Aboard the rebel ship.
Enter DARTH VADER, carrying REBEL LEADER 1 by the neck, and STORMTROOPERS.
The Death Star plans we could not find herein,
Nor are they on the main computer, Lord.
In short, they are not here, and there’s an end.
Thou speakest well, my stormtrooper, and yet
Not well upon my ear the message falls.
I turn to thee, thou rebel. Aye, I lift
Thy head above my own. Thou canst now choose
To keep thy secrets lock’d safe in that head,
And therefore lose the life thou holdest dear,
Or else to keep thy head and, thus, thy life.
My patience runneth quickly out much like
The sands across the dunes of Tatooine.
So tell me, else thou diest quick: where shall
We find transmissions thou didst intercept?
What hast thou done, say, with those plans?
[Darth Vader begins to choke Rebel Leader 1.
—My Lord,
My head and life I value—certain ’tis!
And yet to thee I must report we have
Not intercepted one transmission! Ahh!
This is a cons’lar ship, and nothing more,
On diplomatic mission. Ugh!
—Thou knave!
With thy last breath hear thou this word: if this
Is but a cons’lar ship, then where is the
ambassador? [Rebel Leader 1 dies.] Commander, prithee, go!
Rend thou this ship apart until the plans
Are found, and bring me any passengers—
Upon thy life, I want them brought alive!
[Exeunt stormtroopers.
And so another dies by my own hand,
This hand, which now encas’d in blackness is.
O that the fingers of this wretched hand
Had not the pain of suff’ring ever known.
But now my path is join’d unto the dark,
And wicked men—whose hands and fingers move
To crush their foes—are now my company.
So shall my fingers ever undertake
To do more evil, aye, and this—my hand—
Shall do the Emp’ror’s bidding evermore.
And thus we see how fingers presage death
And hands become the instruments of Fate.
[Exit Darth Vader.
Enter STORMTROOPERS, searching. Enter PRINCESS LEIA, holding a blaster.
Aye, there is one. My comrades, set for stun!
[Princess Leia shoots, Stormtrooper 1
Stormtroopers stun Princess Leia.
She shall be well. Go now, inform the dread
Lord Vader we have caught a prisoner.
[Aside:] And may Mos Eisley drinks flow swift and free
When Vader grants rewards for work well done!
[Exeunt stormtroopers with Princess Leia.
Enter C-3PO and R2-D2 as the latter enters escape pod.
Hold! Thou art not permitted to go in.
Deactivated thou shalt surely be.
Beep, beep, beep, meep!
—Thou shalt not label me
A mindless, brute philosopher! Nay, nay,
Thou overladen glob of grease, thou imp,
Thou rubbish bucket fit for scrap, thou blue
And silver pile of bantha dung! Now, come,
And get thee hence away lest someone sees.
Beep, meep, beep, squeak, beep, beep, beep, meep, beep, whee!
What secret mission? And what plans? What dost
Thou talk about? I’ll surely not get in!
[Sound of blast.
I warrant I’ll regret this. So say I!
[Exit C-3PO into escape pod.
This golden droid has been a friend, ’tis true,
And yet I wish to still his prating tongue!
An imp, he calleth me? I’ll be reveng’d,
And merry pranks aplenty I shall play
Upon this pompous droid C-3PO!
Yet not in language shall my pranks be done:
Around both humans and the droids I must
Be seen to make such errant beeps and squeaks
That they shall think me simple. Truly, though,
Although with sounds oblique I speak to them,
I clearly see how I shall play my part,
And how a vast rebellion shall succeed
By wit and wisdom of a simple droid.
[Exit R2-D2 into escape pod.
Now climb the metal pair into the pod,
Which shooteth from the ship like laser blast.
And to the planet’s face, as straight as rod,
The capsule takes the droids by power vast.
There strays another one.
—Pray, hold thy fire:
For certain there are no life forms aboard.
And truly what may be the chance that aught
But life alone could fly within that pod?
The rebels could not be so cunning bold
To put the Death Star plans therein. If I
Were one to bet, I’d stake my life on it!
All’s well that endeth well, so say the wise,
And so that pod shall live to land below.
[Exeunt chief pilot and captain.
Enter DROIDS, aside in escape pod.
’Tis but a jest—aye surely, we are mock’d!
For R2-D2, plainly canst thou see
The damage looks but minor from below.
Can thou be sure this pod is safe?