James Barton
X-rated daughter
Gregor stood in the shadows and watched the girl as she crossed the street – just as he had for the past three nights. The streetlight at the corner cast the girl's shadow before her as she drew near the entrance of the alley. Gregor licked his lips as he caught sight of her full, bouncing breasts and a twinge of excitement coursed through his body. Her long blonde hair was highlighted by the mercury-vapor lamp behind her as she skipped a step and her hair was swept to one side. Loosening the cork on the bottle of ether, Gregor tipped it to saturate the handkerchief as the sound of her steps drew closer.
Wendy Harris hummed lightly as she skipped the curb and headed for the alley that would take her to the back gate of her home, just a half block further. Her father had cautioned her against taking the short cut after dark, but she rarely worried once she was in sight of her home.
Shifting her books to her other arm, Wendy turned by the tall hedges and picked up her pace as she entered the dark alley. She did not see the man standing there and it was not until she felt the wet cloth clamped over her mouth that she realized she had been attacked.
Wendy dropped her books and struggled briefly as a strong arm wrapped about her waist and she inhaled a sickeningly sweet odor. Stars burst before her eyes and she experienced a sudden sinking sensation as her arms and legs seemed to be refusing to cooperate. As her knees sagged she wondered what was happening to her, but the wonder was a fleeting thing as the potent ether took effect. As it did, her last conscious thought was; I'm going to be late for supper again.
Gregor felt the girl's body go slack. He held her to him tightly as she ceased to struggle, her breathing strained against the ether-soaked handkerchief. Slowly, he relaxed his hold and moved his hand – from her waist to her full young breast. He smiled inwardly as he felt its firmness and as he pressed his body against the soft swell of her ass, he knew that he had made an excellent choice this time.
Glancing about cautiously, Gregor removed the handkerchief from the girl's face and stooped slightly to sweep her into his muscular arms. His right hand closed about her naked thigh as his left cupped her tit and he felt the old familiar thrill go through his body again. Smiling, he walked calmly towards his automobile, parked a short distance down the alley. Opening the door, he deposited the girl on the front seat, closed it quietly then glanced back toward the entrance of the alley. Quickly, he returned and picked up the girl's books, stuffing them into a tall trashcan nearby.
As he started the engine of the car, he glanced to his right and smiled as he looked upon the unconscious girl's serene features. He slipped the car into gear and pulled slowly from the alley, careful not to bring any undue attention to himself.
Five minutes later, he pulled onto the freeway and sped northward as the early evening traffic thinned. As he settled back in the seat, Gregor reached across the seat to touch the girl's wrist – her pulse was strong and steady. Looking from the road to the unconscious girl, he felt his excitement rising and he could not resist touching her bare leg. Slowly, he played his fingertips over her smooth flesh, then he lifted the hem of her short skirt and licked his lips.
Moving his hand between her relaxed legs, he rubbed her panty-covered crotch. The softness of her pubic mat thrilled him as he stroked her pussy through the sheer material of her panties. His prick twitched as he encountered a familiar damp warmth and he swallowed drily. Pausing momentarily, Gregor pulled down the zipper of his pants to free his bulging cock.
Stroking himself obscenely, he felt his pulse pound heavily in his temples as he squirmed in the seat. He glanced again at the girl's exposed crotch, then reached over to touch her warm flesh as his prick jerked and twitched. Moving his hand to her tit he thrilled at its softness; slowly, he lifted her sweater until the girl's brassiere was exposed. He swallowed thickly as he attempted to unclasp the catch on her bra, but he could not manage it with a single hand.