The Antagonist first appeared in The Fleet 2, Counter Attack,
Ace Books, c Janny Wurts I988
Tale of the Snowbeast first appeared in The Blood of Ten
Chiefs ~, Tot Books, c Janny Wurts ~986
Silverdown's Gold first appeared in Horse Fantastic, DAW Books,
c Janny Wurts ~99~
Double Blind first appeared in The Fleet 3, Break Through,
Ace Books, c Janny Wurts 1989
Dreamsinger's Tale first appeared in Wolfsong, The Blood of Ten
Chiefs 2, Tor Books, cJanny Wurts I988
Triple-Cross first appeared in The Fleet 5, Total War, Ace Books,
cJanny Wurts 199o
Dreambridge first appeared in Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy
Magazine, issue ~9, c Janny Wurts ~993
Song's End first appeared in Winds of Change, The Blood of Ten
Chiefs 3, Tor Books, c Janny Wurts ~989
The Renders first appeared in Elsewhere, Ace Books, c Janny
Wurts ~981
No Quarter first appeared in The Fleet 6, Crisis, Ace Books,
cJanny Wurts 1991
That Way Lies Camelot first appeared in Grails, Quests, Visitations and Other Occurrences, Unnameable Press, c Janny Wurts ~992