Phylogenomic analyses can be performed by analysing gene trees separately and using coalescent or supertree analyses or a concatenation of all genes (supermatrix approach).
Several sources of systematic error may bias phylogenomic studies due to the violation of substitution model assumptions, including problems with compositional heterogeneity, among-lineage rate variation and heterotachy.
Missing data is usually less problematic for phylogenomic studies, but taxon sampling can be critical.
Data and taxa should be carefully selected for analysis; highly saturated genes as well as phylogenetically unstable (rogue) taxa should be avoided.
Discordance of gene trees and species trees is not rare, and potential causes are incongruent lineage sorting, hybridization or horizontal gene transfer.
Coalescent-based methods are able to reconstruct species tree inference when gene trees are incongruent due to incomplete lineage sorting.
9.1 Incongruence in Phylogenomic Analyses
During the end of the 1990s and the
early 2000s, molecular phylogenetic analyses revolutionized
phylogenetic systematics. Many results contributed to changing
textbook knowledge about the evolutionary relationships of plant
and animal systematics and enabled a new picture for the phylogeny
of the entire group of eukaryotes (Donoghue and Doyle
2000; Halanych 2004; Adl et al. 2005). Many of these early analyses were based on
a single or few genes, leaving many nodes – especially deep in time
– unsupported or unresolved. Current practice of phylogenomic
analyses can be broadly classified into two different approaches:
supermatrix and gene tree-based analyses of hundreds or thousands
of genes (Liu et al. 2015). In the
case of supermatrix analyses, all gene alignments are concatenated
into a single matrix, which is subsequently analysed using the
chosen phylogenetic method. In the case of gene tree-based
analyses, all genes are analysed separately, and in a second step,
the resulting topologies are (subsequently or simultaneously) used
to construct a supertree (Bininda-Emonds 2004) or a species tree based on coalescent
theory (► see Sect. 9.4). Phylogenomic approaches are able to
produce precise estimations of phylogeny; however, this does not
mean the result reflects the true evolutionary history (Kumar et
al. 2012), as several factors can
mislead phylogenetic analyses even when a massive amount of data is
The era of phylogenomic analyses to
resolve relationships among organisms was basically kick-started in
2003. By analysing 106 different genes to resolve the phylogeny of
yeast, Rokas et al. (2003) found
incongruence among them, sometimes strongly supporting competing
hypotheses (◘ Fig. 9.1). Using a genome-scale approach, the
incongruence disappeared when combining all of them. Moreover, it
was shown that a concatenation of any 20 out of these 106 genes
always recovered the best topology with bootstrap values of at
least 95% for each node. Even though details of this study have
been criticized to be unrealistic (Gatesy et al. 2007), it clearly supported the idea that
phylogenomic approaches could end incongruence in phylogenetics
(Gee 2003). Whereas genome-scale
approaches for most groups of non-model organisms remained a pipe
dream in 2003, the availability of next-generation sequencing (NGS)
techniques allowed gathering huge datasets for basically every
taxon of interest (Rokas and Abbot 2009).
Incongruence among gene trees from a phylogenomic analysis of yeast
relationships (Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers
Ltd.: [Nature] Rokas et al.
(2003), copyright 2003)
There are several reasons why trees
inferred from single genes (i.e. gene trees) might differ with each
other (Jeffroy et al. 2006).
First, this might be a stochastic error associated with a lack of
sufficient phylogenetic signal, which could be overcome by
combining more (informative) genes. This approach assumes that
combining more genes into a single data matrix should increase the
phylogenetic signal-to-noise ratio compared to single genes (de
Queiroz and Gatesy 2007). Second,
the species tree will be different from a gene tree because of
violation of the orthology assumption, incongruent lineage sorting
or horizontal gene transfer. There are certain methods detecting
such problems and dealing with them in phylogenomic datasets (► see
Sect. 9.4).
Third, systematic errors present in single genes might also lead to
artefacts in the phylogenetic reconstruction (► see Sect.
9.2). Such
systematic errors are usually due to the violation of assumptions
of the underlying model for the analyses. Systematic errors can
occur because the assumptions of the underlying model are violated,
including (I) heterogeneity of the nucleotide/amino acid
composition among lineages (compositional signal), (II) variation
of the substitution rate among lineages (rate signal) and (III)
variation in the substitution rate within nucleotide positions over
time (heterotacheous signal). All these patterns are generally not
accounted for by the evolutionary model and might negatively impact
phylogenetic reconstruction.
