Space. The final battle.
As our scene shifts to space, so deep and dark,
O’er your imagination we’ll hold sway.
For neither players nor the stage can mark
The great and mighty scene they must portray.
We ask you, let your keen mind’s eye be chief—
Think when we talk of starships, there they be.
If you can soon suspend thy disbelief,
The Death Star battle shall you plainly see!
So now: the preparation made with care,
Toward the Death Star rides the noble fleet.
By whirr of engines rebels take the air,
With courage strong their unknown Fate to meet.
Enter LUKE SKYWALKER, R2-D2, WEDGE ANTILLES, BIGGS DARKLIGHTER, RED LEADER, GOLD LEADER, and other pilots, each standing in a different place to represent his ship. C-3PO, PRINCESS LEIA, and GENERAL DODONNA stand aside.
The Death Star doth approach, and shall within
The range of Yavin’s rebel base arrive
Within these fifteen minutes. Lo! Alert!
Good men, each now shall speak and state his name.
Red Ten doth here stand by.
—Red Seven doth
Stand by.
—Red Three doth here stand by.
—Red Six
Doth here stand by.
—Red Nine doth here stand by.
Red Two doth here stand by.
—Red Eleven
Doth here stand by.
—Red Five doth here stand by.
[Aside:] We have our numbers, yet our souls have names.
For I am Luke Skywalker, here beside
My friends, good Biggs and Wedge Antilles, too—
No war shall render us unto mere threes
And twos and fives. We ride, for ride we must—
And here we ride in Ben’s most worthy name,
True, here we ride in Leia’s noble name,
Aye, here we ride in Alderaan’s slain name—
O here we ride for all the names which have,
Throughout our lives, been written on our hearts.
Our debt to them is past all numbering.
Now lock thine S foils in attacking mode.
We shall pass through the thin magnetic field.
Use your deflector shields and form in line!
But look, I say, how large this Death Star is!
[Aside:] I am afear’d that this shall be my end.
Pray, peace, Red Two! Now all accelerate
Unto the speed wherein we may attack.
The time is here, good men, ’tis not to come:
It will be now. The readiness is all.
Red Leader, dost thou hear me?
The Gold Team leads unto the target shaft.
We have a positive position reach’d,
Thus shall I fly across the axis for
To draw their fire whilst thou dost penetrate.
The rebel ships now make their first attack
And fire unto the Death Star’s iron walls.
The Empire shoots with lethal laser back:
’Tis death to anyone on whom it falls.
The volleys fall from close at hand.
—I see!
Red Five reporting: swiftly I go in!
[Aside:] My first attempt here falls—O hit the mark!
With courage rare Luke makes initial pass
And blasts his way unto the Death Star’s hull.
But now maneuvers he too close, alas!
Shall he escape the fire’s most deadly pull?
How goes it, Luke?
—I nearly cook’d my goose,
But all is well. [Aside:] Now shall I take more care!
Enter DARTH VADER and OFFICER 5, aside.
Full thirty ships descend upon us, Sir.
So small are they our lasers pass them by.
Aye, then shall we destroy them ship to ship.
Tell thou the crews “be ready to attack.”
[Exeunt Darth Vader and Officer 5.
Now take ye care, good men! Great fire doth rage
From outside of the harsh deflection tow’r.
I stand prepar’d.
—Now shall I strike! Pray, give
Me thy good cover, Porkins.
—Stand I strong
And ready for to give thee aid, Red Three.
Now bravely Biggs doth render sharp, hard blast
Unto the evil Death Star’s armor’d side.
The Empire’s fire unto his mate hath pass’d,
And now Red Six doth face a troubl’d ride.
Disaster at me strikes.
—Eject, forsooth!
I yet may set it right.
—Anon, pull up!
Nay, nay, I’ll warrant that all shall be well—
[Explosion. Red Six dies.
In seven minutes shall the Death Star be
Within the range of our fair rebel base.
As rebels’ spirits with great strength redound,
A voice speaks unto Luke, as to a son.
Luke hears the voice and its familiar sound:
’Tis his old friend and Master Obi-Wan.
