© Springer International Publishing AG 2017
Christoph BleidornPhylogenomics10.1007/978-3-319-54064-1_6

6. Alignment and Mapping

Christoph Bleidorn
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Madrid, Spain
  • Alignments are hypotheses of positional homologies between nucleotides or amino acids of sequences.
  • The Needleman and Wunsch algorithm finds the optimal pairwise alignments of two sequences, which can contain matches, mismatches and gaps.
  • Local alignments optimize the positional homology for substrings of sequences and are widely used in database searches.
  • Multiple sequence alignments can only be retrieved using heuristic approaches, e.g. progressive alignments.
  • Alignment masking is the exclusion of unreliably aligned positions to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the data.
  • Mapping of sequence reads to reference sequences is a special case of alignments; most mapping algorithms are either based on a seed-and-extend approach or Burrows-Wheeler transform-related methods.

6.1 Pairwise Alignment

Homology is broadly defined as a character that arises as a result of common ancestry (Thornton and DeSalle 2000). Homologies can be hypothesized at different levels. For phylogenomics it is important to establish the homology of genes (or genomic regions), but also the homology of nucleotide or amino acid positions within genes (or genomic regions). Alignments are hypotheses of positional homologies between the nucleotides or amino acids of sequences (Rosenberg 2009) and can be either global or local (Phillips et al. 2000). In a global alignment, positional homology across all positions of two aligned sequences is determined. Global alignments are used for phylogenetic analyses or to detect patterns of selection. In contrast, for local alignments positional homology is optimized only for fragments (substrings) of two sequences. Local alignments are widely used for database searches as, for example, implemented in the BLAST algorithm (see below). In general, it is possible to align any two sequences and there are many possibilities to do this. To compare different sequence alignments, it is necessary to use a metric to estimate the quality of each alignment.
In an alignment the horizontal rows are sequences, whereas the vertical rows represent characters which refer to positions in a sequence. The residues of the sequence itself are used as character states. There are four different character states for nucleotide sequences and 20 different character states for amino acid sequences. If a character of two aligned sequences shows the same character state, it is called a match, whereas the presence of different character states within a character is called mismatch (◘ Fig. 6.1). Additionally it is possible that gaps are inserted into alignments (◘ Fig. 6.1). These gaps represent either events of insertions in one sequence or a deletion in the other sequence. Often it is neither simple nor necessary to determine which of the events took place, and they are together summarized as indels (Simmons and Ochoterena 2000).
Fig. 6.1
Global alignment of two sequences. Matched base pairs, mismatches and gaps are exemplified. Scoring matches with +1 and mismatches and gaps with −1 results in a total score of +3
To estimate the quality of a pairwise alignment, a simple score can be developed, where the number of matched base pairs is scored as a benefit, whereas the number of mismatches and gap positions induces costs. Generally, the goal is to maximize the benefits while minimizing the costs. For example, scores could be arbitrarily set as follows: match +1, mismatch −1 and gap −1. The alignment in ◘ Fig. 6.1 has ten matches, five mismatches and two gap positions, which results into a score of +3. An alternative alignment of the same two sequences is given in ◘ Fig. 6.2. This alignment only contains matches and gap positions. Even though the number of matches is higher than the alignment given in ◘ Fig. 6.1, the total score of 0 is lower. Comparing these two alignments, the alternative in ◘ Fig. 6.1 would be chosen as the better one, as it has the higher score given our introduced scoring system.
Fig. 6.2
A different pairwise sequence alignment with the same sequences as in ◘ Fig. 6.1. Scores for matches and gaps are given below each sequence position; the combined score is 0
Of course the used scoring system is arbitrary, and a different one may support the choice of an alternative alignment. Especially the scoring of gap characters has been debated (Giribet and Wheeler 1999). Gaps have obviously to be introduced when aligning two sequences of different lengths. Gaps are resulting from a different biological process than mismatches. Whereas mismatches (mostly) trace back to mutations, gaps are the result of indels. Possible mechanism for indels are errors during DNA replication (e.g. slipped-strand mispairing), unequal crossing over during recombination or introduction of mobile elements (McGuffin 2009; Levinson and Gutman 1987). All these mechanisms usually result in the simultaneous insertion (or deletion) of sequences, which implies that multiple neighbouring gaps stem from a single event. Using a scoring system that treats all gaps independently would therefore introduce an over-penalization for them, as implicitly separate events would be assumed for their origin (McGuffin 2009). As a solution to this problem, the use of affine gap costs has been introduced. This type of penalty differentiates between opening a gap and extending it. For example, using gap opening costs of −1 and gap extension costs of 0.1 for ◘ Fig. 6.2 would result in a total score of +5.4, whereas the alignment in ◘ Fig. 6.1 remains at +3. Similarly, it is possible to introduce different scores for mismatches. For example, in case of aligning protein sequences, scores are usually based on matrices that incorporate the evolutionary preferences for certain substitutions over other kinds of substitutions. Widely used matrices are BLOSUM and PAM (Henikoff and Henikoff 1992). ◘ Figure 6.3 shows the BLOSUM62 matrix (Henikoff and Henikoff 1992), which is used by all BLAST searches (see below) on an amino acid level. Scores in these matrices are given as log-odds, which can be directly used as parameters of alignment scoring schemes. Positive scores mean that we find amino acid pairings more often than expected by chance (conservative substitutions); negative values indicate those occurring less often as expected (non-conservative substitutions) (Eddy 2004). Alternatively, a matrix counting the steps for amino acid substitutions inferred from the genetic code can be implied. In this case, costs are either −1 (one change in the codon triplet needed), −2 (two changes needed) or −3 (three changes needed). Obviously, choice of the scoring function and its parameters has a huge influence on selecting the best pairwise alignment.
