"Look!" snapped Perez. "The crimson window!"
They saw Collier standing like an immense white slug against the crimson panes, frantically twisting the rusty brass handle of the window. He wrenched open the handle, kicking the window wide.
"Down!" yelled Perez. "Down on your faces, everybody!" Up went his hand, above his head, while he shouted an order to his men.
Rat tat tattattat, spurted the automatic rifles, their line of fire converging on the window.
Collier's very clothes seemed to flap and fly in the wind of bullets. In dying agony, he gave a terrific spring backward from the windowsill, and landed heavily, face up, on the carpet. His blood flowed out and over the design as he twitched once and forever lay still.
by John Dickson Carr
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Copyright © 1952 by William Morrow & Co., Inc. Copyright renewed 1980 by Clarice M. Carr, Julia McNiven, Mary B. Howes and Bonita Marie Cron.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
First Zebra Books printing: March, 1989 Printed in the United States of America