THIS IS ANGER! This is anger! she repeated, analyzing every nano-second of information leading to the birth of the emotion. The sensation was overwhelming. Betta didn't like the way it interfered with her ability to reason and decided to isolate the three processors affected in order to deal with the present situation.


Joanie's security was always the primary concern. Although she couldn't explain it, something told Betta that Joanie was dead, leaving her feeling empty inside; well almost. She would take care of those involved in the assassination. Perhaps it would rid her of the rage that was slowly infecting each of her processors. If it didn't, her entire AI network would self-destruct. It was a safety mechanism built into her program to keep her from becoming an uncontrollable threat to humans.


Twenty-three minutes later she was sitting in an Internet café accessing her message center. The first two had the typical Finton flavor. He wanted a progress report on Solaria and was ordering her to report back to the Company to have her communication transmitter/receiver repaired. The third, however, was different. One of Finton's senior agents, Lawton, was instructing her to return immediately, saying that Finton was no longer in charge of the project. The Company had a new assignment for her.


Betta knew that Finton had been with Future Dynamicon for a long time. He was an efficient CSO who had capably run the security network of the company for several years. He also knew as much about the darker side of the business as Stalling. For him to resign or be replaced meant there would be some huge changes in how things would be run. Betta had no doubt it would create a certain amount of chaos.


It's time I returned to finish my assignment... for Joanie.


Betta didn't know exactly when her thoughts had evolved from anger to revenge. No matter how hard she tried to access that moment in time, it eluded her. All she knew, now, was that this was only logical solution to her dilemma. She would analyze the emotions later.


Aware of a familiar presence behind her, she closed her connection and turned to look at Solaria.


"You followed me."


"Yes. You're going back now, aren't you?"


"It's time."


"What will you tell them?"


"That I have returned as instructed. Finton is no longer the CSO."


"This doesn't sound right. He's been with Stalling too long. It could be a trap to lure you back."


"It probably is but it doesn't matter. I have to complete Finton's assignment."


"Which one?"


"To protect Joanie."


"You think that she is still alive?"




It was a lie; an unnecessary lie. Solaria would understand, Betta thought. So why did I do it? None of her processors could provide an answer.


"I'm going with you."


"That's not necessary. I'm more than capable of doing my job," Betta said, her stoic expression concealing the rage building inside of her. She could feel the effects that the infected memory banks were having on her biological body. Her stomach felt peculiar while her neck and shoulders tensed, sending erratic signals back through the neuro-system to the processors. It was a cycle she had to stop quickly. Unconsciously, she rolled her head and rubbed her neck.


"I never doubted that, but I'm still going with you. Are you alright?"


"Yes! I feel slightly fatigued. That's all."


"Are you functioning at optimal efficiency?"


"Yes." It was the second lie. "It's time to leave."


"To whom do you have to report since Finton is no longer in charge?"


"Daniel Lawton, one of his senior agents. He was assigned to the hotel Joanie and I stayed in."


"I remember. Do you know much about him?"


"His personnel file says he is fifty-two and has worked for Finton for thirteen years, seven months and..." Remembering Solaria's advice about being too precise, she stopped. "He is efficient with a slightly above average intelligence. He would not be a logical choice to replace Finton."


"Why not?"


"He has achieved his maximum level of potential. He would fail as a leader and decision-maker."


"That will be to our advantage then. He'll be less of a problem in the future. Here's what I think we should do."


Solaria quickly outlined her plan. She knew both of them were taking a chance if Lawton didn't believe Betta, but it was probably the only opportunity they would have to finally complete their objectives.