The Pledge
"Kimberly Derting's remarkably original and deliciously romantic dystopian, The Pledge, unfolds at a breakneck pace. I held my breath until the very last page and am already desperate for more!"-Carrie Ryan, New York Times bestselling author of THE FOREST OF HANDS AND TEETH
"Derting gives texture to Charlie's future society, hinting at a not-so distant past when cities had names and people wanted democracy but became corrupt and turned to an all powerful Queen. Danger, dread, mystery, and romance are a potent combination for those that enjoy their dystopian-light fiction action packed." -Booklist
"fast-paced and engrossing" -VOYA
"A girl reluctantly faces her destiny in this gripping dystopian fantasy. Derting (Desires of the Dead, 2011, etc.) keeps her story consistently engaging through vivid description and brisk pacing, propelling Charlie through her adventure. She throws enough romance into the mix to satisfy but keeps the main focus on suspense. More great suspense from a prolific new writer with a vibrant imagination."—Kirkus Reviews
"Derting’s chilling dystopia envisions an America ruled by monarchy, most of its cities razed, and its citizens straitjacketed in a caste system divided by language...[and is] right on when depicting the bonds of family, friendship, and first love."--Publishers Weekly
About the Author
Kimberly Derting is the author of the BODY FINDER series (HarperCollins) and the upcoming release, THE PLEDGE (Nov 15, 2011, Simon & Schuster). She lives in the Pacific Northwest, the ideal place to write anything dark or creepy...a gloomy day can set the perfect mood. She lives with her husband and their three beautiful (and often mouthy) children who provide an endless source of inspiration.