"THIS DOESN'T MAKE sense, Dr. Bartlett," Jared said, slamming his hand down on his desk. "We're still learning from her."
"Jared, you're just a programmer. I don't expect you to understand. Abbey has provided us with a lot of valuable information. We wouldn't be where we are without her but we need to study her brain... See what's different in it now."
"We have cellular imaging devices for that. They can isolate single cells."
"They're just that, imaging devices. The only way to see how something really works is to physically examine it. We've done everything we can do using images. There are definite changes in the frontal lobes. We need to find out what happened and then move forward. I think Simon will surpass Abbey's AIQ and he's only a year old. What we learn dissecting Abbey's brain may help us increase Simon's skills and move the Xeno Project to the next level. Can you imagine actually being able to communicate with an animal without having to use a software program?"
"Abbey talks to us already."
"You're getting soft, Jared. Abbey barks and howls and makes noises. She doesn't talk."
"Maybe not in human words, but she talks," Jared insisted. "Besides, science will never get animals to talk. They aren't designed for language."
"My, my. You've become quite the expert, haven't you? And just what do you know about animal biology?"
"I know speech is about vocal chords and breathing. I know humans can talk because they can control their breathing. If we couldn't, we'd blow our vocal chords out because of the amount of pressure in our lungs."
"I'm impressed. You've obviously been doing your research, but that doesn't make you an expert. At the moment you're a programmer and nothing more. Until you get your PhD in one of the sciences, stick with computers. Now, tell Bruce to get Abbey ready for transfer. We've got her dissection scheduled for next week. And Jared... I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself. You might have impressed Dr. Franklin, but you work for me. I can easily have you transferred to computer maintenance." The smug smile on Stacey's lips left no doubt she would do exactly that if pushed any further.
Fuck you! Jared thought. I'll be damned if you have the last word on this one.
Apparently satisfied that she had made her point, Stacey sauntered off.
Jared stared at the data on his monitor for several minutes and then started developing a new program. Two hours later, he entered a final command and hit 'enter.' Signing off, he stood and walked out the door.
I never liked this fuckin' job anyway. It's about time I took a vacation. I wonder what Nunavut is like this time of year.