A heartfelt thanks to:
My editor, Jill Schwartzman, for helping to shape the book, for her many insightful suggestions, for her enthusiasm and love of the subject.
My former editor, Nancy Miller, who believed in this book from the first and who kept me going. High intelligence, beauty, and kindness are a rare combination.
My agent, Noah Lukeman, author of Macbeth II, for his constant support, encouragement, and interest in my work over the years.
Lea Beresford, who patiently and competently handled the many questions that attended the preparation of this book. It is a pleasure to work with her.
Mary Gow of the Brooklyn Museum’s Wilburforce Egyptian Library, whose expertise is staggering (what doesn’t this woman know?). Many thanks especially for help with the Hatnub Quarry material.
Adam Lukeman, who, with his art, transformed me in the author’s photo.
Berk Straun, for the beautiful and meaningful cover.
Sona Vogel, copy editor with a jeweler’s eye, for putting this book through its paces with great care and diligence.
Stephanie Madey, who was very resourceful in tracking down difficult-to-find material for me through a long, hot summer.
For the following friends, without whose help this book could not have been completed: Constance and John Skedgell, Mohsin Rashidi, Mark Roberts, Rosalie Kaufman, Brenda Shoshanna, Leah and Jonathon Kohn, Princess Ankherut, Vivian Heller, Prof. Maura Spiegel, Prof. Thomas Cohen, Prof. Ross Borden, Jumay Chu, Francine Plavé, Belle Plavé, Charles Mandelbaum, Avi Dov Orzel, Jacob Orzel, Les and Marta Szczygiel, Sylvia Levy, Yoleine Attanas, Helen Auerbach, Goldine Shamas.