Fig. 6.3
BLOSUM62 matrix giving log-odd scores for each possible amino acid substitution derived from pairwise sequence alignments of at least 62% identity
To find the best optimal alignment, it would be necessary to compare all possible pairwise alignments, which can be a giant number given that it grows faster than exponentially with increasing sequence length. However, a simple solution finding the optimal pairwise global alignment was published by Needleman and Wunsch (1970). This method is a dynamic programming approach, where to solve a complex problem is broken down into more simple and thereby easy-to-solve subproblems (Cooper and Cooper 1981). The Needleman and Wunsch algorithm consists of three steps: matrix initialization, matrix filling and traceback. In the first step, a matrix is initialized, containing the two sequences along an axis (◘ Fig. 6.4). Additionally, an empty row is added to the top and an empty column to the left of the matrix. Next, a zero is placed in the upper left corner, and the top row and the left column are filled with increasing multiples of the costs for a gap. Moreover, arrows are introduced into each of these cells, pointing to the zero in the upper left.
Fig. 6.4
Initialization of a matrix for the Needleman and Wunsch (1970) global alignment algorithm. The first row and column are filled with increasing multiples of the gap cost and arrows pointing to 0
The second step is filling the matrix. Given the chosen scoring system, three values are calculated for every single cell (◘ Fig. 6.5): match/mismatch score, vertical gap score and horizontal gap score. The match/mismatch cost (M) equals the sum of the value of the cell that is diagonally to the upper left plus costs for a match or mismatch (whatever applies). The horizontal gap score equals the sum of the value of the cell to the left plus the gap score. The vertical gap score equals the sum of the value of the cell above it plus the gap score. The highest value is chosen to fill the box, and an arrow indicates where it comes from. In the case of equally high values, multiple arrows can be introduced or one of the solutions is chosen randomly.
Fig. 6.5
Filling of the matrix. Using the chosen scoring system, three values are calculated for each box. The match/mismatch cost (M) is the sum of the value of the cell that is diagonally to the upper left (0) plus costs for a match (in this example, it can be also mismatch) (+1) which totals +1. The horizontal gap score is the sum of the value of the cell to the left (−1) plus the gap score (−1), which totals −1. The vertical gap score is the sum of the value of the cell above it (−1) plus the gap score (−1). The highest value is chosen to fill the box, and an arrow indicates where it comes from
The last step is the traceback, where starting with field in the bottom right, the path of the arrows is followed to the upper left (◘ Fig. 6.6). Following a diagonal arrow means that residues from the row and the column of this field should be aligned. In case of following a vertical arrow, a residue of the vertical (upper sequence) is aligned with a gap, whereas in the case of following a horizontal arrow, the gap is placed in the other sequence. If multiple arrows were introduced during the filling, equally optimal alignments can be retrieved.
Fig. 6.6
The traceback uncovers the (or one) optimal alignment. Starting with field in the bottom right, the path of the arrows is followed to the upper left. The arrows indicate if bases should be matched (diagonal arrows), gaps should be included in the upper sequence (arrow pointing upwards) or gaps should be introduced in the sequence to the left (arrow pointing left)
The dynamic programming for global alignments can be formalized (when using linear gap costs) as a recursion, where the maximal score F(i,j) is calculated between the first i residues of sequence X and the first j residues of sequence Y. The recursion of the Needleman and Wunsch (1970) algorithm looks as follows:
 $$ F\left( i, j\right)= max\Big\{\begin{array}{c} F\left( i-1, j-1\right)+ s\left({X}_i,{Y}_j\right)\\ {} F\left( i-1, j\right)- g\\ {} F\left( i, j-1\right)- g\end{array} $$
First, the score for the last alignment column is calculated, which is either s(Xi,Yj) in case of matching (mismatching) base pairs or –g when a gap is included in either of the sequences. The score of each of the remaining alignment columns is F(i,j), F(i-1,j) or F(i,j-1), depending on which of the alternatives applies. The score of the optimal alignment is the sum of the scores of the alignment columns (Morgenstern 2009). Many computational tools for pairwise sequence alignment are available. For example, an online tool for DNA and protein alignments based on this algorithm can be found on the website of the EMBL-EBI (► http://​www.​ebi.​ac.​uk/​Tools/​psa/​) (Rice et al. 2000).

