So what may be
concluded from the existence of the Megalithic measures and their
incredible basis in accurate astronomical measurement? What may be
concluded from the presence of Sumerian measures in the orbital
mechanics of Saturn’s “moon” Iapetus? What agenda or agendas do
these dimly disclose? From what has been examined thus far we may
comfortably conclude the following:
1. The mere existence of the Megalithic measures, their accuracy, the inclusion within them of accurate and sophisticated astronomical and physics data — including the velocity of light and the mass of the Earth — point to the existence of a surviving elite from a civilization at least as advanced as our own.This observation requires some commentary. In Babylon’s Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance, and Ancient Religion, I noted that the bullion exchange policies of the ancient Occident — Babylonia, Rome, and so on — were oddly coordinated with the bullion exchange policies of the ancient Orient — India and China. This, I noted, would have led inevitably to the rise of an international mercantile and bullion-trading class. I then asked two questions: “Is it possible that, rather than such a class having emerged as a consequence of such governmental policies and trade, that the converse is true? Is it possible that there existed such a class of “international bullion brokers” who created these policies in various parts of the world, policies which would enhance their own power and wealth? If so, then how did they achieve and orchestrate this?”116 The answer may now be given, for in view of the fact that such an elite would have required accurate units of measure to even be able to conduct trade, the early emergence of the use of such measures long before the rise of classical civilizations compels to the conclusion that in fact that elite did pre-exist those policies and the cultures that created them by several millennia. Moreover, as we shall see in the last chapter of this book, there is a significant piece of evidence that trade itself existed long before the establishment of these units of measure in Neolithic times.
2. The existence of an artificial moon — Iapetus — parked in a very “Sumerian” orbit around Saturn suggests strongly that the level of scientific and technological achievement of that civilization was much higher than our own;
3. The elite or elites that survived that ancient cosmic destruction eventually engaged in the “re-measuring of the structure of the Deep,” a step necessarily disclosing two possible agendas, and thereby, two possibly competing elites:a. The establishment of accurate units of measure of distance, volume, and weight could only be accomplished by the constancy of astronomical observation, and was a necessary step to the establishment of trade sufficient to sustain advanced civilizations and eventually to restore a global civilization. The restoration of such a civilization was necessary if those elites were ever to return to a similar apogee of social and scientific development. If this agenda represents that of one elite, then one may conclude that the agenda is relatively benign, being simply one of ushering humanity to, or back to, a similar pitch of social, spiritual, and scientific development;b. The accurate measuring of “the Deep” was also a necessary step to the restoration of the sophisticated science and technology with which that ancient “Cosmic War” was fought, and possibly also to the use of any technologies that survived from that war. If this agenda represents the agenda of a different elite, then one may conclude that this agenda is malign and for the sole purpose of enhancing the power of the elite pursuing it by reacquiring the technology of hegemony. Needless to say, this activity would also require the reestablishment of trade and civilization, so it becomes difficult to disentangle these two elites and their agendas — if indeed there are two — on the basis of the measuring activity alone.
Thus far, of course,
we have evidence only of the measuring activity, and therefore of
the first or benign elite’s agenda. It is when we turn to consider
the other major preoccupation of that “post-Cosmic War” elite —
religion — that the plot, and the agendas, begin to thicken