Many thanks to the amazing people who helped me, in different ways, with this book:
Mitch Hoffman, Jamie Raab, David Shelley, Ursula Mackenzie, Thalia Proctor, Daniel Mallory, Kim Hoffman, Nathalie Morse, Kati Nicholl, Richard Collins, Sean Garrehy, Sarah Jones, Shirley Stewart, Peter Ginsberg, Nathan Bransford, Dave Barbor, Holly Frederick, Sarah LaPolla, Carolyn Nordstrom, Steve Basile, Kevin Casey, Dan Edwardes, James Whitaker, Georgina Tripp, Tracy Edmonson, Wesley Skow, Jurgen Snoeren, Marc van Biezen, Judith van Doorn, Johnny Zhao, Janice Gable Bashman, Sam Bashman, JT Ellison, and, as always, William, Charles, and Leslie.