6.2 Local Alignment and BLAST Searches

Local alignments can be used to find similarities (and putative homologies) between fragments (substrings) of two sequences. Typical applications are database searches to retrieve most similar sequences (sequence fragments) for the input sequence. At the beginning, the task for a local pairwise alignment looks to be more complex as for global pairwise alignments, as it basically means performing many different global alignments for different starts and ends of the compared substrings. Fortunately, Smith and Waterman (1981) proposed a computationally easy solution for this problem based on an adaptation of the Needleman and Wunsch (1970) algorithm (NWA). Similarly to the latter algorithm, a matrix is created based on the length of the sequences, and all cells are filled based on a scoring system (◘ Fig. 6.7). However, the extra row and column directly at the upper and left border of the matrix are now filled with zeros. During the fill-in, the cells of the matrix are filled with the same rules as in the NWA, with the exception that always when a negative value is calculated, the cell is filled with a zero instead. Moreover, arrows are only assigned in case they point towards a positive value. The final traceback starts at the highest values within the matrix, following the arrows till a zero is reached (◘ Fig. 6.7).
Fig. 6.7
Completed matrix using the Smith and Waterman (1981) algorithm. The traceback starts at the highest value of the matrix and only substrings of the sequences are aligned
The computation time of the Smith and Waterman (1981) algorithm (SWA) grows linearly with the product of the length of the two compared sequences (Cristianini and Hahn 2007). While this is a relatively fast approach, it is still computationally too resource intensive for standard database search applications. For example, a common task is to find the most similar sequences of a given query in a public database. Usually, all published sequence data are stored in one of the three main databases: NCBI GenBank, EMBL-Bank of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory or in the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) (Pevsner 2015). All these databases share their data daily. NCBI GenBank is hosted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the USA, which keeps an annotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences (Benson et al. 2013). In February 2016 (Release 212.0), GenBank comprised 207,018,196,067 bases from 190,250,235 reported sequences in its sequence database. Additionally, billions of sequences from NGS high-throughput platforms are stored in the sequence read archive. Faster database search algorithms are needed to handle these huge numbers of sequences. Two prominent algorithms which have been developed are FASTA and BLAST. Both methods use heuristics to identify regions of high similarity before calculating pairwise alignment scores. FASTA (Lipman and Pearson 1985) is nowadays mostly known for the underlying sequence format, which became a standard in molecular sequence analyses. However, the by far most popular method to search in extremely large databases is the BLAST algorithm (Altschul et al. 1990). BLAST is an acronym for Basic Local Alignment Search Tool. In contrast to dynamic programming, it does not guarantee to find the optimal alignment, as it uses a heuristic approach. However, it is by two orders of magnitudes faster than the Smith and Waterman algorithm, which is achieved by only searching within the sequence space of high similarity.
BLAST searches start by finding all words (k-mers) of a length k (typically 3 for amino acids and 11 for nucleotides), which exist in the query sequence (◘ Fig. 6.8a). Additionally, based on a substitution matrix, similar high-scoring words (neighbourhood words) are listed for each word of the query matrix. For example, in the example in ◘ Fig. 6.8, the word LEH is derived from the query sequence. Similar words from its «neighbourhood» are aligned (e.g. LKH, CEH, QEH, etc.) and ordered according to its alignment score as calculated by using a substitution matrix. For amino acid substitutions, the BLOSUM62 matrix (◘ Fig. 6.3) is usually used. A list of all words retrieved by this procedure is stored, and exact matches of these words in the database sequences are searched for (◘ Fig. 6.8b). Every match is called a «high-scoring sequence pair» (HSP), which is used as «seed» for local sequence alignment (◘ Fig. 6.8c). The alignment is extended to the left and the right of the seed, and the alignment score is calculated after every extension based on the substitution matrix. The algorithm stops extending the alignment once the score decreases by a fixed value X from the maximum score found at any point during alignment. The final score for each local alignment is kept, and all alignments with a score below a threshold value S are discarded. BLAST has been initially developed for un-gapped alignments (Altschul et al. 1990), but is also available for alignments including gaps (Altschul et al. 1997).
