© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017
David L. Olson and Desheng Dash WuEnterprise Risk Management ModelsSpringer Texts in Business and Economics10.1007/978-3-662-53785-5_12

12. Enterprise Risk Management in Projects

David L. Olson and Desheng Dash Wu2, 3
Department of Management, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Economics and Management School, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Project management inherently involves high levels of risk, because projects by definition are being done for the first time. There are a number of classical project domain types, each with their own characteristics. For instance, construction projects focus on inanimate objects, such as materials that are transformed into some purposeful object. There are people involved, although as time passes, more and more work is done by machinery, with diminishing human control. Thus construction projects are among the more predictable project domains. Government projects often involve construction, but extend beyond that to processes, such as the generation of nuclear material, or more recently, the processing of nuclear wastes. Government projects involve high levels of bureaucracy, and the only aspect increasing predictability is that overlapping bureaucratic involvement of many agencies almost ensures long time frames with high levels of change. There is a very wide spectrum of governmental projects. They also should include civil works, which drive most construction projects. A third project domain is information system project management, focusing on the development of software tools to do whatever humans want. This field, like construction and governmental projects, has been widely studied. It is found to involve higher levels of uncertainty than construction projects, because software programming is a precise activity, and getting a computer code to work without bugs is a precise activity.
Seyedhoseini et al. 1 reviewed risk management processes within projects, using the contexts of general project management, civil engineering, software engineering, and public application. Those authors looked at sixteen risk management processes published over the period 1990–2005, spread fairly evenly over their four context areas, identifying methodologies. These contexts all involve basic project management, but we argue that each context is quite different. Project management in civil engineering is usually easier to manage, as the uncertain elements involve natural science (geology, weather). However, there are many different types of risk involved in any project, to include political aspects 2 and financial aspects. 3 While these sources provide more than enough uncertainty for project managers, there is a much more difficult task facing software engineering project managers. 4 We argue that this is because people are more fundamental to the software engineering production process, in the form of developing systems, programming them, and testing them, each activity involving high degrees of uncertainty. 5 Public application projects are also unique unto themselves, with high levels of bureaucratic process that take very long periods of time as the wheels of bureaucracy grind slowly and thoroughly. Slowly enough that political support often shifts before a project is completed, and thoroughly enough that opposition of the “not-in-my-backyard” is almost inevitably uncovered prior to project completion.

Project Management Risk

The Project Management Institute views risk as general to projects, and through the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) 6 , which develops standards, policies and guidelines for project management. It focuses on tools and techniques related to project management skills and capabilities. Project management responsibilities include achieving cost, schedule performance objectives. Risk management is a major element of PMBOK, with major categories of:
  • planning,
  • risk identification,
  • quantitative risk analysis,
  • quantitative risk analysis,
  • risk response planning, and
  • risk monitoring and control.
The Project Risk Analysis and Management (PRAM) Guide in the United Kingdom is very similar in approach, 7 and fits the description of a typical risk management program from other sources. Each of these categories applies to all projects to some degree, although the level of uncertainty can make variants of tools applied appropriate. A number of recent papers have proposed risk assessment methodologies in construction, based on an iterative process of risk identification, risk analysis and evaluation, risk response development, and administration. 8 The key is to keep systematic records over time to record risk experiences, with systematic updating. 9

Risk Management Planning

As with any process, inputs need to be gathered to organize development of a cohesive plan. Things such as the project purpose and stakeholders need to be identified, followed by identification of tasks to be accomplished. This applies to every kind of project. These tasks are cohesive activities, usually accomplished by a specific individual or group, and for each task estimation of duration and resources required, as well as immediate predecessor activities is needed. This is the input needed for critical path analysis, to be demonstrated in this chapter. That quantitative approach deals with risk in the form of probability distributions for durations (demonstrated in this chapter through simulation).
But there are other risk aspects that need to be considered. It is important to consider the organization’s attitude toward risk, and qualitatively identify things that can go wrong. Risk attitude depends upon stakeholders. Identification of what might go wrong and stakeholder preference for dealing with them can affect project management team roles and responsibilities.
Risk management planning concludes with a risk management plan. This plan should define methodologies for dealing with project risks. Such methodologies can include training internal staff, outsourcing activities that other organizations are better equipped to deal with, or insurance in various forms. Ultimately, every organization has to decide which risks they are competent to manage internally (core competencies), and which risks they should offload (at some expected cost).

