, 866

capital offenses, 758

capitalism, 59, 475, 573, 590, 707, 755, 757, 763

capitalization, companies, 381

Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius (1478–1541), 439, 443. 479

Capitoline Museum, 14

Capo Blanco, Africa, 193

Capuchins, 893, 900

Caradosso, Ambragio Foppa (c. 1452–1526), 188

Caraffa, Carlo (d. 1561), 891, 923

Caraffa, Giovanni Pietro, see Paul IV

caravansaries, 707

Carcassonne, France, 60

Cardan, Jerome (1501–76), 791, 850

cardinals: absentee, 31

selection, 18

Cardinals, College of, 926

Careless by Necessity, 614

Carew, Sir Nicholas, 843

Carew, Sir Peter, 592, 593

Carinthia, Germany, 144, 147, 294

Carlos, Don (1545–68), 872

Carlstadt (Andreas Bodenstein: 1480?-1541), 349–350, 364, 365, 356, 367, 383, 396, 423, 426, 453, 627, 786

Libellus, De canonicis scripturis, 352

Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881), Past and Present, 578

Carmelites, 19, 901, 903

Discalced, 903, 904, 905

Carnesecchi, Pietro (1508–67), 893

Carpaccio, Vittore (c, 1455-c. 1526), 138–139

Carranza, Bartolomé de (1503–76), 640–641

cartels, 295

Cartesianism, 747

Carthusians, 20, 21, 549

Cartier, Jacques (1494?-1553), 865

cartography, 240, 743

carving, 677

Casale, Giovanni, 539

Casimir III, King of Poland (1333–70), 172, 725

Casimir IV, King of Poland (1447–92), 171, 173, 725

Casimir, Markgraf of Alsace, 392

Casimir of Brandenburg, 380

Casimir, Statutes of, 172

Cassel, France, 59

Castellain, Georges, 130

Castellio, Sebastian (1515–63), 485–486, 614

writings, 487

Castiglione, Baldassare (1478–1529), The Courtier, 500, 742, 767, 816

Castile, 191–192, 197, 205, 214, 224, 228

Castilho, Joao de (c. 1500), 196

Castillon, France, 88

Castro, Inés de (1320–55), 191

Catalan Grand Company, 177

Catalonia, Aragon, 197

Cateau Cambrésis, Treaty of (1559), 522

Catechism (Calvin), 469

Catechumens, House of, 735

caterpillars, excommunicating, 850

Cathay, Khan of, 261

Catherine of Aragon (1485–1536), 526, 535–540, 546, 547, 548, 558

quoted, 559

Catholic League, 410, 444

“Catholic Sovereigns, The,” 207*, 532

Catbolica De concordantia (Nicholas of Cusai, 256

Catholicism, 148, 216, 409, 473, 489, 606, 631, 641, 806, 928, 929, 936–937

Cauchon, Pierre (d. 1442), 85, 86

cavalry, 63, 70, 708

cave paintings, 223

Caxton, William (1422?-91), 120–121

Cebu, island, 866

Cecil, William (1520–98), 617

celestial motion, 861

Celestial Orbs, On the Revolutions of the (Copernicus), 860

Celestina, La (de Rojas), 225

celibacy, clerical, 13, 21, 22, 30, 116, 440, 625

Cellini, Benvenuto (1500–71), 496, 822, 823, 827, 829, 919

Celtes, Conradus (1459–1508), 301, 305, 321–322, 404

censorship, 24, 393, 423, 424, 474, 563, 595, 630, 633, 639, 740, 923–927

Cent nouvelles nouvelles (La Salle), 75, 90

Centiloquium Theologicum (Ockham), 249

Centum Gravamina (Hundred Grievances), 17

Cepeda, Alonzo de, 900

ceramics, 688, 829

Cerceau, Jacques A. de (1505–85), 826

Cerdagne, Spanish possession, 92, 94, 227

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547–1616), 216, 225, 905

Cervini, Cardinal (1545), 928

Cesarini, Cardinal Giuliano (1398–1444), 13, 185, 186

Cesena, Michael (1324), 148

Cesi, Cardinal (1534), 897

Ceuta, Morocco, 192

Chalcondyles, Demetrius (1424–1511), 123

Châlons, France, 506

Chambers, Dr. John, 843

Chambiges, Pierre (d. 1544), 825

Chambord, France, 496

Gothic chateau, 825

Chambord, Treaty of (1552), 455, 521

chambre ardente, le, 521

Champagne, France, 58

Chandos, Sir John (d. 1370), 29, 112

Chancellor, Richard (d. 1556), 655

chansons, 773, 774

Chantilly, France, Condé Museum, 80

chantries, 115, 568

Chapuys, Eustace, 531, 542, 548, 561

charitable bequests, 304

charity, 763

Charlemagne (King of Franks, 768–814

Emperor of the West, 800–814), 148, 149, 232, 923

Charles I, King of England (1625–49), 839

Charles IT, King of England (1660–85), 840

Charles IV, King of France (1322–8), 61, 62

Charles V, King of France (1364–80), 66, 67, 68–69, 76, 80, 157, 234, 252

Charles VI, King of France (1380–1422), 69–76, 107, 126, 224, 232

Charles VII, King of France (1422–61), u, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87–88, 89, 97, 519