Fig. 6.8
Schematic representation of the workflow of the BLAST algorithm. a A list of words is derived from a query sequence. Additionally, for each word high-scoring similar words based on a distance matrix (e.g. BLOSUM62 for amino acids) are stored. b The complete list of words is used to find exact matches in the database sequences. c Starting from the exact match, the alignment is extended (in both directions) to find alignments with scores above a given threshold
Based on the type of query sequence and the type of chosen database, there are five variations of BLAST searches. BLASTN uses nucleotide sequences as query to search within a nucleotide database. BLASTP uses amino acid sequences as query to search within a protein database. For BLASTX a nucleotide query is translated in all six possible reading frames to be compared with a protein database. TBLASTN compares a protein query against a nucleotide database which is translated in all six reading frames. And TBLASTX uses a nucleotide query translated in all six reading frames to compare it on the amino acid level against a nucleotide database, which is also translated in all six reading frames. When targeting protein-coding genes, it is in most cases advisable to use a BLAST algorithm that compares sequences on an amino acid level. The BLAT algorithm is an alignment tool similar to BLAST (Kent 2002). It can be used to search genome assemblies for sequences of high similarity. BLAT of DNA is designed to quickly find sequences with a similarity greater than 95% and of a length of 40 bases or more. Therefore it is commonly used to identify the location of a sequence in the genome or determine the exon structure of an mRNA.
Hits retrieved from BLAST searches can be ordered according to their alignment score or using an expectation value (e-value). The alignment score is calculated based on pairwise alignments of the retrieved similar sequence fragments. The e-value describes the number of hits we would expect to find by chance (Cristianini and Hahn 2007). The lower the number, the more significant is the hit. For example, an e-value of 1 means that at least one hit of similar sequence length and sequence similarity is to be expected by chance. Because the size of the database itself is included in the calculation, very short sequences will always have quite high e-values, even if there are 100% identical hits in the database. BLAST searches can be performed by stand-alone software using a command line or in a browser by several web applications (e.g. ► http://​blast.​ncbi.​nlm.​nih.​gov/​Blast.​cgi). The output of BLAST searches are lists of sequences, ordered by similarity. Typical output formats are pairwise outputs including alignments (◘ Fig. 6.9a) or tabular outputs (◘ Fig. 6.9b). The latter are more practical for phylogenomic applications, as all relevant information can be easily parsed using scripts or command line tools.
Fig. 6.9
Typical output of local BLAST searches. a Pairwise output consisting of header, one-line summary and alignments. b Tabular output in 12 columns: 1, query sequence ID; 2, subject sequence ID; 3, percent identity; 4, alignment length; 5, mismatches; 6, gaps; 7, query sequence alignment start; 8, query sequence alignment end; 9, subject sequence alignment start; 10, subject sequence alignment end; 11, e-value; 12, alignment score

6.3 Multiple Sequence Alignment

Alignments of more than two sequences are needed to resolve phylogenies of genes or species. Principally, the Needleman and Wunsch algorithm introduced in 6.1 could be extended to the problem of multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) (Chan et al. 1992). In this case the matrix would become multidimensional, and the algorithm would work successively through each dimension. This approach is an exhaustive method and would guarantee finding an optimal alignment. However, the costs in terms of computation time increase exponentially with the number of sequences and sequence length, thereby limiting the usefulness of such an approach to cases with very few sequences (Edgar and Batzoglou 2006). Instead, heuristic approaches with reduced computational time are normally used for MSA. The most popular approach is known as progressive alignment, developed by Feng and Doolittle (1987). This approach decomposes MSA into a series of pairwise sequence alignment operations. Using a phylogenetic guide tree (e.g. a neighbour-joining tree based on the pairwise distances derived from pairwise alignments), the MSA is constructed by adding sequences individually. Each node of the guide tree represents a separate pairwise alignment, and the most similar sequences are added first, and more distant sequences are added gradually (Phillips et al. 2000). By using this approach, incongruent placement of gaps in pairwise alignments can severely affect the quality of the corresponding MSA. Several methods performing an iterative refinement have been developed to correct placement of inconsistent gap positions and other problems in the final MSA.
A phylogeny-aware method treating indels as evolutionary distinct events was developed to increase alignment quality (Löytynoja and Goldman 2008). However, this method seems to be rarely used for phylogenomic studies, and alignment lengths are usually greatly inflated by excessively introducing gaps. Whereas recent phylogenomic analyses are mostly based on protein-coding genes (and therefore amino acid alignments), phylogenetic studies using single genes are often performed using the small (eukaryotes) or large (Bacteria and Archaea) ribosomal subunit, which are structural genes exhibiting a secondary (and tertiary) structure (Cole et al. 2009). For this case, several alignment programs using secondary structure models of ribosomal genes to guide the alignment are available (Gardner et al. 2005).
The most widely used software for MSA has been CLUSTAL W, which was introduced in the mid-1990s (Thompson et al. 1994). However, several newer alignment programs are not only faster, but often also more accurate: MAFFT (Katoh and Standley 2013), MUSCLE (Edgar 2004) or T-COFFEE (Notredame et al. 2000), to name the most popular. Some benchmark datasets based on alignments of different complexity (domain organization, mixture of conserved and non-conserved regions) have been constructed and used to test the speed and accuracy of different aligners (Thompson et al. 2005; Thompson et al. 2011). Generally, the tested alignment programs work well. However, often different programs excel for different problems. For example, some programs are better suited to align conserved sequence blocks, whereas others are better in aligning strongly diverging sequences (Thompson et al. 2011).

