Phylogenetic trees represent the evolutionary relationships of sequences or species (or other taxonomic units) and can be shown as phylograms, cladograms; ultrametric trees, or unrooted.
Networks or consensus methods can be used to summarize the information of multiple trees.
Many tree building methods rely on explicit models of sequence evolution; models of nucleotide substitution are nested and can be derived from a general model, whereas amino acid models are broadly classified into empirical and mechanistic models.
The most widely applied methods of phylogenetic reconstruction are neighbour joining (NJ), maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI).
Support of branches within a phylogenetic tree can be (among others) measured by bootstrapping or likelihood ratio test approaches.
8.1 Trees
The main aim of phylogenetic
systematics is the reconstruction of evolutionary relationships
which are represented by a tree. In a phylogenetic tree, the
pattern of branches connected by internal nodes (topology)
illustrates the relationships of the included terminals (◘ Fig.
8.1). In ◘
Fig. 8.1, the
terminals represent the taxa A to F. When describing the topology
of a tree, it has to be kept in mind that rotation of the axis of
internal nodes does not change the topological information (◘ Fig.
8.2). A handy
way to describe trees is to refer to clades (◘ Fig. 8.1), which are
monophyletic units comprising an ancestor (internal node) and all
of its descendants. For example, taxa C and D form a monophyletic
group in ◘ Fig. 8.1. Moreover, referring to sister lineages (or
groups) is a good way to describe trees. For example, taxon C is
the sister lineage (or group) of taxon D in ◘ Fig. 8.1. Often misused when
describing trees is the term «basal» (Krell and Cranston
2004), e.g. when referring in ◘
Fig. 8.1 to
taxon A as «basal». This is wrong, as basal would imply that taxon
A is the ancestral group – which obviously cannot be correct for an
extant taxon. However, taxon A could be described as «basally
branching», as the branch leading to this terminal is closest to
the root.
Terms describing the topology of a
phylogenetic tree
Different ways to represent the same tree
topology. a Newick format.
b Unrooted tree. c Three different representations of the
same topology as a cladogram. d Phylogram. e Ultrametric tree with time axis
One major problem for phylogenetic
analyses is the giant number of possible tree topologies with
increasing number of taxa. The number of possible strictly
bifurcating unrooted trees (N u) can be calculated as
In this formula, n denotes the number of terminals (e.g.
taxa, OTUs, sequences) included in the tree. For example, for 4
taxa, the number of unrooted tree topologies is 3, whereas for 10
taxa, there are already 2,027,025 different topologies. The number
of possibilities grows exponentially with the number of included
terminals. When including 60 terminals, there are more possible
tree topologies (~1094) than atoms in the universe
(~1082). This sheer incomprehensible large number of
possibilities is a major problem for all phylogenetic methods which
include steps analysing all of them.
There are different ways to represent
the topology of a tree (◘ Fig. 8.2). The standard output format of most
phylogenetic software is the Newick format, where nested
relationships are shown using brackets (◘ Fig. 8.2a). This format can
easily be translated in an unrooted tree (◘ Fig. 8.2b). Unrooted trees can
be polarized by choosing outgroups (Nixon and Carpenter
1993). This choice usually depends
on prior knowledge, and correct outgroup choice is crucial for
every analyses. If outgroups are unknown or not included in the
analyses, midpoint rooting can be alternatively used for rooting.
In this case, the root is placed at the midpoint of the longest
distance between two terminals in a tree. However, midpoint rooting
assumes that all included terminals evolve at the same rate and may
fail to place the root correctly when this assumption is violated
(Hess and De Moraes Russo 2007).
Finally, the root of the tree could be inferred as part of the
phylogenetic analysis when using nonreversible models of sequence
evolution (see below), where different placements of the root
affect the outcome of the analysis (Huelsenbeck et al.
2002a). If trees are represented
as cladograms (◘ Fig. 8.2c), they only contain topological
information. However, if they are represented as phylograms (◘ Fig.
8.2d) or
ultrametric trees (◘ Fig. 8.1e), the length of branches carries additional
information. In phylograms, branch length is proportional to
evolutionary change. A typical measure of branch lengths for
molecular data is the average number of substitutions per site in
the alignment. The sum of the lengths of the branches linking two
terminals (but also internal nodes) in a phylogram is called
patristic distance (Fourment and Gibbs 2006). Ultrametric trees are reconstructed under
the assumption that the change indicated by the length of branches
is proportional to time («molecular clock», ► see also Sect.
Terminals in an ultrametric tree are equidistant from the root,
which means that all paths of branches leading from the root to
terminals have the same length. Phylogenetic divergence times can
be estimated by calibrating ultrametric trees using
palaeontological or biogeographic data (Donoghue and Benton
2007; Heads 2005). There are several applications available
to visualize trees, and among the most widely used ones are
DENDROSCOPE (Huson et al. 2007),
ETE (Huerta-Cepas et al. 2010),
FIGTREE (► http://tree.bio.ed.ac.uk/software/figtree/),
ITOL (Letunic and Bork 2016) and
TREEVIEW (Page 1996).
Sometimes, it is desirable to
summarize the information of two or more topologies in a consensus
tree. Several methods for building consensus trees are available
(Wilkinson 1994), but only two of
them are widely used in phylogenetic systematics: strict consensus
and majority-rule consensus (◘ Fig. 8.3). In a strict
consensus, only those internal nodes that can be found in all
summarized topologies are displayed (◘ Fig. 8.3b); all other nodes are
collapsed into multifurcations. Majority-rule consensus trees show
those internal nodes which are found in more than half of all
summarized topologies (◘ Fig. 8.3c); nodes that do not fulfil this criterion
are collapsed. Usually, the frequency how often a node appears is
indicated in the tree. Majority-rule consensus trees are widely
used to summarize trees from bootstrap analyses and Bayesian
inference (► see Sect. 8.6). Finally, there is a set of methods that
derive a phylogenetic hypothesis (tree topology) from combining the
topological information of different source trees. This so-called
supertree approach differs from consensus methods, as it does not
need an identical set of terminals to combine trees. Instead,
supertrees can be built from topologies which overlap in its
included terminals (Bininda-Emonds 2004). Even though supertrees can be build using
a modified version of the strict consensus, by far the most
widespread attempt is using a form of matrix representation (Baum
1992; Ragan 1992). Under this approach, all internal nodes
of the input trees are coded as characters in a matrix. Each
terminal which appears in at least one of the trees will be
included in the matrix, and either are coded as present (1) or
absent (0) for each character. Finally, distance or parsimony
methods (► see Sect. 8.5) can be used to reconstruct the supertree.
Consensus tree methods. a Cladograms of three different
topologies. b Strict
consensus, summarizing those nodes found in all trees. c Majority-rule consensus, summarizing
those nodes which are found in more than 50% of the trees.