[aside:] Pray, trust thy feelings, Luke.
—I hear this voice
And know it well. O me! Speak thou again!
And heed the voice, my soul, and trust thyself:
On Ben’s command I’ll strike a hearty blow!
[He shoots and strikes Death Star.
Exit Ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Squad leaders, mark me well. New fighters have
Appear’d, and come toward you presently.
My scope shows naught, my eyes to them are blind.
Employ thy visu’l scanning—they approach!
Red Seven, thou hast one upon thy rear.
My ship is hit! Now must I die, dear friends.
[Explosion. Red Seven dies.
Good friends, if thou dost catch an enemy
Behind thy ship, I prithee watch it well!
Now am I plagued by such a one, help help!
For neither can I see where he doth go—
He flies so close that my maneuvers fail.
Hold fast, brave Biggs, till I can give thee aid.
Upon the enemy I fly, and shoot!
Bold Luke, thou hast a life return’d to me.
So may I one day give to thee in turn.
I prithee, soldiers, let us hence away.
For many of our fighters are remov’d
From their own fleet. Thus let us swiftly go
And straightway make pursuit of these rogue ships.
[Darth Vader and pilots enter ships.
O Luke, thou art pursued, pull in!
—Pray, guard
Thy back, good Luke. More fighters do approach.
I have been hit, but not unto the death.
Small R2, see if thou the damage canst
—Beep, whistle.
—Hang thou on, good droid!
Red Ten, canst thou see whither’s gone Red Five?
A heavy fire appears upon this side.
Red Five, where art thou?
—Here, but cannot shake
The villain who doth hotly follow me.
I come for thee, good Luke, be not afraid.
[aside:] O fie, my dear friend Biggs, where canst thou be?
Thou promis’d that thou ow’dst to me a life,
But where is now that help of which thou spok’st?
’Twas partly for our friendship I am here,
For long I wish’d to join thee as thou fought
And many were the tales adventurous
Thou brought’st with thee whilst visiting our home
When still I worked the crops on Tatooine.
But now hast thou deserted me, old friend?
When I am even at the door of death
Hast thou both flown and fled? Say nay, dear Biggs!
Take that, thou scoundrel base, Imperi’l scum!
Great thanks, good Wedge, heroic’lly hast thou done.
Red Leader, hear my word: the Gold team shall
Begin our swift attack into the trench.
Godspeed, Gold Leader, go with might and strength!
I fly, and fly toward my enemies.
This day the dark side of the Force shall reign,
As I disrupt the weak Rebellion’s plans
And with my men destroy their ev’ry hope.
[To Imperial Pilots 1 and 2:] Good pilots both, remain set for attack!
The port for the exhaust hath been lock’d in
And mark’d! That hole shall make us whole, my mates.
Now switch thy pow’r to front deflector screens.
Gold Five, what say’st thou? Canst thou count the guns?
Belike ’tis twenty yon and hither, both
Upon the surface and within the tow’rs.
Within five minutes shall the Death Star be
Upon our rebel base, and set to strike.
To targeting computer presently
I switch.
—I have receiv’d a signal on
The ship’s computer—that the port will soon
Be in our range. But soft, good friends, what’s this?
The guns! It seemeth that their guns have stopp’d.
So watch thy rear, and stabilize thy shields.
Perhaps an enemy doth come behind.
Aye, aye, they come! Three ships at point-two-ten.
The battle heats as Vader and his men
Approach the threefold members of group Gold.
The Empire’s hate will be fulfillèd when
Darth makes his power known with blows full bold.
I shall destroy the rebels vile myself.
Just give me thy good cover and ’tis done.
Now shoot I once, and death is the result.
[Darth Vader shoots. Explosion. Gold Two dies.
I have no power to maneuver, fie!
Stay thou on target.
—Nay, we run too close!
Stay thou on target!
—Wretch, pray give me room!
[Darth Vader shoots. Explosion.
Gold Leader dies.
Gold Five doth this ill news report: we have
Lost Dutch and Tiree both.
—In troth, I hear!
Stay ready.
—From behind they do attack!