6.4 Alignment Masking

For sequence alignments it is not unusual that some regions are aligned with more confidence than others. For example, protein-coding genes often comprise one or more conserved domains which are easier to align than flanking regions. In the case of ribosomal genes, conserved regions and more variable expansion regions differ in their degree of variability and thereby in the confidence how regions can be aligned. Different alignments mean different hypotheses of positional homology, and it is long known that this can affect the resulting phylogenies (Morrison and Ellis 1997; Thorne and Kishino 1992). Likewise, also other estimates as, for example, model parameters or inference of positive selection might be heavily influenced by the accuracy of the underlying alignment (Privman et al. 2012; Wong et al. 2008). As already mentioned every set of characters can be aligned somehow. Alignments of random data have been shown to bear phylogenetic signal resulting in supported tree topologies (Hillis and Huelsenbeck 1992). Moreover, different alignment methods seem to differ in their bias of creating artificial phylogenetic resolution from random sequence data (Simmons et al. 2010). Furthermore, several similar optimal solutions to the recovered alignment exist. In case of multiple alignments using heuristics, it is not even guaranteed to find the optimal solution. Not surprisingly, the most used alignment algorithms differ in ~20% of the aligned positions when aligning the same set of sequences in normal and reverse order (Landan and Graur 2007). In summary, difficult sequence alignments will usually always contain parts of ambiguous positions and random similarity. As a solution to all these problems, several studies proposed to mask and exclude unreliably aligned positions of sequence alignments and thereby improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the data.
Initially, alignment masking has been often performed manually, which, however, has been strongly criticized as irreproducible (Landan and Graur 2007) and is also not possible when dealing with hundreds of genes. Several programs for automatic and reproducible alignment masking have been published, and some of the most widely used are GBLOCKS (Castresana 2000; Talavera and Castresana 2007), SOAP (Löytynoja and Milinkovitch 2001), AL2CO (Pei and Grishin 2001), MUMSA (Lassmann and Sonnhammer 2005), ALISCORE (Misof and Misof 2009), GUIDANCE (Penn et al. 2010a) and ZORRO (Wu et al. 2012).
GBLOCKS was one of the first available alignment maskers and is still widely used. By calculating the degree of conservation of every single alignment position, conserved «blocks» are identified. These «blocks» are retained for further analyses based on a set of rules that can be modified by the user. For example, a higher number of gap positions are allowed or poorly conserved regions which are flanked by conserved ones can be kept. Even though GBLOCKS has been criticized for using arbitrary rules without theoretical justification, comparisons with other alignment maskers based on simulated datasets show that this software works well when parameters are carefully chosen (Kück et al. 2010; Talavera and Castresana 2007). In contrast, other alignment maskers explicitly use hidden Markov models or resampling techniques to identify noisy alignment positions for exclusion. ALISCORE uses parametric Monte Carlo resampling to identify positions with random signal in multiple sequence alignments. Therefore, an expected similarity score is generated for pairwise alignments of randomized sequences within a sliding window. In the case of nucleotide data, a scoring function based on matches and mismatches is used to generate the similarity score, whereas for amino acid, data scores of randomized sequences are derived from an empirical matrix (e.g. BLOSUM62, see above). For nucleotide sequences scores are adapted to varying base composition along sequences and among sequences, whereas for amino acid data, this is only calculated once based on the composition of the original data. For the defined sliding window (e.g. 5 bps) of the original alignment, the observed score is calculated as the sum of all single-position comparisons, thereby calculating scores for all sequence pairs. Finally, the observed score of the selected window of the sequence alignment is compared with the expected score from randomized sequences. For this comparison a frequency distribution of random scores is generated, where randomness is assumed if the observed score fails to be better than 95% of the scores from the random sequences, generated by Monte Carlo resampling (Kück et al. 2010; Misof and Misof 2009). ZORRO measures the quality of each individual alignment position by using a pair-hidden Markov model (pair-HMM) (Wu et al. 2012). Using this approach the quality of two aligned residues is estimated in the context of all possible pairwise alignments. The rational of the ZORRO algorithm is that if two residues are truly homologous, they should also align in most of the alternative pairwise alignments. Using pair-HMM (Bradley et al. 2009), the posterior probability of two positions being aligned in all possible alignments is calculated. If the posterior probability is close to 1, the alignment of this position is highly reliable, whereas a posterior probability close to 0 identifies ambiguous positions. To assess confidence for positions of multiple sequence alignments, a weighted sum of pairs scheme to sum up the posterior probability of all pairs in the column is calculated (Wu et al. 2012). All alignment positions with a confidence score under a certain threshold (e.g. >0.95) are excluded. GUIDANCE is a method where alignment uncertainty is calculated