On the planet Coruscant.
Whate’er it was that fought with me that day,
’Twas trainèd well in all the Jedi arts.
’Tis my conclusion, painful though it be,
That I did face a Sith on Tatooine.
Impossible. The evil Sith have been
Extinct well nigh a thousand years. ’Tis true?
It seemeth quite unlikely they could rise
Again, without the Jedi Council’s knowledge.
Indeed, it is unthinkable to me.
Yet be we mindful
’Tis hard to see, the dark side,
Hard enough, forsooth.
Our ev’ry resource we’ll to this employ,
So this dark menace to society
May swiftly be discover’d. By my troth,
I’ll warrant we shall find th’assailant soon.
The Force be ever with thee, Qui-Gon Jinn.
[Obi-Wan turns to leave, but Qui-Gon hesitates.
Good Master Qui-Gon,
More to say have you to us?
I bid you, speak it.
With your permission, Master, I report:
A vergence I’ve encounter’d in the Force.
A vergence, say you?
Divergent is your news, which
Converges on us.
Located ’round a person? ’Tis a fluke.
Nay, ’tis a boy: a boy whose cells have stores
Of midi-chlorians that do surpass
The number found in any life-form I
Did e’er encounter, or think possible.
Yea, ’tis a number higher than I did
Imagine could be found in anyone.
Perchance the boy was actu’lly conceiv’d
By midi-chlorians, strange though it seems.
You reference the prophecy that speaks
Of one who shall bring balance to the Force.
And you believe it is this fresh young boy?
’Tis not my will nor place to here presume—
But presume you do.
Reveal’d your opinion is.
’Tis plain enough, hmm?
I do but wish the boy to tested be.
Ahh, train’d as Jedi?
For him this is your request?
So certain are you?
It was the Force’s will that we would meet.
’Twas not by chance we came unto his shop,
But we were thither brought to set him free,
That he, in turn, would bravely rescue us,
And we together should make journey here.
Bring him before us then, unto our sphere,
And we shall test him in the Council here.
[Qui-Gon bows as all exeunt.