Often, high statistical support (e.g.
bootstrapping) is taken as a measure that the tree is correct.
However, it is important to remember that these measures assess the
stability of the obtained relationships to sampling error (White et
al. 2007). Bootstrap analyses
detect if datasets contain a pattern and how strong this is but are
not able to decide whether or not this pattern represents genuine
phylogenetic signal. Systematic error can negatively affect
phylogenetic inference even with single genes, but it becomes
stronger when multiple genes are combined into a supermatrix,
simply because the addition of more (biased) genes will increase
the support for a biased (wrong) result. As expressed by Jeffroy et
al. (2006), phylogenomic analyses,
rather than resolving the entire tree of life, might in fact be the
beginning of incongruence (► see Infobox 9.1 for an example).
Furthermore, combined datasets from hundreds of genes often contain
large amounts of missing data (Roure et al. 2013), which could additionally influence the
analysis (► see Sect. 9.3).
9.1.1 Infobox 9.1Which Taxon Is the Sister Group of All Other Animals?
It was basically written in stone that
sponges (Porifera) represent the sister taxon of all other animals,
and it was rather discussed if sponges are monophyletic or if
different sponge taxa branch off subsequently at the base of the
animal tree (Sperling et al. 2007; Philippe et al. 2009). However, some phylogenomic analyses
surprisingly started to find that the enigmatic Ctenophora (known
as comb jellies or sea gooseberries) could represent the sister
taxon of animals (Dunn et al. 2008; Moroz et al. 2014). This placement has important implications
regarding how the evolution of several organ systems is understood
(◘ Fig. 9.2)
(Telford et al. 2016). Under the
latter hypothesis, it has to be assumed either that the nervous
system, muscles and epithelia evolved twice convergently or that
all these characters were already present in the last common
ancestor of animals and got lost in sponges. This controversy led
to a heated debate about phylogenomics methodology and systematic
error and how much trust can be put into phylogenomic analyses of
very deep divergences. Proponents of the «Porifera-sister» scenario
claimed that the result supporting the «Ctenophora-sister»
hypothesis represents an LBA artefact, which might be introduced
due to a poor fit of the used evolutionary models with the analysed
data, as well as by the out-group choice (Pisani et al.
2015). In contrast, proponents of
the «Ctenophora-sister» hypothesis analysed the sensitivity of
phylogenomic analyses to model and gene choice (Whelan et al.
2015) and used an extensive taxon
sampling. By analysing possible sources of systematic error, no
biases affecting the position of Ctenophora as sister taxon to all
other animals were found. Instead, some genes included in previous
analyses supporting the «Porifera-sister» hypothesis were
identified to introduce conflicting signal, thereby supporting a
maybe wrong hypotheses of the placement of Ctenophora. This result
is in line with a previous study by Nosenko et al. (2013), who by modifying gene and out-group taxon
sampling were able to recover three different but well-supported
phylogenies of non-bilaterian animals. This controversy remains
still unresolved (Giribet 2016)
and shifted to the question which models are suited to analyse
datasets with massive substitutional heterogeneity and how to
perform phylogenomic analyses for deep phylogenies (Whelan and
Halanych 2016).
Competing hypotheses regarding which taxon
represents the sister group of all other animals and its
evolutionary implications (Reprinted by permission from Macmillan
Publishers Ltd.: [Nature] (Telford et al. 2016), copyright 2016)
9.2 Systematic Errors
The problem of systematic errors
biasing phylogenetic analyses has been recognized early on by
Felsenstein (1978). In this paper,
he described conditions under which maximum parsimony (MP)
inference is misled by the attraction of long branches in a tree
irrespective of the true relationships (◘ Fig. 9.3). This phenomenon was
termed «long edges attract» by Hendy and Penny (1989), and it is nowadays generally known as
long-branch attraction (LBA). Despite maximum likelihood (ML) and
Bayesian inference (BI) being more robust than MP to LBA (Philippe
et al. 2005b), it was shown that
probabilistic phylogenetic reconstruction methods could be also
affected by LBA when the assumptions of the underlying model are
violated by the data (Huelsenbeck 1995). Many simulation studies have shown that
MP is the most sensitive method to the LBA artefact, whereas ML and
BI are more robust (Philippe et al. 2005b). Even though LBA is often accounted for
when phylogenetic analyses lead to unexpected results, a clear
(statistically based) definition of the phenomenon is missing. Some
authors defined LBA loosely as a condition where analyses are
biased due to a combination of short and long branches (Sanderson
et al. 2000; Bergsten
2005), which basically translates
to a bias due to variation of the substitution rate across
lineages. Parks and Goldman (2014)
systematically analysed the placement of long branches using
simulation studies and found that also single long branches are
difficult to place in a phylogeny, even when using ML.