by comparing alignment positions across bootstrapped guide trees (Penn et al. 2010a; Penn et al. 2010b). This is based on the idea that the guide tree, which is used by progressive alignment methods (see above), introduces uncertainty. For example, different guide trees will lead to different multiple sequence alignments. By using a simple bootstrapping approach, multiple guide trees are generated and used for alignment. Finally, the occurrence of every single position of the original alignment is inspected in the alignments from the perturbated trees. As more often a position occurs in the alternative alignments, it is regarded to be more reliable. According to a user-defined value, unreliable positions are discarded. Alignments seem to be especially unreliable for sequence regions containing many gaps. In an updated version called GUIDANCE2, different gap opening costs are used to create further alternative alignments which are inspected regarding consistency of every single alignment position (Sela et al. 2015). Simulation studies comparing the here described alignment maskers show that all of them improve the accuracy of subsequent phylogenetic analyses based on the masked alignment. Based on the analysed datasets, ZORRO and GUIDANCE outperform ALISCORE and GBLOCKS, resulting in more significant improvements of the alignment quality (Wu et al. 2012). This might be due to the fact that both ZORRO and GUIDANCE calculate scores for every single position, whereas «blocks» or «windows» of ambiguously aligned positions are identified by ALISCORE and GBLOCKS. Finally, GUIDANCE2 seem to outperform all here discussed methods (Sela et al. 2015).

6.5 Mapping Sequence Reads

A specific alignment application is the mapping of sequence reads to already known reference sequences (e.g. genomes, transcripts). Mapping is widely used to study gene expression, DNA-protein interaction, RNA splicing, SNP detection, or genome resequencing (Li et al. 2009b; Mortazavi et al. 2008; Nagalakshmi et al. 2008). Furthermore, mapping of sequence reads has been successfully used for the discovery and genotyping of transposable elements (Ewing 2015). The typical problem of read mapping is to resolve the exact origin (location) of a sequence read in a given reference sequence. This problem is complicated due to the occurrence of repetitive sequences (and thereby several equally likely locations), sequencing errors and genetic variation. Even more challenging is the mapping of mRNA transcripts onto reference genomes for the discovery of introns and splice variants, as huge gaps are expected separating the ends of the sequencing read. The BLAST algorithm described above could basically be used for read mapping, but as the output of next-generation sequencing technologies literally produce billions of short reads, more efficient and less time- and memory-consuming methods have to be explored. Nowadays several read mappers are available that are able to map millions of sequence reads onto large genomes within reasonable time using standard desktop computer resources.
Most mapping algorithms are either based on a seed-and-extend approach (hash table indexing) or are using methods based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform and specific indexing forms (Li and Homer 2010). The seed-and-extend approach is basically the same algorithm as used for BLAST searches. These approaches trace the position of each k-mer (or word) of a predefined length (e.g. 11 bps) of a query sequence and store them in a so-called hash table. By referring to the hash table, the reference sequence is scanned for exact matches of these k-mers, which are called seed, which are then attempted to be elongated (► see 6.2). Retrieving all k-mers of a sequence and storing them in a table is called indexing. Several modified versions of this approach enhancing speed and sensitivity are implemented in read mapping software. For example, the software MAQ uses spaced speed indexing, where every read is divided into four segments which are used as seeds (Li et al. 2008a). By aligning all possible pairs of seeds against the reference sequence the list of possible locations where the full read maps can be limited quickly. The sensitivity of the mapping can be controlled by defining the number of possible mismatches of the seeds (spaced seeds). Other programs applying this strategy are indexing the reference sequence instead of the sequence reads, e.g. as implemented in SOAP (Li et al. 2008b) or BFAST (Homer et al. 2009). BFAST is first indexing the reference sequence, and in a second step, all candidate alignment locations are identified by using the stored k-mers. In a last step, a local alignment allowing gaps is performed. However, seed-and-extend approaches are intensive in the use of memory and computational time.
Much more memory-efficient and less time-consuming approaches of read mapping use an indexing scheme of the reference sequence based on Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) and FM-index (Ferragina and Manzini 2001), as, for example, implemented in the software BOWTIE (Langmead et al. 2009; Langmead and Salzberg 2012) and BWA (Li and Durbin 2009). BWT has been initially developed for data compression, e.g. to create zip files (Burrows and Wheeler 1994). Using BWT, a character string (in our case a sequence) is transformed by sorting all permutations of the string into lexical order and using the last column of this table as output (◘ Fig. 6.10). Due to the lexical ordering, transformed outputs will possess many repeated characters, which make them easily compressible. Without any extra information, it is possible to reverse the transformation of this output into the original string (sequence) (◘ Fig. 6.11).
