She and her sisters came out that night, south out of the desert wastes ranging up toward the road. Winter was coming on fast, and they needed to make their kills soon and return south to their home near the big canyon. They had hunted the area lean of mule deer and for the last week had been reduced to eating jackrabbits. Far too little and lean for a pride of lions.
Did she think about what the world had become? Did she wonder how she had come to be hunting the lonely country of northern Nevada? Did she know anything of casinos and entertainments and that her ancestors had once roamed, groomed and well fed, behind glass enclosures while tourists snapped their pictures?
She only thought of the male and their young and her sisters.
Tonight the wind was cold and dry. There was little moonlight for the hunt. If they could only come across a pack of wild dogs. It would be enough to start them south again. Once they were south, they would have food in the canyons. And if they had to, they could always search the old city. There was always someone there, a lone man digging among the ruins. There was always someone hiding within the open arches and shredded carpets, the overturned machines and the shining coins spilled out as though carelessly thrown down in anger.
She topped the small line of hills and saw the dark band of the highway heading west. They had always regarded this road as the extent of their northern wanderings. Now they had to turn south.
Her sisters growled. She watched the road, looking for a moving silhouette in the darkness. One sister came to rub her head with her own.
Let’s return. He is waiting.
And for a moment she smelled … a horse.
They had taken wild horse before.
When she was young.
Running down the panicked mustangs.
There had been more than enough.
She scented the wind coming out of the east and turned her triangular head to watch the curve of the road as it gently bent south along the ridgeline.
There was a horse along the road.