Interestingly they also found that there is no attraction between
two long branches, even though they seem to be disproportionally
often joined together. This observation has an impact on several
approaches which were proposed to detect LBA in real datasets. For
example, a common method was to remove one of the long branches
from the analysis and to see if the placement of the other long
branch remains consistent (Pol and Siddall 2001). However, as also the placement of single
long branches is difficult, this might not be a good test. Other
approaches to reduce LBA are the exclusion of terminals with very
long branches (not an option when they are the taxon of interest)
or the exclusion of fast-evolving genes or sites (Bergsten
2005; Pisani 2004; Rivera-Rivera and Montoya-Burgos
2016). Especially classifying all
genes (or alignment sites) according to their evolutionary rate and
successively removing them from the analysis starting with the
fastest class will give a good overview if analyses are biased by
the rate signal (Brinkmann et al. 2005). Finally, as LBA is basically a problem of
model misspecification, the use of more sophisticated models is
recommended. As such, it has been shown that site-heterogeneous CAT
models are less affected by LBA due to their ability to better
anticipate homoplasy in alignment site patterns (Lartillot et al.
2007), but also ML analyses with
carefully selected partitions (and models for each partition) seem
to be promising (Whelan and Halanych 2016). In summary, LBA is a very common yet not
fully understood phenomenon, and the placement of long branches in
phylogenetic analyses remains a difficult task.
Unrooted four-taxon tree illustrating the classical example of
long-branch attraction (LBA), with two long and two short branches,
both unrelated. b A valid
rooted tree of the unrooted topology shown in a. c Often analyses are misled by LBA,
clustering together the long-branched terminals. This rooted
topology is a typical artefact occurring in studies with tree A as
the underlying true tree
Variation in the substitution rate
across lineages (rate signal) can lead to the LBA phenomenon
(Jeffroy et al. 2006), but this
bias can often be handled by using models incorporating rate
heterogeneity (Yang 1996).
Additionally, the evolutionary rate of an alignment site can vary
over time (heterotachy) (Lopez et al. 2002), and this process can also produce LBA
(Lockhart and Steel 2005). A
specific case of this phenomenon is known as the covarion
hypothesis of molecular evolution, which states that substitutions
at one alignment site may alter the substitution probability at
other sites (Miyamoto and Fitch 1995). Kolaczkowski and Thornton (2004) used a clever simulation scheme to mimic
another case of heterotachy. They simulated two sets of sequence
alignments using the same topology, but under completely different
models of DNA substitutions. By combining these two datasets and
giving different weights to the two data partitions, different
levels of heterotachy were simulated (◘ Fig. 9.4). Interestingly, these
authors found that under higher levels of heterotachy, MP
outperforms ML in recovering the correct tree. However, subsequent
studies criticized this study for choosing very special and
unrealistic parameters for their simulation, as well as for the way
how ML analyses were conducted (Philippe et al. 2005b; Spencer et al. 2005). Instead, it could be shown that for
realistic simulations of heterotacheous datasets, ML always
outperforms MP and should be therefore the preferred method
(Philippe et al. 2005b). This
phenomenon of heterotachy has been demonstrated to be common in
real datasets, where it affects phylogenetic reconstruction (Lopez
et al. 2002; Whelan et al.
2011). Some statistical tests for
the detection of heterotachy have been proposed (Wu and Susko
2011; Wang et al. 2011). Approaches specifically dealing with
heterotachy are the CAT-BP model (Blanquart and Lartillot
2008), as well as a model allowing
changing the rate heterogeneity as modelled by the gamma
distribution along branches (Bouckaert and Lockhart 2015).
Scheme for the simulation of different
levels of heterotachy as used in Kolaczkowski and Thornton
(2004). a Sequences are simulated under two
different sets of branch lengths, including opposing sets of long
(p) and short terminal branches. b Sequence alignments generated under
this simulation scheme can be combined under different weights (w)
to simulate different degrees of heterotachy (Figure reprinted from
Philippe et al. (2005b))
Another systematic error violating
model assumptions is compositional bias, which describes
significant differences in the nucleotide or amino acid composition
across taxa. Most evolutionary models assume that the composition
is homogenous across taxa. Several tests for compositional
homogeneity are available, including frequency-dependent
significance tests, matched-pairs tests or analyses based on Monte
Carlo simulations of estimates of the standard deviation of the
mean nucleotide or amino acid composition (Steel et al.