Charles VIII, King of France (1483–98), 93–94, 96, 98, 99, 260, 300, 771

Charles IX, King of France (1560–74), 518

Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor (1347–78), 148, 151–152, 155, 162, 171, 237, 726, 730

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (1519–56), 18, 100, 142, 216, 221, 226, 228, 255, 283, 286, 287, 296, 317, 318, 338, 351, 352, 357–363, 380, 382, 393, 397, 412, 413, 428–430, 438, 441–444, 446, 450, 453–457, 461, 504, 507, 516, 521–522, 526, 527, 538, 539, 555, 558, 591, 593, 631–643, 697, 705, 706, 733, 919, 921

quoted, 636

Charles I, King of Hungary (1308–42), 184

Charles II, King of Navarre (1349–87), 66, 68

Charles I, King of Spain (1516–56), see Charles V, Emperor

Charles, Count of Angoulême, (d. 1496), 491

Charles IV, Due d’Alençon (1489–1525), 497, 498

Charles, Duke of Berry, brother of Louis XI (1446–72), 91

Charles, Duke of Bourbon (1505–27), 492, 507–508, 510, 512, 513, 519

Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy (1467–77), 90, 91, 99, 127, 134–136, 142, 300, 403

Charles, Duke of Orléans (1391–1465), 94, 102, 491

quoted, 77–78

Charles of Lannoy, 508, 510, 512

Charles of Lorraine (1524–74), 520

Charles of Valois, Dauphin, see Charles V of France

Charles Robert of Anjou, see Charles I, King of Hungary

charms, 850

Charolais, Charles, Count of, see Charles the Bold

Charpentier (Carpenterius), Jacques 565), 886

Chartier, Alain (1385?-after 1434). 77

Chartres, France, 68, 96

Chartreuse de Champmol, 130, 131

chapel, 131

chastity, 21, 648, 932

chastity belt, 303

Chateaubriand, Edict of (1551), 521

Chateaubriand, Françoise de Foix, Comtesse de (1475–1537), 492, 512

Châteaudun, France, château (1464), 74, 97

châteaux, 74, 96–99, 824–825

Chaucer, Geoffrey (c. 1340–1400), 30, 38, 47–56, 112, 114

Book of the Duchess (c. 1371). 49

Canterbury Tales (1387?), 50–54

House of Fame (1363), 49

Legend of Good

Women (1385), 40

Parliament of Fowls (1381), 49

Troilus and Criseyde (1385), 49–50

Chaucer, John, 48

Chaucer, Philippa Roet, 48

“Chaucer, Prayer of,” 56

Chauliac, Guy de (c. 1300–c. 1370), 231, 243, 244

Chaumont, France, Chateau, 97

Chaumpaigne, Cecelia, 48

Chauvin, Gérard, 459

Chčlcicky, Peter (1390–1460), 170, 171, 395

chemistry, 242

chemotherapy, 876

Cherbourg, France, 69

Chermoye, Philippe (1455), 101

Chernigov, Russia, 173

Cheseman, Robert, 843

Chester mysteries (1328), 46

Chevalier, Étienne (1460), 81

child labor, 756

China, 259, 261, 655, 664

Chinon, France, 82, 84, 97

Chirurgia (Mondeville), 244

Choir, Sistine Chapel, 779, 781

Chora monastery, 176

Christ, The Imitation of (Thomas à Kempis), 20, 250

Christian I, King of Denmark (1448–81); of Norway (1450–81), 146, 521

Christian II, King of Denmark and Norway (1513–23, d. 1559), 621, 622, 623, 624, 627–628

Christian III, King of Denmark (1534–59), 628

Christian Brothers, Association of, 533

Christian Liberty, A Treatise on (Luther), 356

Christian Nobility, Open Letter to the (Luther), 420

Christian Religion, The Principles of the (Calvin), 460–461

Christianae fidei brevis et clara expositis (Zwingli), 413

Christianity, 3–6, 12, 170, 182, 229, 333, 371, 502, 635

Christianity, The Restitution of (Servitus), 481

Christians, medieval, beliefs, 208

Christine of Savoy, 449

Christliche Einleitung, Eine kurze (Zwingli), 408

Christopher II, King of Denmark (1320–26; 1330–32), 145

Christus, Petrus (1420?-73), 133

Dionysius the Carthusian (N. Y., Jules S. Bache Collection)