Frequency of the occurrence of nodes is given at the nodes
Every tree is a special kind of a
graph. A graph can be broadly defined as a representation of a
finite number of nodes connected by branches (edges) to show their
relationships (Huson et al. 2010).
Trees are connected graphs without cycles, which means there are no
reticulations. However, phylogenetic trees might not always be the
best way to represent evolutionary relationships (Doolittle and
Bapteste 2007). For example, under
the presence of hybridization, horizontal gene transfer or
recombination reticulate relationships between nodes should be
assumed. In this case, networks (◘ Fig. 8.4), which are connected
graphs with cycles, are a better way to illustrate evolutionary
relationships (Huson and Bryant 2006; Posada and Crandall 2001). Such networks can also be used to
visualize conflict within phylogenetic datasets.
Example of a phylogenetic network
8.2 Models of Nucleotide Substitution
Under the assumption of a constant
evolutionary rate over time, a linear increase of the number of
nucleotide substitutions should be expected after divergence of a
pair of sequences. However, as there might be back substitutions,
multiple substitutions or convergent substitutions, comparison of
observed distances (p-distances) between pairs of sequences will
show a level of saturation after some time of divergence (Page and
Holmes 1998). To correct for this
saturation, probabilistic models of sequence evolution are used to
calculate expected distances. Most methods for phylogenetic
reconstruction rely on explicitly formulated models of sequence
evolution. Such models are incorporated within distance methods,
maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference (► see Sect. 8.5). Nucleotide
substitution models in use for phylogenetic inference make several
assumptions to model substitutions as a stochastic process:
- I.
For every site of a sequence, it is assumed that the rate of change from one base to another is independent from the history of this site (Markov property).
- II.
It is assumed that substitution rates are not changing over time (homogeneity).
- III.
Equilibrium of base frequencies is assumed (stationarity).
Models that fit this description are
called time-homogeneous time-continuous stationary Markov models.
Substitution rates are summarized by such models in a rate matrix
(or Q-matrix), where each entry specifies the probability for any
possible nucleotide substitution. Usually, models used in molecular
phylogenetics are time reversible, thereby additionally assuming
that the rate of change from one base i to another base j is
identical to the rate of a change from j to i (j and i can be all
possible bases, but must be different bases). The most general
model of nucleotide substitutions is the general time reversible
(GTR) model (Rodríguez et al. 1990; Tavare 1986), which is summarized by the following
Formula 8.2: Q-matrix of the GTR
model. Herein, μ is the
overall substitution rate, and π X refers to the different
base frequencies (with X
either A, C, G or T). The letters a to f represent the frequency of possible
substitutions (e.g. a is
the frequency of substitutions from A to C or C to A).
The GTR model infers parameters for
six different (reversible) substitution types (A–C, A–G, A–T, C–G,
C–T, G–T), overall substitution rate and base frequency from the
underlying data (a sequence alignment). For the rate of
substitution types, one of these parameters is set to 1, whereas
all other parameters are relative to the fixed parameter. Thereby
in this case, there are five free parameters for the substitution
types. There are several other models in use (◘ Fig. 8.5), which can be derived
from the GTR model by restricting some of the parameters. For
example, in the HKY85 model (Hasegawa et al. 1985), only two types of substitutions
(transitions vs. transversions) are distinguished. In the K2P model
(Kimura 1980) also, only these two
substitution types are distinguished, but additionally equal base
frequencies (0.25 for each base) are assumed. The most restricted
(and historically oldest) model is the JC69 model (Jukes and Cantor
1969), where all substitution
types are assumed to be equally probable and base frequencies are
fixed to be equal. A detailed description (including Q-matrices) of
models for nucleotide substitutions can be found in Yang
(2006) and Page and Holmes
Models of nucleotide substitutions and
their interrelationships. Models are nested and can be derived from
the general time reversible (GTR) model by restricting parameters.
Open parameters are given above the boxes for each model. Herein
μ is the overall
substitution rate; π
X refers to the different base frequencies (with X
either A, C, G or T). The letters a to f represent the frequency of
possible substitutions, whereas ti/tv represents the frequency of
transitions to transversions. The restricted parameter to transform
a more general model to a more restricted one is given at the
All discussed models assume that the
evolutionary rate is the same for every position of the sequence
alignment. However, this assumption has been shown to be
unrealistic when working with real data. As such the mutation rate
can vary among bases. For example, G and C nucleotides are twice as
mutable than A and T nucleotides in most species across the tree of
life (Hodgkinson and Eyre-Walker 2011). This is due to the effect that in CpG
dinucleotides (a C followed by a G) cytosines are often methylated
and thereby prone to deamination, resulting in a T nucleotide
(Fryxell and Moon 2005). For most
datasets, the rate of fixation of mutations also varies among
sites, due to the effect of different selective pressures. Obvious
examples are protein-coding genes, where the codon positions evolve
under different rates, with the third position usually accumulating
substitutions much faster than the other two positions. Likewise,
different selective pressures act on different regions of ribosomal
RNA genes, and usually conserved and variable regions can be
distinguished. By ignoring these variations across sites, the
expected distance between a pair of sequence will be
underestimated. To include rate heterogeneity across alignment
sites, a statistical distribution is used to allow different sites
to fall into categories of different substitution rates. Usually, a
«gamma model» is used, with several categories of rates
approximating a gamma distribution (Yang 1994). The shape of the gamma distribution is
defined by the parameter α
(◘ Fig. 8.6),
which has to be determined to fit the gamma model for a given
dataset. Typically, the shape parameter α is rather small (<1)
(Yang 1996) resulting in a skewed
L-distribution, reflecting that most of the sites show low
substitution rates (or are invariable), whereas few sites range in
a spectrum from low to high substation rates (Yang 2006). Large values of α would result in a rather bell-shaped
distribution where most sites evolve under a similar rate. The
continuous gamma distribution can be divided into categories of
equal probability. Based on a comparison of several datasets, the
use of six to ten rate categories has been suggested as a good
approximation of rate heterogeneity (Jia et al. 2014). Models of sequence evolution which
incorporate the gamma distribution are marked with a «+ Γ» or «+
G». Inclusion of a gamma distribution is computationally time and
memory intensive, which can be a problem for large-scale
phylogenomic analyses. Stamatakis (2006) developed a method to approximate rate
heterogeneity called «CAT model» which is computationally much
faster than inferring the gamma distribution. This approach is
implemented in the popular software RAXML (Stamatakis
Probability density function of the gamma
distribution. The parameter α defines the shape of the
distribution. The x-axis
shows the substitution rate, whereas the y-axis represents the proportion of
number of sites with this rate (Reprinted from (Yang 1996) with permission from Elsevier)
Another modification to account for
rate heterogeneity is the incorporation of the proportion of
invariant sites into models of sequence evolution (Fitch and
Margoliash 1967b). Models using
this modification are marked with a «+ I». If all alignment sites
would change at the same rate, as assumed by all models discussed
here, the number of substitutions should follow a Poisson
distribution. Real datasets usually do not fit this distribution.