[Darth Vader shoots. Explosion. Gold Five dies.
[aside:] So much of desolation and of death.
Is this Rebellion worth the lives here lost?
Yet I would gladly my life give to it—
Thus reason not the need, my troubl’d soul.
Whilst all the rebels mourn the loss of life,
Upon the Death Star tensions have been prov’d.
The rebels’ plan hath rear’d the threat of strife,
But Gov’nor Tarkin stands assur’d, unmov’d.
Enter GRAND MOFF TARKIN with CHIEF OFFICER aside, in Death Star.
The rebels’ sharp attack hath been well prob’d
And now it doth appear a danger looms.
I do confess my love to thee, good Sir,
And would my very life lay down for thee.
Wouldst thou that I make ready thine own ship,
That thou may’st flee should fighting turn to death?
Retreat whilst we do win the day? You jest!
Forsooth, I stand unmovèd like a rock.
[Exeunt Grand Moff Tarkin and Chief Officer.
The Death Star shall within three minutes be
Upon the rebel base.
—Red boys, ’tis I,
Thy tried and true Red Leader. We shall meet
Upon the mark at six-point-one. Make haste!
Red Two doth stand obedi’nt at thy side.
Red Three doth come.
—Red Leader, hear me now.
It is Base One who speaks to thee. Keep half
Thy fighters out of range upon thy next
Attempt. If one group sadly falls, belike
The other shall succeed: so shall we make
The Empire take our fleet by halves, not wholes.
I hear and understand, good Sir. Now Luke,
Take thou Red Two and Three with thee and wait
Upon my signal ere thou mak’st thy run.
Now hence we go an Empire for to slay!
Red Leader, with the others, Twelve and Ten,
Make their descent into the trench with speed.
Their brav’ry, cunning, and their acumen
May give these men the victory they need.
Dost thou agree, it should be in our sights?
Pray keep thine eyes a’watching for those ships
That have our comrades cruelly destroy’d!
The interference hath become too wide.
Red Five, canst thou yet see them where thou standst?
I see no ships, but—wait. Aye, they approach!
They come at point-three-five.
—I see them now.
My ship hath come in range of that sly port,
The port that hath evaded us so far.
But now, aye now, the target shall be mine.
If ye, good friends, may hold them there awhile,
I shall this battle end with one swift stroke!
Close in, my lads—we three shall ride as one.
Heigh, almost there.
[Darth Vader shoots. Explosion. Red Twelve dies.
—Pray fire, else we die too!
Heigh, almost there.
—They set upon my back!
I can no more withstand their quick attack.
[Darth Vader shoots. Explosion. Red Ten dies.
I shoot, I shoot! For rebels’ glory, shoot!
The blast hath left the shaft!
—Hast hit? Hast hit?
Is vict’ry yet within our sights?
My finest effort I have giv’n, and yet,
The blast falls errant and doth miss the mark.
’Tis but an impact on the surface. Pooh!
Red Leader, be thou not dismay’d. We shall
Protect thee even now. Turn thou toward
The point-oh-five and we shall cover thee.
Nay, save me not! My engine hath been crush’d
And death is welcome now. Instead, dear Luke,
Good Wedge, brave Biggs, be thou preparèd for
Thy run, for thou art now our only hope!
[Darth Vader shoots. Explosion. Red Leader dies.
The Death Star now in but a minute shall
Upon the rebel base on Yavin come.
Once more unto the trench, dear friends, once more!
The death of our dear friends we see today,
And by my troth their souls shall be aveng’d!
I was not angry since I came to space
Until this instant! Strike at us and thou
Shalt know the power of the Force, thou brute,
Thou Empire full of hate and evil deeds.
Aye, pluck us down and we shall rise again—
Our cause is not alone for these good men
Who here were kill’d today. Our cause is not
Alone for those on Alderaan who died.
Our cause is for the truth, for righteousness,
For anyone who e’er oppression knew.
’Tis not rebellion for the sake of one,
’Tis not a cause to serve a priv’leg’d few—
This moment shall resound in history
For ev’ry person who would freedom know!
