Space, aboard the Millennium Falcon.
Thy rescue hath been wondrous, think’st thou not?
Say I: at times I do myself amaze.
Amazing hath my rescue of thee been,
Amazing is my hand at piloting,
Amazing all my part in this escape,
Amazing—aye, ’tis true—my handsome looks.
Amazing is thy pride and love of self!
Thus stand I now amaz’d that e’er thou shouldst
Allow thy great, amazing self to stoop
So low that thou wouldst rescue such as I.
But let me now amaze thee if I may,
By telling thee that thy amazement is
Misplac’d! For never have Imperi’l ships
Let enemies escape with such great ease
As thou and thy amazing vessel have
Just now amazingly escap’d.
—Nay, nay!
Call’st thou this venture easy, Princess? Pish!
I’ll warrant we are being track’d e’en now.
This ship shall never trackèd be, good sis.
Methinks thou dost upon this vessel far
Too great a trust bestow. But none of that,
I merely am reliev’d that R2 doth
The information safely in him guard.
But wherefore does this matter, Princess, say:
What carries he?
—Rebellion’s greatest hope:
For he doth hold the readouts technical
Unto that battle station, aye, the one
That such great pow’r display’d o’er Alderaan.
My hope it is that when the data can
Be read, an inner weakness we shall find.
Though thou hast seen this battle end, the war
Has not concluded yet.
—But there thou err’st,
Thou dost not speak my mind. For this ship and
Its pilot, Princess, ’tis concluded now.
I have not join’d thy revolution, nay—
My purpose runs not to Rebellion help,
My purpose runs not to assist thyself.
My purpose runs toward one aim alone,
And I do speak it plain: I shall be paid,
And will be paid, and ev’ry aspect of
My being lives in expectation of
The moment when thou shalt my coffers fill.
O fiendish knave! Be thou concernèd not
O’er thy reward. If thou in money dost
Find love, then surely shalt thou have it, aye.
Thy friend is ev’ry part a hirèd man,
A mercenary with no mercy, he.
I question whether he doth care for aught
Or anyone.
[Exit Princess Leia.
[aside:] —But I do care, I do!
If only, Leia, thou didst know how much.
[To Han:] Pray tell me, Han, what dost thou think of her?
I tell thee true, my mind is settl’d fast
When it thinks not of her.
—’Tis well, ’tis well.
[aside:] Now is it plain to me why he doth ask!
The boy doth fancy her, I’ll warrant, else
I’ve made a great mistake in judgment here.
What use are young men’s dreams if not for mocking?
So I shall dance upon his tender heart:
[To Luke:] And yet—
[aside:] —Alas, a “yet”? What’s this of “yet”?
The woman truly hath a spirit bold, And yet I know not.
What think’st thou, I pray:
Think’st thou a princess could with me be—