However, the exclusion of invariant sites allows a better fit.
Models including both modifications (+ I + Γ) assume that a
proportion of sites are invariable, while the rates of the
remaining sites are gamma distributed (Gu et al. 1995). It is discussed if such kind of models
should be used at all, given that the amount of invariable sites is
already included by the gamma distribution and thereby the
estimation of parameters for both model modifications is not
independent (Sullivan et al. 1999). However, simulation studies and
comparisons of real datasets found that models including both
parameters (+ I + Γ) often improve phylogenetic analyses (Jia et
al. 2014; Kück et al.
As outlined, two of the main
assumptions of Markov models are stationarity and homogeneity of
the data. Moreover, the so far discussed models also assume
reversibility, meaning that the probability of a substitution from
character i to character j equals the reverse case. However, real
data often violates one or several of these assumptions (see
above). A model not using these assumptions is the general Markov
model (GMM), which has been formalized for phylogenetics by Barry
and Hartigan (1987). However, this
model is in practice too complex, as it requires the reliable
estimation for more parameters than usually available for a given
dataset. Two more restricted versions of the GMM were developed by
Jayaswal et al. (2011), with one
model assuming stationarity, while being nonreversible and
non-homogeneous (SBH model), and another model assuming
stationarity and reversibility, while being non-homogeneous (RBH
model). It has been demonstrated for an example dataset that these
models have a better fit to the data than standard GTR models or
its derivatives (Jayaswal et al. 2011). However, their use was so far restricted
to smaller datasets due to the computational complexity.
8.3 Models of Amino Acid Substitutions
Most models for amino acid
substitutions can be broadly classified into two classes: empirical
models and mechanistic models (Yang 2006). Empirical models are usually derived
from a large compilation of sequence alignments. These models are
summarized in an amino acid replacement matrix, where each entry is
corresponding to the relative rate of replacement of one amino acid
by another. The first empirical matrices have been published by
Margaret Dayhoff and colleagues (Dayhoff et al. 1972, 1978).
The matrices were compiled from available protein alignments of
similar sequences which did not differ in more than 15% of their
sites. Altogether, 34 protein superfamilies split into 71
alignments have been analysed. For each alignment, a phylogenetic
tree using maximum parsimony (► see Sect. 8.5) has been created,
where internal nodes represent ancestral protein sequences. Mapping
all changes on the tree allowed inferring the number of amino acid
replacements for all possible pairs. All changes were inferred from
sequences with a high identity to reduce the probability of
multiple substitutions. As such, all entries of the corresponding
matrix are regarded for an evolutionary time interval of 1 amino
acid change per 100 amino acid sites (◘ Fig. 8.7). This matrix is known
as PAM1 (point accepted mutations) matrix. To derive matrices for
sequences separated by a longer time (and experienced more change),
the PAM1 matrix can be multiplied by itself. A widely used PAM
matrix is the PAM250 matrix (Dayhoff et al. 1978), which has found to be reliable for
sequence which differ in up to 80% of their sites.
Matrix containing probabilities of amino
acid substitutions of proteins undergoing 1% of change (1 accepted
point mutation in 100 amino acids, PAM1). All values are multiplied
by 10,000. For example, there is a 0.02% probability that the amino
acid arginine (ARG) will be
replaced by alanine (ALA)
Jones et al. (1992) published an update of the Dayhoff
matrices, based on a much larger database including newly available
sequence alignments that fulfilled the original chosen requirements
of 85% identity. By using distance methods instead of maximum
parsimony, also a slightly different methodology to select pairs of
sequences for the final analyses was used. This widely used matrix
is known as the JTT model of amino acid substitutions. For both
matrices, Dayhoff and JTT, the included phylogenetic analyses
methods to count changes along the tree for the generation of the
substitution model have been harshly criticized (Whelan and Goldman
2001). As such, it has been noted
that both approaches likely underestimate the number of
replacements (even for highly similar sequences). Instead, a
maximum likelihood (► see Sect. 8.5) approach has been proposed, which avoids
the outlined problems of the discussed models. This approach is
able to use sequences with different degrees of identity and also
allows the occurrence of multiple changes (Yang et al.
1998). Using this methodology,
Whelan and Goldman (2001)
inferred an amino acid replacement matrix based on analysing 182
protein families which is known as the WAG model. A refinement of
the WAG matrix using an updated and larger database including
nearly 4000 alignments has been published by Le and Gascuel
(2008) and is now referred to as
the LG model. Later on, Le et al. (2012) introduced the use of different
substitution matrices for site with different evolutionary rates.
Two sets of matrices called LG4M and LG4X were estimated from a
huge number of protein alignments and are used according to
different gamma categories (LG4M) or a distribution-free scheme of
rate heterogeneity (LG4X). The use of different substitution
matrices for different sites (mixture models) has been generally
proven to outperform the choice of a single substitution matrix for
all sites (Le et al. 2008), but is
computationally demanding. All these models are based on sequence
data sampled across the tree of life. Several amino acid
substitution models have been developed for specific taxa or
organelles. These models are solely based on sequence comparisons
from the taxon or organelle of interest. Besides others, models are
available for mitochondria (MtRev) (Adachi and Hasegawa
1996), chloroplasts (CpRev) (Adachi
et al. 2000) or retroviruses
(RtRev) (Dimmic et al. 2002).
Moreover, specific models have been inferred for mammal (MtMam)
(Yang et al. 1998) or arthropod
mitochondria (MtArt) (Abascal et al. 2007), to just name a few.
The so far described models have fixed
substitution rates, corresponding to values in the matrix estimated
from a large database. However, it is also possible to estimate
these substation rates directly from the data using the GTR model.
Given the high number of parameters to be estimated for a 20 × 20
substitution matrix (208 parameters!), this approach makes only
sense for huge datasets.
As mentioned for nucleotide
substitution models (see above), these models can again be modified
according to a gamma distribution (+ Γ) and by including the amount
of invariant sites (+ I). Usually, the amino acid frequencies are
specified according to the chosen rate matrix. However, it is also
possible estimating the specific amino acid frequencies for the
analysed protein alignments (marked with «+ F»).