Chronicle (Tschudi), 44

Chronique des ducs de Bourgogne (Castellain), 130

chronology, methods of, 736, 743

chronometry, 241

Chrysoloras, Manuel (1355?–1415), 123

Church: administration, 933

case against, 17–25

disendowment, 33, 34, 35, 40

corruption, 603

English, royal supremacy over, 115

Germany, 320, 328–333

one hundred grievances against, 381

patronage of scholarship and art, 12, 123, 157, 225

ruler of Russia, 659

Spain, 199, 207, 639, 845

state supremacy, 377, 577, 626, 639

Switzerland, 403

trinitarian creed, 10

university funds, 237

see also clergy

Church, On the (Huss), 406

Church of England, 547, 548, 579, 590

Church of the Brotherhood, 171–172

Church organization, 246

Church Unity, In Defense of (Pole), 562

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106–43 B.C.), 234, 289, 291, 856

Ciceronians, 791

Cimabue, Giovanni (c. 1240-c. 1302), 177

Ciompi (1378), 69

Cisneros, Don Garcia de, 909

city halls, 96, 130

Ciudad Real, Castile, 214

civic buildings, 96

civilization, Ottoman, 707–716

class distinctions, 37–38

class war, 40, 62, 144, 756

Claude of France, wife of Francis I (1499–1524), 95, 491, 495, 496, 519

clavichord, 772

Clavijo, see Gonzalez de Clavijo

Clement V, Pope (1305–14), 177, 233

Clement VI, Pope (1342–52), 7, 62, 151, 722, 730, 744

Clement VII, Pope (1523–34), 8, 9, 382, 412, 434, 438, 450, 504, 510, 512, 514, 518, 534, 535, 538–540, 625, 697, 705, 722, 732–733, 734, 740, 891, 918–919, 927

Clement, John (1556), quoted, 584

Cléopatre captive (Jodelle), 811

clergy: abuses, 544–545

exemption from state laws, 24

Hussite rebellion, 169

personal morality, 19–21, 30, 128, 199, 205, 404, 435–436, 529, 530–531, 603, 932

rulers of England, 27

secular, 15, 16, 530

strikes, 65

worldliness, 37

see also Church

Clerk, Roger (1382), 231

Clerks Regular of St. Paul (Barnabites), 899–900

Cleve, Cornells van (1520–67), 831

Cleve, Joos van (d. 1540), 822, 831

Eleanor of Portugal (Vienna), 831

Francis I (Cincinnati), 822

Cleves, duchy, 445, 515

climate, English, 39

clocks, 241, 242

clothing, specified by law, 474

clothing manufacture, 38, 136

Clothworkers’ Guild, 756

Clouet, François (1510?-?72), 848

portraits, 830

Henry II (Uffizi), 830

Clouet, Jean (c. 1485–1545), 791, 822, 829, 848

Francis I, 830

coal-fields, British, 38

Cobbett, William (1763–1835), 578

Cochin China, 195

Cochlaeus, Johannes (1479–1552), 383, 851

quoted, 426

code, Turkish, 713

Codure, Jean (1534), 910

Coecke, Pieter, 832

Coelho, Duarte (1537-?79), 195

Coello, Alonso, see Sanchez Coello

Coeur, Jacques (1395–1456), 87–88

House of (c. 1450), 74, 79

coffee drinking, 713

Cognac, League of (1526), 512

Coimbra, Portugal, university, 237

Colchester, England, 42

Colet, Sir Henry, 124

Colet, John (1407?-1519), 25, 123, 124, 125, 273, 275, 291, 428, 429, 524, 768

quoted, 525, 530

Coligny, Gaspard de (1519–72), 520, 522, 635

Collège de France, 788, 791, 797

Collège Royale, France, 788, 790

Colloquies (Erasmus), 272, 275, 289, 805

Colmar, Germany, 156, 297

Cologne, Archbishop of (1326), 153–154

Cologne, Germany, 7, 8, 69, 121, 135, 144, 147, 153, 156, 159, 297, 299, 305, 356, 400, 440, 454, 467

