Bill Randolph
Naked wife next door
Blonde, blue-eyed Norma Quincy brushed her long, soft hair and studied herself in the dresser mirror. She had a critical eye but, for a woman three months from turning thirty, she concluded that she was in great shape. She turned and gazed at her bare ass and the backs of her thighs, pleased by the image reflected in the mirror. Norma was proud of her body, and made no apology for it.
She had just stepped from the shower and finished toweling herself dry as she stood before the mirror naked. She dabbed perfume between her huge, shapely tits and smiled at her reflection.
Even with her husband, Paul, out of town on business, she liked to keep herself looking as good as when he was home. It was, she mused, a good habit to form. A woman should always take pains to make herself look as good as possible. It was a primary ingredient, she felt, for keeping a marriage solid and affectionate.
She took the opportunity to study her tits closely as she thought about Paul. He loved her tits. After six years of marriage, her husband still fondled and sucked them eagerly everytime they fucked.
Norma's grin broadened as she automatically dabbed perfume over her cunt-bush and between her legs. Just thinking about the wonderful, passionate fucking she enjoyed with Paul made her wish he was home. By perfuming her pussy, she acknowledged she was playing a little game of pretend. Since her wedding night, perfuming her cunt-patch and between her legs had become a ritual just before fucking with Paul. Old habits, she thought with a soft chuckle, certainly die hard.
Reluctantly, Norma snapped herself out of her daydreaming and slipped on a pair of black bikini panties and a lacy half bra. The bra lifted her tits and made them bulge. The tip of her nipples showed. And that was another thing Paul liked. He loved to see her nipples peep out from the black lace.
She tied a robe around herself and padded down to the kitchen. She put on a pot of coffee and squeezed fresh orange juice. She had no plans for the day except to phone her two best friends and neighbors, then to tackle some house-cleaning chores.
When the coffee was ready, she poured herself a cup and sat down at the table to drink it. As she sipped the coffee, the doorbell rang. Norma clutched her robe around her and stepped to the front door.
She peeked out the window and saw Jerry standing on the porch. Jerry lived across the street and was married to Liz, one of Norma's two best friends. Liz and Norma had been childhood friends and now that they were both married and living so close to each other, it was only natural that their husbands would also become friends.
Suddenly, she remembered that last night Jerry had promised to drop by and fix the garbage disposal. It was so typical of the neighborhood and her friends. Since Paul was the only husband in the group who was frequently out of town, the neighbors were generous in helping Norma with such household problems.