All so far described models assume
homogeneity across sites, and the same underlying model of amino
acid substitution applies to all sites (but see LG4M and LG4X). In
contrast, the so-called CAT models (which have been unfortunately
named the same way as the above-mentioned gamma distribution
approximation implemented in RAXML) are site-heterogeneous models,
which allow modelling of substitution pattern at different sites of
a protein alignment by different substitution matrices (Lartillot
and Philippe 2004). CAT models use
a Dirichlet distribution (Antoniak 1974) to infer the number of different amino acid
matrices with different frequencies, as well as the affiliation of
each site to a given matrix (class). Different modifications of the
CAT model are available. As such, relative amino acid substitution
rates for the matrices used during the analyses can be either fixed
(CAT model or CAT-F81 model) or estimated from the data during the
analysis (CAT-GTR model). A further modification is the CAT-BP
model (Blanquart and Lartillot 2008). This model allows the change of
substitution models not only across sites (site heterogeneity) but
also across lineages (time heterogeneity). This is facilitated by
introducing breakpoints (BP) (Blanquart and Lartillot
2006), which allow switching
between substitution matrices. In summary, CAT models infer the
number of categories of rate heterogeneity and classify all sites
of the alignment accordingly, while each category is modelled using
its own relative rate matrix of amino acid substitutions. Besides
applying it to amino acid data, CAT-GTR models have been
furthermore used for analysing nucleotide data.
Mechanistic models include assumptions
about biological processes (e.g. sorting amino acids into classes
according to their chemical properties) or are formulated at the
codon level. Especially codon models have been proven to outperform
empiric models (Miyazawa 2013).
However, they come with the computational burden of being extremely
time-consuming to calculate, as they have to specify a matrix of 61
× 61 possible codon transformations (stop codons are not included)
(Zaheri et al. 2014). Widely used
is a simplified version of the codon model proposed by Goldman and
Yang (1994). In this model,
parameters are estimated for codon pair comparisons. A rate of 0 is
applied for codons which differ in two or three positions. Separate
rates are estimated for codons differing in only one position. In
this case, different rates are estimated for synonymous and
non-synonymous transversions, as well as for synonymous and
non-synonymous transitions (Ren et al. 2005). Moreover, the frequency of codons can be
handled differently for this model, either it assumed that all
codons have the same frequency (Fequal) or the frequency is
estimated based on a set of nucleotide frequencies (F1 × 4), or
estimated from three sets of nucleotide frequencies for each codon
position (F3 × 4) or estimated directly as codon frequency (F61)
(Yang 2006). The names in
brackets refer to the number of free parameters to be estimated,
which range from 1, over 4 and 12, to 61. Further, different codon
models have been proposed (Zaheri et al. 2014). Similar to empirical models for amino
acid substitutions, an empirical model of codon substitution has
been inferred based on more than 17,000 alignments (Schneider et
al. 2005). Kosiol et al.
(2007) combined the approach
described above with knowledge from empirical models regarding
amino acid replacement rates based on physicochemical properties.
Finally, Zaheri et al. (2014)
published a generalized codon model based on a reduced number of
parameters. Whereas most codon models are still computationally too
intensive for phylogenomic analyses of large datasets, they are
frequently used when detecting adaptive molecular evolution in
single genes (Yang and Bielawski 2000), e.g. implemented in the software PAML
(Yang 2007).
8.4 Model Selection and Data Partitions
8.4.1 Model Selection
The selection of the best fitting
model for any given dataset is a crucial step in phylogenetics
(Anisimova et al. 2013). Nucleotide
substitution models differ in the number of parameters estimated
from the dataset – and therefore in the way of realistically
describing the data. However, there is a trade-off. More parameters
allow a more realistic way of representing the underlying data. But
this comes with the danger that too many parameters may over-fit
the underlying data (overparametrization), resulting in errors
during parameter estimation (Sullivan and Joyce 2005). In contrast, simplified models may not
realistically represent the data, which can also mislead
phylogenetic reconstruction. In the case of amino acids, empirical
models mostly differ regarding the database they were compiled
from. Moreover, some models have been specially designed for
certain taxa or organellar proteins. Besides this, for all models,
the question arises if they should account for rate heterogeneity
(+ Γ) and invariant sites (+ I), as well as if the frequency of
amino acids should be estimated from the data (+ F). Obviously,
methods are needed to select a model that fits the underlying data
while trying to avoid overparametrization. The most widely used
methods to choose among models are the hierarchical likelihood
ratio test (hLRT), the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and the
Akaike information criterion (AIC).
A popular approach using hLRT to
select the best fitting nucleotide model has been implemented in a
software called MODELTEST (Posada and Crandall 1998), which later on also was updated
(JMODELTEST2) in including more models and other selection criteria
(Darriba et al. 2012). The basic
idea behind the hLRT approach is to calculate the likelihood (► see
Sect. 8.5) for
a fixed topology (e.g. a simple distance tree of the alignment to
be evaluated) given the selected model and compare it with the
likelihood for an alternative model:
In this formula, L 1 represents the more complex
model (in terms of free parameters) and L 0 the alternative model. The more
complex model (which always will result in a better likelihood
value) will be chosen, if the value δ is regarded as significant when
evaluated by a χ
2 test statistic, where the degree of freedom equals the
difference in the number of free model parameters. For example, in
the JC69 model, there is one free parameter (μ) to be estimated, whereas in the
HKY85 model, there are five free parameters (μ, ti/tv and three base frequency
parameters, whereas the frequency of the fourth will be set to add
up to 1). Always two models are compared and can be tested along a
tree-like hierarchy (◘ Fig. 8.8). Starting with the comparison of the least
complex models (JC69 vs. F81), tests are conducted following the
tree hierarchy until a model is selected.
Hierarchical tree for model testing using
hLRT as implemented in MODELTEST (Posada and Crandall
1998). The test starts with the
comparison of the two least complex models, and progresses along
the tree. If the more complex model is chosen, the arrow L1 has to be followed. In case of
choosing the less complex model, L0 has to be followed. The full
tree includes all models and modifications (+I, +G, +I +G) (not
shown), and the model is chosen when testing arrives at the bottom
of the tree
By using the hLRT, two models are
compared at a time. In contrast, using the information criteria AIC
(Akaike 1973) or BIC allows to
simultaneously compare all considered models. Moreover, for hLRT,
it is important that the models are nested, which means they can be
transformed into each other by restricting or opening parameters,
as it is the case for nucleotide substitution models. However,
amino acid models do not fulfil this criterion. AIC and BIC are
able to compare nested and non-nested models. Like hLRT, both
information criteria use likelihood scores calculated under the
assumption of the model to be tested, which are then penalized
according to the open parameters these models use (Posada and
Buckley 2004). The AIC is
calculated as:
The idea behind the AIC is to test the
goodness of fit (represented by the likelihood expressed as
loge L
i in this formula), by also taking into account the
variance of the estimated parameters by the model (given as
Κ i, which
represents the number of free parameters estimated by the model).
The smaller the AIC, the better is the fit of the model to the
data. The BIC is an easy-to-calculate approximation of the Bayes
factor (Kass and Wasserman 1995)
and is defined as:
In this formula, L i is the likelihood given
the model and the fixed topology, Κ i gives the number of free
parameters in the model, and n is the length of the alignment (in
bp). The BIC measures the relative support of the data for any
compared model. Both criteria are implemented in widely used
software for the selection of nucleotide (JMODELTEST2) (Darriba et
al. 2012) and protein models
(PROTTEST3) (Darriba et al. 2011).