1993; Jermiin et al.
2004; Ababneh et al.
2006). With the software SEQVIS, it
is possible to visualize compositional heterogeneity in nucleotide
alignments (Ho et al. 2006).
A typical example of how compositional
bias misleads phylogenetic analyses is that unrelated taxa with
convergently evolved elevated GC content might group together, e.g.
as demonstrated for drosophilids (Tarrío et al. 2001). Using simulation studies, Jermiin et al.
(2004) found that the frequency of
successful phylogenetic reconstruction is not only related to the
difference in GC content (or base composition) but also to the
length of internal branches. Analyses with short internal branches
are more easily misled. Compositional bias is also related to rate
variation, as especially fast-evolving sites are frequently
compositionally biased (Rodríguez-Ezpeleta et al. 2007). Fittingly, third codon positions in
protein-coding genes often have a stronger bias in composition, and
their removal sometimes increases the accuracy of the phylogenetic
analysis. One of the many negative effects of compositional
heterogeneity can be the accumulation of convergencies. For
example, transitions (replacement of a purine by a purine or
pyrimidine by a pyrimidine) are usually more frequently observed
than transversions (replacement of a purine by a pyrimidine or
reverse), leading to coincident substitutions. It has been shown
that recoding all nucleotides to R (purines, A and G) and Y
(pyrimidines, C and T) reduces this misleading effect of
compositional bias (Phillips and Penny 2003). Recoding can, for example, be conducted
with the software BMGE (Criscuolo and Gribaldo 2010), which furthermore is able to identify and
exclude characters which contribute to compositional biases based
on a matched-pairs test of marginal symmetry. Finally,
non-homogeneous nonstationary models that account for variations in
the base composition can be used. The model of DNA sequence
evolution by Galtier and Gouy (1998), which is implemented in PHYML (Boussau
and Gouy 2006), allows varying
equilibrium GC contents among lineages and estimation of five
parameters: (I) ancestral GC content, (II) location of the root in
its branch, (III) transition/transversion ratio, (IV) branch
lengths and (V) equilibrium GC contents in each branch.
Compositional bias was expected to be more frequent and also
misleading on the nucleotide level, as only four different states
exist and convergence is to be expected (Hasegawa and Hashimoto
1993; Foster and Hickey
1999). However, compositional bias
on the protein level seems also to be frequent and thereby a
problem for phylogenetic analyses as well (Lartillot and Philippe
2008; Nesnidal et al.
2010). Kück and Struck
(2014) developed a package of
scripts to analyse phylogenomic datasets (BACOCA), which can be
used to investigate the compositional bias among amino acids. As
with nucleotides, recoding of amino acids can reduce the
compositional bias. The most commonly used recoding classifies
amino acids according to six groups identified by Dayhoff et al.
(1978), which tend to replace each
other (Susko and Roger 2007).
Furthermore, using the CAT-BP model for amino acid data allows
lineage-specific compositional shifts across the phylogeny and thus
deals with heterogeneous amino acid sequence compositions
(Blanquart and Lartillot 2008).
9.3 Missing Data, Phylogenetic Information Content and Taxon Sampling
9.3.1 Missing Data
A typical way to compile a dataset for
phylogenomic studies involves the generation of transcriptomes and
subsequent selection of putative orthologs for the analyses.
Ortholog sets often range from 100 to more than 1000 genes, and it
is not unusual that not all genes are (completely) recovered for
all taxa. As such, orthologs are often found incomplete using
transcriptome sequencing (◘ Fig. 9.5a). In most cases, missing genes are due to
the depth of the sequenced transcriptome or they are just not
expressed in the sampled specimen (Roure et al. 2013). Moreover, many genes might have been lost
for some taxa during evolution (◘ Fig. 9.5b). Percentages of
missing data up to 80% have been reported for phylogenomic studies
(Hejnol et al. 2009). The
discussion if missing data should be reduced from phylogenetic
analyses, e.g. excluding the most incomplete taxa and/or
characters, has a long tradition in the literature (Wiens
2003; Wiens and Morrill
2011; Philippe et al.