cathedral, 154

Rathaus, 155

Reichstag, 297

university, 232

Colombe, Michel (c. 1431–1512), Easter Sepulcher (New York), 98

Colombo, Matteo Realdo (1516?-?59), 871, 872

Colonna, Giulia Gonzaga, 696

Colonna, Cardinal Ottone, see Martin V

Colonna, Sciarra (d. 1329), 149

Colonna, Vittoria (1492-?1547), 508, 893, 900, 926

Columbus, Bartolomé (1445?-?1514), 265, 266

Columbus, Christopher (1446?-1506), 24, 157, 194, 195, 216, 239, 240, 258–268, 269, 299

quoted, 262, 266, 267

Columbus, Diego (1450?-?1515), 265, 269

Columbus, Ferdinand (1488–1539), 259, 266

comedies, 46, 815, 817

Comenius, John (1592–1672), 172

cometary astronomy, 239

comets, 850

Comines, Philippe de (1447?-?1511), 89, 100, 299

Cronique (1495–8), 99

Memoires (1489–91), 99

quoted, 89, 92, 100, 108

Commendone, Giovanni, 630

commerce, expansion, 15, 90, 109, 118, 157, 294, 651

commercial hegemony, 632

commercial revolution, 269, 867

commercialism, 304, 763

Committee of Public Safety, 399

commodities, controlled buying, 382

Common Chest, Regulation of a (Luther), 764

common law, 759

commoner, English, 109

Commons, House of (Lower House), 27–28, 550, 570–571

communication, 753

communism, 32, 41, 59, no, iii, 153, 169, 170, 175, 294, 390, 393, 633, 634, 635

Anabaptists, 395–402

community chest, 764

Compañía de Jesú:, 911

Compère, Jacques (1329), 131

Compiègne, France, 84, 96

Complutum (Alcalá), 225*

conceptualism, 246, 250

conciliar movement, 9

Concordat, 502, 503, 520

concubinage, 21–22, 199, 256, 400, 403, 440, 529, 603, 932

Condé, Prince Louis de (1530–69), 521

Confederation, Swiss, 146, 147

confession, 35, 37

Confession of Faith and Discipline (Farel), 469, 470

“Confession of the Lady Mary, The,” 561

confessional box, 933

Conflans, treaty of (1465), 91

Confraternità della Carità, 896

Confutation, Catholic, 443, 444

Congo River, Africa, 194

Congregation of Jesus Christ, Lords of the, 615, 616–618

quoted, 616–617

conic sections, 855

Consensus Tigurinus (1549), 413

Constance, Germany, 300, 443

Council of, 10–11, 22, 37, 73, 165–167, 168, 350, 774, 927, 928, 930

Treaty of (1446), 147

Constance Missal, 159*

Constantine XI Palaeologus, Holy Roman Emperor (1448–53), 182–183

Constantinople, Turkey, 12, 159, 177, 178, 182, 680, 709

capture by Turks, 16, 157, 171, 183, 649

last years (1373–1453), 181–184

mosques, 686, 715–716

sacking (1204), 175

St. Sophia cathedral, 183

siege (1402), 181

(1452), 182–183, 186

consubstantiation, 354, 376, 412

Contarini, Gasparo, Cardinal (1535–42), 446, 562, 866, 893, 896, 897, 898, 912, 920–921, 929

Contemptu mundi, De (Erasmus), 271

Contra atheos (Postel), 881

Contr’un (La Boétie), 882

conversation, art of, 767

Conversos, baptized Jews, 201, 207–208, 209–210, 213, 214, 215, 217–218, 219, 639, 734

Cop, Nicholas, 460, 480, 504

Copenhagen, Denmark, 145, 146, 153, 621, 628

University, 621, 627

Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473–1543), 19, 173, 238, 239, 241, 452, 477, 849, 855–863