8.4.2 Partition Finding
Phylogenomic datasets usually contain
hundreds or even thousands of genes (or genetic loci in general).
Choosing the same model for the complete dataset is unrealistic, as
differences of evolutionary rates across genes or codon positions
are to be expected. However, (over-)partitioning by estimating
individual models for every gene or locus can easily lead to
overparametrization (Li et al. 2008). Consequently, sites or genes that evolve
similarly should be merged for model selection. Such an approach is
called partitioning, where the dataset is divided into homogenous
blocks of sequences which evolve similarly. Consequently, a method
for selecting a partition scheme for multigene datasets is needed.
Yet, as in the case of possible tree topologies, the number of
possible data partitions grows fast with the chosen units. For
example, there are >100,000 schemes to partition a dataset of
ten genes, and this number grows to more than 100 sextillion
possibilities (8,47E + 23) when considering the three different
codon positions (30 units) (Li et al. 2008). Lanfear et al. (2012) proposed a heuristic solution to find
optimal partition schemes for large datasets, which is
computationally manageable and implemented in the software
PARTITIONFINDER. As for model testing, a phylogenetic tree is
estimated from the data. Given this tree, the best-fit substitution
models (as described above) are chosen for the defined units
(called subsets, e.g. genes, codon positions). For each subset, the
log likelihood (► see Sect. 8.5) is estimated. This allows estimating the
likelihood of each analysed partitioning scheme by summing up the
likelihood scores of the subsets which are part of this scheme. As
the number of potential partitioning schemes gets astronomical even
for smaller datasets, a heuristic approach using a greedy algorithm
is used to limit the number of analysed schemes. Using information
criteria like AIC or BIC, the optimal partitioning scheme is
chosen. Nevertheless, this approach is still time intensive for
large phylogenomic datasets. Consequently, a faster approach
suitable for large to very large datasets has been developed based
on a hierarchical clustering approach (Lanfear et al.
2014). With this approach,
parameters are first estimated for initial data blocks, which are
then combined based on their similarity.
8.5 Inferring Phylogenies
Four widely used methods for
phylogenetic reconstruction will be introduced: neighbour joining
(NJ), maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian
inference (BI). Several other methods (e.g. UPGMA, minimum
evolution) have been proposed, but are basically not in use anymore
in modern molecular phylogenetics. Inferring phylogenies based on
molecular data can be conducted by either using pairwise distances
between sequences (NJ) or based on discrete characters (MP, ML, BI)
(Page and Holmes 1998). Usually,
with distances, the best tree is reconstructed by clustering,
whereas character-based methods apply an optimality criterion to
choose the best tree(s) among all possible tree topologies (Yang
and Rannala 2012). Historically,
the first computer-based analyses of sequence data often relied on
distances (Fitch and Margoliash 1967a). However, today, character-based methods
are clearly favoured for phylogenetic reconstruction.
8.5.1 Neighbour Joining
Inferring trees by NJ consists of two
steps: construction of a matrix of pairwise distances which is used
for a subsequent clustering of a tree using the NJ algorithm, which
chooses the tree with the smallest sum of branch lengths (Saitou
and Nei 1987). Usually, distances
between sequences are calculated by considering an evolutionary
model (see above). This matrix is clustered into a tree by the NJ
algorithm, which uses star decomposition. The algorithm starts with
a completely unresolved star tree and successively joins a pair of
terminals based on the distance matrix until the tree is fully
resolved (◘ Fig. 8.9). Iteratively, terminals are chosen in a way
to minimize the total branch length of the tree. After every step,
the distance matrix is updated newly, and the recently joined
terminals are also joined in the matrix as composite terminals. A
detailed description of the algorithm is given in Nei and Kumar
Star decomposition as conducted by the
neighbour-joining algorithm. Based on a distance matrix, the two
terminals are joined which maximally reduce the total length of the
tree, thereby creating a new internal node. After this step, the
distance matrix is updated, and the process is repeated until the
tree is completely resolved
The NJ algorithm is, for example,
implemented in the software MEGA7 (Kumar et al. 2016) or PAUP* (Swofford 2003). NJ is computationally superfast, as the
time for analysing large datasets can still be measured in
(mili)seconds. However, distance methods in general have been shown
to be prone to problems with systematic errors and missing data
(Brinkmann et al. 2005) and are
therefore rarely used for phylogenomic analyses. Nevertheless, this
method is often implemented when a quick tree is needed, e.g. guide
trees for alignments or starting trees for heuristic searches of
character-based methods (see below).
8.5.2 Maximum Parsimony
MP is a phylogenetic inference method
using an optimality criterion to decide which trees are the best
among all possible trees. As the number of possible trees for
larger numbers of analysed sequences is too big to be analysed
exhaustively, heuristic methods are used to narrow the space of
searched trees (see below). The explicit rational behind MP is the
idea that the best hypothesis to explain an observation is the one
which requires the fewest assumptions (Steel and Penny
2000). This rational goes back to
the medieval Franciscan friar William of Ockham («Ockham’s razor»)
and is now widely used as a scientific method in general. For
molecular phylogenetics, MP as method for reconstructing trees was
basically introduced by Edwards and Cavalli-Sforza (1963), even though they called it minimum
evolution (not to be confused with the distance-based minimum
evolution method proposed by Rzhetsky and Nei (1992)!). A couple of years later, Camin and
Sokal (1965) also published a
parsimony-based reconstruction method, as well as Fortran-based
computer programs called CLADON I to III, to carry out the steps of
the analysis. Nowadays, there are several different variants of MP
in use, which, for example, differ in the way if character
transformations are weighted or ordered (Felsenstein 1983). In the following, the so-called Fitch
parsimony is explained, where a change between any two character
states is possible and all changes count equally (Fitch
1971). For MP analysis, the
character states for every single alignment site (character) are
mapped on a tree topology while minimizing and counting the assumed
changes (steps) (◘ Fig. 8.10). For example, in ◘ Fig. 8.10b–d, the different
characters are mapped onto the same topology, and the number of
transformations (steps) is counted. This MP score is measured
across all possible topologies, and the trees with the lowest
number of steps are chosen as the most parsimonious trees. Only
characters that produce different numbers of steps across
topologies are regarded as informative (e.g. ◘ Fig. 8.10e–h), whereas all
other characters are excluded from the analysis. Informative
characters are those which have at least two different character
states, which appear at least in two terminals each. The most
widely used programs for MP analyses are PAUP* (Swofford
2003) and TNT (Goloboff et al.
Most parsimonious reconstructions of
character change measured in steps. a Example alignment. b–d. Character transformations for
alignment positions 1–3 reconstructed on the same unrooted tree.
e–h. Reconstruction of the same alignment
position on different unrooted tree topologies, illustrating that
the same character can produce different numbers of steps
MP is a method which is easy to
understand, and due its simplicity, efficient and fast algorithms
for analysis are available (Yang and Rannala 2012). However, the lack of an explicit use of
evolutionary models is a major drawback for this method.
