5. An Aside: Gilgamesh Discovered — Speculative Implications
In this context, an
interesting story was reported by the BBC on Tuesday, April 29,
2003. German archaeologists in Iraq located the site of ancient
Uruk, including, they believed, the tomb of its famous king,
Gilgamesh.379 After this initial
reporting, little was ever mentioned about the find. Of course,
this could be due to modern journalism’s laziness in following up a
But there could be
something more, for it will be recalled that the ancient texts
state that Gilgamesh was “two thirds god and one third human.” That
is, Gilgamesh was himself a chimerical hybrid offspring of the gods
and of man, and if one is to believe the suggestions of ancient
genetic engineering explored previously, it could be possible that
via modern techniques of sequencing DNA from cadavers, scientists
might actually be looking for that “divine component,” and
Gilgamesh’s remains would offer the perfect means to do
But don’t hold your
breath. If they are doing that, chances are they will not tell us
what they find.