b. The Remote Induction of Trances and “Hearing Voices”
But such technologies
and techniques were taken even further
in work done in 1973!
Trance may be remotely induced — but can it be directed? Yes. Recall the intracerebral voices... of Delgado. The same effect can be produced by “the wave.” Frey demonstrated in the early 1960s that microwaves could produce booming, hissing, buzzing, and other intra-cerebral static (this phenomenon is now called “the Frey effect”); in 1973, Dr. Joseph Sharp, of the Walter Reed Amy Institute of Research, expanded on Frey’s work in an experiment where the subject — in this case, Sharp himself — “heard” and understood spoken words delivered via a pulsed-microwave analog of the speaker’s sound vibrations.Dr. Robert Becker comments that “Such a device has obvious applications in covert operations designed to driver a target crazy with ‘voices’ or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin.” In other words, we now have, at the push of a button, the technology either to inflict an electronic gaslight — or to create a true Manchurian Candidate. Indeed, the former capability could effectively disguise the latter. Who will listen to the victims, when electronically induced hallucinations they recount exactly parallel the classical signals of paranoid schizophrenia and/or temporal lobe epilepsy?143
In other words, all
the technologies are now in place to induce in a human target, via
microwave radiation of particular frequencies, all of the characteristic features of religious
revelations: dazzling light displays, unusual sounds, music, and
even voices communicating in real words.
Yet it does not stop
there, for these technologies, combined with
the “soft” technique of hypnosis, produced even more
startling results:
Perhaps the most ominous revelations, however, concern the mysterious work of J.F. Schapitz, who in 1974 filed a plan to explore the interaction of radio frequencies and hypnosis. He proposed the following:“In this investigation it will be shown that the spoken word of the hypnotist may be conveyed by modulated electro-magnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain — i.e., without employing any technical devices for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously.”He outlined an experiment, innocent in its immediate effects yet chilling in its implications, whereby subjects would be implanted with the subconscious suggestion to leave the lab and buy a particular item; this action would be triggered by a certain cue word or action. Schapitz felt certain that the subjects would rationalize the behavior — in other words, the subject would seize upon any excuse, however thin, to chalk his actions to the working of free will...Schapitz’s work was funded by the Department of Defense. Despite FOIA requests, the results have never been publicly revealed.144
In other words, in
addition to having all the “technologies of revelation inducement,”
if Schapitz’s experiments were successful — and their continued
classification suggests that they were — then those technologies
could also be used to induce certain actions in response to
those “revelations.” All of these techniques’ and technologies’
effects, it was further discovered, could be amplified by the presence of an implant in the