With thanks to our agents, Laura Gross and Sam Stoloff; Phil Friedman, Matthew Benjamin, Stephanie Meyers, and everyone at HarperCollins and The Stonesong Press. And to Molly Ashodian and her friends, Barbara Card Atkinson, Rob Baird, Samira Baird, Dana Barron, Gil Binenbaum, Nate Binenbaum, Steve and Nurit Binenbaum, Rona Binenbaum, the Bromley-Zimmerman family, Sarah Brown, Bill Buchanan, Elin Buchanan, Emi Buchanan, Jessie Buchanan, Shannon Buchanan, Betsy Busch, Stacy DeBroff, Katie Dolgenos, Asha Dornfest, Ann Douglas, Eileen Flanagan, Marcus Geduld, the Goldman-Hersh family, Kay Gormley, Sarah Heady, the Larrabee-O’Donovan family, Jack’s Marine, Jane Butler Kahle, Megan Pincus Kajitani, Les Kenny, Killian’s Hardware, Andy Lamas, Jen Lawrence, Sara Lorimer, Rachel Marcus, Molly Masyr, Metafilter (especially the women of Ask Metafilter), Jim Miller, Tracy Miller, Marjorie Osterhout, Myra and Dan Peskowitz, Deborah Rickards, Rittenhouse Lumber, Carol Sime, Lisa Suggitt of rollergirl. ca, Alexis Seabrook, Kate Scantlebury, Tom Sugrue, Carrie Szalay, and Felicia Sullivan. Appreciation to everyone who of fered advice and inspiration, and to daring girls everywhere.
The publisher and authors acknowledge the inspiration of The Dangerous Book for Boys for the concept and design for this book and are grateful to Conn and Hal Iggulden for their permission.