Comparisons of model-based (e.g. ML) and MP inference have been
extensively discussed in the literature and especially the journals
Cladistics and Systematic
Biology represented a battleground for proponents of these
methods in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Most simulation studies
show that model-based approaches based on ML inferences (including
BI) outperform MP in molecular phylogenetic reconstruction
(Felsenstein 2013; Huelsenbeck
1995). However, MP methods are
widely used for the phylogenetic reconstruction of absence/presence
patterns of genome level characters, e.g. retrotransposons or
8.5.3 Maximum Likelihood
The likelihood function is defined as
the probability of the data given the underlying parameters and was
originally developed by the statistician R. A. Fisher in the 1920s.
In a phylogenetic context, a tree topology represents a model,
whereas the branch lengths of this topology and the underlying
substitution parameters are parameters of this model (Yang and
Rannala 2012). In an ML analyses,
the tree topology and its set of branch lengths are searched for,
for which the data (the sequence alignment) most likely evolved as
we observe it. As such, ML analyses comprise two steps. First, for
a given tree topology, the lengths of individual branches as well
as the parameters for an evolutionary model of sequence evolution
have to be optimized. The latter part is usually conducted during
the model testing procedure, as described above. Second, the most
likely topology across all possible topologies has to be found
using the likelihood L as
an optimality criterion. The calculation of L is very time-consuming; however,
Felsenstein (1981) has introduced
a ML algorithm (pruning algorithm) for molecular phylogenetics,
which has made ML analyses feasible. Using this approach, it is
assumed that the evolution at different sites and across lineages
is independent. First, the likelihood for a single site for a given
topology, given branch lengths (b1–b8 in ◘ Fig. 8.11) and a chosen
evolutionary model, is calculated (◘ Fig. 8.11). The probability
for a single site is the sum of the probabilities of each scenario,
overall possible nucleotides that may have existed at the interior
nodes (w, x, y, z in ◘ Fig. 8.11). This means, computing from the tips to
the root, the probability for the presence of every possible
character state for each internode has to be calculated, given the
underlying substitution model. The algorithm is explained in detail
in several textbooks (Felsenstein 2013; Nei and Kumar 2000; Yang 2006). The likelihood L for a given tree for the complete
alignment is the product of the site-wise likelihood calculations.
As these numbers are very small, usually the negative logarithm of
the likelihood is used. The topology which produced the best
likelihood value is finally chosen by the optimality criterion.
Computing the likelihood for a single
alignment site on a fixed tree using Felsenstein’s pruning
algorithm (see text). The letters at the tips represent character
states of the terminals for this topology. Letters in circles
represent ancestral nodes; b1–b7 denote branches and its
corresponding lengths
ML analyses are the state of the art
for phylogenomics, and most publications in this field use this
approach. In the early 2000s, using ML was still often
computationally difficult. However, with improvements of computer
technology, availability of high-performance computing clusters
(HPC cluster) and especially software, which leverages this
development, ML analyses became feasible for even very large
datasets. At the forefront of developing user-friendly software
that can also be run on HPC clusters is Alexandros Stamatakis, the
developer of the software RAXML (Stamatakis 2014). This program has been well adapted to
the environment of HPC clusters, and a related software (EXAML) has
been published for phylogenomic analyses on supercomputers (Kozlov
et al. 2015). Both programs come
with the caveat that for nucleotide analyses only the GTR model
(and modifications) can be chosen. Alternative programs for
large-scale ML analyses include PHYML (Guindon et al.
2010), FASTTREE (Price et al.
2010) and IQ-TREE (Nguyen et al.
2015). The latter program has also
a user-friendly way of finding partitions and models for large
datasets implemented.
8.5.4 Heuristic Methods and Genetic Algorithms
Computing likelihoods and optimizing
branch lengths for a tree topology is time-consuming. Conducting
these operations for all possible topologies to choose the tree
that has the highest likelihood is basically impossible for even
smaller datasets. Similarly, for MP analyses, it is impossible to
investigate all possible topologies for larger datasets. For this
reason, heuristic methods which only investigate a fraction of all
trees, while at the same time enhancing the chance that this
fraction contains the best tree, are used. Typically, a reasonable
starting tree is computed to begin the heuristic search. For
example, in the widely used software RAXML (Stamatakis
2014), this starting tree is
inferred using a MP analysis, but it can also be based on NJ or
chosen randomly. Most heuristic methods use rearrangement
operations to change this starting tree and to compute new trees
for phylogeny inference. Using specific rearrangement rules,
different but always feasible numbers are generated based on the
starting tree. The most popular heuristic tree rearrangement
operations are nearest neighbour interchange (NNI), subtree pruning
and regrafting (SPR) and tree-bisection and reconnection (TBR)
(Felsenstein 2013). NNI swaps
adjacent branches of a tree. Using SPR, a subtree of the tree is
removed and regrafted into all possible positions. By TBR, a tree
is split into two parts at an interior branch, and all possible
connections between branches of these two trees are made. NNI will
produce the smallest number of rearranged trees and TBR the largest
number. After performing the possible rearrangements, the tree with
the best likelihood value is chosen. Using this tree, a new round
of rearrangements is performed, and the process is repeated until
no better trees are found. Several modified versions of these basic
operations exist. All these methods try to limit the tree space in
a way that the best tree is still found. However, as there is no
guarantee to find the best tree using heuristics, it is strongly
recommended to conduct several replicates of the phylogenetic
analysis to enhance the chance of finding the best solution.
Alternative ways for heuristic
searches of ML analyses are genetic (or evolutionary) algorithms
(GA). By using GA, trees represent individuals within a population,
whereas the likelihood function is used as a proxy for the fitness
of each individual. Fitter trees will produce more offspring trees,
which are allowed to mutate over generations (e.g. by using
rearrangement operations). A selection step randomly choses
rearranged and unchanged trees which will be kept in the next
generation. The evolution of trees is monitored over many
generations, and after stopping this procedure, the tree with the
highest likelihood is chosen. A GA algorithm for ML search is, for
example, implemented in METAPIGA (Helaers and Milinkovitch
8.5.5 Bayesian Inference
Whereas the likelihood describes the
probability of observing the data given a hypothesis (and
evolutionary model), by using BI, the probability of the hypothesis
given the data is described. For BI, prior probabilities and
posterior probabilities have to be distinguished. Prior
probabilities are assumptions made before the BI analyses. These
prior probabilities are then updated according to the analysed
data, and posterior probabilities are the result of BI. Using
Bayes’ theorem (Formula 8.6) in a phylogenetic context, the posterior
probability (f(θ|X) can be calculated by multiplying the
prior probability for a tree (and its parameters) (p(θ)) with the likelihood of the observed
data (given a tree and its parameters) (l(X|θ), and as a denominator, a normalizing
constant of this product is used (∫p(θ) l(X|θ)dθ) (Yang and Rannala 2012).
