On the planet Coruscant.
Enter ANAKIN SKYWALKER, a GUARD, and RABE, a handmaiden to the queen.
The boy doth seek to visit Padmé here.
Indeed, if ’tis permissible to do.
[Exit guard.
Apologies, but Padmé is not here.
Who is’t who comes?
—’Tis Anakin, who would
Hold one or two brief words with Padmé, Highness.
Upon an errand Padmé hath been sent.
I take my leave now, to the temple bound,
Therein my Jedi training to begin.
Methinks I never may see her again,
And did but wish to say a fond farewell.
Thy message shall we soon relay to her,
And hear thou this: by royal wisdom we
Are certain that her heart doth follow thee.
With gratitude I thank Your Majesty.
[Exeunt Anakin and Rabe.
My hope lies past all expectation now:
Unto the Senate I am bound at last,
To plead my case and ask for mercy there.
Yet ’mongst the politicians shall I find
A kindly voice to answer mine appeal?
The senator—e’en Palpatine—doth thirst
To set things right for us, yet hath consum’d
More than a measure of ambition’s drink.
Another friend we’ve none within the hall
Where the Galactic Senate soon shall meet.
Thus, if the time hath not supplied a friend,
I’ll fashion one or two with mine own plea.
Mayhap when they behold the regal tears,
Their hearts shall open, blocking out their greed.
I cannot be a man and threaten them,
So shall I with a woman’s cunning win.
Pray, hold me fast, O Fate, let me not slip:
Support me by your ever-weaving hands.
The high, exalted, and unquestionable
Galactic Senate now is call’d to order—
Let harmony be present as we gather.
The chair doth recognize the senior statesman
Who cometh from Naboo, the sov’reign system.
Wise Chancellor Supreme, and delegates
Of this strong Senate, I must make report:
A tragedy of vast proportions hath
Occurr’d upon our innocent Naboo.
Its genesis was in this chamber here,
Taxation of the trade routes its first cause.
The tragedy engulf’d our planet in
Th’oppression of the Federation cruel.
These accusations are outrageous words!
Unto these statements I object with zeal.
VALORUM The chair hath not yet seen fit to acknowledge
The senator from the Trade Federation.
To speak for our great planet and present
Our allegations solemn and severe,
I introduce the newly minted queen—
She of the late election in Naboo—
Queen Amidala, who shall prick your ears,
And, if they can be movèd, hearts as well.
O, honorable representatives
Of this republic we do call our home:
I speak before you as a broken queen,
Within your presence due to dire events
That have of late befallen on Naboo.
Our system hath been senselessly attack’d
By the droid armies of the Federation.
I heartily object! Where is her proof?
Her words are but an idle tale, spun out
From some outlandish dream or whim. Instead,
We recommend a quick commission, sent
To ascertain the truth about Naboo.
The senator of Malastare concurs
With what the Federation’s delegate
Doth in this matter recommend and wish.
A commission must be sent unto Naboo.
VALORUM The point is made. Pray, grant me consultation …
[Chancellor Valorum leans aside to speak with his advisors.
[aside:] The perfect part the chancellor now plays,
That I may write the passage I desire.
[To Amidala:] Behold, Your Majesty, the bureaucrats
A group of thespians who craftily
Do rule the scene upon their stage of pow’r.
Their coffers by the Federation fill’d,
They act to bend the chancellor’s own thoughts
And sap his strength by softly spoken lines,
Until the curtain falls and they have won.
The Federation’s point hath been conceded.
Will you, Your Majesty, defer your motion
That we may soon appoint a keen commission,
Which shall investigate your accusations?
Nay, I shall not defer nor be deterr’d,
Nor shall I grant you any deference.
I come before you here in urgency,
Not that we may be turn’d aside again
But that you may resolve this vile attack
Upon our sovereignty even now—
E’en here, e’en on the very instant. Fie!
No more of this delay shall I endure!
My land did not elect me that I might
Deliver it to suffering and death,
Whilst ye in words both weak and impotent
Discuss the dire invasion in committee!
I tell you truly: if incapable
This body is of acting for the right,
Methinks new leadership is warranted.
[aside:] The trap is set, and she hath sprung it quite.
I move a somber vote: no confidence
In Chancellor Valorum’s leadership.
[The other senators begin chanting their approval.