Risk Identification

Once the risk management plan is developed, it can naturally lead to the next step, risk identification. The process of risk identification identifies major potential sources of risk for the specific project. The risk management plan identifies tasks with their risks, as well as project team roles and responsibilities. Historical experience should provide guides (usually implemented in the form of checklists) to things that can go wrong, as well as the organization’s ability to cope with them.
Specific types of risk can be viewed as arising in various ways. A classical view is the triumvirate of quality, time, and budget. Software projects are often said to allow any two of the three—you can get code functioning as intended on time, but it usually involves more cost than expected; you can get functional code within budget as long as you are patient; you can get code on time and within budget as long as you don’t expect it to work as designed. This software engineering project view often generalizes to other projects, but with some different tendencies. In construction, there is less duration variance, although unexpected delays from geology or the weather commonly create challenges for project managers. If weather delays are encountered, the tradeoff is usually whether to wait for better weather, or to pay more overtime or extra resources. If geological elements are creating difficulties, more time and money is usually required. The functionality of the project is usually not degraded. Governmental projects may involve emergency response, where time is not something that can be sacrificed. The tradeoff is between quality of response and cost. Usually emergency response teams do the best they can within available resources, and public outcry almost always criticizes the insufficiency of the effort.
There are a number of techniques that can be used to identify risks. Some qualitative approaches include interviews of experts or stakeholders, supplemented by techniques such as brainstorming, the nominal group technique, the Delphi method, or SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). Each of these methods are relatively easy to implement, and the quality of output depends on the participation of a diverse group of stakeholders. Historical data can also be used if the organization has experience with past projects similar to the current activity. This works well if past experiences are well-documented and retrieved efficiently.
The outputs from risk identification is a more complete list of risks expected in the project, as well as possible responses along with their expected costs. This results in a set of responses that can be reviewed as events develop, allowing project managers to more intelligently select appropriate responses. While success can never be guaranteed, it is expected that organizational project performance will improve.

Qualitative Risk Analysis

After a more precise estimation of project element risk is identified, the relative probabilities and risk consequences can be addressed. Initial estimations usually require reliance on subjective expert opinion. Historical records enable more precision, but one project element of importance is that projects by definition almost always involve new situations and activities. Experts have to judge the applicability of historical records to current challenges.
A qualitative risk analysis can be used to rank overall risks to the organization. A priority system can be used to identify those risks that are most critical, and thus require the greatest degree of managerial attention. In critical path analysis terms, critical path activities would seem to call for the greatest managerial attention. Behaviorally, humans tend to work hardest when the boss is watching. However, the fallacy of this approach is that other activities that are not watched may become critical too if they delay too far beyond their expected duration.
Qualitative risk analysis can provide a valuable screening to cancel projects that are just too risky for an organization. It also can affect project organization, with more skilled personnel assigned to tasks that call for more careful management. It also can be a guide to look for means to offload risk, either through subcontracting, outsourcing, or insurance.

Quantitative Risk Analysis

We will present more formal quantitative tools in the following sections. Quantitative analysis requires data. The critical path method calls for a specific duration estimate, which we will demonstrate. Simulation is less restrictive, calling for probability distributions. But this is often more difficult for humans to estimate, and usually only works when there is some sort of historical data available with which to estimate probability distributions.
Quantitative risk analysis, as will be demonstrated, can be used to estimate probabilities of project completion times, as well as other items of interest that can be included in what is essentially a spreadsheet model. These examples focus on time. It is also possible to include cost probabilities.