quoted, 858, 861–862

Book of Revolutions, 849

Little Commentary, 857–858

Revolutions of the Celestial Orbs, 860

copyright protection, 157, 784

Cordova, Francisco Hernández de (1475?-1526), 865

Cordova, Castile, 197, 208

cathedral, 846

Mosque, 221*, 846

Cordus, Curicius (1486–1535), 868

Cordus, Valerius (1515–44), 868, 873

Corinth, 186

cornering products, 295, 296

Coron, Turkey, 706

Coronado, Francisco (1510–54), 865

Correa, Caspar (c. 1490–1565), 815

Corte-Real, Gaspar (1450?-1510), 194

corruption, 18, 71, 212, 590, 603

Cortes, Hernando (1485–1547), 199–200, 817, 865

Córtese, Gregorio (1483–1548), 897, 899

Cosa, Juan de la (1460?-1510), 240

Cosmographia universalis (Münster), 864

cosmography, 676

Cossa, Baldassare, see John XXIII

Cossacks, 654–655

Costa Rica, 267

Coster, Laurens (c. 1370–0. 1443), 158

Cottereau, Jean, 824

Councils and the Churches, On the (Luther), 448

Counsel of the Appointed Cardinals on Reforming the Church, 897–898

quoted, 898

Counter Reformation, 128, 897, 922, 932

counterfeiters, 647

“Count’s War,” 628

Courland, 173

court, French, 60, 494–496

court of love, 72, 500

Courtenay, Edward (152 6}-56), 591, 592, 593

Courtenay, William, Archbishop (1342?-96), 32, 35–36

courtesans, 7, 761

Courtier, The (Castiglione), 500, 742, 767, 816

Courtrai, France, 58

Coutances, France, chapel (1371–86), 79

Covenanters, 489

Coventry, England, Cathedral (1373–94), 119

Coverdale, Miles (1488?-1569), 532, 571

Cracow, Poland, 143, 172, 629, 725

cathedral, 174

university, 173, 237, 788

craft guilds, 38, 59, 144

Cranach, Lucas, the Elder (1472–1553), 345, 415, 450, 836–838, 848

Anna Cuspinian (Coll. Reinhart, Winterthur), 837

Johannes Cuspinian (Coll. Reinhart, Winterthur), 837

Judgment of Paris (Coll. Baron von Schenk), 836

Self-portrait (Uffizi), 837

Venus and Cupid (Brussels), 836

Cranach, Lucas, the Younger (1515–86), Sleeping Hercules (Dresden), 837

Cranmer, Thomas (1489–1556), 444, 532, 545, 547, 560, 565, 576, 579, 580, 581, 584, 589, 597, 894

quoted, 598

Book of Common Prayer, 580, 585

Crawar, Paul, 607

Crécy, France, 63, 70, 88, 161

Cremona, Italy, 161

Crépy: Peace of (1545), 453, 635, 928

Treaty (1544), 516

Crescas, Abraham (d. 1387), 743

Crescas, Hasdai (1340–1410), 745–746

Crescas, Jehuda (1420), 743

Crete, 182

crime, 115, 304, 604, 757

Crimea, 187, 652, 655

Croatia, 184

Croft, Sir James, 592, 593

Cromwell, Oliver (1599–1658), 568

Cromwell, Sir Richard, 567

Cromwell, Thomas (1485?-1540), 534, 548, 549, 561, 563–568, 572, 575, 843

Cronacas (Lopes), 195

crop rotation (1300), 143

Cross, Order of the, 173

Crotus Rubianus (1480?-1540), 325, 327, 426

Crowmer, William (1450), III

cruelty, 71

Crusades, 16, 17, 24, 156, 186, 332, 340, 347, 663, 703

Cuba, 262, 264

cuckoldry, 60

Cumuneros, revolt, 638–639

Cunha, Tristao da (1460?-1540), 194

Curia, papal, 7, 11, 12, 18, 25, 330, 332, 448, 546, 624, 899, 918, 932, 933

Curio, Caelius Secundus (1503–69), 478, 486

currency: Castile, 205*

debasing, 65, 66, 252, 583, 624, 676

fluid, 755

Gresham’s law, 857

international, 632

stabilization, 664

standardized, 92

Curvilinear Decorated Gothic, 118

Cuspinian, Johannes, 837

Cuvier, Georges (1769–1832), 868

Cymbalum mundi (Desperiers), 881

Cyprus, 680

Czenger, Hungary, 631

Dahlberg, Johann von (1445–1503), 320

Dalmata, Giovanni, 189

Dalmatic of Charlemagne, 177

Dalmau, Luis (d. c. 1460), Virgin of the Councilors (1446) (Barcelona, Museum of Catalan Art) 223

Damascus, 673, 685

Dames Galantes (Brantôme), 492

Dance of Death, 72–73, 833

Dance of Death, The (Holbein) 842

dancing, H4, 305, 419, 648, 760, 770

Daniel Alexandrovitch (d. 1303), 650

Danish Empire, 146

Dante (1265–1321), 224

Danzig, 172, 173, 439, 629–630

Marienkirche (1425), 154

d’Arc, Jacques, 82, 84

Darcy, Lord, 566

Dardanelles, 177, 179, 181, 185

Daret, Jacques (c. 1404–0. 73), 133

Darmstadt, Germany, 156, 299

Darwin, Charles R. (1809–82), 242, 452

Dataria, 898, 929

Dati, Giuliano, 895

daughters, excluded from crown, 61

Dauphin, 66*

Dauphiné, France, 58, 510

David II, King of Scotland (1329–33; 1357–70, 604

David, Gerard (c. 1460–1523), Rest on the Flight to Egypt (Washington, New York, Madrid), 139