2004; Wiens 1998). Initially, the question arose if
incompletely sampled taxa should be included in phylogenetic
analyses of one or few genes or in morphological character
matrices. In the latter case, the discussion often centred on
fossils, for which it was usually impossible to analyse all
characters found in recent taxa. Later the discussion was expanded
to genomic datasets, where often substantial amounts of data are
missing. Even though some publications addressed missing data as
problematic (Lemmon et al. 2009),
most studies using real or simulated data could show that the
inclusion of incomplete taxa is usually advantageous. One simple
reason is that an improved taxon sampling helps to break long
branches (Roure et al. 2013). By
analysing a large dataset covering diverse eukaryotes, Philippe et
al. (2004) could show that 25% of
missing data in the original dataset did not negatively impact the
analyses. Subsequent random deletion of 50% of the character matrix
did not alter the outcome of the analysis, and even when analysing
with up to 90% of missing data, similar trees could be obtained.
Jiang et al. (2014) found that
that adding incomplete data is in particular helpful for resolving
poorly supported nodes and showed that missing data does not
consistently bias branch lengths. Finally, Hovmöller et al.
(2013) have shown that also
species tree reconstruction methods relying on coalescent
approaches (► see Sect. 9.4) are remarkably robust under the presence of
up to 50% of missing data. However, if missing data is nonrandomly
distributed over the matrix, it may bias analyses, leading to many
trees (or subtrees) which are nearly indistinguishable by its
likelihood value (Sanderson et al. 2010). A tool for the visualization of the
completeness of the supermatrix (◘ Fig. 9.5b), as well as for the
exclusion of incompletely sampled genes, is the software MARE
(Misof et al. 2013). Using such an
approach, differently covered data matrices can be constructed and
analysed, and the sensitivity of phylogenomic analyses to missing
data can be assessed (Weigert et al. 2014).
Missing data in phylogenomic analyses.
a Single gene alignment based
on transcriptomic data often includes highly incomplete and
partially nonoverlapping gene sequences. b The gene coverage (columns) is often highly uneven for
taxa (rows) included in a
phylogenomic study. Blue
squares show presence of genes, white squares show absent genes. Matrix
based on data from Weigert et al. (2014) constructed with MARE (Misof et al.
9.3.2 More Genes or More Taxa?
Taxon sampling has been profusely
discussed in the phylogenetic literature prior to the genomic era.
In particular, whether it was better centres the efforts in
obtaining more data for a number of taxa or more taxa with
relatively fewer data (Rokas and Carroll 2005; Mitchell et al. 2000). This discussion lost power with the
(comparatively) cheap price of NGS technologies, which allows the
recovery of large amounts of sequences for non-model taxa, and in
most cases adding more data is not a bottleneck anymore. The first
phylogenomic analyses often relied on a handful of model taxa where
complete genomes were available. For example, focussing on animal
relationships, these analyses seemed to support the so-called
Coelomata hypothesis (arthropods + deuterostomes) and not the
widely accepted Ecdysozoa hypothesis (arthropods + nematodes)
(Philip et al. 2005). However,
these results have been clearly demonstrated to be an artefact
related to a limited taxon sampling (Philippe et al. 2005a). The discussion of experimental design
has now shifted to which genes and which taxa to include in an
analysis (Philippe et al. 2011).
9.3.3 Taxon Sampling
The importance of taxon sampling for
phylogenetic analyses is widely acknowledged (Heath et al.
2008; Pollock et al.
2002; Zwickl and Hillis
2002), with only few studies
coming to a different conclusion (Rosenberg and Kumar
2001). Rannala et al.
(1998) demonstrated in a
simulation study that a decrease in taxon sampling leads to an
increase in the average branch length of terminals, which could
make analyses more susceptible to LBA. This is in line with the
finding that the estimation of rate heterogeneity is highly
sensitive to taxon sampling (Sullivan et al. 1999). Moreover, estimation of branch lengths
becomes also more challenging due to the so-called node density
effect under a limited taxon sampling (Hugall and Lee
2007). This effect often leads to
an underestimation of branch lengths in sparsely sampled tree
regions, because less information is available to infer multiple
substitutions, which could have been revealed under the presence of
additional nodes. However, not all included taxa are equally
helpful to improve phylogenetic analyses. Certain taxa, so-called
rogue taxa, can show a phylogenetically unstable behaviour,
characterized by widely different positions in tree topologies
estimated from the same dataset (e.g. within bootstrap replicates)
(Sanderson and Shaffer 2002).
