to Discuss Dark Pursuit with Your Book
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about the story and how it applies
to your life can be found on my website at:
Dear Reader:
In this first book after my Kanner Lake Series I take you on a new and somewhat different rollercoaster ride. In these hills and plunges, rocketing through the blackened tunnels, you will meet new characters upon whose beleaguered heads I’ve wreaked my never-ending havoc.(Poor things—that they should end up in one of my books.)
Those of you familiar with the Peninsula side of the northern California Bay Area will quickly see I’ve wedged a town into rural territory. Gayner lies on the west side of Freeway 280, roughly between Edgewood Road and the town of Woodside. As long as I’m creating people, why not create an entire town as well?
My thanks to Courtney Rants at Zi Spa in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, for her information about the workday and training of a hair stylist. Somehow she managed to do my hair and answer my million pesky questions at the same time. All you other stylists out there—be thankful you don’t have me for a client.
And now, here we go
again. You know the drill. Strap on that seatbelt, keep your hands
inside the car, and —