David ibn abi-Zimra, 736

debauchery, 232

Decameron (Boccaccio), 50, 54, 499

deceptions of senses and judgment, 234

Defender, The (Erasmus), 435

Defender of the Faith, 532

Défense et illustration de la langue françoyse (Bellay), 809

Defensor Pads (Masilius and Jandun), quoted, 149

Delhi, India, 673, 676

Del Monte, Cardinal (1545), 928

Delorme, Philibert (c. 1515–70), 520, 826, 827, 830, 848

Architecture, Treatise on, 828

Deluge, second (1524), 855

democracy, 254, 611

Demonic Deceptions, On (Wier), 852

demonolatry, 232, 233, 234

Demosthenes (d. 413 B.C.), 285

Denck, Hans (1495–1527), 395, 397

Denmark, 144, 145, 146, 153, 159, 515, 621, 627–628, 629

dentistry, 874

Deprès, Josquin (1450?-1521), 773, 774, 775

Descartes, René (1596–1650), 241, 886, 939

Deschamps, Eustache (1340?-?1407), 72, 73

Le Miroir de mariage, quoted, 76

Deschler, Joachim (d. 1571), 836

Despenser, Hugh le, III (d. 1326), 27

Desperiers, Bonaventure (c. 1490–1544), 499, 501

Cymbalum mundi, 881

Despoina, Lady, 679, 680

despotism, 651

determinism, 434, 851

Deventer, Holland, 128, 129

Dialectique (Ramus), 885

Dialoghi d’Amore (Abrabanel), 742

Diane de France (1538–1619), 519

Diane de Poitiers (1499–1566), 517, 518–522, 827

Dias, Bartholomeu (1450?-1500), 194, 260

Dias, Diniz (1446), 194

Díaz, Alfonso, 640

Díaz, Juan, of Cuenca, 640

Díaz del Castillo, Bernai (1492-?81), 817

dictatorship, proletarian, 638

dictionaries, 785

Diderot, Denis (1713–84), 59

Diet of Electors, Germany, 147

Diether von Isenburg (1459), 331

Dietrich of Freiburg (d. c. 1311), 240

Digges, Thomas (d. 1595), 862

Dijon, France, 80, 126, 127, 506

Museum, 131

Dinant, France, 135, 136

Diniz, King of Portugal (1279–1325), 191, 237

Diogenes (412–323 B.C.), quoted, 789

Dionysius the Areopagite (c. 500), 153

Dioscorides, Pedanius (1st Century A.D.), 868

diplomatic missions, men of letters, 48

discipline, 303, 473–474

diseases: curing, 850

England, 39

dispensations, 11, 18, 214, 215

dissection, 243, 798, 869–871, 879

Divinatione, De (Oresme), 234

Divine Comedy, The (Dante), 224

Divine service, 447

divining rod, 753*

divorce, 112, 712, 762

Diwan (Divan), 709

Diyarbekir, Turkey, 698

Djem, Prince (1459–1495), 681, 704

Dlugosz, Jan (1415–80), 173

Dmitri Donskoi (1363–89), 651

Döbeln, Germany, 356

Dolet, Étienne (1508–46), 159, 501, 771, 784–785, 798

Dolgoruki, Yuri (fl. 1156), 650

domiciliary visits, 474

Dominica, 264

Dominicans, 19, 20, 209, 236, 246, 323, 324, 329, 339, 633

Domostroi, 648

Domrémy, France, 81–82

Don Cossacks, 655

Don Quixote (Cervantes), 816

Donation of Constantine, 16, 117, 256, 272, 327, 369

Donne, Sir John (1468), 137–138

Dorat, Jean (1508–88), 808, 809

Doria, Andrea (1468P-1560), 513, 697, 706

Dorpat, Germany, 439

Dortmund, Germany, 144, 297

Dostoievski, Fëdor (1821–81), 841

Douai, France, 59, 92, 96

Douglas, William, Earl of (1425?-52), 605

Dózsa, György (d. 1514), 190

drama, 46, 49, 76, 100, 156, 225, 326, 420, 474, 813, 817

Portugal, 195, 815

Dresden, Germany, 339*

Castle, 835

dress: female, 74, 75, 114, 127, 199, 202, 205, 305, 767, 768

male, 74, 75, 114, 127, 136, 199, 202, 275, 304–305, 713, 767, 768

Wolsey, 528