Often, but not always, rogue taxa are characterized by showing
large amounts of missing data. Inclusion of such rogue taxa can
have a negative impact on support values (especially when using
bootstrap), but could also influence tree reconstruction in general
(Mariadassou et al. 2012). In
fact, Aberer et al. (2013)
demonstrated that exclusion of rogue taxa increases the accuracy of
phylogenetic analyses. These authors developed an algorithm for the
identification and subsequent pruning of rogue taxa, implemented in
the software ROGUENAROK. The idea behind the algorithm is to
identify taxa, which exclusion results into an increase of support
in bootstrap consensus trees. The measure of change in support is
called relative bipartition information criterion (RBIC), which is
the sum of all support values divided by the maximum support in a
fully bifurcating tree of the original dataset. Taxa or
combinations of taxa yielding the highest change in RBIC are
excluded from the analysis. This analysis can be iteratively
repeated until no significant change is observed. Alternatively,
the leave stability index (LSI) has been used to identify rogue
taxa. The LSI uses the occurrence of taxon triplets in trees from
bootstrap analyses (Thorley and Wilkinson 1999). Three different possibilities for the
relationship of three taxa (A, B, C) exist in a rooted, bifurcated
tree: ((A, B), C), ((A, C), B) and ((B, C), A). The LSI is
calculated as the difference of the relative frequency of the most
common triplet and the second most common and is averaged over all
triplets containing a certain taxon. LSI values of 1 or close to 1
indicate stable taxa, where values closer to 0 indicate
instability. A LSI cut-off value can be defined for rogue taxa to
be excluded from the analysis. Inference of the LSI is, for
example, incorporated in the software PHYUTILITY (Smith and Dunn
2008). A third approach called
multiple co-inertia analysis (MCOA) has been explored by de Vienne
et al. (2012), which is based on
the comparison of pairwise distances between species in all gene
tree topologies to identify rogue taxa (described as outlier taxa
in this publication).
9.3.4 Gene Sampling
Gene alignments can differ in their
missing data, sequence saturation or phylogenetic information
content. DNA and protein sequences are regarded as saturated, when
sites have undergone multiple substitutions and the number of
observed differences no longer reflects «true» evolutionary
distances. Slight levels of saturation are corrected by the use of
models of sequence evolution, but more saturated sequence
alignments can mislead phylogenetic reconstruction. When analysing
highly saturated sequences, phylogenetic inference can be driven by
sequence composition to a large extent rather than true phylogeny
(Xia et al. 2003). DNA sequences
are normally more affected by saturation because only four
different character states exist compared to the 20 states of amino
acids (Philippe et al. 2011).
However, saturation can also be problematic at the amino acid level
(Van de Peer et al. 2002). A
simple method to check for the presence of saturation in nucleotide
sequences is by separately plotting the raw numbers of
substitutions (p uncorrected distance) of transitions and
transversions of all pairwise comparisons of taxa in an alignment
against their genetic (usually ML-corrected) distance (Struck et
al. 2008). For most
protein-coding genes, transitions occur more frequently than
transversions and thus are more likely saturated (◘ Fig.
Formalized measures of substitution saturation have been introduced
by Xia et al. (2003), as
implemented in the software DAMBE (Xia 2013), and Struck et al. (2008), as implemented in the BACOCA package of
scripts (Kück and Struck 2014).
Possible strategies to deal with saturated sequences are use of
amino acids, exclusion of the saturated data or recoding (e.g. RY
coding or the use of Dayhoff categories for amino acids).
Saturation at different codon positions.
Uncorrected pairwise distances are plotted for pairs of taxa,
separately for transitions (left) and transversions (right) and first (grey), second (black) and third (white) codon positions. For unsaturated
sequences, the number of substitutions should increase linearly
with time (e.g. transversions on first and second positions),
whereas for saturated sequences, no increase in the number of
substitutions is detected with increasing genetic distance (e.g.
transitions on third codon positions) (Reprinted from Dávalos and
Perkins (2008), with permission
from Elsevier)
It is important to remember the
relationship between sequence saturation and sequence divergence:
one gene might be saturated for old divergences but well suited to
resolve young divergences, whereas a slower-evolving gene might not
be saturated for old divergences but totally uninformative for
young ones. The usefulness of a given gene for phylogenetic
analyses can be estimated by its phylogenetic informativeness (PI)
(Townsend 2007). Briefly
summarized, PI estimates the probability that a character resolves
a dated four-taxon alignment (more than four taxa can be analysed
by providing a consistent topology). Thereby, PI provides an
estimate of the amount of phylogenetic signal relative to noise
across time (◘ Fig. 9.7). PI can be analysed using the software
PHYDESIGN (López-Giráldez and Townsend 2011), which is available online, by providing
an alignment, as well as an ultrametric tree as input. Some updates
and modifications for the calculation of PI are available in the R
package PHYLINFORMR (Dornburg et al. 2016). As an example on how to use PI, in ◘ Fig.
