JAIN WAS JUST securing the door when she felt a presence behind her. Spinning around, she clutched her chest, startled to see Solaria.
"What are you doing here?" she gasped.
"I came to thank you."
"For what?"
"For warning me about those men. That is what you did, isn't it?"
"Well, yes."
Looking around nervously, Jain grabbed her arm and pulled her toward her car which was parked behind the building.
"Let's say I don't like all of this government crap. They may have a legal right to check our files but I think it's wrong."
"But why would you warn me off?"
Opening the car door, Jain motioned Solaria to get in.
"Why are you so interested in Future Dynamicon? That's why they were really here. It had nothing to do with national security."
Realizing Jain had managed to uncover her activities, Solaria was impressed.
"You've discovered what I've been doing. You must be very good with computers."
Jain blushed but wasn't sure if it was because of the compliment or having been caught snooping.
"I know something about them."
"Meaning quite a bit. The question is, how much?"
"Enough to know you've been hacking into the Future Dynamicon security system and it has something to do with Dr Branson. Unfortunately, I think I'm the one who brought these goons here. I stayed in their network too long and was found by a spybot."
"I was beginning to think I had made an error, even though the probability of such a mistake was highly unlikely."
Geez, aren't you confident, Jain thought.
"No, unfortunately it was my blunder."
"But I did make one, didn't I? You were able to trace my activities."
"Well, it took awhile."
Jain hoped she hadn't made the woman feel incompetent. It had taken all her skills to find the paths. If she had just covered her tracks with the same determination she had used to uncover Solaria's, Future Dynamicon wouldn't have detected her intrusion.
"Look, I know it's my fault they traced everything back to the library. If there's anything I can do to make up for it, let me know."
"You've already done enough. The warning about them being there prevented my possible capture. They may have the hard drive but there's not much they'll learn from it."
"Actually they don't even have that. I removed it yesterday and substituted another in its place. Plus I made sure the keyboard was cleaned thoroughly. No finger prints or DNA."
Solaria smiled at Jain's thoroughness.
"I'm sure they found that a little odd."
"Not at all. A family used the computer yesterday evening. There were plenty of prints and smudges to go around. I don't watch spy movies for nothing." Jain laughed.
"Thanks. It looks like I'm in your debt. Is there anything you need?"
Jain's imagination went into overdrive but she quickly reined it in.
"As a matter of fact, yes there is. Have dinner with me."
"Dinner. I'm hungry. I'll even buy."
"No, it would be my pleasure and the least I can do is pay for your meal. Is there any place in particular that you prefer?"
Jain nodded and backed her car out of her parking space. Thirty minutes later the two women were sitting in a dimly lit booth at a small Japanese restaurant. After ordering their meals, neither of them spoke, unsure where to begin. Finally, Jain cleared her throat and asked the one question that had been bothering her since her discovery.
"Why Future Dynamicon? I mean, anyone with a brain knows that company is trouble. Hell, from what I've read about the CEO over the past few years, I think he's a closeted Jesus freak."
"Jesus freak?"
"Yeah, you know. An extremist. The kind that believes they're sent by God to save humanity."
"What makes you say that?"
"Just look at the university he attended. It was started at the turn of the millennium to promote conservative extremist ideas. ‘Moral values' was their mantra to justify their attempts to mold society into what they wanted. Fortunately, their fanaticism backfired. People got sick of their leaders trying to manipulate everything to accommodate them and rebelled. The politicians were forced to pass several laws ensuring the personal freedoms we have today. Too bad we can't legislate minds."
"I think that's what you just described, don't you? These groups, did they go underground?"
"Yes, in the guise of higher education. They continued building universities where they could mold young minds. Brainwash is a better term. Winston Stalling was one of the top graduates in his class."
"How did he gain such a high position in Future Dynamicon if people are so against anyone with his educational background?"
Jain shrugged.
"Like I said, he's a closet fanatic. I imagine he's managed to keep this part of his nature pretty much a secret. You know, play it down, but a lot of people have voiced their suspicions. Eventually some have retracted their accusations and others just disappeared, not that anyone could prove anything against him. He's virtually untouchable."
"No one is untouchable, especially him. As long as he thinks he is, though, it will be easier to bring him down."
"This is about Dr. Branson, isn't it?"
It was Solaria's turn to be surprised. Nothing in her databanks had prepared her for that question.
"You're very astute! You came to this conclusion just by tracking my Internet activity?"
Jain looked down at her napkin and began tearing it into small strips.
"No. Years ago I wanted to be a scientist. When I was at the university I majored in computer sciences. Dr. Branson was a guest speaker during my senior year. She was so passionate about creating the perfect artificial brain that I believed she would eventually do it. I guess I was wrong."
Jain sighed and looked up into the most amazingly colored eyes she had ever seen.
"Or am I?"
Solaria intentionally blinked a couple of times before shaking her head.
"Is that a question you want answered or just a rhetorical one?"
Solaria tried to rationalize the need to lie to Jain but failed. Perhaps if she had concluded the librarian was a threat, she might have been capable. Realizing her inability to avoid answering direct questions was a weakness, she set one of her nano-processors to work creating a program that would handle similar situations.
"Let's say you're probably more right than you could ever imagine. Carley was an amazing woman and a good friend. She didn't deserve to die."
"The report said she committed suicide."
"She did but she had no choice in the matter."
"Someone forced her to kill herself?"
Solaria nodded.
"I'm sure he had a lot to do with it. When I find out for sure..." The sentence died.
"You're going to take on Future Dynamicon aren't you?"
"I'm going to fulfill a promise to a friend, nothing more."
"Uh huh. Well, I've never been fond of that company. You feel like taking on an assistant?"
"Sorry, Jain, but this has nothing to do with you. You've done enough. I appreciate the offer, though."
"Maybe I should have worded things differently. I want to help."
Before Solaria could object, she held up her hand.
"Look! I'm sure there are more productive things you could be doing, like finding out more about their layout or something. Besides, you can't keep coming to the library now. Homeland will be watching it even if they didn't find anything. I work there so I won't arouse any suspicions. You tell me what you need and I'll do the research. This time I'll do it more discreetly. They'll never know what hit them."
Solaria didn't like the idea of endangering Jain. She had already lost Carley. Still, Jain had a point. Future Dynamicon wasn't stupid. They'd be watching this particular library and probably others for quite awhile. The one thing Solaria didn't need was someone focusing in on her. Having someone helping to locate the Company's black ops projects would free her to work on a plan that would bring down Stalling and his cronies. Reluctantly, she had to acknowledge that Jain's offer was the logical choice.
"You understand that this might be dangerous?"
Jain gave her a wry look and then grinned.
"It'll be an interesting change from my boring life."
"If you're sure that's what you want. You won't do anything that will put you in harm's way," Solaria ordered
"You mean other than hacking into one of the world's most powerful conglomerates. Don't worry. I think I can stay under the radar even from them."
Before they could continue, the waiter arrived with their meals.
"How about we discuss the details later?" Jain said, not wanting to go into anything in depth at such a public place. Future Dynamicon had spies everywhere and there was always someone who sold information for profit.
During the rest of the meal, Jain entertained Solaria with tales of her youth and university adventures knowing it was better to talk about herself for now. She'd learn more about her dinner partner later.