Newspaper cuttings
Joy for journalists
Two journalists on The News were married yesterday at St Bartholomew’s church. Will West (30) was recently appointed Deputy Editor of The News, and Rosie Harford (29) writes the popular Glitzy Green column. The wedding comes a year after Ms Harford nearly died from meningitis.
Best Sellers
Non Fiction
A Load of Balls, Footballing Lives by Clayton Silver
Nigella’s Sumptuous Suppers
Think Yourself Thin by Summer by Anna Hardy
Eat Less, Exercise More, the Ultimate Diet Book
Glitzy Green, a stylish way to save the planet by Rosie Harford
Misery, my Wretched Childhood by Belinda O’Connor
West. On 4 September to Will and Rosie (Harford) twin sons, Adam and Owen. Mother and babies doing well, Father still in state of shock.
(Pic caption) Former News journalist Caz Carter stars in her own story this week when she opens Spangles, featuring vintage and retro clothing reworked into new fashion. Caz (left) models an original 1950s full cotton skirt in a design of a Paris street scene. Her partner in the enterprise is former colleague, the columnist and author Rosie Harford who has helped make green living glamorous.
Honour for local Head Teacher
Rosemary Picton, head of The Meadows Comprehensive School, has been awarded the OBE for services to education. Mrs Picton (57) has been head of the 1600 pupil school for eight years, and is credited with its transformation. From being on the verge of special measures, it is now the highest achieving school in the area, with a waiting list for admissions.
‘I’m proud to accept this award on behalf of the children at The Meadows, whom it is a privilege to teach,’ said Mrs Picton. ‘Also on behalf of the staff who work so hard and so willingly. My only sadness is that my mother did not live to see it, for she was my inspiration. She was the one who always insisted that every child deserved a chance.’
Editor to retire
The Editor of The News, Jan Fox, is to retire at the end of the year. Since she returned to The News, the paper on which she trained in the 1960s, Ms Fox has won many accolades and awards for The News. ‘We have always tried to make the most of modern technology while retaining our traditional values,’ said Ms Fox, who had her own television shows in the 1980s and early 1990s.
She will be taking over as Honorary Director of the Parkfields Trust, a local charity for mentally disturbed children. ‘It has long been a cause close to my heart and I am grateful for the chance to be more actively involved,’ said Ms Fox.
Windfall for local school
Children at Prendergast Primary School will be a lot more adventurous thanks to a legacy from a former pupil. Australian newspaper proprietor Philip Tasker, who died recently aged 80, was a pupil at Prendergast before the war. He has left the school £100,000 on condition that it is used for trips to broaden the children’s horizons.
Mr Tasker started his career on The News before moving to Fleet Street and then to Australia where he owned a number of newspapers.
His son David said, ‘My father had many happy memories of his childhood in England and wanted to give something back to the school, which had given him such a good start in life.’