9.7, the
utility of different classes of phylogenetic markers from
percomorph fishes are compared (Gilbert et al. 2015).
Phylogenetic informativeness and its 95%
confidence interval of three different classes of phylogenetic
markers from percomorph fishes (UCE core regions, UCE flanking
regions, protein-coding genes) plotted against time. Core regions
of ultraconserved elements (UCEs) are basically uninformative,
whereas flanking regions of UCE show a higher PI than
protein-coding genes, with the highest resolution power for
divergences between 20 and 40 million years old (Reprinted from
(Gilbert et al. 2015), with
permission from Elsevier)
A different approach to investigate
and visualize phylogenetic information content is based on
likelihood mapping (Strimmer and von Haeseler 1997). This method analyses possible four-taxon
cases of a given dataset, called quartets. For every quartet, there
are three possible fully resolved tree topologies, for which the
posterior probability for each of the three possible topologies can
be estimated using Bayes’ theorem. The three posterior
probabilities are then used as coordinates to locate a point within
a triangular graph where each corner represents one topology. This
calculation is repeated for all possible quartets, which are
subsequently plotted in the triangle. In the case of an
uninformative quartet (starlike evolution), all three probabilities
are the same and the point is located in the middle of the
triangle. If one tree topology is clearly supported with a
probability close to 1, this would point to one of the corners of
the triangle (according the supported topology). If two topologies
gain similar probability, whereas one topology gets a probability
close to 0, the point would be located at one edge of the triangle,
between the corners representing the two supported topologies. By
analysing all possible quartets of a dataset, the phylogenetic
information content can be visualized. The more quartets can be
located in one of the corners of the triangle, the higher is the
information content of the dataset (◘ Fig. 9.8). Likelihood mapping
is implemented in the software TREE-PUZZLE (Schmidt et al.
Likelihood mapping using TREE-PUZZLE
(Schmidt et al. 2002) for datasets
with differences in phylogenetic information content. a, b In a dataset with low information
content, a high percentage (30.9%) of quartets represent starlike
evolution. c, d In this dataset 7.9% of the quartets
represent starlike evolution, whereas 2.5% + 2.3% + 2.4% of
quartets are in an area where it is difficult to distinguish
between two of the three possible tree alternatives. e, f Most quartets (33.7% + 32.2%, 33.1%)
are in well-resolved areas of the tree distribution, indicating
high phylogenetic information content. a, c, e show distribution patterns of mapped
quartets; b, d, f show occupancies (in percent) for seven
areas of interest
Different strategies have been used to
select sets of orthologous genes for phylogenetic analyses. Some
authors recommend to only include highly informative genes in the
analysis (Salichos and Rokas 2013), whereas others suggest that phylogenetic
signal can be basically extracted from all ortholog alignments when
combined in a supermatrix (Gatesy and Baker 2005). PI represents a possible way to select
genes which are suitable for both, supermatrix and coalescent-based
methods. Shen et al. (2016)
systematically analysed the association between sequence-based
properties, gene function-based properties and gene tree-based
properties with phylogenetic information content. The goal was to
identify those properties which predict phylogenetic signal of a
gene best. Even though most of the investigated properties
correlate with each other, a set of properties with the highest
relevance could be identified. Interestingly, the most important
property to predict phylogenetic signal is gene alignment length,
followed by number of parsimony-informative sites and variable
sites. This result could be interpreted in favour of binning genes
for coalescent analyses (see above), but also for the use of the
supermatrix approach, which basically combines all alignments into
a highly informative «supergene».
9.4 Incongruence Between Gene Trees and Species Trees
Gene trees may differ from the species
tree simply by the stochastic sampling of alleles during speciation
events (Degnan and Rosenberg 2009), a phenomenon known as incomplete lineage
sorting or deep coalescence (◘ Fig. 9.9). The term «hemiplasy»
has been coined to describe incorrect inference of character-state
evolution due to genetic polymorphisms which are retained across
speciation events (Avise and Robinson 2008; Hahn and Nakhleh 2016). This term should reflect that in this
case similarity does not reflect common ancestry, even though the
considered character states are homologous (and apomorphic!).