So Biggs, stand with me now, and be my aide,
And Wedge, fly at my side to lead the charge—
We three, we happy three, we band of brothers,
Shall fly unto the trench with throttles full!
We stand with thee, a’ready for the fight.
But Luke, at that quick pace shalt thou escape
Before thy speedy ship is blown in twain?
’Twill be like Beggars Canyon back at home.
The youth descend at once into the trench
Wherein their fates shall surely written be.
Darth Vader, close behind, prepares to quench
His thirst upon the blood of martyrs three.
We shall stand fast at hand to give thee help.
My scope doth show the tower, but the port
Appeareth not. How certain art thou, Luke,
That our computers each can hit the mark?
Good pilot, watch thyself! Increase to full.
I prithee, what shall we do ’bout the tow’r?
Give thou unto the enemy thy thoughts,
But let the tow’r be my concern alone.
[To R2-D2:] Now R2, fix the stabilizer that
Hath once more come unhing’d. Pray, fix it fast!
[aside:] Now shall I be not fool, but fix!
[To Luke:] Beep, squeak!
The fighters are behind us, at point-three.
They come upon my rear too fast. Alack!
I have been hit, and must depart, my friends.
Aye, get thee clear, good Wedge. Thou shalt not help
Our cause if thy ship flyeth not. Anon!
And live to fight another day with me.
With all my heart, I truly wish thee well.
[Exit Wedge.
Aye, let him go—the leader we pursue!
Make haste, O Luke. Methinks they do approach
E’en faster than before. I shall not hold
Them back for long!
—Now, R2, straight increase
The pow’r.
—Beep, whee.
—Make haste, Luke. O, alas!
[Darth Vader shoots. Explosion. Biggs dies.
That ever I should see this day, O woe!
My childhood friend from Tatooine now slain
Protecting me from harm. Thou ow’dst a life—
Dear Biggs, sweet Biggs—and thou hast paid. And now
’Tis down to me: the boy turn’d warrior.
Be still, my errant heart, and seek the Force.
The leader now is mine.
—Meep, beep.
—Take care
Sweet R2-D2! Come thou back, I pray!
Luke’s ship comes closer to the little port
While Vader and his crew draw all too near.
Young Luke to his computer doth resort
Until he hears the voice speak in his ear.
O use the Force, dear Luke. Let go and trust!
I sense the Force in this one here, almost
As if I did my younger self espy.
I prithee, trust me, Luke. All shall be well.
The hearing of these words is like a balm
Unto my soul. So shall I trust the Force
And not this fallible computer here.
[Luke turns off computer.
What is this, Luke? Thy targeting machine
Hath been turn’d off. What can be wrong? Pray tell!
Nay, all is well. Fear not, good friends.
—Beep, squeak.
[Darth Vader shoots. R2-D2 is hit.
Ahh hoo!
—Small R2-D2 hath been lost!
The Death Star now has come within our range.
Commander, thou may’st fire when thou hast made
All goodly preparation thereunto.
Now face thy death, thou rebel.
—Sir, take heed!
Now in a trice brave Han is on the scene!
The smuggler hath return’d on errand kind.
With sly approach he makes his way unseen
And slays th’Imperi’l pilots from behind.
[Enter Han Solo with Chewbacca, firing on
Darth Vader and Imperial Pilots. Explosion.
Imperial Pilots 1 and 2 die.
But how?—
[Darth Vader exits in confusion, his ship spinning out of control.
—Thy path is clear, young Luke. Now do
Thy deed and let us all make way back home.
I stretch my feelings out and use the Force,
And on the instant seems the porthole vast—
Not small or difficult to strike, but large.
The ship is arm’d, and now I take the chance—
The blast’s away, and with it all our hopes!
[Luke shoots and hits the target.
The laser hits its mark with certain aim,
And as the Death Star arms to strike the base
The chain reaction sets the orb aflame:
The Death Star hath exploded into space.
Thy timely blast hath hit the perfect mark—
One in a million was thy Force-fill’d shot!
Remember me, O Luke, remember me,
And ever shall the Force remain with thee.