Fig. 6.10
Burrows-Wheeler transform of the string >BONOBO*. The original sequence is permutated in all possible orders, the rows are alphabetically ordered and last column is used as output. > denotes the beginning of the sequence, * denotes the end
Fig. 6.11
Inverse transformation of the output from ◘ Fig. 6.10 using Burrows-Wheeler transform. Starting with the output column, columns are added and lexically ordered. These steps are cyclically repeated till the original size of the string is recovered. The row with the symbol (*) denoting the sequence end at its end represents the original sequence (shaded)
The FM-index is a compressed suffix-array-like index based on BWT. It was created as a data structure that allows to locate and find a pattern within compressed text (Ferragina and Manzini 2000). To create the FM-index, the lexically sorted BWT of the sequence data is used. The transformed matrix can be used for so-called last first (LF) mapping. This means the ith occurrence of a character in the last column corresponds to the ith occurrence of the same character in the first column (Langmead et al. 2009). Using this lookup, exact matches of a read in the reference can be traced by subsequently tracing (aligning) the position of successively growing suffixes of the read starting from its end. For example, a read AGCT would be located along the rows of the BWT matrix in the order T, CT, GCT and AGCT (Trapnell and Salzberg 2009). Whereas exact matches are working well to find occurrences of words in a compressed book, it might be problematical to locate sequence reads, as they may not match exactly due to genetic variation or sequencing errors. Consequently, an algorithm implementing so-called backtracking is used to find inexact matches. This search is similar to that for exact matches and calculates matrix locations (ranges of possible rows) for successively longer suffixes of the query read. However, in case a suffix is not found in the text, an already matched suffix position is chosen and a substitution of a different base is introduced, thereby allowing a mismatch in the alignment (Langmead et al. 2009). Using a BWT approach for mapping has some key advantages. First, BWT approaches are memory efficient. The index for the complete human genome can be stored into less than 2 Gb of RAM memory (usually available for desktop computers), whereas by using a spaced seed approach, more than 50 Gb RAM is needed (access to a high-performance computer cluster necessary) (Trapnell and Salzberg 2009). Second, BWT approaches are also more time efficient. For example, the BWT-based BOWTIE runs around 30 times faster than MAQ, which uses a seed-and-extend approach.
Alternatively, alignment-free approaches are available for read mapping, e.g. as implemented in the software KALLISTO (Bray et al. 2016). In this case only the target sequence where a read is originating from is stored – but not the exact alignment position. In a first step, a de Bruijn graph of the reference sequences (e.g. transcriptome data) is created as index, where the nodes represent k-mers. Then, intersecting sets of k-mer matches of the reads are searched for in the graph to create pseudoalignments of the reads. By doing this, the information of the order of all k-mers of each single read remains intact. A similar approach described as «lightweight alignment» is used by the software SALMON (Patro et al. 2016). The advantage of these approaches is that they are order of magnitudes faster than alignment-based read mapping software, while being as accurate. Both methods are especially useful for RNA-Seq quantification, where only the information how many reads map on a specific transcript is important, but not its exact position.
Fonseca et al. (2012) counted more than 60 available read mappers in their review and even more have been published since then. These programs differ not only in the underlying algorithms, speed or memory efficiency but also in the ability to perform specific mapping problems. As such it is possible to map DNA on DNA, RNA on DNA or microRNAs back to the genome. For the detection of methylation patterns, it is possible to map reads from sequencing of bisulphite-treated DNA, where unmethylated C’s are converted to T’s (Chen et al. 2010). Another typical read mapping problem is the detection of splice junctions by mapping RNA-Seq reads onto a reference genome. A commonly used pipeline for this application is TOPHAT (Trapnell et al. 2009), which combines two of the above discussed methods. First, all reads are mapped onto the genome using BOWTIE. All reads that successfully map are used to generate consensus assemblies of possible exons, whereas reads which do not map onto the genome are collected for a second step. The exact limits of the identified exon regions are further refined based on the knowledge that most introns of eukaryotic genes begin with GT (splice donor) and end with AG (splice acceptor) (Mount 1982). Less frequent splice donor and acceptor pairs are also recognized, e.g. GC-AG and AT-AC introns. Identified exons represent possible splice sites. In a second step, the remaining reads are mapped onto these splice site candidates by a seed-and-extend approach using MAQ to find possible splices. Recently, with HISAT (Kim et al. 2015), a replacement of TOPHAT has been published. However, RNAs which are products of gene fusion, circularization or trans-splicing are difficult to detect with this approach. The read mapping software SEGEMEHL uses specific algorithms to find these more unusual RNAs (Hoffmann et al. 2014). Several read mappers for RNA-Seq data have been published, and their performance was evaluated by Engström et al. (2013).
