Inside the second Death Star.
The strangest feelings have been mine of late.
To know my son exists confounds my wits
As I did ne’er imagine. What is this
Confusion that doth obfuscate my mind?
For evil I am made, for punishment
Of foes, for conquering of peoples, and
To do the perfect will of my great lord
And Emperor. Of these I certain am,
For this hath been my role full many years.
Yet where within this surety is room
For offspring? For a son? What can a life
Liv’d on the dark side of the Force have still
To do with heirs, with flesh and bone that sprang
From me and that sweet life that once I led?
How can this Sith, this man of pain and death,
Be father to the fruit of far-gone love?
It seems well nigh impossible when one
Considers what I’ve been. For, verily,
I may not hide the man I truly am:
A warrior devoted to the cause
Of Emperor and Empire both. ’Tis who
I am: I must be mad when I have cause
And smile at no one’s jests. No humor doth
Give pleasure to my mouth or stir my heart,
Nor would I dare to ever love again,
If e’en this mess of tangl’d wires could love.
I am a Sith, most surely to be fear’d.
Yet that perplexing thing remains: a son.
Enter EMPEROR PALPATINE and royal guards.
What is thy bidding, master?
—Send the fleet
Unto the farthest side of Endor. There
Let it remain, until ’tis callèd for.
What of the recent news that rebels are
Amassing near to Sullust? Is it so?
It is of little consequence, for soon
This vile Rebellion shall be crushèd and
Young Skywalker shall know the dark side’s pow’r.
Thy work upon the Death Star is complete.
Thou shalt go hence to the command ship, and
Await my orders there.
—My master: aye.
[Exit Darth Vader.
Now all the players and the scenes are set
To bring about our greatest triumph yet.