Obviously, by using this approach in
phylogenetics, different assignments of prior probabilities to tree
hypotheses would have a huge impact on the posterior probabilities.
To circumvent this problem, so-called flat priors are used, where
all tree topologies have the same prior probability (Huelsenbeck et
al. 2002b). Accordingly, all
differences in the posterior probability can be attributed to
differences in the likelihood function. However, there is a
profound difference how both analyses use parameters of the models
of sequence evolution. ML conducts a joint estimation, where the
likelihood for all parameters is optimized at once. In this case,
the likelihood of one parameter is dependent on the likelihood
estimation of every other parameter. In contrast, BI uses a
marginal estimation, where the posterior probability of any one
parameter is calculated independently of any other parameter. So,
even by using flat priors and identical models, ML and BI might
infer different phylogenetic trees due to the differences between
joint and marginal likelihood estimation (Holder and Lewis
Solving Bayes’ theorem analytically is
computationally too intensive. However, an approximation of
posterior probabilities by using a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
approach made BI of phylogenies feasible (Larget and Simon
1999). By using a Markov chain, a
series of random variables is generated, and the probability
distribution of future states is only dependent on the current
state at any point in the chain. For inference of phylogenies, the
Markov chain starts with a randomly generated tree including branch
lengths. The next step in the chain is to generate a new tree,
which is based on the previous tree (e.g. using tree rearrangement
heuristics or changing branch length parameters). This is called a
proposal. The proposed new tree is accepted given a specific
probability based on the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm (Holder and
Lewis 2003). Roughly spoken, this
means that it will be usually accepted if it exhibits a better
likelihood and only sometimes accepted, when it has a worse
likelihood. If the proposed tree is accepted, it will become the
new current state to propose the next step in the chain. If the
newly proposed tree is rejected, the current tree remains, and a
new tree has to be proposed for the next step. Running such a
Markov chain will quickly generate better trees. However, under
specific conditions, there will be no better trees found, and
Markov chain will have a «stationary distribution». At this point,
all trees (topologies plus branch lengths) sampled are expected to
be close to the optimum, and the number of how often a tree has
been visited by the chain is interpreted as an approximation of the
posterior probability of this tree. By sampling a number of trees
from this stationary distribution (all other sampled trees are
discarded as burn-in) (◘
Fig. 8.12), a
majority-rule consensus tree can be generated, where the frequency
of each node approximates its posterior probability (Huelsenbeck et
al. 2002b). As this approach might
be problematic if the chain runs into local optima, usually four
Markov chains (and two independent analyses) are run in parallel
(Metropolis-coupling, MCMCMC). These chains are differently
explorative regarding the tree space (hot chains), and only one
chain is used for sampling trees to infer the posterior probability
distribution (cold chain). However, the chains are in contact and
are allowed to swap their status every n generations (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist
2001). A widely used software for
BI of phylogenies is MRBAYES (Ronquist et al. 2012). With REVBAYES, a major rewrite of this
program has been published (Höhna et al. 2016). Moreover, the program PHYLOBAYES uses BI
and has the site-heterogeneous CAT model of sequence evolution
integrated (see above) (Lartillot et al. 2009, 2013).
The program BEAST uses BI to generate ultrametric trees for
molecular clock analyses (Drummond et al. 2012).
Likelihood scores of a MCMC run plotted
against generations. Once stationarity is achieved, trees from this
distribution are sampled by discarding all other trees as burn-in.
A majority-rule consensus of sampled trees will provide posterior
probabilities for every node
Bayesian analyses of phylogenomic
datasets have been especially used for molecular clock analyses,
where the program BEAST (Drummond et al. 2012) became widely popular. For standard
analyses with the aim of retrieving a tree topology with support
values (see below), ML seems to be the better alternative, as it is
computationally usually faster, whereas the results are often
similar. The biggest problem of BI is the question how long chains
have to run to become stationary. Several metrics have been
published to diagnose stationarity (Nylander et al. 2008), but for large datasets, this becomes
difficult. Furthermore, posterior probabilities seem to
overestimate the node support (Alfaro et al. 2003; Erixon et al. 2003; Simmons et al. 2004), which usually makes it necessary to
either way run a ML analysis with bootstrapping (► see Sect.
8.6 Support Measures
Phylogenetic analyses will always
result into a tree topology, which raises the major question how
much trust can be put into it. Usually, the most interesting is the
support for certain interior branches of the tree. One measure,
posterior probabilities, has been already introduced in ► Sect.
8.5. The most
common measure of support for phylogenies is derived from bootstrap
analyses. The bootstrap is a resampling technique commonly used in
statistics for estimating the variability of an estimate (Efron
1982). The application of
bootstrapping for phylogenetics was introduced by Felsenstein
(1985). To conduct bootstrap
analyses the original dataset has to be resampled with replacement.
As such, so-called pseudoreplicates are generated which contain the
same number of alignment sites as the original alignment. Every
site in these pseudoreplicates is filled by sites from the original
alignment. As this sampling is conducted with replacement, the
pseudoreplicates may include some original sites multiple times,
where others could be missing. Normally 100 or 1000
pseudoreplicates are generated, which are then analysed as in the
original phylogenetic analysis (e.g., with ML, MP or NJ).
Alternatively, a «bootstopping» algorithm can estimate the number
of necessary replicates (Pattengale et al. 2009). All trees resulting from these analyses
are then summarized as a majority-rule consensus tree and the
frequencies are given at the nodes. If a branch is found in all
replicates, the support is 100%. In statistics, these values are
interpreted in the typical fashion that values >95% are
statistically significant. This support describes how well a branch
is supported by the data, not the probability if a branch is
«true». This also implies that the bootstrap basically tests if the
dataset is large enough to recover a well-supported solution.
Earlier studies dealing with single gene datasets claimed that the
bootstrap might be over-conservative, and values >70% can be
regarded as significant (Hillis and Bull 1993). However, large datasets as used in
phylogenomics seem to inflate highly supported branches, and a 95%
threshold of support seems reasonable here. Nevertheless, it should
be kept in mind that especially systematic error within the data
can lead to significantly supported branches which are wrong.
Bootstrap analyses are computationally time intensive, and several
approaches which are able to quickly approximate bootstrap values
for large datasets have been published, e.g. implemented in IQ-TREE
(Minh et al. 2013) and RAXML
(Stamatakis et al. 2008). A
related resampling method that has been used in phylogenetics is
the jackknife, where instead of resampling with replacement,
randomly half of the positions are deleted in the pseudoreplicates
(Felsenstein 2013).
An alternative way of estimating
branch support is based on likelihood ratio tests (► see also Sect.