Dreux, France, 96

drink, 39, 113, 417, 477, 769

Dropsius, Martin, 278

drunkenness, 236, 304, 344, 471, 529, 648, 713, 759, 769

dry point engraving, 309, 316

Dublin, Ireland, university, 236

Dubois, Jacques (1478–1555), 869, 871

Dubois, Pierre (c. 1255–1312), 246, 251

Duccio di Buoninsegna (1255?-?1319), 177

Dudley, Sir Henry, 599

duels, 513*, 514

Dufay, Guillaume (1399–1474), 774–775

Du Guesclin, Bertrand (1320–80), 68, 69, 201

Duisy, Guillaume (1429), 84

Dunkers, 402*

Dunois, Jean (1403?-68), 81, 83, 86, 97

Duns Scotus, John (1265?-?1308), 236, 246, 247, 249, 250, 251, 272, 332, 787

Dunstable, John (c. 1370–1453), 114, 774

Duprat, Antoine (1463–1535), 494

Duran, Profiat (fl. 1410), 741

Duran, Simon (1361–1444), 720

Duran, Simon II, (1439–1510), 736

Durand, William (c. 1270–1334), 7, 246

Dürer, Agnes Frey, 303, 312, 317

Dürer, Albrecht (1471–1528), 73, 139, 290, 296, 298, 301, 306, 311–320, 350, 768

quoted, 318

Adoration of the Magi (Uffizi), 315

Bernhard von Resten (Dresden), 314

Charlemagne (Nuremberg), 314

Dürer’s Father (1490, Uffizi), 314

Dürer’s Father (1497, London), 314

Elizabeth Tucher (Cassel), 314

Feast of the Rose Garlands (Prague), 311, 313, 314

Four Apostles (Munich), 308, 318

Hieronymus Holzschuher (Berlin), 314

Jakob Fugger (Munich), 296

Madonna and Child (Vienna), 315

Madonna and Child with Saints (New York), 314

Oswalt Krell (Munich), 314

Paumgärtner Altar (Munich), 314

Portrait of a Gentleman (Madrid), 314

Selfportrait (1493, Louvre), 312

Self-portrait (1498, Madrid), 312

Self-portrait (1500, Munich), 312

Venetian Lady (Vienna), 314

Willibald Pirkheimer (Madrid), 314

Duret, Jean (1550), 829

Durham, England, 604

Dvina, river, 656

dykes, Holland, 136

dynasties: Abd-el-Wahid, 696

Angevin, 172

Árpád, 184

Aviz, 192

Bourbon, 61

Buurji Mamluks, 676

Capetian, 61, 126

Hapsburg, 142, 152, 226, 296, 300, 301, 410, 441, 455, 491, 591, 639, 710

Hohenstaufen, 148

II Khan, Mongol, 663, 664–666

Lancastrian 57

Marini, 695

Mogul (Mongol), 676

Nefsid, 696

Oldenburg, 146

Palaeologus, 175

Plantagenet, 57

Przemyslid, 161

Safavid, 676, 698

Stuart, 604

Timurid, 676

Tudor, 108, 536, 538, 568, 591

Valois, 61, 491

Yorkist, 108

East Indies, 195

Easterlings, House of (1564), 632

Eastern Roman Empire, 175

Eberlin, Johannes (1521), 383

eccentric, 856*

ecclesiastical authority, repudiation, 366

ecclesiastical courts, 24, 30, 520

ecclesiastical income, 603

ecclesiastical imposts, 621

ecclesiastical offices, filling, 11, 13, 15, 19, 115

ecclesiastical property, appropriation, 393, 395, 444, 455, 456, 543–544, 590, 619, 625, 626, 628, 654

Eck, Johann, Augustinian friar, 633

Eck, Johann, of Trier (1521), 360

quoted, 361

Eck, Dr. Johann, of Ingoistadt (1486–1543), 285, 350, 354, 356, 426, 443, 446, 851, 920

Obelisci, 346, 349

Eckhart, Johannes, Meister, (1260?-?1327), 154, 156, 255, 325

quoted, 153

economic disparities, Europe, 297

economics, 246

Edinburgh, Scotland, 602, 606, 607, 615

Royal College of Surgeons (1505), 244

St. Giles Church, 615

Edinburgh, Treaty of (1560), 618

education, 5, 18, 123, 128, 130, 136, 157, 160, 199, 201, 235–238, 383, 786–790% aristocracy, 235–236