The output of read mapping is usually stored in SAM- or BAM-format. The SAM-format consists of two sections: a header section and an alignment section. Every line of the header section starts with the character «@», whereas lines in the alignment section do not have this characteristic (Li et al. 2009a). The SAM-format can store plenty of information, e.g. quality scores, parameters of the used software, etc. (◘ Fig. 6.12). The BAM-format is the binary equivalent of the SAM-format, making it more compressed and less memory intensive. BAM-files are not only used to store alignment information but also in the submission of raw-sequencing data to NCBI GenBank. Conversion of SAM-files to BAM-files and vice versa can be conducted by SAM-TOOLS (Li et al. 2009a). As SAM/BAM-files contain sequence and quality data, they can be easily converted into FASTQ- or FASTA-format, which are widely used formats for assembly or multiple sequence alignments.
Fig. 6.12
Example of the SAM-format. The first four rows comprise the header section (HEADER) in this case including a header line (@HD), a reference sequence dictionary (@SD) and information about the used program (@PG). The next rows are the alignment section, always starting with the name of the read to map (QNAME), followed by the FLAG containing information about the sequence read. RNAME denotes the name of the reference sequence and the first position where the read starts to align in the reference (POS). The quality of the mapping can be indicated (MAPQ), and the CIGAR describes how the read maps. For example, 97M1D3M means that the first 97 bases are matching the reference, 1D describes a deletion in the reference, and the last 3 bases of the read match again. RNEXT gives information about the next mapping read (e.g. reverse read) and its starting position (PNEXT), TLEN describes the length of the template (e.g. read pair). This is followed by a string of characters which represent the actual mapped sequence (SEQ) and a string with its according quality values (QUAL). Additional information can be given as optional tags

6.6 Whole-Genome Alignments

For many comparative genomic analyses, it is necessary to align complete genomes. By comparing two genomes, differences can be found locally, but also at large scale (Darling et al. 2010; Feuk et al. 2006). For example, at local scales mutations will occur between two compared genome sequences, but also insertions and deletions. These are basically the same processes that have to be resolved as in alignments of sequences. However, at the genome level, also large-scale changes have to be taken into account, as genes or genomic regions can be either gained or lost. Some regions will be completely missing, whereas for duplicated regions, homology has to be inferred. Moreover, the order of genes or genomic regions can be massively rearranged. Local mutations do not change the order of sequence positions and can be inferred by collinear alignment methods as introduced in this chapter. In contrast, large-scale changes can lead to noncollinear changes and need to be addressed by alignment approaches that focus on many different kinds of evolutionary changes of the genome. Whereas in collinear alignments, positional homology is inferred, the detection of noncollineary changes is basically the prediction of orthology of genes or larger genomic regions (Dewey 2012; Dewey and Pachter 2006).
Most whole-genome alignment methods can be broadly classified into hierarchical and local approaches (Dewey 2012). Using the hierarchical approach, collinear and homologous (ideally orthologous) segments are identified first. In a second step, global sequence alignments on a nucleotide level of these collinear segments are conducted. A widely used software implementing such an approach is progressiveMAUVE (Darling et al. 2010). Local approaches firstly conduct large sets of nucleotide alignments of genomic regions, which in subsequent steps are filtered and merged to produce alignments of homologous (ideally orthologous) genomic regions. MUMMER (Delcher et al. 1999) is among the most frequently used software solutions based on this approach.
Preservation of the order of genes or genomic regions along the chromosomes is called synteny (Bentley and Parkhill 2004). By conducting whole-genome alignments, syntenic regions across compared genomes can be identified and visualized. Synteny is used to identify conserved regions across compared genomes which are often interpreted as functional regions. Synteny of large regions of vertebrate genomes was already noticed in the pre-genomic era of molecular biology and interpreted as «frozen accidents» (Ohno 1973). It was first assumed that chromosomal rearrangements, which are able to break up larger syntenic regions, are randomly distributed within the genome of eukaryotes (Nadeau and Taylor 1984). Based on this idea, syntenic regions are basically relicts in the eukaryote genome (Kikuta et al. 2007). However, the increasing availability of completely sequenced genomes led to the discovery of syntenic blocks across deeply diverged lineages, which clearly suggest evolutionary conservation of these genomic regions. Earliest known examples are represented by clustering of Hox-genes among most investigated Metazoa (Ferrier and Holland 2001). However, as this gene family arose by tandem duplication, it might be an exception. Interestingly, large-scale genomic studies revealed that co-expressed genes are statistically more often clustered within the genome than expected, which has been demonstrated for all major eukaryotic lineages (Hurst et al. 2004). Furthermore, large genomic regulatory blocks including developmental regulatory genes and highly conserved non-coding sequences have been identified in vertebrate and insect genomes (Kikuta et al. 2007; Engström et al. 2007). Synteny is even more pronounced across bacterial and archaeal genomes, where co-expressed genes under the control of the same promoter are organized in operons.
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