Incomplete lineage sorting can lead to
incongruence between gene trees and species trees. The gene tree is
drawn in colour inside the species tree (black). The last common ancestor of
taxa a–c had two paralogs of a gene (X and Y).
Duplicates got lost before the split of the three species, but
paralog sorting is incongruent with the species tree
It has been demonstrated that
discordance between gene trees and species trees is common,
especially in cases where speciation events happened in short time
spans, i.e. separated by short branches (Degnan and Rosenberg
2006). A good example of
incomplete lineage sorting is represented by the genome-scale
analyses of the bird phylogeny, which includes a rapid radiation
characterized by many short internal branches. For this phylogeny,
not a single gene tree has been found to match the reconstructed
species tree (Jarvis et al. 2014).
Later on, lineage sorting has been shown to be frequent in the
evolutionary history of birds, and a phylogenetic network was used
to illustrate their complex history (◘ Fig. 9.10) (Suh et al.
Phylogenetic network analyses of rare
genomic change markers reveal a strong discordance of markers,
which can be explained by high levels of incomplete lineage sorting
(Figure reprinted from Suh et al. (2015))
Several other evolutionary processes
can lead to the disagreement between gene trees and species trees,
including horizontal gene transfer (HGT), gene duplication and
hybridization (Maddison 1997;
Knowles and Kubatko 2010). HGT is
a process where genes are transferred from one species to another
across the phylogeny. Whereas HGT is rather rare in eukaryotes and
therefore less problematic for phylogenetic reconstruction, it is
common among prokaryotes (Ku and Martin 2016). Gene duplication complicates the
inference of orthology (Philippe et al. 2011). Hybridization and introgression are
biological processes by which the genetic material of two different
species gives rise to hybrids and sometimes new species.
Hybridization is most commonly found in plants, but also many
examples have been described for animals (Mallet 2007).
Several phylogenetic methods have been
developed to detect and deal with incongruence of gene trees and
species trees. In contrast to the supermatrix approach, where genes
are concatenated into one single matrix, these methods are usually
based on the separate reconstruction of gene trees, which are
subsequently (or simultaneously) used to infer the species tree.
Most species tree inference methods are rooted within the
coalescence theory, a model which has been developed to follow the
history of genes (or alleles) back in time. Coalescence models are
commonly used in population genetics and are often based on the
Wright-Fisher model of genetic drift, assuming nonoverlapping
generations, neutral evolution and random joining of populations
back in time (Degnan and Rosenberg 2009). The multispecies coalescent (MSC) is used
to estimate the probability distribution of gene trees evolving
along the branches of a species tree. Each branch of a species tree
represents a single population, and lineages of genes entering
these populations are traced back through time to a common ancestor
at rates given by the model. The coalescence of different gene
lineages of the gene trees finally provides the signal for the
inference of the overlying species tree (Liu et al. 2015). The MSC has been implemented into ML
approaches, e.g. STEM (Kubatko et al. 2009) or MP-EST (Liu et al. 2010), and a Bayesian framework, e.g. BEST (Liu
2008) or BEAST (Drummond et al.
2012). The performance of species
tree inference methods is controversially discussed. Gatesy and
Springer (2014) criticized that
species tree inference is often misled by unreliable gene trees,
especially when dealing with phylogenetic analyses at deep
timescales. Similar to the idea that the phylogenetic
signal-to-noise ratio gets improved by using concatenation of
single gene alignments into a supermatrix, statistical binning of
genes with a similar signal has been proposed to reduce gene tree
estimation errors for species tree inference (Mirarab et al.
2014). Several simulation studies
show a superior performance of species tree inference using a
Bayesian framework in comparison with other methods, especially in
the case when a high probability of gene tree discordance is
simulated (Leaché and Rannala 2011). Interestingly, comparison of results from
species tree inference and supermatrix methods for real datasets
often show rather consistent results (Liu et al. 2015).
For the quantification of incongruence
in phylogenomic datasets, Salichos and Rokas (2013) developed a measure called internode
certainty (IC). Here, incongruence for a given internal node is
measured by calculating the frequency of a bipartition found in the
best tree in a given set of gene trees together with the occurrence
of conflicting bipartition in these gene trees. Values close to 0
indicate the presence of strong conflict, whereas values close to 1
indicate the absence of conflictive signal. Summing overall ICs
will give the tree certainty (TC). The calculation of IC and TC is
implemented within the software RAxML (Stamatakis 2014; Kobert et al. 2016).
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