Byzantium, 175

compulsory, 786

Denmark, 627

England, 235, 529, 568

Geneva, 468, 474

Granada, 201–202

Ottoman, 714

Persia, 664

Spain, 225

Education of a Christian Prince (Erasmus), 286

Edward I, King of England, (1272–1307), 27

Edward II, King of England, (1307–27), 26–27, 119

Edward III, King of England (1327–77), 7, 27, 28–29, 30, 32, 38, 40, 48, 61, 62, 63, 68, 69, 118, 119, 150, 161, 162, 231, 234, 569, 604

quoted, 64

Edward IV, King of England (1461–70; 1471–83), 90, 91, 107–108, 112, 118

Edward V, King of England (1483), 108

Edward VI, King of England (1547–53), 561, 573, 576, 577, 579, 585, 586, 608

Edward, King of Portugal (1433–38), 192

Edward, Earl of March, see Edward IV

Edward the Black Prince (1330–76), 29, 63, 65, 69

Egidio de Viterbo (1470–1532), 724

Egypt, 663, 664, 673, 676–678, 681, 710

Einsiedeln, Switzerland, 405

Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine (1122?-1204), 58

Eleanora, wife of Francis I (d.1539), 508, 511, 512, 515

Elector Palatine, 180

electors, Germany, 151-152

Elijah del Medigo, (1463–98), 724

Elizabeth I, Queen of England (1558–1603), 108, 226, 255, 547, 548, 560, 561, 573, 576, 587, 588, 593, 594, 599, 617, 840

Elizabeth of Valois (1545–68), 518, 522

Elmina, Guinea, 259

Eltville, Germany, 159

Ely, England, Cathedral, Lady Chapel (1321–27), 118

Elyot, Thomas (1490?-1546), 789

Elzevirs, The (1580–1712), 159

embargoes, 62, 109

Emden, Germany, 599

Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy (1553–80), 522, 636

emperors: German, 300

papal confirmation, 330

Empire of Great Britain, 581

empirical psychology, 869

empiricism, 247

enameled glass, 677–678

enamels, 99, 829

Encina, Juan del (c. 1468–1534), 225

Engelbreksson, Engelbrekt (1434), 146

England: absolute monarchy, 207

alliance with France, 526

barbarian inundation, 5

chivalric pomp, 127

coronation oath, quoted, 26

ecclesiastical independence, 33

ecclesiastical wealth, 30

foreign trade, 109

French holdings surrendered, 88

French possessions (1300), 58

(1359), 68

(1369), 69

hospitals (1500), 245

Jewish expulsion, 724

king, divine right, 255

national unification, 92

navy, 62, 572

papal tribute, 30, 31, 32, 33, 37, 337–338

Parliament, first, 27

population (1307), 37; (1515), 493; 0547), 568

printing press, 159

Protestantism, strengthening, 216

religion subject to the state, 209

revolt (1381), 37–45

(1536), 565–566

(1541), 575

(1549), 581, 582

(1554), 592

Rome renounced, 445

Sanitary Act (1388), 245

schools, 787

state officials, selection, 30

war with France, 8, 27, 28, 29, 41, 45, 62, 63, 81, 535, 596, 599

English, description, 111

engraving, 298, 309

metal, 158

engravings, 309, 316

Dürer’s, 316–317

Enlightenment, 939

Ennquez, Beatriz (1488), 260

Enríquez, Don Pedro (1500), 221

Enríquez, Doña Mencia, Duchess of Albuquerque, 222

Ensisheim, Alsace, 397

entities, 247–248

Ephemerides, almanac, 239, 268

Ephesus, Council of, 924

epicureanism, 272

Epicurus (342?–270 B.C.), 175, 272, 328

epicycle, 856*

epidemics, 231, 245, 874

Epirus, 179

epistemology, 247

Epistle to the Genevese (Sadoleto), 470

Epitome (Luther), 351

Erasmians, 435, 505, 640

Erasmus, Desiderius (1466?-1536), 18, 19, 20, 25, 75, 123, 124, 125, 129, 139, 160, 232, 250, 211–292, 315, 318, 324, 351, 358, 405, 410, 426, 427–431, 485, 550–551, 558

quoted, 113, 272–275, 277–281, 284, 287, 315, 411, 428–433, 524, 629, 780

Adagiorum, Collectanea, 273–274, 275, 805

Axiomata Erasmi, 430

Colloquies, 272, 275, 289, 805

Contemptu mundi, De, 271

Defender, The, 435

Education of a Christian Prince, 286

Erasmus’ Sponge on Hutten’s Aspersions, 427

Familiarium colloquiorum formulae, 282

lulius exclusus, 278–281

Libero arbitrio, De, 434, 841

New Testament revision, 273, 283–285

Paraphrases, 285

Peace, the Complaint of, 287

Praise of Folly, The, 277–278

337, 429, 805, 840

Erastian principle, 456–457

Erastus, Thomas (1524–83), 457*

Erfurt, Germany, 302, 303, 325, 364, 356, 397

university, 153, 238, 342, 786

Eric IV, King of Denmark (1241–50), 145

Eric XIV, King of Denmark (1560–8), 626