Risk Response Planning

Once risk analysis (qualitative, quantitative, or both) is conducted, project managers are hopefully in a more educated position to make plans and decisions to respond to events. Risk response planning is this process of developing options and reducing threats if possible. The severity of risks as well as cost, time, and impact on project output (quality) should be considered.
A broad categorization of risk treatment strategies include:
  • Risk avoidance (adopting alternatives that do not include the risk at issue)
  • Risk probability reduction (act to reduce the probability of adverse event occurance)
  • Risk impact reduction (act to reduce the severity of the risk)
  • Risk transfer (outsourcing)
  • Risk transfer (insurance)
  • Add buffers to the project schedule
The process of project risk management is for project decision makers to tradeoff the costs of each risk avoidance strategy in light of organizational goals. The key to success is for organizations to adopt those risks internally where they have competency in dealing with the risk at issue, and to pay some price to offload those risks outside of their core competencies.
The output of risk response planning can be a prioritized list of risks with potential responses. It also can include assignment of specific individual responsibilities for monitoring events and triggering planned responses.

Risk Monitoring and Control

This category of activity is implementation of all prior categories. Accounting is the first line of measurement of cost activity. Operational project management personnel also need to keep on top of time and quality performance as the project proceeds. When adverse events are identified, corrective action (either adoption of contingency plans, or development of alternative actions) need to be applied. In the long run, it is important to document projects, both in terms of specific time and cost experiences, as well a qualitative case data to enable the organization to do better on future projects.

Project Management Tools

A variety of risk management implementation tools have been applied. We referred to PMBOK earlier, which is intended to provide a process model to generic risk management projects. There are other process models, to include the Software Engineering Institute’s capability maturity model (CMM). The five levels of the CMMI are shown in Table 12.1.
Table 12.1
Capability maturity model for software engineering processes
Key processes
1 Initial
2 Repeatable
Individual control
Software configuration management
Software quality assurance
Software subcontract management
Software project tracking & oversight
Software project planning
Requirements management
3 Defined
Institutionalized process
Peer reviews
Intergroup coordination
Software product engineering
Integrated software management
Training program
Organization process definition
Organization process focus
4 Managed
Process measured
Quality management
Process measurement and analysis
5 Optimizing
Feedback for improvement
Process change management
Technology innovation
Defect prevention
Source: Olson (2004)
The CMM level 1 covers software engineering organizations that do nothing. The other four levels involve distinctly different process areas, leading to better control over software development. It should be noted that attaining each level involves an organizational cost in added bureaucracy, which requires a business decision on the part of each organization. However, there is a great deal of research that indicates that in the long run, software quality is improved dramatically by moving from any level to the next higher level, and that overall development cost and development time are improved. This is a clear example of risk management—paying the price of more formality to yield reduced risk in terms of product output. Other process risk management models in software engineering include Boehm’s spiral model, 10 which provides iterative risk analysis throughout the phases of the software development.
Bannerman 11 categorized software project risk management into the three areas of process models (reviewed above), analystical frameworks (based on some dimension such as risk source, the project life cycle, or model elements), and checklists. Checklists are often found as the means to implement risk management, with evidence of positive value. 12 Checklists can be (and have been) applied in any type of project. To work well, the project must repeat a domain, as each type of project faces its own list of specific risks. The value of a checklist of course improves with the depth of experience upon which it is based.

Simulation Models of Project Management Risk

We will focus on demonstrating quantitative tools to project risk management. We will demonstrate how simulation can be used to evaluate the time aspect of project management risk. The models are based on critical path, which can be modeled in Excel, enabling the use of distributions through Crystal Ball simulation. We begin with a basic software engineering project using a traditional waterfall model. Figure 12.1 gives a schematic of the activities and their precedence relationships.
Fig. 12.1
Network for software installation example
Table 12.2 gives the input information, along with distributions assumed for each activity. These distributions should be based on historical data if possible, subjective expert judgment if historical data is not available.
Table 12.2
Software installation input data
A Requirements analysis
3 weeks
Normal (3,0.3)
B Programming
7 weeks
Lognormal (7,1)
C Hardware acquisition
3 weeks
Normal (3,0.5)
D User training
12 weeks
E Implementation
5 weeks
Exponential (5)
F Testing
1 week
Exponential (1)
Figure 12.2 gives the Microsoft Project output for this model.
Fig. 12.2
Microsoft Project model output
The Excel model based on critical path analysis is given in Table 12.3.
Table 12.3
Crystal Ball model of software installation project. ©Oracle. Used with permission
Color shades emphasize key points in the prose
Some modeling adjustments were needed. For all distributions, durations in weeks were rounded up in the Duration column of Table 12.1. For normal distributions, a minimum of 0 was imposed. Note that the lognormal distribution in Crystal Ball requires a shape parameter (constrained to be less than the mean). Here the shape parameter is 5, the mean 7, and standard deviation 1. Also note that the exponential distribution’s mean is inverted, so for E Implementation, 5 weeks becomes 0.2. Figure 12.3 gives the simulation results (based on 1000 replications).
Fig. 12.3
Simulated software installation completion time. ©Oracle. Used with permission
The average for this data was 18.62 weeks, compared to the critical path analysis 16 weeks (which was based on assumed duration certainty). There was a minimum of 15 weeks (0.236 probability) and a maximum of 58 weeks. There was a 0.490 probability of exceeding 16 weeks.
There are other simulation systems used for project management. Process simulation allows contingent sequences of activities, as used in the Project Assessment by Simulation Technique (PAST). 13

