Nota bibliogáfica
Fletcher, R. H., Arthurian Material in the Chronicles, Boston, 1906 (Nueva York, 1958).
Lewis jones, W., King Arthur in History and Legend, Cambridge, 1911.
Chambers, E. K., Arthur of Britain, Londres, 1927.
Griscom, Acton, ed., The Historia Regum Britanniae of Geoffrey of Monmouth, Londres-Nueva York, 1929.
Paral, Edmond, La légende arthurienne. Eludes el documents, París, 1929 (= 1969), tres volúmenes.
Lloyd, J. E., «Geoffrey of Monmouth», English Historical Review LVII (1942), págs. 460-468.
Tatlock, J. S. P., The Legendary History of Britain: Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britanniae and its early vernacular versions, Berkeley-Los Ángeles, 1950.
Hammer, Jacob, ed., Geoffrey of Monmouth. Historia Regum Britanniae. A variant version edited from manuscripts, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1951.
Schirmer, W. F., Die frühen Darstellungen des Arthurstoffes, Colonia-Opladen, 1958.
Parry, John J., y Caldwell, Robert A., «Geoffrey of Monmouth», Arthurian Literature in the Míddle Ages, ed. Roger S. Loomis, Oxford, 1959 (= 1969), págs. 72-93.
Monmouth, Geoffrey of, History of the Kings of Britain. Translated by Sebastian Evans, revised by Charles W. Dunn. Introduction by Gwyn Jones. Londres, 1963 (Everyman’s Library, núm. 577). The History of the Kings of Britain. Translated with an Introduction by Lewis Thorpe, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, reimpr. 1982 (The Penguin Classics).
García Gual, Carlos, Historia del rey Arturo y de los nobles y errantes caballeros de la Tabla Redonda, Madrid, 1983.