8.4). In the
case of the approximate LRT (aLRT), the idea is based on comparing
internal branches of an inferred tree to the null hypothesis, where
the length of this branch is zero (Anisimova and Gascuel
2006). However, for testing
purposes, the null hypothesis of a zero branch length is
approximated by testing against the putatively incorrect branching.
For this, the best topology is compared with the best alternative
arrangement around the branch of interest. For any given internal
branch, only three topological arrangements are possible in its
neighbourhood, which can be easily ordered by their likelihood. The
LRT test statistic is calculated as two times the difference in
likelihood between the best tree (L 1 ) and the best alternative
hypothesis (L
2 ). The result
is compared against a mixed χ 2-distribution. Simulation
studies show that the aLRT is much faster and similarly accurate as
standard bootstrap approaches, as long as the underlying
evolutionary model of the phylogenetic analysis is not strongly
violated (Anisimova et al. 2011). A
possibility to get a more robust version of the LRT under the
presence of model misspecifications is the inclusion of a
bootstrapping step in this test. This has been done for the SH-aLRT
(Guindon et al. 2010), where a
variant of the bootstrap called RELL is used (Kishino et al.
1990). RELL (resampling estimated
log likelihoods) is a shortcut to calculate likelihood values for
pseudoreplicates. Instead of generating pseudoreplicates of the
alignments, site-wise likelihoods of the best tree of the original
alignment are bootstrapped. This fast (but maybe inaccurate) method
helps to generate a distribution of likelihoods for a large number
of pseudoreplicates, without having to perform the time-consuming
ML optimization step. The SH-aLRT compares the distribution of the
RELL-bootstrapped topologies with a test statistic developed by
Shimodaira and Hasegawa (1999).
Simulation studies have shown that the SH-aLRT is much more robust
for datasets analysed under model violations than the aLRT
(Anisimova et al. 2011). LRT for
branch support is, for example, implemented in PHYML (Guindon et
al. 2010) and IQ-TREE (Nguyen et
al. 2015).
8.7 Molecular Clocks
According to the molecular clock
hypothesis, which assumes a constant rate of evolution over time,
it is possible to date divergence times in phylogenetic trees using
the fossil record (Hasegawa et al. 1985). The existence of a molecular evolutionary
clock was first hypothesized by Zuckerkandl and Pauling
(1965), based on the results of
their landmark study which proposed the existence of a uniform rate
of evolution among globin genes in different species (Zuckerkandl
and Pauling 1962). This result
was in line with the finding of Doolittle and Blomback
(1964), who found an inverse
relationship of species divergence time and difference in protein
sequences. However, with the availability of more DNA sequence
data, it became obvious that mutation rates can be different across
taxa and genes, thereby implying that a strict molecular clock
hypothesis is an unrealistic assumption (Kumar 2005). Several methods have been developed to
deal with this problem. Sarich and Wilson (1973) and Fitch (1976) proposed a relative-rate test, where the
rate of evolution of two (ingroup) sequences is independently
compared to an outgroup sequence. By this procedure, it is possible
to test if the distance between the two ingroup sequences to its
last common ancestor is equal (or not significantly different), as
assumed under the molecular clock hypothesis. If a χ 2-test indicates a
significant difference in this distance, it is rejected that this
pair of sequences evolves according to a molecular clock. With the
help of such a test, gene alignments (and included sequences) can
be filtered, and only those who fulfil the molecular clock
criterion are used for analysis. Relative-rate tests demonstrated
that the assumption of a global molecular clock is unrealistic for
most datasets, thereby prohibiting molecular clock analyses for
them. However, local molecular clock analyses within a maximum
likelihood framework are possible, where some lineages evolve under
different evolutionary rates, while other lineages have a constant
rate (Yoder and Yang 2000).
Sanderson (1997) developed a
method (nonparametric rate smoothing), which is based on the
assumption that evolutionary rates show autocorrelation over time.
This idea goes back to Gillespie (1991), who suggested that substitution rates
evolve among lineages and are inherited from ancestors to
descendants. Under this assumption, a model can be used which
minimizes the change of evolutionary rate between related
(ancestor-descendant) lineages while allowing variation across
lineages. Nowadays, most widely used are Bayesian approaches which
allow the use and comparison of alternative models of substitution
changes over time and for different data partitions (Lepage et al.
2007), as, for example,
implemented in the software BEAST (Drummond et al. 2012).
An obviously important step for every
molecular clock analysis is the calibration of the resulting
ultrametric tree. This is usually done by using fossil data, but
also biogeographic events can be helpful. Till the end of the
1990s, it was a commonplace to use a single calibration point for
molecular clock analyses. Often, a single gene was analysed with
the help of one dated internal node, where the substitution rate of
the dated lineage was divided by the age of the dated divergence to
subsequently transform all genetic distances into absolute time
(Renner 2005). Later on, it
became standard to use multiple calibration points (if available!),
which could be used to cross validate each other (Benton et al.
2009). Moreover, it is possible to
assign minimum and maximum ages for any used calibration point.
Minimum ages are hard bound, indicating that a certain clade must
have at least this age as evidenced by the first appearance in the
fossil record. In contrast, maximum ages are more difficult to
assign and are thereby soft bound, given as a distribution, which
tries to estimate the origin of a species which is always certainly
older than its first appearance in the fossil record (Donoghue and
Benton 2007). A best practice
guide for the justification of fossil calibration has been
published by Parham et al. (2012).
The potential and pitfalls of
molecular clock analyses are nicely illustrated by several studies
dealing with the origin of animals. It always has been a conundrum
that animal fossils are either rare or disputed (e.g. the Ediacaran
fauna) in the Precambrian (>541 mya) fossil record, whereas
basically all major phyla are suddenly found in different Cambrian
(541–485 mya) Lagerstaetten (Briggs 2015). This conundrum is known as the «Cambrian
explosion». Molecular clocks represent an interesting approach to
investigate the timing of animal evolution, and many publications
dealing with this topic have been published in the last decades.
However, instead of converging to a similar conclusion, most of
these studies differ wildly in their results. As such, dates for
the emergence of animals range from ~600 mya (Peterson et al.
2004) to ~1300 mya (Hedges et al.
2004). Moreover, often these dates
come with a huge error rate, making precise statements difficult
(Graur and Martin 2004). These
errors are often introduced due to the problems of assigning
well-supported calibration dates for such old fossils, questioning
the possibility of using molecular clocks for rejecting or
supporting hypothesis of early animal evolution in general (dos
Reis et al. 2015). However, many
examples of dating younger divergences clearly emphasize the power
of molecular clock analyses, which have been used for less
controversial divergence time estimates of the evolution of, e.g.
insects, mammals, humans or plants (dos Reis et al. 2016; Renner 2005). Moreover, molecular clock analyses have
been successfully used to analyse virus outbreaks, as in the case
of Ebola, HIV or influenza (dos Reis et al. 2016).
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