Governmental Project

We assume a very long term project to dispose of nuclear waste, with activities, durations and predecessor relationships given in Table 12.4.
Table 12.4
Nuclear waste disposal project
A Decision staffed
60 weeks
70 weeks
C Licensing study
60 weeks
30 weeks
E Conceptual design
36 weeks
F Regulation compliance
70 weeks
G Site selection
40 weeks
H Construction permit
I Construction
100 weeks
J Procurement
70 weeks
F SS, I SS + 5weeks
K Install equipment
72 weeks
L Operating permit
M Cold start test
16 weeks
N Readiness test
36 weeks
O Hot test
16 weeks
P Begin conversion
Table 12.5 gives the Excel (Crystal Ball) model for this scheduling project. Normal distributions were used for project manager controllable activities, and lognormal distributions used for activities beyond project manager control Figs. 12.4, 12.5, and 12.6.
Table 12.5
Model for governmental project
A Decision staffed
=D2 + B2
=D3 + B3
C Licensing study
=D4 + B4
=D5 + B5
E Conceptual design
=D6 + B6
F Regulation compliance
=D7 + B7
G Site selection
=D8 + B8
H Construction permit
=D9 + B9
I Construction
=D10 + B10
J Procurement
F SS, I SS + 5weeks
=MAX(D7,D10 + 5)
=D11 + B11
K Install equipment
=D12 + B12
L Operating permit
=D13 + B13
M Cold start test
=D14 + B14
N Readiness test
=D15 + B15
O Hot test
=D16 + B16
Fig. 12.4
Network for governmental project
Fig. 12.5
Gantt chart for governmental project
Fig. 12.6
Histogram of governmental project completion time in months. ©Oracle. Used with permission
Minimum completion time based on 1000 replications was 280 months, and maximum 391 months. The mean was 332 months, with a standard deviation of 16 months. The distribution of completion times appears close to normal. Table 12.6 gives the probabilities of completion in 10-month intervals:
Table 12.6
Probability of Completion


We have argued that there are a number of distinct project types, to include more predictable projects such as those encountered in civil engineering, highly unpredictable projects such as encountered in software engineering, and projects involving massive undertakings or emergency response typically faced by government bureaucracies. There are many other types of projects, of course. For instance, we did not discuss military procurement projects, which are extremely important unto themselves. This type of project is a specific kind of governmental project, but here we focused more on emergency management (which military operations is closer to).
We also presented a framework for project risk analysis, based on PMBOK. This included a number of qualitative elements which can be extremely valuable in project management. But they are less concrete, and therefore we found it easier to focus on quantitative tools. We want to point out that qualitative tools are also very important.
The qualitative tools presented start with the deterministic critical path method, which assumes no risk in duration nor in resource availability. We present simulation as a very useful means to quantify project duration risk. Simulation allows any kind of assumption, and could also incorporate some aspects of resource availability risk through spreadsheet models.
While the ability to assess the relative probability of risk is valuable, the element of subjectivity should always be kept in mind. A simulation model can assign a probability of any degree of precision imaginable, but such probabilities are only as accurate as the model inputs. These probabilities should be viewed as subject to a great deal of error. However, they provide project managers with initial tools for identification of the degree of risk associated with various project tasks.


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