Restaurant ’Tude—
My name is Sir—I’ll be your customer tonight
Nomen mihi est Dominus—hodie vobiscum cenabo
My sign is, I sign the check
Natus sum signo signantis syngrapham
The only thing I wish to know about you is where the hell you are when I want something
De te scire volo solum ubi gentium sis cum alicuius indigeam
If those entrées are so special, why aren’t they on the menu?
Si quidem illa fercula tantum praestant, cur in epularum indice non sunt?
Exactly how fresh is that pepper?
Quam recenter lectum est hoc piper?
Why do you put it in a mill the size of a war-trumpet?
Quamobrem id ponis in molina tanta quanta tuba est?
This is indeed a very impressive wine list, if you’re in the mood for a bottle of grape-flavored rust remover that costs as much as a new sofa
Haec tabula vinorum grandia pollicetur cuicumque sit in animo bibere ex ampulla liquoris qui sapit uvas et solvit ferruginem et stat tanti quanti lectus novus
My compliments to the chef—the empire lost a truly inspired poisoner when he decided to go to cooking school
Summam coquo laudem tribuo—imperium venefico ingeniosissimo privatum est cum ille scholam coquinariam obire statuit
No dessert, thanks, unless it contains the antidote
Benigne, secundam mensam non requiro, nisi antidotum continet
I’d have written in a smaller tip but there is no Roman numeral for a nickel
In syngrapha munusculum minus inscripsissem, sed non est littera Romana quae Ioachimici vicesimam significat
I’ll be sure to recommend this place to my friends
Zago, zagas, zagat